#Repost @myufm
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In addition, MBSS is pleased to have Dr. Soo Wincci as the moderator of their E-Commerce Conference! From singer, recording artist, actress, composer, celebrity chef, host, model, PhD holder to entrepreneur, Dr. Soo is a Multi Hybrid Artist, Academia Researcher, Producer and Beauty Queen from Malaysia.
Last but not least, MBSS is more than delighted to introduce their Guest of Honour, Datuk Michael Kang Hua Keong! Datuk Kang is the National President of the SME Association of Malaysia, as well as the Executive Director of Asia Media Group Bhd and the Director of SMB Connection Sdn Bhd. As a keen promoter of Malaysia’s SME sector, Datuk Kang has worked tirelessly to develop the SME landscape and encourage business owners to transform their business in order to keep up with the market goals. He was a member of the Digital Economy Task Force where he served to bridge communication between SMEs and the authorities.
With the presence of this panel of speakers, moderator and Guest of Honour, MBSS 2021 strongly believes that their E-Commerce Conference will be a great success!
Wish to meet all the speakers, moderator and Guest of Honour?
Wish to listen to their informative sharing regarding E-Commerce?
Register now through the link below!
Also, don't forget to follow the social media of MBSS 2021 for more information on the speakers, moderator and Guest of Honour! Stay tuned for more updates about MBSS 2021 on their social media as well!
Instagram: @mbss2021
Facebook page: Malaysian Business Student Summit (MBSS)
sme association of malaysia 在 拿督雷智雄博士 Dato' Tony Looi Chee Hong Facebook 的最佳貼文
NDUSTRIES UNITE – List of Participating Bodies
(in alphabetical order):
1. AkademiUsahawanMikro(AUM),EnAzhareeAbdulWahid
2. AsianOceaniaComputingIndustryAssociation(ASOCIO),DavidWongNanFay
3. AssociationofMalaysianSpa(AMSPA),DatinJeanetteTambakau
4. BrandingAssociationofMalaysia(BAM),DatukEricChong&Dato’LewreLew
5. BumiputeraRetailersOrganisationMalaysia(BRO),DatukWiraAmeerAli
6. CenterofStrategicHumanResources(CSHR),AzizanAmir
7. ContactCentreAssociationMalaysia(CCAM),RaymondDevadass
8. CouncilofAseanFashionDesigners,Malaysia,BonZainalHarun
9. DigitalContentEducationCouncil(DCEC),Dato’KamilOthman
10.Film Directors Association of Malaysia (FDAM), Dr Ahmad Ibrahim
11.Hospitality Asia (HAPA), Jennifer Ong
12.Malaysia Digital Chamber of Commerce (MDCC), Chris Daniel Wong
13.Malaysia Association of Therapist Industry Development (MATID), Dr Baskaran
14.Malaysia Retail Chain Association (MRCA), Shirley Tay & Stan Singh
15.Malaysia Retailers Association (MRA), Law Boon Eng
16.Malaysian Aesthetic Health Entrepreneur Association, Christine Loo
17.Malaysian Associated Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (MAICCI), Datuk
AT Kumarajah
18.Malaysian Association of Certified Coaches (MACC), Michael Heah
19.Malaysian Association of Convention & Exhibition Organisers & Suppliers
(MACEOS), Francis Teo
20.Malaysian Association of Professional Trainers & Coaches (MAPTaC), Sunil
21.Malaysian Association of Professional Speakers (MAPS), Bavani Periasamy 22.Malaysian Association of Wellness And Spa (MAWSPA), Datin Dorothea Justin
23.Malaysian Association of Tour and Travel Agents (MATTA), Datuk Tan Kok Liang 24.Malaysian Bumiputra Designer Association (MBDA), Rasta Rashid
25.Malaysian Bumiputera Training Providers Association (MBTA), Azman Shah Dato’
26.Malaysian Food and Beverage Executives Association, Muhammad Hisham Tan
27.Malaysian Hairdressing Association (MHA), Datin Winnie Loo 28.Malaysian Paint Manufacturer’s Association (MPMA), Khiew Wei Yi
29.Outsourcing Malaysia (OM), Mr Cheah Kok Hoong
30.Persatuan Industri Komputer dan Multimedia Malaysia (PIKOM), Danny Lee 31.Persatuan Niagakawi, Dato’ Alexander L.
32.Persatuan Penggiat Festival Antarabangsa (ALIFE), Rizal Kamal
33.Persatuan Pemilik Restaurant & Bistro Restaurant & Bistro Owner Association
(PPRB), William Lee
34.Persatuan Penerbit Film Iklan Malaysia (PPFIM), Khoo Kay Lye & Jehan Miskin 35.Persatuan Pengurusan Kompleks Malaysia (PPK), Tan Sri Dato Teo Chiang Kok 36.Persatuan Pengusaha & Tenaga Pengajar Sekolah Latihan Pengendali Makanan
Malaysia, Zainuddin Kadir
37.Persatuan Pusat Muzik Dan Guru Muzik Malaysia (PPMGM), Rockie Siew 38.Persatuan Usahawan Maju Malaysia (PUMM), Dato’ Tony Looi & Tan Lay Seong 39.Professional Culinaire Association of Malaysia, Chef Bob Kamarrudin 40.Professional Film Workers Association of Malaysia (PROFIMA), Kapt. Khir Mohd
41.SME Association of Malaysia (SME Malaysia), Datuk Michael Kang 42.Trainers Excel Network (TEN Malaysia), Andrew Richards 43.Wedding Professionals Association of Malaysia, Patrick Low 44.Yayasan Usahawan Malaysia, Nitesh Malani
sme association of malaysia 在 拿督雷智雄博士 Dato' Tony Looi Chee Hong Facebook 的最佳解答
*Special Task Force Meeting for Industry Leaders, Associations, Institutions, Chamber of Commerce*
*Date : 18th Jan 2020 (Monday)*
*Time : 2:00pm(MYtime)*
*Venue: David Gurupatham & Koay Office*
3-11, Block F, Pusat Perdagangan Phileo 1,
No.9, Jalan 16/11, Off Jalan Damansara, Petaling Jaya, Selangor
*Online: Zoom Meeting (Available)*
*List of Attendees*
1) Dato' David Gurupatham – Legal Advisor, DGK & Partners (present)
2) Datuk Irwin SW Cheong (present)
3) Dato' Tony Looi – advisory of PUMM (present)
4) Dato' Michael Kang – SME Association (present)
5) Ms Shirley Tay – Malaysia Retail Chain Association (via zoom)
6) Datin Winnie Loo – Malaysia Hair Association (via zoom)
7) Mr Francis Teo – MACEOS (present)
😎 En Rizal Kamal – ALIFE Malaysia (via zoom)
9) Dato Bruce Lim (present)
10) Dr. Baskaran Kosthi – Malaysia Association of Therapist (via zoom)
11) Tan Sri Haji Ameer Ali - Bumiputera SMEs (tbc)
12) Datuk Seri Garry Chua (advisory)
13) Dato' Lewre Lew (advisory)
*Note: All Presidents & Deputy Presidents may attend the above meeting.*
- Discussion on #MCO2.0 - Realising the impact to respective industries.
- Next step - Strategizing a united objective and message
- Formulating an enhanced proposal to be submitted to Malaysia govt
- Other related matters
- End
*For ZOOM Attendees:*
Topic: Special Task Force Meeting for Industry Leaders (MCO2.0)
Time: Jan 18, 2021 02:00 PM Kuala Lumpur