If you ask me, the most effective way to crack down on the scalping gangs is to encourage organizers of mega events to sell their tickets by way of “real-name registration”, under which ticket purchasers are required to provide the names of the attendees for printing on the tickets at the time of ticket purchase.
Ticket holders whose names are different from those shown on the tickets can be denied entry to the show. That would basically kill the ticket reselling market.
The real-name registration system has already been adopted elsewhere. Now, it is time for the Hong Kong government to act.
Authorities should put in place new legislation as soon as possible if they want real progress on the curbing ticket scalping.
scalping tickets 在 方保僑 Francis Fong Facebook 的精選貼文
Francis Fong Po-kiu, honorary president of the Hong Kong Information Technology Federation, said providing a system for online ticket sales was not addressing the issue.
“The system was just overloaded when hundreds of thousands of people were trying to access it at the same time” Fong said. “Increasing the bandwidth won’t help much. It is like building a 20-lane highway leading to the Cross Harbour Tunnel, but it won’t ease congestion if it is still a two-lane tunnel.
“The move will also not stop scalping, let alone make it easier for fans to buy tickets.”
He said “a real-name registration system” should be the ultimate solution.
scalping tickets 在 Zihling Facebook 的最佳解答
當天會帶一些作品寄售在草本菟刻的攤位上,真的非常感謝菟菟。另外一定要宣傳菟菟的攤位除了寫真書,預計還會有1/6 動物星人 art doll、1/6動物雕塑創作、1/3自製娃頭原型展示,好期待 <3
▶▶▶Notice Before the Convention◀◀◀
3 days to the convention! Due to there were many messages sent to us in past few days, Mr. Hoffmann would like to kindly remind everyone below information:
▶ 活動嚴禁夜排。
Queue overnight is not allowed before the convention.
▶ S21~S24 購買隊伍、預售票入場隊伍、以及當日票入場隊伍都必須一人持一票入場,不得代排或一人兌換多張票券。
1 person can only get into the queue with 1 ticket. Queue or purchase for others are not allowed.
▶ S21~S24 的號碼牌,一人限領一張,不得重複領取、不得代領、不得同時領取多間廠商的號碼牌。如欲購買其他廠商的商品,請重新排隊。
1 person can only take 1 number ticket for S21~S24. Each vendor will use different tickets. Queue for others or take all tickets in the same time are not allowed. If you would like to buy different vendor's products, please queue again.
▶ 活動現場嚴禁兜售黃牛票或高價轉賣當日販售之商品。
Scalping or reselling products with higher prices are both not allowed during the convention.
▶ 由於網路上陸續出現代購與求代購預售票之訊息,籌辦組特別在此提醒大家注意購買渠道,小心詐騙。
Due to there are many ticket resell or purchasing posts online, Mr. Hoffmann would kindly remind everyone beware of fraud.
Our only official partner, +DOC+Bookstore is still having tickets in stock, so you should be able to purchase from them.
▶ 由於活動現場人流與裝置繁多,考量安全與健康,將全面禁止2歲以上、12歲以下的孩童,以及動物入場。
Due to the possible crowd of the convention, and also the health and safety, we are not able to receive children under age 12 and animals.
For children under age 2, must be taken by baby carriage or carrier, and accompanied by parents.
感謝各位朋友的支持與配合 <3
Thank you all again for supports and cooperation <3