I have seen many dreamers who have wonderful ambitions but never do something about it.
The true test lies in the dirty work of daily diligence behind the scene where no one’s watching.
The true test lies in understanding our own behaviors, habits, impulses, and to reprogram ourselves.
Not out of shame, but out of self-compassion. And a conviction that we can become more.
Like when a writer sits down at her writing desk at 8 A.M each morning.
Not only with the ambition to become a great novelist. But also with a headache and a doubt that she will ever create something beautiful again.
But she manages to cut through and scribbles down sentences after sentences.
Something inside her head telling her this is the worst junk in the world.
But she doesn’t care.
She feels the doubt and does it anyway. She chooses to love.
And the next day she will show up again, 8 A.M, pen in her hand.
How about you? Can you do the daily diligence in order to achieve your wonderful ambitions?
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