二、研究生學位論文口試:自5月17日起至6月11日止,以採線上(視訊)方式舉行為原則(無需事先申請),若併以實體會議進行口試,會場社交距離須至少 1.5公尺,並全程佩戴口罩。
🔍️課程相關:課務組 curricul@my.nthu.edu.tw、校內分機:31395、31394、31393
Dear faculties and students,
In response to the elevation of COVID-19 threat level, the followings are the matters regarding the courses, examinations, transfer applications, and others.
1. Courses: All courses in the school adopt the remote teaching method from May 17th to June 11th. If it is impossible to use the remote teaching method due to the nature of the course (for example, laboratory courses, practical courses, physical education courses, service-learning courses), make-up courses must be offered after June 11th. In principle, all make-up courses must be completed before June 30th (subjected to change depending on the pandemic situation). Note that during the period of remote teaching, teachers must pay attention to student’s learning outcomes and check teaching effectiveness (according to the notification from the Ministry of Education on May 15th).
2. Course exams: In-person classroom exams will be suspended for two weeks from May 17th to May 28th in order to minimize the student’s gathering indoor (whether this temporary suspension is continued after May 28th will be announced depending on the pandemic situation).
3. The oral exam of MS and Ph.D. thesis defense: It is recommended that all thesis defenses are held online from May 17th to June 11th. No prior permission application is required. If the thesis defense must be conducted in-person in a room, the social distancing rule of 1.5 meters must be applied, and masks must be worn at all times.
4. Application for transfer: No need to obtain the signatures from the academic mentor and the department head during the period from May 17th to June 11th. Email all relevant documents (including the email records demonstrating the approvals from the academic mentor and the department head) to the Office of Registration for processing. The details will be announced on the website of the Office of Registration by May 18th.
Office of Academic Affairs
May 16th, 2021
👉️For information regarding courses and exams, please contact curricul@my.nthu.edu.tw, or phone x31395, x31394, and x31393.
👉️For information regarding thesis defense and transfer application, please contact registra@my.nthu.edu.tw, or phone x31390.
service-learning 在 雜學校 ZA SHARE Facebook 的最佳貼文
【#雜學校 11/21線上全球開展】
線上展網址: http://zashare2020.org
ZA SHARE POP-UP SCHOOL International Exhibitors 🌏
國際教育創新博覽會- 24hr POP-UP School
🇺🇸Supporting Your System
📍展位:學習現場 B30 (At the Frontier of Learning B30)
最好的師生關係建立於教師與家長合作。Supporting Your System 將討論教師與父母如何影響他們與學生的關係,並展示教師該怎麼找到合適的位置,而非成爲替代父母。
——Catalyze the flow of love and creativity through systemic exercises using google jam.
🇹🇼Hsinchu American School 新竹美國學校 / HAS Service Learning
📍 展位:社會參與 D18 (Social Design and Civic Participation D18)
——We educate international students in order to successfully transfer to western universities.
🇸🇬SuperCampus / 超神學院 Online
📍 展位:文化生活 C13 (Culture and Life C13)
——A school that knows no bounds but the boundaries of thought.
🇲🇾Sri Aria / Humanising Education in Malaysia
📍 展位:學習現場 B05 (At the Frontier of Learning B05)
Sri Aria 學校是一所完全以學生爲中心的自主學習學校。在Sri Aria,學生們負責自己的學習,身旁有老師作爲學習促進者支持之。課程以學生實力爲基礎,以興趣爲動力,讓他們有機會探索自然和新事物。
——Strong advocates for Play and Self-Directed Learning to break away from the exam-orientated mentality in Malaysia.
🇮🇳Design for Change / Riverside School
📍 展位:學習現場 B01 (At the Frontier of Learning B01)
Design for Change 是由兒童推動的最大全球運動,覆蓋 65 個以上的國家、30 多萬所學校和 2500 萬兒童,從挑戰農村社區古老的迷信,到自己掙錢資助學校電腦,孩子們正在證明,他們有能力「設計」一個他們所想像的未來。
——We work everyday shamelessly to cultivate the I CAN mindset through the FIDS framework in all children across the world.
#限時24小時 #ZASHARE #雜學校慶 #MeetYouOnline #SupportingYourSystem #HASServiceLearning #SuperCampusOnline #HumanisingEducationinMalaysia #DesignforChange
🔹國際教育創新博覽會- 24hr POP-UP School
🔹時間:11/21(六) 中午12:00 - 11/22(日) 中午12:00
service-learning 在 雜學校 ZA SHARE Facebook 的最佳貼文
【#雜學校|#神鬼雜學 參展單位大公開】
繼上次 #四大守護神 解鎖之後🔓
今天為是所有的 #參展單位大公開 ✨
快點開照片,有哪些團隊和我們一起 #神鬼雜學 ㊙️
#金星系_教育產業 :
TUTEEMI、字旅航澗編鄉耆行、賽先生科學工廠、一起阿拉伯、探索教育、MK反轉外語+、為夢而生築夢踏實、萊特豪斯兒童營隊、奇幻工房、創意思達、推動香港教育創新、安迪談教育超現實、臺灣吧、CodingBar、漫話心情日記、留學計畫、Termsoup、NYPA、Solve Education!、PlayAblo for Schools、圖靈證書、荷光性諮商團隊
#火星系_學習現場 :
Design for Change/Riverside School、小人小學、小人1號、DFC 臺灣、Humanising Education in Malaysia、乃基森林逛個老木、學學實驗教育機構、漁光素養學習基地、Classroom Steam、玩轉創意、Evergreen Nature School、玩玩移動教室、Agile Learning Centers、鬼「獄」暗房、Multibhashi Solutions Pvt. Ltd.、展翅飛行教室、島島阿學教育社群、程式老爹、超越基金會、心輔犬出動計畫、熊貓實驗室、臺灣璞育CEDA、MAKER十創新課程、可能製造所、超越視覺的世界、上場之前得獎之後、Supporting Your System、Space Mindle、The Doodle Dojo
#木星系_社會參與 :
瞎款的有感溝通、可能幸福學院、酷女聲:女力共振、玩創玩具、溫叨超有事、扣扣老師親子觀察、衣圖有限公司、時習教育有限公司、芒果遊戲股份有限公司、配客嘉股份有限公司、環意有限公司、社會影響力製造所、聚起來!、熱青年、窩懼 日常、HAS Service Learning、我想和你洄游農村、Youth Climate Action!、雞湯來了、慈濟大專青年、慈濟基金會、腦力加倍佳
#水星系_文化生活 :
祖補的學校、盲旅、BKA 知識學校、小大中文悟功場、老王當鋪、匠心手工皮雕坊、Qbi、熱情的原理、牛頓的樹洞、山小日子、獨立製作、超神學院 Online、師大附中吉他社、育成嘻研、和平勁舞社、市大同潮音、中和熱音、中山手語、「古典新詠」計劃、國際民主教育年會
🔺國際教育創新博覽會- 24hr POP-UP School
🔺時間:11/21(六) 中午12:00- 11/22(日) 中午12:00