#1. 用significant造句,significant的例句,双语对照(21-30) - 查查在线 ...
significant 在英語-中文(繁體)詞典中的翻譯 · significant adjective (IMPORTANT) · significant adjective (SPECIAL MEANING).
#3. significance在线翻译_英语_读音 - 海词
significant 造句 / 例句 · 1. There remained one significant problem. · 2. Your work has shown a significant improvement. · 3. The results are not statistically ...
本站住宿推薦20%OFF 住宿折扣 · a significant造句| significant造句 · difference significant中文翻譯| significant造句 · significance造句| significant造句 · significant ...
#6. significant造句 - 搜狗搜索 - Sogou
...ny, this is a natural human process and we're talking about statistically significant savings. 这是很自然的人类进程,而且我们讨论怎么省钱的问题。
Though most trash and litter in the backcountry is not significant in terms of the long term ecological ... significant造句- significant例句- 趣词词典.
#8. significant (【形容詞】重要的)意思、用法及發音| Engoo Words
"significant" 相關課程教材. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, this pest can cause significant damage to crops.
#9. 共同學習法教學網站對國小學生造句能力之學習影響 - 政大學術 ...
摘要: 本研究旨在探討使用共同學習法為基礎之造句教學網站對學生進行造句教學後, ... students in the experimental group showed significant improvement in use of ...
#10. 轉寄 - 博碩士論文行動網
論文摘要本研究旨在探討造句和句子填空對小學六年級學生字彙學習的成效,以及透過使用網路故事 ... One-way ANOVA was used to see if there existed any significant ...
#11. A pose no significant barriers to B [注:] A没有给B造成太大的 ...
模仿造句. 句型结构. 其他A pose no significant barriers to B [注:]. 问题. 1. 这个句型结构是什么意思? 2. 用这个句型结构将中文句子翻译成英文
#12. 直接教學法對二年級識字困難學生識字與應用詞彙造句之成效
研究結果顯示,學童接受教學介入後,在識字與字詞造句應用上,均有正向的進步趨勢。 ... The results revealed that all three students had made significant ...
#13. Significant造句- 欧创网
significant to造句1、sufficientlysignificant toaffect the whole world. 2、This ideology is remarkablysignificant toclassroom teaching of Chinese. 3、.
#14. 英文測驗題庫彙編04~107-new年(解答顯示檔)
In a remarkable—if likely controversial—feat, scientists announced today that they have created the first successful human-animal hybrids.The project proves ...
#15. quite significant'的解释、双语例句、在线造句 - 句酷
When the computer is engaged in some significant internal action like performing a complex calculation and connecting to a database, it should be obvious to ...
#16. 人格特質、生活經驗及自我發展的關係:華盛頓大學造句測驗的 ...
本研究以Loevinger所發展的造句測驗-華盛頓大學造句測驗(Washington ... has been recognized as one of the significant theories in development psychology.
#17. significant的用法- 例句_2022最新英文解释词典 - 英语单词
significant 相关造句. 形容词. 1. This is one of the mostsignificant studies of the subject. 这是对该课题最重要的研究之一 ...
#18. Learn Chinese - 【造句Make sentence】 [zhòngyào] 重要 ...
【造句Make sentence】 [zhòngyào] 重要important; significant.
#19. 意義的英文及造句 - 國文班
參考例句:. A sophisticated drama. 意義深奧的戲劇an unprofitable argument. 無甚意義的爭論methane may have extraterrestrial significance. 甲烷 ...
#20. CTUSTIR:Item 310992000Q/2007
... 寫作表現之「立意取材」、「結構組織」和「遣詞造句」有顯著的增進效果。 ... Reading and writing instruction had significant and positive ...
#21. significant造句,significant比较级-百科知识网
significant造句. 1、significant意思. 如果是专业术语,是指: 显著性差异significant n. 象征;有意义的事物adj. 重大的;有效的;有意义的;值得注意的; ...
#22. | 學習筆記4 | 容易搞混的一些單字— substantial, substitute ...
最近在讀雜誌的時候出現了一些字,看起來太像了常常讓我搞混,於是想要寫下來並且練習造句. “| 英語學習筆記3 | 容易搞混的一些單字 — substantial, ...
#23. Item 987654321/35629 - 海洋大學
其研究結果如下: 壹、高中學生以命題式概念圖之造句顯示其海洋科學概念為 ... assessment showed that no significant differences existed between ...
#24. 國中小資優資源班學生班級歸屬感之研究
There are significant differences on all aspects of the sense of belonging between gifted resource room and regular class. On the aspect of “ Teacher's ...
#25. 評審準則 - 香港報業公會
The report(s) is comprehensive and has significant implications [40%] ‧ 採訪難度高。[20%] ... 遣辭造句恰當、文字流暢及宜避免不必要的俚俗語。
#26. Articles about queryin+need+of造句【精仿++微wxmpscp】 on ...
The official Frank Lloyd Wright Trail guides travelers to nine of the renowned architect's most significant buildings in his home... Alex Temblador. The ...
#27. 最后半个月,考研英语【写作高级表达】来了! - 知乎专栏
考研英语写作怎么遣词造句? ... that unregulated search rankings could pose a significant threat to a democratic system of government.
#28. 你为什么没有提前跟我说? is there any significant difference if ...
你为什么没有提前跟我说? is there any significant difference if i use "你为什不提前跟我说?" ... 请给我造句好吗? 谢谢 · “让你瞧瞧什么叫猫德”这个“猫德”啥意思 ...
#29. 用significant amount造句大全_快好知
significant amount造句. 1. If there is a significant amount of blood in the urine. 2. However, the rewards of spending a significant amount of time with ...
#30. 没换三证合一年报正常 - 罗辞问答网
significant造句. Unit6May helpyou? 第六单元需要我帮忙吗? Section listen看图听对话Wow. coolshop! 哇。这家商店真酷! dresses.
#31. significant是什么意思(造句significant) - 淘土伯网
Some of the most significant issues were neglected 最重要的问题中,有些被忽略了简明英汉词典I don't think that is significant 我认为那没有什么 ...
#32. significant造句__
significant造句. by Chongqing sanzu Food Co., Ltd. at 2022-03-17 07:27:28. Related. Copyright © 2021-2022 CHONGQING SANZU FOOD CO., LTD. 版权所有.
#33. significant的例句 - 天狼问答网
significant的例句. by significant造句简单 at 2022-03-07 17:59:11. 1. There remained onesignificantproblem. 还有一个非常重要的问题。 《牛津词典》 2.
#34. of significant importance - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"of significant importance" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#35. 读书笔记钱锺英谈“林纾的翻译” - 豆瓣
在该文中,钱锺书也有和钱锺英相似的看法,譬如提到林纾“造句松懈、用字冗 ... we may quote another significant passage: "One can translate books ...
#36. significant造句简单 - 聚汇网
significant造句 简单 ... significant是什么意思significant的翻译、记忆、用法、托... significant 搜索significant英[sɪgˈnɪfɪkənt]您的浏览器不支持audio 标签。美[ ...
#37. 有關significance的精選大全- 國語幫 - 粉墨登場造句,非主流語錄
學習significance知識內容,就在significance大全專題,精彩的significance相關知識, ... 用increasingly significant造句子,“increasingly significant”造句.
#38. increasingly significant造句怎么写 - 中文谷
increasingly significant造句怎么写简述:Sinceitisaneighbour ... a big oil and gas producer and an increasingly significant trade partner, ...
#39. 用“most significant bit ”造句大全
2019年10月29日 — An out-of-range signal (OTR) indicates an overflow condition which can be used with the most significant bit to determine low or high ...
#40. 詩學的蘊意結構——南宋詞論的跨文化研究 - 第 85 頁 - Google 圖書結果
文學作品的表層因素,是字句等形式存在,但遣詞造句所涉及的不僅是字句本身, ... 在哥爾德曼所用的概念和術語中,有關鍵詞 Significant structure,中譯為「有意味 的 ...
#41. Collins Cobuild 英語語法大全(全新版) - 第 183 頁 - Google 圖書結果
He has made a significant contribution to the success of the business.他為生意的成功作出了重大貢獻。下面是其他用在 make 之後的名詞: ... 遣詞造句:動詞的類型 183.
#42. ESP:能源行業語料庫研究 - 第 42 頁 - Google 圖書結果
並且該段的遣詞造句也不絕對化,分析事例時會顧全整體情況,不以偏概全,體現了科技文 ... 例 3-9 Another significant type of associating polymer is prepared 42 ESP: ...
#43. 'significant'的翻译、'significant'的解释、双语例句、在线造句_ ...
Significant change must be significantly better. 重大改变必须是非常好的改变。 2. They share two significant characteristics: plot and brevity.
#44. Man hit on 101 freeway
... significant progress on the blaze ahead of dangerous weather conditions. ... the word freeway 101 used in a sentence and examples? freeway 101造句101.
#45. 比較級和最高級| EF | 台灣
形容詞比較級形容詞比較級可以對兩個物體做比較,如較大、較小、較快、較高等。這類形容詞只能比較兩個名詞,公式如下: 名詞(主格)+ 動詞+ 形容詞比較級+ than + ...
#46. “meaningful”寫句子用meaningful造句大全- 造句知識- 中文知識站
#47. a small but significant-翻译为中文-例句英语
使用Reverso Context: Sterilisation is a method adopted by a small but significant number.,在英语-中文情境中翻译"a small but significant"
#48. Dr.eye 譯典通| 句庫| significant 例句
Smiles are significant of pleasure. 微笑表示愉快。 This is one of the most significant studies of the subject. 這是對該課題最重要的研究之一。
#49. 英文病歷書寫用語及常見錯誤 - 台中榮總
bun-bun a thia ( 悶悶痛),但有時oe kiu kah thia (抽絞. 痛),有時thia ka laû chhin kōa (流淒汗),也tuan-ki keng-kah thâu(肩甲頭) 」.
#50. 潮流英語- Keep an ear to the ground 保持高度警覺 - BBC
Gifts are also offered to children, as charity and generosity forms a significant part of the festivities. 在齋月期間,世界各地的穆斯林教徒 ...
#51. significant changes 中文意思是什麼 - 線上英文字典
在約50 %的病例中,可看到盲腸有明顯變化。 The past decade has seen some significant changes in the ownership of the world containership fleet and the time ...
significant造句 在 Learn Chinese - 【造句Make sentence】 [zhòngyào] 重要 ... 的推薦與評價
【造句Make sentence】 [zhòngyào] 重要important; significant. ... <看更多>