There is a common phenomenon in the world of personal #finance called “#lifestyle creep.” It describes our tendency to buy bigger, better, and nicer things as our income rises. What if similar side effects could happen in other areas of #life?
“#Habit creep” = slightly adjusting your habits until behaviors and results that were once out of reach become your new normal. Your #goal is to nudge your behaviors along in very small ways:
1) Increasing your performance.
Let’s say that your standard day requires you walk 8,000 steps. If you want to get in better shape, the standard approach would be to start #training for a race or exercise more. But the habit creep approach would be to add a very small amount to your standard behavior. Say, 8,100 steps per day rather than 8,000 steps. You can apply this logic to nearly any area of life. You have a normal amount of sales calls you make at work each day, a normal amount of Thank You notes you write each year, a normal amount of books you read each month. If you want to become more successful, more grateful, or more intelligent, then you can use the idea of habit creep to slowly improve those areas simply by improving the way you live your normal day.
2) Changing your environment.
There are all sorts of things we do each day that are a response to the environment we live in. We eat cookies because they are on the counter. We pick up our phones because someone sends us a text. We turn on TV because it’s the first thing we look at when we sit on the couch. If you change your environment in small ways (hide the cookies in the pantry, leave the phone in another room while you work, place the TV inside a cabinet), then your actions change as well. Imagine if you made one #positive environment #change each week. Where would your life creep to by the end of the year?
-From Entrepreneur