[賠率速遞]奧斯卡2020 唯一看點 — 韓片《上流寄生族》拎最佳電影
1. 又標題黨啦,其實唔係唯一看點,但都會係一大看點。
2. 本人雖則鍾意睇戲,但不見得好有深度(睇下同咩人比啦下),況且只要係返工呢,其實好多時都唔夠訓,偶然都入場恰眼訓。所以我多數都揀啲冇乜人嘅戲院,廢事影響人。特別係啲 「悶片」 「長片」,就揀星期六日精神啲先睇。
3. 不過我自己經驗發現,眼訓指數呢,最大影響固然係片長,但第二大就唔係內容—我睇 《轟天猛將》The Expendables都訓著。比較大關係可能係語言,一般睇港產片冇咁易訓。
4. Anyway,所以都唔係咩權威,「但即係就係睇多你少少」,齋睇港產片都多過你睇成年戲。但篇文都係講奧斯卡2020
5. 你心諗,名單都未出喎!係!就係名單都未出先好玩。正如你可以買定2022世界盃邊隊捧 .「到時如果入唔到決賽周咪好戇鳩?」係!就係咁好玩。當然亦都代表你賠率會高啲。
6. 同一道理,奧斯卡1月2號先投票,1月13出名單。到時歡迎再返嚟抽水。
7. 但都講返,看點,就係 韓片《上流寄生族》拎最佳電影。
8. 你心諗,你老味你痴邊條筋?你想講外語片咋?(其實今年改咗叫「國際長片獎」,但是但,明就得)。
9. 根據我嘅research (即係,Google頭幾個結果),外語片係連賠率都好似未有嘅,可能實在係冇乜人理。而加上其實同其他獎唔同,個評審提名機制亦都唔同(不詳解了),而非評審嘅喱文其實真係好多唔會睇過,盤都唔知點開。
10. 但去到呢一刻,其實已經有咗十強,就係上面呢十套。除咗《上流寄生族》外,我一套都冇睇過。但,咪撚玩啦,呢個獎應該《上流寄生族》係拎梗。唔係武斷(係喎,未睇過另外九套),而係你睇影展嘅鬼佬口碑,其他細獎嘅結果,或者睇啲影評人選十大,已經估到。相當多鬼佬影評人放佢入全年十大電影(http://bit.ly/2Flud7L)—係所有電影十大喎,唔係外語片十大。仲要唔少係放到第一。奧巴馬都放到全年十大(當然佢唔係影評人)。所以拎最佳外語片,應無懸念。
11. 而如果信市場嘅,《上流寄生族》拎最佳電影,真係唔係吹水。部份莊家放到去最熱,唔係最熱都放到次熱,基本上就係佢,同埋《愛爾蘭人》The Irishman之爭。嘩。《愛爾蘭人》我冇睇,不過留意馬田史高西斯Martin Scorsese其實拎過最佳導演(《無間道風雲》The Departed),但冇拎過最佳電影.會唔會敬老呢又?不過睇賠率,今年好似咬得幾緊,真係好似幾套都有機會。
14.仲有可以提下嘅,《小丑》Joker在最佳電影賠率有頭五,但導演係拉到好落先見嘅,正如本人舊文話頭,係靠男主角救返套戲,編導係二流水平(http://bit.ly/364YfZm)。《Little Women》小婦人評語好似幾好,但最佳電影賠率極冷,反而導演Greta Gerwig就不太冷。當然實務上,10倍賠率嘅好少跑出,正如世界盃都N咁多年冇一隊係超過10倍賠率捧盃(對上你估唔到,係1998年法國主場捧盃)(賠率係計決賽周名單出晒)。市場都係幾有效率嘅
15.其他獎,快手講下。男主角啦喎,《小丑》華堅馮力士Joaquin Phoenix熱到爆,唯一對手係《婚姻故事》Marriage Story(未睇)嘅Adam Driver 。即使《小丑》套戲在美國其實有啲批評聲音,相信男主角冇乜問題,唔使咁政治正確。
16.女主角啦喎,一樣,亦係一支獨秀。久違了嘅BJ Renée Zellweger,新片Judy相當叫好(票房就算啦)。但我估有暗湧,賠率次熱就係《婚姻故事》嘅Scarlett Johansson—但我睇好冷冷地(其實都未夠十倍),《爆炸性醜聞》Bombshell嘅Charlize Theron.唯一不利係套戲唔係個人發揮晒,而當然Renée Zellweger鹹魚返生嘅故事比較動人。Just saying
17 呢篇文原本係2019年尾寫,結果等到香港時間1月5號先出。因為同一日會有金球獎(香港時間就1月6星期一朝早),照計會對啲賠率幾大影響,到時又再睇下。不過留意,金球獎最佳電影名單係冇《上流寄生族》嘅。
19. 之前都簡略講過《上流寄生族》。風評咁好,我估因為社會不均,貧富懸殊,真係世界問題,鬼佬都睇得好有共鳴。奉俊昊之前嘅《末日列車》Snowpiercer,英文片,主要都鬼佬演員,一樣風評幾好,票房亦都OK(好重要的說),亦係圍繞類似主題。
20. 再講一次,拎到最佳導演或最佳電影是但一樣,都係韓仔/韓片嘅大勝利(我未大愛到會講「都係亞洲人」)。每次我寫韓國都會重覆一樣嘢:我輩港男,多數認為韓仔嘢膚淺,日本文化先係王道,韓國產品就抄人(有一定道理),韓劇狗血,韓仔女人型,韓妹就只係整容隆胸(但照J),MV就腿張開扭籮袖。
21. 但like it or not,韓國文化的確好有影響力,特別係韓片。以一個小國(其實計經濟規模或人口都唔算細)嚟講,好堅。你見真係日本片中國片港產片印度片,都未有咁嘅高度,可以鬼媒齊齊認討論,選做十大甚至最佳電影。
22. 但係咪完全因為《上流寄生族》係神片?未必。我係鍾意呢套戲,但唔係當到神作咁—至少我都冇睇第二次。我自己認為奉俊昊嘅戲(我都睇唔少,佢唔算多產),最出色反而係早期嘅《殺人回憶》同埋《韓流怪嚇》。前者可以當係韓版嘅《殺謎藏》( Zodiac,但留意殺人回憶仲早幾年),後者其實同而家上緊嘅 《白頭山:火山浩劫》主題相似(朝鮮民族之情,韓國人自救,政府正仆街,美國人正仆街,中國人都係仆街)
23. 好產品都要有好marketing,其他電影再好,都好似去唔到咁層次。我認為就係韓仔深耕細作嘅結果,在鬼媒一早搭晒線,亦多得好多海外韓人不停寫文,仲有在social media 度做好多嘢。韓國人嘅「民族意識」的確好強,我見嗰啲美藉甚至海外成長嘅一樣好強調個身份認同。我睇嘅鬼媒長期都有好多評論寫韓國,睇名就知係韓裔,仲要成篇文啲link都係韓文。你見咩Wonder Girls 之類一樣上Billboard極賣得,同一道理。就係因為唱英文?又唔係喎,《上流寄生族》都係完全嘅韓國戲,《江南Style》都唔係英文。
24. 舊評重貼:關於「上流寄生族」嘅message係乜,都仲有啲爭議。奉俊昊刻意唔拍得好清晰。有人話套戲係「批判富人」「揭示社會窮富不均」,有啲表面。睇佢舊作(西片)《末日列車》(Snow Piercer),其實係有啲相似,以火車喻社會。畀你打到大佬,去到最前一卡,同上流一齊食牛扒,你又會點?同樣地「上流寄生族」入面,朴社長全不可憎呀,地底人日日多謝社長(當然你可以話係反諷剝削者被剝削到感恩)。反而係窮人偷呃柺騙,仲要自相殘殺,拎到少少甜頭就壓迫其他窮人,所以呢套唔係一套仇富嘅戲。當然亦有話,「係因為佢地咁有錢先咁好人咋」。
25. 但,朴社長其實只係高級中產(從來冇講佢點發財,甚至連做乜都唔知),同權貴都仲好有距離。我自己嘅演繹,反而係好不負責任嘅「社會嘅錯」(留意主角一家完全勝任工作,只係因為佢地出身先要講大話呃入去).另外就係宿命論,就好似蠍子過河嘅故事咁,本性難改。最後朴社長做乜畀人拮死?咪因為不由自主咁,都係覺得窮人有陣味。留意呢個係佢嘅本能!甚至佢唔係想羞辱任何人。但有錢人就係同你不一樣,最好都係唔好過界。
26. 真係最後,寫完文先發現英國衞報都有寫 《上流寄生族》拎奧斯卡最佳電影嘅機會(http://bit.ly/39AOtQV) 。留意英國其實未上。
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過0的網紅CarDebuts,也在其Youtube影片中提到,สายการผลิต 2022 Audi e-Tron GT production รถสปอร์ตซีดานพลังไฟฟ้า พละกำลังสูงสุด 640 แรงม้า ก่อนเปิดตัวในเมืองไทย ก่อนที่จะมีการเปิดตัวในเมืองไทยอย่าง...
「social media marketing 2022」的推薦目錄:
social media marketing 2022 在 CarDebuts Youtube 的精選貼文
สายการผลิต 2022 Audi e-Tron GT production รถสปอร์ตซีดานพลังไฟฟ้า พละกำลังสูงสุด 640 แรงม้า ก่อนเปิดตัวในเมืองไทย
ก่อนที่จะมีการเปิดตัวในเมืองไทยอย่างเป็นทางการ ในอีกไม่กี่วันข้างหน้า เราขอพามาชมสายการผลิต Audi e-Tron GT รถสปอร์ตซีดานหรูพลังงานไฟฟ้า จากตระกูล e-Tron ซึ่งในต่างประเทศเพิ่งมีการเปิดตัวในวันที่ 9 กุมภาพันธ์ที่ผ่านมา โดยทำตลาดใน 2 รุ่นด้วยกันคือรุ่น e-Tron GT quattro และรุ่น RS e-tron GT
With an energized driving demonstration and a world premiere featuring high-caliber participants, Audi has presented its new electric spearhead – the Audi e-tron GT. In two events on the digital Day of Progress, the Four Rings showcased the highlights of this fully electric Gran Turismo: dynamic driving performance, emotional design, and sustainability.
“The e-tron GT is a stand-alone Gran Turismo, reinterpreted for the future. Its looks are a testament to premium automotive design.Bringing impressive driving performance, this is electro-mobility in the most emotive way. And with its sustainable concept, it takes a stand,” explains Markus Duesmann, CEO of AUDI AG. “Because it’s not just the drive concept that is sustainable. The entire production at our Böllinger Höfe site now has a carbon neutral energy balance.This sends an important signal – for the site, our workforce and the future viability of Audi.”
Audi also set a new benchmark with the digital world premiere, the Day of Progress. Two digital events presented the Audi e-tron GT: in the Sprint of Progress, the Formula E driver Lucas di Grassi and the sustainability entrepreneur and Formula 1 world champion Nico Rosberg demonstrated the dynamic driving performance of the Audi RS e-tron GT alongside the current Formula E racing car of the Four Rings, the Audi e-tron FE07. In a trip on the circuit of the Audi Driving Experience Center in Neuburg an der Donau, the spotlight was on the dynamic performance of the new model.
In the Celebration of Progress, the brand with the Four Rings introduced the Audi e-tron GT to the public for the first time. In the hour-long virtual show, Markus Duesmann and Hildegard Wortmann, Board Member for Sales and Marketing, together with further Audi protagonists such as Henrik Wenders, Senior Vice President for the Audi Brand, and Marc Lichte, Head of Design, presented the highlights of the new model.
A varied program emphasized the forward-looking attitude of the Four Rings brand. With reference to the importance of design, sustainability and performance, the actor and producer Tom Hardy, the designer Stella McCartney and Nico Rosberg added their personal insights. Themusical accompaniment to the unveiling of the car was performed by the US-American singer and songwriter Janelle Monáe, while Steven Gätjen as moderator guided the audience through the show.
The GREENTECH FESTIVAL and Audi, a founding partner of this platform for sustainability, together presented the GREEN FUTURE Award for the first time as part of the world premiere of the Audi e-tron GT. The prize, part of the festival’s GREEN AWARDS, is given to projects and persons that promote environmentally compatible urbanization and at the same time make an important contribution to improving the quality of life in urban infrastructure. The winner is the start-up Zencity, based in Tel Aviv, with an algorithm that collects and analyzes social media posts and local news from cities.
Both events are still available to be accessed online.
Quotes from the Celebration of Progress
“The Audi e-tron GT is the beginning of a new era for Audi. Our aim is to shape the future of electric premium mobility. Love of detail, maximum precision, and design that points the way to the future show how much passion we at Audi put into designing and making vehicles.”
Hildegard Wortmann, Board Member for Sales and Marketing, AUDI AG
“With the Audi e-tron GT we are putting the DNA of Audi on the road. The Gran Turismo superbly reflects our innovative strength and our pioneering spirit. For us it is already part of a line of icons of the brand, alongside the Audi TT and the Audi R8.”
Henrik Wenders, Senior Vice President, Audi Brand, AUDI AG
“For me, progress means creating something new. Something that no one has ever done before in this form. Designing a fully electric vehicle is like this: the entire design process has to be thought through anew.”
Marc Lichte, Head of Design, AUDI AG
“The Audi RS e-tron GT is a milestone in the development of electrified high-performance models.”
Lucas di Grassi, Formula E driver and entrepreneur
“Electric mobility is the future. Of course the path to the goal is a long one. It’s great to see that Audi is taking this path with determination.”
Nico Rosberg, sustainability entrepreneur and Formula 1 world champion