有金氏世界紀錄史上銷量第二高的單曲,Elton John的《Something About the Way You Look Tonight / Candle in the Wind 1997》;
有Toni Braxton爆紅的《Un-Break My Heart》;
有R. Kelly隨著籃球之神拍電影羞恥走紅的《I Believe I Can Fly》;
有爛片之王隔年用在電影裡,LeAnn Rimes的《How Do I Live》;
有Celine Dion賣翻天的《All by Myself》與《It's All Coming Back to Me Now》;
有花蝴蝶Mariah Carey花蝴蝶專輯(?)中的《Honey》;
嘻哈也漸漸被全世界接受,這年有Puff Daddy 的《I'll Be Missing You》、The Notorious B.I.G.的《Mo Money Mo Problems》;
有Savage Garden更一鳴驚人的《I Want You》;
更有在上面這麼多大牌圍攻的一年中,依然席捲全世界的超級新人:「Spice Girls」。
他們的首張專輯裡有三首歌打進1996年年終單曲排行,不意外的是《Wannabe》、《Say You'll Be There》、《2 Become 1》。
同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過15萬的網紅pennyccw,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Kenyon Martin couldn't believe the box score, so he doesn't expect anybody else to, either. "A lot of people are going to think it's a misprint,"...
「something about the way you look tonight」的推薦目錄:
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- 關於something about the way you look tonight 在 Pakar diari hati Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於something about the way you look tonight 在 Ray Shen Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於something about the way you look tonight 在 pennyccw Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於something about the way you look tonight 在 pennyccw Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於something about the way you look tonight 在 pennyccw Youtube 的精選貼文
something about the way you look tonight 在 Pakar diari hati Facebook 的最佳解答
Seorang Suami Menemui Sebuah Diari Arwah Isterinya Dan Hampir Pitam Selepas Membaca Kandungan Diari Tersebut Kerana Rupanya Arwah Isterinya Itu Sudah Banyak Kali...
Apa yang nak aku tuliskan ini, jadikan lah sebagai pengajaran buat semua lelaki di luar sana yang bergelar suami. Kisah ini mungkin menyayat hati bagi yang masih ada ‘hati’.
Hari ni genap 67 hari arwah isteri aku meninggl. Dan selama 67 hari ini juga aku tak henti henti menangis di atas pemergian isteri yang paling aku sayang. Bukan aku tak redha, cuma aku rasa seperti tak lepas.
Seperti ada sesuatu yg belum selesai antara kami. Dan malam ini, aku terjaga bukan kerana tangisan baby yg minta disusukan, tapi kerana seakan terdengar dengar tangisan arwah. Allahu..aku tak kuat.
Aku dah berkahwin selama lebih kurg 3 tahun setengah dengan isteri. Kami kahwin muda. Seawal usia aku 20, dan isteri 19. Di awal perkahwinan, semuanya indah belaka. Aku sgt mencintai isteri sehingga langsung tak boleh berjauhan dengan nya.
Sampai kadang kadang bila kena oustation, aku menangis rindukan dia pada waktu malam (aku bekerja di company milik family, dan dia belajar di ipts dekat dgn rumah) . Pergi ke mana saja, aku akan bawa dia bersama. Hatta keluar isi minyak atau beli top up pun dia akan merengek nak ikut. Isteri aku mmg manja org nya dan type of overly attached wife. Tapi aku tak rimas, malah aku suka.
Kami memang sangat rapat. Tambahan pula kami bercinta lepas nikah. We explore everything together. Bila dia cuti sem, aku akan bawa dia berjalan mana dia nak pergi. Isteri aku cantik orgnya. Bukan aku puji sebab dia isteri aku, tetapi sebab semua orang pun cakap perkara sama.
Bila keluar, kalau isteri aku melaram mesti ada je mata yang duk pandang pandang. Memang aku sakit hati, tapi aku pujuk diri dengan cakap takpelah, dia milik aku skrg. Lagipun aku tahu isteri aku mmg jenis sangat tidak melayan.
Bercakap dengan lelaki pun kurang. Dulu masa nak pikat hati dia pun ambil masa berbulan baru dapat kenal. Dia seorang yang sopan, dan menutup aurat dengan sempurna.
Dari awal kahwin, sehingga hampir setahun, aku rasa sangat senang dengan arwah. Kalau boleh, aku nak ada dekat dengan dia je 24jam. Bila ada kerja luar, aku akan settlekan cepat dan berkejar nak balik rumah.
Namun bila masa berlalu, tanpa aku sedar aku makin banyak berubah. Tanpa aku sedar, arwah makan hati dalam diam. Aku makin jauh dengan dia. Aku sibuk dengan kerja luar, sehingga aku rasa seronok berada di luar berbanding di rumah bersama isteri. Kadang kadang, aku cari je apa yang boleh aku settlekan di luar rumah sebab aku bosan stay dekat rumah.
Sepanjang perkahwinan, mmg aku langsung tak pernah keluar kalau bukan bersama arwah. Apa lagi nak lepak malam malam dengan kawan lama. Sampai laa suatu masa aku join macam macam club kereta dan motor.
Makin banyak alasan aku nak jumpa kawan itu dan kawan ini. Mula mula arwah diam , lama lama dia mula merungut yang dia bosan di rumah kesorangan. Tapi aku tak peduli pun. Kadang kadang dia menangis sebab kecil hati dengan aku. Tapi setiap kali dia menangis bila bergaduh atau berkecil hati, aku tak pernah pedulikan dia. Sedar sedar dia dah tertidur dengan air mata kat pipi.
Ye, aku tahu aku suami yg jahat. Aku biasakan dia dengan layanan seperti seorang puteri, kemudian aku ragut semuanya . Dari seorang suami yang cukup lembut, aku berubah menjadi seperti seekor singa bila bergaduh.
Aku akan ignore dia. Aku akan cakap kasar kasar dengan dia. Tangan aku mula pandai sentuh badan dia (itu kalau dia yg mulakan dulu). Sampai kadang kadang aku rasa mcm jodoh aku dengan dia dah takde.
Kami kerap bertengkar. Dan kebanyakannya berpunca dari sikap dia yang terlalu kuat cemburu. Tapi itu dulu, masa dia hidup. Bila dia dah pergi, baru aku sedar. Dia bukannya cemburu buta tetapi dia mahu aku jadi suami yg soleh. Dia mahukan yg terbaik untuk dunia dan akhirat aku. Allah, berdosanya aku.
Aku mengaku, aku memang susah nak jaga mata. Bila keluar berdua, dan ada perempuan cantik yg melintas depan kami mesti mata aku akan terpesona tgk kecantikan perempuan tu. Padahal isteri aku ada kat sebelah. Dan isteri aku pun sangat cantik.
Tapi aku tak pernah sedar semua tu. Bagi aku biasa lah tu lelaki mmg suka tgk perempuan cantik. Aku tak tahu yang isteri aku sedih dengan sikap aku tu. Arwah selalu tegur. Tapi aku buat tak tahu je. Sampai satu masa arwah dah tak tegur lagi, mungkin dia dah penat dengan perkara sama. Aku memang tak tahu bersyukur. Aku tak pernah rasa cukup dgn apa yg aku adaa. Sedangkan arwah dah cukup segalanya
To be honest, aku juga sukar jaga mata dari pandang perkara haram. Kadang kadang aku terlajak layan video prno. Tapi arwah tak pernah tahu. Sampai la satu hari masa dia mengandung 3 bulan, aku kantoi. Masa tu dia sedih sgt, sampai dapat migrain dan kena admit ward sebab pre eclampsia .
Aku risau sgt pasal baby masa tu. Dan it was the last time aku tgk mende keji tu. Aku dah bersumpah pada diri sendiri yg aku takkan tonton lagi umpan syaitan tu. Aku tak tahu kenapa, isteri aku halal untuk aku datangi bila bila masa tetapi pelacur di website itu juga yg aku nak tengok. Sedangkan t
Sedangkan tbuh isteri lebih cantik dari semua tu. Aku hina. Aku memang pendosa
Mulai hari tu, aku tengok isteri rajin bangun solat malam. Aku tahu, dia mengadu kepada Allah perihal aku. Aku tahu, dia bangun untuk doakan kebaikan bagi aku. Itupun semua aku tahu lepas dia dah pergi. Lepas dia dah meninggl. Lepas dah terlewat semua nya.
Seminggu lepas dia meninggl, aku kemas luggage pakaian dia. Dan aku terjumpa satu buku tebal. Aku ingatkan buku nota study dia. Rupanya dalam tu penuh catatan diari dia dari mula kahwin dengan aku sampai la hari terakhir sebelum di admit ward untuk give birth.
Aku baca semua. Air mata aku tumpas. Akurasa masa tu aku nak pergi gali semulaa kubur arwah aku nak peluk dia, aku nak cium dia, aku nak minta maaf aku nak minta ampun. Aku banyak dosa dengan dia.
“Abang, kenapa abg tengok semua tu. Sayang kan ada kalau abg berhajat? Mungkin sayang tak mengiurkan macam pelakon pelakon dlm video lcah tu. Syg minta maaf kalau syg tak pandai layan abg, sampai abg cari kepuasan melalui cara tu.
Ya allah, kau berilah hidayah pada suami aku. Abang, semoga Allah pelihara abang dari pandangan haram ye. Moga hati dan iman abg kuat ye. Takpe, syg tolong doakan abang setiap malam dan di setiap sujud syg. ”
” Cemburunya tengok abg duk pandang pandang perempuan tu tadi. Mmg la cantik. Tapi syg dah usaha habis baik nk bagi cantik jugakk bila keluar dgn abg
Sehelai demi sehelai lembaran tu aku belek. Dari sekecil kecil hingga ke sebesar besar hal dia ceritakan semua dalam buku tu. Baru skrg aku sedar , aku kurang beri perhatian pada dia selama ni. Dan ada satu luahan dalam buku tu ingatkan aku pada satu detik masa awal kehamilan arwah.
“Abang abang! Rasaa ni baby gerakk la! Aku emmm emm je. Mata asyik duk hadap hp. Bosan dgr dia merengek, aku alih tangan letak atas perut dia. Tapi mata masih lekat di skrin telefon. Dan segala kesedihan tu dia luahkan dalam buku tu. Memang aku dengar dia menangis malam tu tapi aku tak peduli pun. Mmg aku tak pernah nak pujuk kalau dia menangis. Apatah lagi nak tanya kenapa. Allahu.. kejam nya aku. Aku tak pernah peduli apa dia rasa.
Banyak yg aku baca dalam diari arwah. Patut laa dia dapat pre eclampsia (high blood prssure during pregnancy) . Padahal umur baru setahun jagung dan ini first baby. Rupanya banyak yg dia stress dan fikir pasal aku. Selama ni tanpa aku sedar, dia byk hide semua post di fb yg nengandungi unsur tak baik atau gmbr perempuan seksi. Betapa dia nak jaga dan nak bantu aku jadi baik.
Jahatnya aku. Memang aku tak pernah ada perempuan lain. Tapi aku seksa perasaan dan emosi dia. Dari apa yg aku baca, dia seolah menjadi sgt paranoid, memikirkan apa yg aku lihat di hp berkait dengan perempuan sksi, perempuan lain, atau tidak. Aku tak salahkan dia. Ini semua salah aku. Aku tak pernah fikir perasaan dia. Aku anggap semua remeh, semua kecil. Sedangkan dia menanggung derita yg besar.
Aku ingat lagi beberapa hari sebelum dia admit ward utk bersalin. Sewaktu dia nak turun beli makanan, dia sempat bergurau. Abang, rindu laa nak dengar abang ckp “awak jalan elok2 tau. Kalau ada org kacau, jerit nama abg kuat2”. Mmg dulu aku sangat lembut dan romantik dgn dia. Tapi aku xtahu mana semua tu pergi. Bukan arwah tak pernah cakap yg dia rindu aku yang dulu. Tapi aku tak pernah peduli.
Sekarang, semua dah takde. Yang tinggal hanya kenangan. Kenangan yang tak boleh mengembalikan apa apa. Dan arwah tinggalkan aku bersama zuriat kami. Nur amsya imani. Wajah iras sangat dengan arwah. Setiap kali aku pandang wajah anak syurga ini, setiap kali tu wajah arwah terbayang di mata. Allah..macam mana aku nak lalui hari hari mendatang.
Sungguh, aku sunyi. Dan sekarang baru aku faham erti sunyi yg isteri aku cakapkan selama ni bila stay dekat rumah sorang diri. Patut laa selama ni dia tak pernah tidur, dan tunggu aku balik walaupun tengah malam. Rupanya dia tak dapat tidur bila aku takde kat sblh
Aku dah hilang segalanya. Aku dah hilang isteri solehah yg sentiasa doakan kebaikan aku. aku dah hilang isteri yg selama ni jadi penguat aku. Abang rinduu nak naik motor dengan awak, sayang.. mcm awal kahwin dulu.
Pukul 1 pagi awak ajak round taman. Abang rinduu nak gurau dengan awak. Balik laa sayangg.. abg janji abg tak keluar dengan kawan dah. Abang janji abang tak hadap hp 24jam dah. Abang janji abg xpandang perempuan lain dah. Abang janji :(.
Menangis lah air mata darah pun. Arwah takkan kembali. Aku takde apa nak pesan banyak banyak. Tapi ambil laa kisah aku sebagai pengajaran. Tolong laa ambil sebagai pengajaran. Jangan sampai semua terlambat, baru kau nak menyesal. Aku menyesal. Menyesal. Menyesal.
A husband found a diary of his late wife and almost swoon after reading his diary content because apparently his late wife has many times...
What I want to write about, make it a lesson for all the men out there who are called husbands. This story may be heartbreaking for those who still have 'heart'.
Today is only 67 days my late wife left. And for the past 67 days I haven't stopped crying over the passing of the wife that I love most. It's not that I don't accept it, it's just that I
It seems like there is something unfinished between us. And tonight, I'm awake not because of the baby's cry that asked to be breastfeed, but because it's like hearing the cry of the late Allahu.. I'm not strong.
I've been married for more than 3 years and a half to my wife. We married young. As early as I was 20, and wife 19. At the beginning of marriage, everything was beautiful. I love my wife so much that she can't be far from her.
Until sometimes when I get oustation, I cry missing him at night (I work in the family's company, and he's studying in IPTS near home). Go anywhere, I'll take her along. Hatta comes out of oil or even buy top up he will cry to follow. My wife is really spoiled by her person and type of overly attached wife. But I'm not crazy, but I like it.
We are very close. Plus we love after marriage. We explore everything together. When he's a semester holiday, I'll take him to walk where he wants to go. My wife is beautiful. I don't praise because she's my wife, but because everyone says the same.
When it comes out, if my wife dresses up there must be eyes that are looking at. I'm really hurt, but I persuade myself by saying it's okay, he's mine now. After all, I know that my wife is very kind of not entertaining.
Talking to a man is also lacking. In the past, when he was about to catch his heart, he took months to get to know him. He's a polite person, and cover his body perfectly.
From the beginning of marriage, until almost a year, I feel so happy with the late. If possible, I would like to be close to him for 24 hours. When there's an outdoor job, I'll settle fast and chase to go home.
But when time passes by, without me realizing I change more. Without me realizing, the spirit eats the heart in silence. I'm getting far away from him. I'm busy with outdoor work, until I feel good to be out there rather than home with my wife. Sometimes, I'm just looking for something that I can settle outside the house because I'm bored staying at home.
Throughout the marriage, I will never go out if not with the deceased. What else to hang out at night with old friends. Until one time I joined like a car and motor club.
More excuses for me to meet that friend and friend. At first the late was quiet, long time ago he started complaining that he was bored at home alone. But I don't care. Sometimes she cries because she's small with me. But everytime she cries when she fights or gets discouraged, I never cared about her. Realized that he fell asleep with tears on the cheek.
Yes, I know I'm a bad husband. I used to do her with service like a princess, then I snatched all of them. From a gentle husband, I turned into a lion when fighting.
I will ignore him. I'd be rude to him. My hands are starting to touch his body (that's if he started it first). Until sometimes I feel like my partner with him is gone.
We fight a lot. And most of them are caused by his attitude that is too jealous. But that was the time he lived. When he's gone, then I'll realize. He's not jealous but he wants me to be a good husband. He wants the best for my world and my afterlife. Allah, I am sinning.
I confess, I am hard to keep my eyes open. When both of you come out, and there's a beautiful woman who passes in front of us, my eyes will be amazed by the beauty of the Even though my wife is beside me. And my wife is very beautiful too.
But I never realized all that. For me it's normal that men like to look at beautiful women. I didn't know that my wife was saddened by my attitude. The late always greets. But I just don't know. Until one time the deceased hasn't told me anymore, maybe he's tired of the same thing. I don't know how to be grateful. I have never felt enough with what I have. While the deceased is enough
To be honest, I'm also hard to keep my eyes from looking at illegal things. Sometimes I watch the video too much. But the spirit never knew. Until one day when she was pregnant for 3 months, I was caught. At that time he was so sad, until he got migraine and got admitted to the ward because of pre eclampsia.
I was so worried about the baby at that time. And it was the last time I saw that cruel thing. I swear to myself that I won't watch the devil's bait anymore. I don't know why, my wife is halal for me to come to me anytime but the prostitute on the website is also what I want to see. Whereas t
While the wife is prettier than all that. I am despicable. I am indeed a sinner
From the other day, I saw the wife awake at night prayer. I know, he complains to Allah about me. I know, he woke up to pray for me for the goodness. That's all I knew after he was gone. After he left. After all it's too late.
A week ago she left, I cleaned her clothes luggage. And I found a thick book. I thought it was his study notebook. Apparently the diary is full of notes from starting to marry me until the last day before admitted to the ward to give birth.
I read all. My tears are broken. I feel that time I want to dig back the grave of my late I want to hug him, I want to kiss him, I want to apologize. I have sinned with him.
′′ Brother, why do you look at all that. Love is there if you wish? Maybe it's a pity that you don't like the actress in the video of the crazy video I'm sorry if I don't know how to treat me, until I find satisfaction through that way.
Ya Allah, please give guidance to my husband. Brother, may Allah protect you from illegal opinion. May my heart and faith be strong okay. It's okay, dear, please pray for me every night and every kneel dear. ′′ ′′
′′ It's jealous looking at brother looking at that woman just now. It's really beautiful. But unfortunately I've tried it and it's better to make it beautiful when I'm out with
One piece by one piece I turn into the sheet. From as small to small as big as he says everything in the book. Now I'm aware, I haven't paid attention to him all this time. And there's one expression in the book that reminds me of the early moment of the late pregnancy.
′′ Brother brother! I think this is a baby! Me emmm emm je. Eyes keep on facing hp. Tired of hearing him whining, I put my hand on his stomach. But the eyes are still stuck on the phone screen. And all the sadness he expressed in the book. I heard him crying that night but I don't care. I never wanted to persuade him if he cried. What else to ask why. Allahu.. I'm so cruel. I never cared what she felt.
I read a lot in the late diary. No wonder he got pre eclampsia (high blood pressure during pregnancy). Even though it's only a year of corn and this is the first baby. Apparently he's stressed out and thought about me. All this while without me realizing it, he hid all the posts on Facebook that contain bad elements or sexy women's pictures. How much he wants to take care of and help me be good.
I am evil. I never had another woman. But I torture her feelings and emotions. From what I read, she seems to be very paranoid, thinking of what I saw on her phone related to women, other women, or not. I don't blame her. This is all my fault. I never thought about her feelings. I take everything trivial, all small. While he suffered a big suffering.
I still remember a few days before he admitted to the ward to give birth. When he wanted to go down to buy food, he had time to joke around. Brother, I miss listening to my brother say ′′ you walk well. If someone disturbs me, shout out my name loudly ". I was so soft and romantic with him. But I don't know where all that went. It's not the spirit that he misses the old me. But I never cared.
Now, everything is gone. All that is left is memories. Memories that can't bring back anything. And the spirit left me with our children. Nur Amsya Imani. The face is very similar to the spirit. Every time I look at the face of this heavenly child, every time the face of the deceased is imagined in the eyes Allah.. how am I going through the coming days.
Really, I'm quiet. And now I only understand the meaning of silence that my wife has been talking about all this while staying at home alone. No wonder he hasn't slept yet, and wait for me to come back even though it's midnight. Apparently he can't sleep when I'm not beside me
I lost everything. I have lost my solehah wife who always pray for my goodness. I've lost my wife who has been my booster all this time. I miss riding a motorbike with you, dear.. like I got married early.
At 1 am you invite me to round the park. I miss joking with you. Come back dear.. I promise I won't be with my friends anymore. I promise I won't face my phone for 24 hours. I promise that I don't look at other women anymore. I promise :(.
Crying tears of blood. The spirit will never return. I don't want to order a lot. But take my story as a teaching. Please take it as a teaching. Don't let it be late, then you regret it. I'm sorry. I am sorry. I am sorry.Translated
something about the way you look tonight 在 Ray Shen Facebook 的精選貼文
Ray's Music World Episode 150 XXL (#RMW150) – Ray Shen
001 - Martin Garrix & Matisse & Sadko feat. Alex Aris - Mistaken (Club Mix) (MRTEN Intro Edit)
002 - Fisher - Losing It (Dave Winnel 'For The Win' Remix)
003 - Armin van Buuren vs. Sunnery James & Ryan Marciano vs. Dirty South & Axwell - Let It Go vs. Sex, Love & Water (Hardwell Mashup)
004 - Orjan Nilsen - Wait 4 It
005 - Thomas Gold - Hangover
006 - Meduza feat. Goodboys - Piece Of Your Heart (Dannic Bootleg)
007 - Sick Individuals & Justin Prime feat. Bymia - Not Alone
008 - Twenty One Pilots - Guns For Hands (Dzeko & Torres Remix)
009 - Sick Individuals feat. Stevie Appleton - People I Love (Club Mix)
010 - Hardwell feat. Amba Shepherd - United We Are (Vredestein Remix)
011 - Jewelz & Sparks feat. Pearl Andersson - All I See Is You (DJ Afrojack Edit)
012 - Laidback Luke x Jewelz & Sparks feat. Pearl Andersson - We Are One
013 - Dzeko & Torres & Sarah Mcleod - Hurricane (Club Mix)
014 - Benny Benassi feat. Gary Go - Let This Last Forever (MAKJ Remix)
015 - Tiësto & Dyro vs. Krewella - Alive In Paradise (Tiësto Mashup)
016 - John Christian - Let's Get This Thing Started
017 - Billie Eilish x Benny Benassi - Satisfaction Guy (Angemi & Rudeejay & Da Brozz Bootleg)
018 - JOYRYDE - I'm Gone
019 - Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike feat. Era Istrefi - Selfish (Maurice West Remix)
020 - Moguai feat. Niles Mason - I Can't Stop
021 - Quintino & Curbi - Get Down
022 - Dog Blood - Turn Off The Lights
023 - Gareth Emery & W&W vs. Alesso feat. Tove Lo - U Heroes (We Could Be) (Hardwell & W&W Bootleg)
024 - Blasterjaxx & DBSTF feat. Envy Monroe - Wonderful Together
025 - Hardwell & Dannic feat. Haris - Survivors
026 - Passion Pit - Carried Away (Tiësto Remix)
027 - Paris Blohm feat. Angel Taylor - Presence
028 - Paris & Simo & Jakko feat. Paul Aiden - Here Tonight
029 - Quintino - TU TU TU
030 - Cheat Codes x Kim Petras - Feeling Of Falling (Steve Aoki Remix)
031 - Porter Robinson vs. Carly Rae Jepsen - Petty Language (3LAU Edit)
032 - Dash Berlin feat. Jonathan Mendelsohn - Locked Out Of Heaven
033 - Armin van Buuren & Blasterjaxx vs. Delerium feat. Sarah Mc Lachan - Lifting You Silence (Armin van Buuren Mashup)
034 - Planet Perfecto Knights - ResuRection (Maurice West Remix)
035 - Tom Walker - Leave A Light On (Ummet Ozcan Remix)
036 - Ed Sheeran vs. Sebastian Ingrosso vs. Hardwell - Perfect Apollaktos (Rudeejay & Da Brozz x Luis Rodriguez Mash-Boot)
037 - Arty feat. April Bender - Sunrise
038 - RIVERO & Wasback - Wait For The Night (Suyano Edit)
039 - Div Eadie & Max Adrian feat. PRYVT RYN - Reach For Tonight
040 - Mark Sixma - Beats Knock
041 - Juventa feat. Erica Curran - Move Into Light (Husman Remix)
042 - Breathe Carolina & Husman feat. Carah Faye - Giants (Festival Mix)
043 - Super8 & Tab feat. Hero Baldwin - Burn (Luke Bond Remix)
044 - David Gravell feat. Ruby Prophet - Far From Home
045 - Sebastien feat. Satellite Empire - Escape (Heatbeat Remix)
046 - Andrew Rayel & Garibay feat. Jake Torrey - Last Summer (Andrew Rayel & DRYM Club Mix)
047 - Armin van Buuren & W&W vs. Markus Schulz feat. Delacey - If It Ain't Destiny (Ray Shen Mashup)
048 - Avancada vs. Darius & Finlay vs. Armin van Buuren & Sunnery James & Ryan Marciano vs. Ray Shen vs. Dash Berlin feat. Roxanne Emery - Xplode vs. You Are vs. Shelter (Ray Shen Mashup)
049 - Armin van Buuren vs. Human Resource - Dominator
050 - Dash Berlin feat. Bo Bruce - Coming Home
051 - Armin van Buuren feat. BullySongs - Caught In The Slipstream (KhoMha Remix)
052 - Above & Beyond - Anjunabeach
053 - Armin van Buuren feat. Laura Jansen - Sound Of The Drums (Bobina Remix)
054 - Myon & Shane 54 feat. Aruna - Lights
055 - Craig Connelly feat. Kat Marsh - Light The Way
056 - MaRLo - Enough Echo
057 - W&W & Maurice West - Matrix
058 - Timmy Trumpet - World At Our Feet
059 - Fisher - Losing It (SKAZI Bootleg)
060 - Daft Punk - Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger (MR.BLACK Remix)
061 - Dash Berlin - Till The Sky Falls Down (Isaac Remix)
062 - Armin van Buuren feat. Susana - Shivers (Frontliner Remix)
063 - Darren Styles - Us Against The World (Da Tweekaz Remix)
064 - Brennan Heart feat. Mattanja Joy Bradley - Need To Feel
065 - Brennan Heart & Jonathan Mendelsohn - Coming Back To You
066 - Galantis - Runaway (U & I) (Frontliner Remix)
067 - Kygo & Ellie Goulding - First Time (Frontliner Bootleg)
068 - Armin van Buuren feat. Sam Martin - Wild Wild Son (Devin Wild Remix)
069 - Cascada - Everytime We Touch (Hardwell & Maurice West Remix)
070 - Gareth Emery feat. Christina Novelli - Concrete Angel (Coone & Code Black Remix)
071 - Above & Beyond feat. Zoë Johnston - Sahara Love (Seven Lions Remix)
072 - Jason Ross feat. Karra - Into You
073 - Netsky feat. Lowell - Forget What You Look Like
074 - Seven Lions - Slow Dive
075 - Breathe Carolina & Jay Cosmic feat. Haliene - See The Sky
076 - Fairlane feat. Zack Gray - What You Promised
077 - Leon Lour - Oceans
078 - Cash Cash feat. Christina Perri - Hero
079 - KhoMha feat. Mike Schmid - Restart (William Black Remix)
080 - Seven Lions feat. Karra - Silent Skies
081 - Illenium & Sound Remedy feat. King Deco - Spirals
082 - Tiësto & Zaxx feat. Olivera - Affliction
083 - Koven - Another Home
084 - Snareskin & Luke Cusato - Closure
085 - BRKLYN feat. Lenachka - Steal Your Heart (Culture Code Remix)
086 - MitiS feat. Adara - Moments
087 - Culture Code feat. Elle Vee - Make A Promise
088 - Lost Frequencies & Netsky - Here With You
089 - Illenium feat. Echos - Afterlife
090 - Mr FijiWiji & Direct & Aruna - Time To Say Goodbye
091 - Far Out - Strangers
092 - Myon feat. Alissa Feudo - Omen In The Rain (Seven Lions Remix)
093 - Dash Berlin & Cerf & Mitiska & Jaren - Man On The Run (WHITENO1SE & System Nipel Remix)
094 - Paris Blohm feat. Blondfire - Something About You (Conro's Ultra Miami 2016 Remix)
095 - Stendahl & LaMeduza - You Get Me (eleven.five Remix)
096 - Seven Lions feat. Fiora - Dreamin'
097 - Fractal - Elements
098 - Virtual Self - Eon Break
099 - Porter Robinson feat. Bright Lights - Language (Redza Remix)
100 - Virtual Self vs. Seven Lions feat. Kerli - Angel's World Apart (Seven Lions Mashup)
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#RMW150 #XXL
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Kenyon Martin couldn't believe the box score, so he doesn't expect anybody else to, either.
"A lot of people are going to think it's a misprint," Martin said. "A lot of people will think there's no way they scored that many points. It's unbelievable. There are no words for it."
The Nuggets set NBA season highs for points in a half with 84 and points in a game with a 168-116 rout of the Seattle SuperSonics on Sunday night. Denver set a franchise record for most points in a regulation game and fell just 16 points shy of the franchise record for points in a game.
"There was no way that I couldn't enjoy the game, not from the way we played offensively," Nuggets coach George Karl said.
The Nuggets had eight players score in double figures, led by Carmelo Anthony's 26 and Allen Iverson's 24. Martin had 23 points and Marcus Camby had a triple-double with 13 points, 15 rebounds and a career-high 10 assists.
Still, the only thing the players could talk about was the 168 points they scored in a franchise-record 52-point win.
"I've never been a part of a game like this where we won by so many points and scored so many points," Camby said. "This is definitely a game I'm going to keep in my archives."
Seattle would rather forget this one. After giving up 138 points to Denver in a 42-point loss on Feb. 27 -- which was also the previous high for points in the NBA this season -- the SuperSonics had no chance to redeem themselves Sunday. They gave up an NBA season-high 48 points in the first quarter and trailed by 19 after the first 12 minutes.
It didn't get any better in the second. Denver eclipsed Phoenix's record of 80 points in a half with 1:31 left before the break, and at halftime the Nuggets led by 26. They led by as many as 55 in the fourth quarter.
"We just lost tonight. We lost by a lot," said Seattle forward Chris Wilcox, who had 17 points. "That's just something you're going to have to look back on. It's just something you're going to have to live with."
Seattle isn't the only team that has been routed by Denver this week. The Nuggets finished this homestand with three blowout victories. They beat Memphis by 22 Wednesday night and the Raptors by 32 Friday night.
Sunday, they used the same formula to rout the Sonics. They shared the ball and hit open shots, and for the second straight game the starters were on the bench in the fourth quarter and let the reserves play mop-up time.
"It's hard to beat a team when you get 44 assists and making the extra pass," Martin said. "It's tough to beat a team when you play like we did tonight."
Now the trick for Denver is to keep it going. The Nuggets are 40-26 but trail Golden State by 1½ games for the eighth and final playoff spot in the Western Conference. They start a five-game road trip in Detroit on Tuesday and hope to continue their strong play against the defensive-minded Pistons while trying to comprehend Sunday's win.
"Like the Rockets winning 22 straight, it's unheard of on this level," Martin said. "Scoring 168 points in regulation is unheard of. Hopefully we can take what we did these last three games at home onto the road trip."
Seattle has to regroup after suffering its 51st loss of the season in an embarrassing fashion.
"We get beat that badly, there's no excuse for that," Sonics coach P.J. Carlesimo said. "It matters a lot because we're professionals and we're trying to compete -- and we didn't compete tonight."
Game notes
The Nuggets' franchise record for points came in a 186-184 triple-overtime loss to Detroit on Dec. 13, 1983. ... The previous team record for regulation points was 163 against San Antonio on Jan. 11, 1984. ... The Nuggets are tied for the fourth-best start in franchise history and their best start since 1987-88. ... The Nuggets set an NBA record with 49 fast-break points, breaking the previous mark of 48 set by Toronto on Jan. 12, 2003. ... Kevin Durant led the Sonics with 23 points.

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Allen Iverson got the final shot in his shootout with Carmelo Anthony.
Iverson scored 36 points, including the game-winning basket, and the Philadelphia 76ers overcame Anthony's career-high 45 to beat the Denver Nuggets 108-106 on Tuesday night.
Chris Webber added 32 points and 15 rebounds, none bigger than the one in the final minute that set up Iverson's winning shot.
After Webber grabbed Earl Watson's miss from long range, the Sixers called a timeout with 21 seconds left. Iverson took the inbounds pass and stalled at midcourt until driving on Andre Miller, then pulling up and sinking the basket from the top of the key with 4.2 seconds remaining.
"I was surprised that they just let me wind the clock down and take a shot," Iverson said. "I told my teammates that I was going to wind it down. ... I was hoping if I did miss, the ball would bounce and the time would run out."
Miller insisted he wanted Iverson, who was hobbled by a sprained ankle he twisted in the third quarter, to take a jump shot rather than drive to the basket.
"I got a hand up on the shot. He knocked the shot down. It was a good play," Miller said.
The 76ers, on the other hand, weren't about to let Anthony get a good look at the end.
"You don't want somebody shooting that had been making a lot of shots," Iverson said.
So, after two timeouts, Anthony took the inbounds but couldn't get a good look with Andre Iguodala and Webber in his face, so he dished to Watson, whose open 3-pointer was short, bouncing off the rim at the buzzer.
"There was no way I could have taken the final shot tonight," Anthony said. "They had three people right there, and Earl Watson was wide open."
For the second time in the final 28 seconds, no less.
"Great player made a shot; we missed two wide-open 3s," Denver coach George Karl lamented when asked to sum up the final possessions.
Iverson sprained his right ankle five minutes into the second half. He was taped up and stayed but had to alter his game a little.
"I was struggling," Iverson said. "I couldn't really go to the basket as quick as I wanted to. When I did it was real painful."
The 76ers' already big height advantage was augmented when Kenyon Martin (thigh) couldn't go and Marcus Camby (finger) sat out the final 42 minutes. With Nene (knee) out for the year, all three of the Nuggets' big men were out.
"It is getting old," Anthony said. "I hope we have everybody out there as soon as possible. Playing with a 6-4 lineup is tough."
The one thing Karl was worried about with his small lineup was rebounding, and the 76ers outrebounded them 46-35.
"And it wasn't necessarily because they were bigger. I just think, sometimes our rebounding habits we rely so much on Marcus that we forget about doing our responsibilities," Karl said. "It's usually better to watch film than make that criticism, but I thought there were some balls that bounced on the ground."
Anthony, whose previous career high was 42 on Dec. 13 at Charlotte, scored 19 points in the third quarter, which ended in an 80-80 tie. But while he was catching his breath on the bench, the 76ers swished three straight 3s, two of them by Kyle Korver, and Philadelphia took a 91-87 lead with 7:44 remaining.
"I was a little disturbed if we were playing small why we should give up 3s," Karl said. "And their gas tank was probably a little fuller than ours and that probably showed up in the way the ball bounced in loose-ball situations."
Anthony returned and jammed his right wrist when Samuel Dalembert fouled him on his follow-through. Anthony shook it off to sink all three free throws and then put Denver ahead 94-93 with a drive to the basket 30 seconds later.
His breakaway basket with 3:56 left gave him 43 points and put Denver ahead 98-93 before the 76ers rallied behind Iverson and Anthony went the final 3:05 without any more points.
"The man had a fantastic game, it's just a shame he didn't get rewarded with a win," Karl said. "His efficiency was great. I think what you saw tonight is when he makes his jump shot, he's pretty difficult, maybe impossible, to cover by one guy."
Something the Sixers discovered just in time.
Game notes
Anthony said he'll need treatment on his right wrist Wednesday. ... Denver is 17-5 without Martin in the lineup over the last two seasons.

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Michael Jordan got the start and provided one more lasting moment. But it was all Kevin Garnett at the finish.
The 52nd NBA All-Star Game was Jordan's last and filled with firsts as the Western Conference exhausted the Eastern Conference 155-145 in a double-overtime thriller.
Given a surprise start as Toronto's Vince Carter stepped aside, Jordan appeared to make yet another of his seemingly endless series of game-winning shots. The superstar swingman of the Washington Wizards threw in a high-arcing jumper from the right baseline over Phoenix's Shawn Marion that gave the East a 138-136 lead with 4.8 seconds left in the first overtime, bringing a roar from the Philips Arena crowd.
"I didn't think it was going to go in, but it went in," said Marion, who was victimized for a game-winning shot by Jordan in Phoenix last season.
"I thought it was the game-winner, but anything can happen in an NBA game," Jordan said.
Anything did. A foul call on a three-point attempt put Los Angeles Lakers guard Kobe Bryant at the line for three free throws with one second to go. Bryant made just two free throws to tie the game.
"The first thing when Kobe got up, he said, 'I can't believe he called that,'" said Indiana forward Jermaine O'Neal, who committed the foul.
Bryant's free throws forced an unprecedented second extra session, which belonged entirely to Garnett.
The 7-footer of the Minnesota Timberwolves -- who played shooting guard earlier in the game -- took the smaller Carter into the low post for three straight jumpers. He added a foul shot for a 145-138 lead with 3:38 remaining, and the West never trailed again.
"It looked like old 23 crept back in the building and was trying to take the game, but for the most part, we hung together and won," Garnett said.
Garnett collected his first All-Star Game MVP award as he scored 37 points on 17-of-24 shooting and added nine rebounds and five steals. His points were the most in an All-Star Game since Jordan scored 40 in 1988.
"The All-Star Game is not about individual," said Garnett, an unselfish superstar. "It's totally a group effort. It's a time for you to share stories, good times, emotional times with your teammates."
Jordan, who turns 40 in eight days, gave Garnett some stories to share. He started very slowly and even missed a dunk in the first quarter. But he became the all-time leading scorer in the All-Star Game late in the third quarter and finished with 20 points on 9-of-27 shooting.
"I think I got a chance to enjoy some good young company tonight," Jordan said.
Some of that company joined Jordan on the Eastern Conference. Guards Allen Iverson of Philadelphia and Tracy McGrady of Orlando -- both of whom offered their starting spot to Jordan -- scored 35 and 29 points, respectively. But it wasn't enough to prevent the East from dropping to 32-20 in the all-time series.
"I was going to try to forget my jersey in the locker room," McGrady said. "That way (Jordan) had to start and go out there."
Bryant scored 22 points and Steve Francis of Houston added 20 for the West, which erased an eight-point deficit in the last two minutes of regulation and blew a seven-point lead in the last two-plus minutes of the first overtime.
San Antonio's Tim Duncan had 19 points and 15 rebounds and the Lakers' Shaquille O'Neal had 19 and 13. It was the sixth overtime All-Star Game and the first since 1993 in Utah.
Although the first quarter was the lowest-scoring opening period in 50 years and the first half the lowest since 1976, the game fell three points shy of the highest-scoring contest, another overtime affair in 1987.
The pace seemed to quicken a bit after a halftime ceremony in which Jordan was serenaded by Mariah Carey, who wore No. 23 jerseys of Chicago and Washington while performing three songs, including "Hero."
"I thank you for your support," a visibly humbled Jordan said to the crowd. "I leave the game in good hands."
"The halftime ceremony was something I'll remember for a long time," said Francis, who was playing in his second All-Star Game. "I felt like he was talking to me when he said the NBA was going to be in good hands."
McGrady took the third quarter into his hands, scoring 17 points to give the East a 93-86 lead. With 2:04 to go in the period, Jordan sank two free throws to move past Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (251 points) as the all-time leading scorer.
The West overtook the East at 102-100 on a dunk by Shaquille O'Neal with 8:14 to go, but McGrady responded with a three-pointer. Three jumpers by Jordan and a drive by Iverson pushed the lead to 116-106 left and tightened the MVP race.
It appeared to be Jordan's when he flipped in a left-handed shot on 7-footer Dirk Nowitzki of Dallas for a 120-112 lead with 1:58 to play. But he missed shots on three consecutive possessions, allowing the West back in it.
"I wanted it to be a competitive game," Jordan said. "It was a fun ending anyway you look at it."
Bryant had a chance to win it when he was fouled with 17 seconds left but split the pair, and Marion partially blocked Jordan's jumper at the other end.
Despite eight overtime points from Iverson, the East looked dead when Francis hammered home a lob for a 135-128 bulge with 2:09 remaining. But McGrady and New Jersey's Jason Kidd scored four points each as the East surged to a 136-135 edge with 33 seconds left. A free throw by Shaquille O'Neal tied it.
"It's easy to come in with the attitude that you are just going to run down the court and jump around and not play hard, but that's not what it is about," Iverson said. "I think the fans deserve more than that."
The fans got a huge treat when Carter -- who had been criticized for keeping his starting spot -- stepped aside for Jordan in a classy move.
"This is a storybook ending for Michael," Carter said. "I'm sure I'll have another opportunity to be in the All-Star Game, and this is how it's supposed to be."
"I felt like he had taken a beating and he shouldn't have," Jordan said. "I think he was being very respectful."
But Jordan missed eight of his first 10 shots, and the poor shooting was contagious. The East held a pedestrian 23-18 lead after one period and the West held a 55-52 halftime edge.