Finally we r back..我们终于回来了。
能够成功举办这次的游学团,我要特别感谢拿督趙文耀。谢谢他给我有这个机会学习带团,和用心的规划这次的行程。不忘谢谢班长Christopher wong 和副班长 Dato Billy Goh 及 Hooi Jing 和 William wong 的随同,没有他们的协助也不能顺利完成这次的行程。他们都是成功的企业家,还要每天从早到晚帮助安排整个团的工作。谢谢你们!感恩!
10 days and 8 nights of Entrepreneur Study Tour 2 : New Scenic Trail #EST2 has finally come to an end. From North Island, Auckland, we flew to the South Island city of Christchurch.
We took a self drive with 20 Entrepreneurs in 4 cars to explore the world renowned South Island of New Zealand. Each day was filled with endless fun and exhilaration as we travel to a unique scenic attractions and completed numerous adrenaline-rushing outdoor activities.
Our journey was filled with much laughter and meaningful conversations about life and entrepreneurship. We managed to cover all 12 chapters of 'G-String Management' book. Cutting-edge ideas were exchanged. Wisdom from our individual's life experience was passed on.
We had different roommates each night and many late night conversations went on to the early mornings. We left as strangers in KLIA and now we are returning as newfound brothers and sisters.
❤I would like to thank my mentor Dato' Michael Tio. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to learn and to lead EST2. Also not forgetting to thank our Monitor Christopher Wong, Deputy Monitor Dato Billy Goh, Hooi Jing Lee and William Wong. Without their assistance, this trip would have never been a success. They are successful entrepreneurs in their own rights, yet they served everyone tirelessly from morning till night. Thank you!
Finally, I would like to thank all the members of EST2 for their cooperation and patience. I am glad to know you. I have learned much from each of you, and you are all outstanding entrepreneurs.
As a group, EST2 have also broke many records.
I am very thrilled to see many of us experience personal breakthroughs. Especially a few ladies, who have surprised all of us, with their courage and grace.
Thank you for your participation and trust that have made our tour a great success. Our friendship has only just begun. In the days to come, we will have many opportunities to gather and continue to have fun, inspire and learn from each other. Tqvm 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻