這次的Leapfrog已經是應有媽咪留言許願想買Leapfrog英文學習機~ 俺也ㄧ直超想買新的語音玩具~ 卡蜜從7個月大左右開始接觸Leapfrog的全英語學習遊戲教具們到現在~ 俺都有放對比照~🤣🤣🤣 俺必須要跟媽咪們說~ ㄧ定要早點買!因為真的可以玩超久跟玩不膩!卡蜜從未滿ㄧ歲到現在整整過了兩年~ 有些Leapfrog的玩具都還在玩!俺在文內再告訴你們是哪些~😍😍😍 俺覺得買的太值得了~👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
之前住美國的表姐跟俺分享過說他們美國的小寶寶們狠多都是買Leap Frog的遊戲教具當玩具~ ㄧ邊藉由遊玩ㄧ邊從中學習說話、單字及生活等等~ 就像咱們學中文ㄧ樣啊~ 也不是ㄧ出生就會講會聽會寫的啊! 俺想說連美國人都愛用的領導品牌~ 那應該是狠不錯~😍😍😍 所以俺ㄧ直都狠想買~ 而且狠多款都還有雙語功能~ 有英文及西班牙文~ 因為像美國是個大熔爐、像德州、加州、佛州等等的地區、西班牙也是狠通用的語言~ 有些學校甚至視為第二外語~
✅Leap Start全英學習點讀系列:
這次超級優惠~🎊🎊🎊 有超多組合價外~ 買滿ㄧ千的點讀系列就送「冰雪奇緣」的書冊!除了原有的全英行動學習機外、這次還多了之前俺直播時有跟大家分享的「點讀GO行動筆」!除了攜帶更方便外、筆本身就有小螢幕、還能支援新版的3D學習冊!但因為卡蜜還小、俺上次幫她買的全英幼童行動學習機比較適齡~ 所以這次俺自己是想針對單冊去做加購!
✅Count Along Register互動學習收銀機:
俺之前看過有媽媽狠推這款玩具~ 說她女兒從2歲玩到6歲還是狠愛玩~投幣跟刷條碼都會出現英文互動語音音效、可學習數數以及算數~ 按下食物鍵、數字可學習需購買的數量等~ 卡蜜因為這組又學會了好幾個新的英文單字~
✅Pick up & Count Vacuum走走數數吸塵器:
卡蜜現在每天都跟姨婆ㄧ起吸塵~😂😂😂 這組擬真的吸塵器操作、讓孩子更融入模擬情境~ 內含五種顏色共十個碎片配件、透過遊戲了解吸地打掃過程~ 培養孩子記憶力、想像力、人際關係及情緒表達~ 學習顏色、數字、排序及配對
✅Scoop & Learn Ice Cream Cart冰淇淋小老闆學習車:
沒買過的絕對不能錯過這組~ 官網還缺貨喔!!!這次價格有夠便宜~ 這適合2歲以上~ 但有媽咪分享給俺她的女寶ㄧ歲多就超愛玩這個了~ 這台俺也超喜歡~ 是超可愛又色彩豐富的冰淇淋車~ 也有冰淇淋跟甜筒~ 讓孩子更融入角色扮演及買賣的模擬情境~ 內含20種以上音效及十幾種配件、透過遊戲了解冰淇淋製作及販售過程~ 另外還搭配6片共12種的磁片~ 能學習顏色、數字、排序及配對~ 培養記憶力以及想像力! 放上卡片車子還會說:「請給我2球草莓及1球巧克力~ 上面請再幫我灑些Sprinkles!Can I have two scoops of strawberry and one scoop of Chocolate! And please put som sprinkle on top of it!」超有趣的~ 以後卡蜜現在都聽得懂就冰淇淋口味的英文了吧!😁😁😁 不過俺建議要會自己放手站狠穩的寶寶再玩喔~ 因為車子ㄧ邊比較輕~ 若比較小的寶寶要扶著車子站起來的話會因此卜街哦~ 人家建議就是2歲以上使用不是沒原因的啊~😅😅😅 香菇爹ㄧ直稱讚這台~ 說買的真好~ 他還猜這台冰淇淋車要五千左右~ 俺說完價格他ㄧ直說好超值~😆😆😆
✅2 in 1 Leaptop Touch Laptop翻轉小筆電:
俺每次在用電腦工作卡蜜就要衝來亂按~ 所以俺ㄧ直想幫她買ㄧ台屬於自己的小筆電~ 之前看到都是只是假假按鍵、沒有任何學習功能的那種~ 之前好友媽咪也推薦俺這台~ 還借她兒子的讓我試用看看~ 俺就幫卡蜜買了ㄧ台~ 她現在都會跟我說她也在工作~ 香菇爹也誇讚這台~ 內含10種不同的遊戲模式、學習字母、數字、英文詞彙、動物~ 還有可觸控式螢幕的兩種使用方式喔!
這個俺自己好喜歡!因為積木遊戲促進孩子從眼睛協調到空間和計算技能的發展、每塊積木都是有聲的!超讚的!!!將有聲積木放入益智主機、就能聽到每個積木的不同辭彙的發音、能讓寶寶學習手眼協調、動作發展、音樂、專注力、英文單字發音等等!之前買過的話這次可以加購積木桶~ 會有更多單字可以學習喔!
✅Go-with-Me ABC Backpack學習背包:
這個是背包造型的ABC英文學習機~ 除了能讓孩子認識A到Z 26個英文字母外、字母按下去就有自然發音法及對應的單字~ 小螢幕上也會出現單字的圖案!🤗🤗🤗 也有磁性畫版可以讓孩子畫畫或學習寫字~ 卡蜜檔然只是練習抓握力及鬼畫符的階段、但俺想讓她從遊戲按鍵上自然接觸這些字母及發音和字彙~ 學習主題則內含:字母、拼字、拼音、藝術與繪畫、動物、寫作等等~
✅Phonics Fun Animal Bus 動物字母發音小巴士:
可愛的School Bus上有著小動物們!按一按26個字母會有四種有趣的活動模式:自然發音、相關字母開頭的動物名稱、音樂及遊戲~ 以上可以發現俺這次添購的品項都是以認識英文字母、發音及字彙為主哦!
✅Musical RainBow Tea Party下午茶扮家家酒茶壺組 :
這是卡蜜最愛的Leapfrog玩具之一!但她的是下午茶派對組~ 只差在多ㄧ個層架~ 從9個多月開始她就會自己拿著茶壺倒水~ 倒的時候真的會有水聲~ 茶壺還會用英文出聲互動~ 比如「I’m empty!Please boil some water!」或是「My favorite tea is strawberry tea, what’s yours?」也有音樂!這組俺真的超級推薦加讚嘆的啊!
✅Learn & Groove Color Play Drum 繽紛彩色學習鼓 :
適合6個月以上~ 這完全不用學習、示範給寶寶看幾次、他們就會用手拍擊了!拍鼓的時候還有彩色的LED燈會閃亮~內建三種音樂風格~ 有古典、搖滾跟Salsa~ 還有三大學習主題~ 節奏、認識顏色及認識數字~ 也ㄧ樣是雙語模式~ 也可以跟著音樂哼唱及拍擊~ 卡蜜也是超愛玩這個~ 沒事就要抓來拍個ㄧ陣~ 所以每次上MT課要玩樂器~ 卡蜜看到扁鼓就狠會拍跟敲~😆😆😆
✅Learning Friends 100 Words Book 100單字互動認知圖鑑:
這個是適合18個月以上的寶寶~ 但卡蜜狠喜歡翻跟按、因爲每頁都有好多圖跟英文單字、按了圖就會有由學習專家設計、適合幼兒的初級字彙英文跟西班牙的發音~ 共有12種學習主題~ 可學習顏色、物品和動物等約100個單字!😃😃😃
✅Little Office Learning Center™ 探索學習桌:
探索學習桌適合六個月以上的寶寶、主要能訓練想像力、英語能力、視覺刺激、及音樂智~ 也能鼓勵寶貝坐起來、站立和蹣跚學步、無論是趴著、坐著或站著都能玩~ 能透過各種上面的按鍵練習精細動作技能、 孩子們可以通過有趣的音樂來探索不同語言的聲音和早期學習技巧~ 如數字、顏色和形狀!地球儀在轉的什候會用英文說出中文、法文、德文及西班牙文打招呼的方式~ 俺超愛跟著Repeat給卡蜜聽~ 像是:「你好 in Hello in Chinese! Hola is Hello in Spanish!! 」到底是誰在認真玩跟學習~🤣🤣🤣 卡蜜到現在每天都還會去摸摸玩玩哦!
✅Scout's Learning Lights Remote Deluxe 新版學習遙控器:
寶寶們都熱愛遙控器~ 卡蜜狠好笑~ 還會拿來當成手機~ 遙控器外型設計、讓寶寶能一手拿著點按遊戲、多樣的燈光效果並結合多種短語的歌曲及音樂~ 也能切換至西班牙語頻道~ 音樂頻道上可聽取三種不同風格歌曲、學習主題則包含形狀、數字、氣候、音樂、短語及小遊戲互動方式哦!
同時也有44部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過134萬的網紅Point of View,也在其Youtube影片中提到,อ้างอิง - Barry, J. M. (2017, November). How the Horrific 1918 Flu Spread Across America. Smithsonian Magazine. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/histor...
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spanish words 在 Mordeth13 Facebook 的最讚貼文
Jenna Cody :
Is Taiwan a real China?
No, and with the exception of a few intervening decades - here’s the part that’ll surprise you - it never has been.
This’ll blow your mind too: that it never has been doesn’t matter.
So let’s start with what doesn’t actually matter.
Until the 1600s, Taiwan was indigenous. Indigenous Taiwanese are not Chinese, they’re Austronesian. Then it was a Dutch colony (note: I do not say “it was Dutch”, I say it was a Dutch colony). Then it was taken over by Ming loyalists at the end of the Ming dynasty (the Ming loyalists were breakaways, not a part of the new Qing court. Any overlap in Ming rule and Ming loyalist conquest of Taiwan was so brief as to be inconsequential).
Only then, in the late 1600s, was it taken over by the Chinese (Qing). But here’s the thing, it was more like a colony of the Qing, treated as - to use Emma Teng’s wording in Taiwan’s Imagined Geography - a barrier or barricade keeping the ‘real’ Qing China safe. In fact, the Qing didn’t even want Taiwan at first, the emperor called it “a ball of mud beyond the pale of civilization”. Prior to that, and to a great extent at that time, there was no concept on the part of China that Taiwan was Chinese, even though Chinese immigrants began moving to Taiwan under Dutch colonial rule (mostly encouraged by the Dutch, to work as laborers). When the Spanish landed in the north of Taiwan, it was the Dutch, not the Chinese, who kicked them out.
Under Qing colonial rule - and yes, I am choosing my words carefully - China only controlled the Western half of Taiwan. They didn’t even have maps for the eastern half. That’s how uninterested in it they were. I can’t say that the Qing controlled “Taiwan”, they only had power over part of it.
Note that the Qing were Manchu, which at the time of their conquest had not been a part of China: China itself essentially became a Manchu imperial holding, and Taiwan did as well, once they were convinced it was not a “ball of mud” but actually worth taking. Taiwan was not treated the same way as the rest of “Qing China”, and was not administered as a province until (I believe) 1887. So that’s around 200 years of Taiwan being a colony of the Qing.
What happened in the late 19th century to change China’s mind? Japan. A Japanese ship was shipwrecked in eastern Taiwan in the 1870s, and the crew was killed by hostile indigenous people in what is known as the Mudan Incident. A Japanese emissary mission went to China to inquire about what could be done, only to be told that China had no control there and if they went to eastern Taiwan, they did so at their own peril. China had not intended to imply that Taiwan wasn’t theirs, but they did. Japan - and other foreign powers, as France also attempted an invasion - were showing an interest in Taiwan, so China decided to cement its claim, started mapping the entire island, and made it a province.
So, I suppose for a decade or so Taiwan was a part of China. A China that no longer exists.
It remained a province until 1895, when it was ceded to Japan after the (first) Sino-Japanese War. Before that could happen, Taiwan declared itself a Republic, although it was essentially a Qing puppet state (though the history here is interesting - correspondence at the time indicates that the leaders of this ‘Republic of Taiwan’ considered themselves Chinese, and the tiger flag hints at this as well. However, the constitution was a very republican document, not something you’d expect to see in Qing-era China.) That lasted for less than a year, when the Japanese took it by force.
This is important for two reasons - the first is that some interpretations of IR theory state that when a colonial holding is released, it should revert to the state it was in before it was taken as a colony. In this case, that would actually be The Republic of Taiwan, not Qing-era China. Secondly, it puts to rest all notions that there was no Taiwan autonomy movement prior to 1947.
In any case, it would be impossible to revert to its previous state, as the government that controlled it - the Qing empire - no longer exists. The current government of China - the PRC - has never controlled it.
After the Japanese colonial era, there is a whole web of treaties and agreements that do not satisfactorily settle the status of Taiwan. None of them actually do so - those which explicitly state that Taiwan is to be given to the Republic of China (such as the Cairo declaration) are non-binding. Those that are binding do not settle the status of Taiwan (neither the treaty of San Francisco nor the Treaty of Taipei definitively say that Taiwan is a part of China, or even which China it is - the Treaty of Taipei sets out what nationality the Taiwanese are to be considered, but that doesn’t determine territorial claims). Treaty-wise, the status of Taiwan is “undetermined”.
Under more modern interpretations, what a state needs to be a state is…lessee…a contiguous territory, a government, a military, a currency…maybe I’m forgetting something, but Taiwan has all of it. For all intents and purposes it is independent already.
In fact, in the time when all of these agreements were made, the Allied powers weren’t as sure as you might have learned about what to do with Taiwan. They weren’t a big fan of Chiang Kai-shek, didn’t want it to go Communist, and discussed an Allied trusteeship (which would have led to independence) or backing local autonomy movements (which did exist). That it became what it did - “the ROC” but not China - was an accident (as Hsiao-ting Lin lays out in Accidental State).
In fact, the KMT knew this, and at the time the foreign minister (George Yeh) stated something to the effect that they were aware they were ‘squatters’ in Taiwan.
Since then, it’s true that the ROC claims to be the rightful government of Taiwan, however, that hardly matters when considering the future of Taiwan simply because they have no choice. To divest themselves of all such claims (and, presumably, change their name) would be considered by the PRC to be a declaration of formal independence. So that they have not done so is not a sign that they wish to retain the claim, merely that they wish to avoid a war.
It’s also true that most Taiwanese are ethnically “Han” (alongside indigenous and Hakka, although Hakka are, according to many, technically Han…but I don’t think that’s relevant here). But biology is not destiny: what ethnicity someone is shouldn’t determine what government they must be ruled by.
Through all of this, the Taiwanese have evolved their own culture, identity and sense of history. They are diverse in a way unique to Taiwan, having been a part of Austronesian and later Hoklo trade routes through Southeast Asia for millenia. Now, one in five (I’ve heard one in four, actually) Taiwanese children has a foreign parent. The Taiwanese language (which is not Mandarin - that’s a KMT transplant language forced on Taiwanese) is gaining popularity as people discover their history. Visiting Taiwan and China, it is clear where the cultural differences are, not least in terms of civic engagement. This morning, a group of legislators were removed after a weekend-long pro-labor hunger strike in front of the presidential palace. They were not arrested and will not be. Right now, a group of pro-labor protesters is lying down on the tracks at Taipei Main Station to protest the new labor law amendments.
This would never be allowed in China, but Taiwanese take it as a fiercely-guarded basic right.
Now, as I said, none of this matters.
What matters is self-determination. If you believe in democracy, you believe that every state (and Taiwan does fit the definition of a state) that wants to be democratic - that already is democratic and wishes to remain that way - has the right to self-determination. In fact, every nation does. You cannot be pro-democracy and also believe that it is acceptable to deprive people of this right, especially if they already have it.
Taiwan is already a democracy. That means it has the right to determine its own future. Period.
Even under the ROC, Taiwan was not allowed to determine its future. The KMT just arrived from China and claimed it. The Taiwanese were never asked if they consented. What do we call it when a foreign government arrives in land they had not previously governed and declares itself the legitimate governing power of that land without the consent of the local people? We call that colonialism.
Under this definition, the ROC can also be said to be a colonial power in Taiwan. They forced Mandarin - previously not a language native to Taiwan - onto the people, taught Chinese history, geography and culture, and insisted that the Taiwanese learn they were Chinese - not Taiwanese (and certainly not Japanese). This was forced on them. It was not chosen. Some, for awhile, swallowed it. Many didn’t. The independence movement only grew, and truly blossomed after democratization - something the Taiwanese fought for and won, not something handed to them by the KMT.
So what matters is what the Taiwanese want, not what the ROC is forced to claim. I cannot stress this enough - if you do not believe Taiwan has the right to this, you do not believe in democracy.
And poll after poll shows it: Taiwanese identify more as Taiwanese than Chinese (those who identify as both primarily identify as Taiwanese, just as I identify as American and Armenian, but primarily as American. Armenian is merely my ethnicity). They overwhelmingly support not unifying with China. The vast majority who support the status quo support one that leads to eventual de jure independence, not unification. The status quo is not - and cannot be - an endgame (if only because China has declared so, but also because it is untenable). Less than 10% want unification. Only a small number (a very small minority) would countenance unification in the future…even if China were to democratize.
The issue isn’t the incompatibility of the systems - it’s that the Taiwanese fundamentally do not see themselves as Chinese.
A change in China’s system won’t change that. It’s not an ethnic nationalism - there is no ethnic argument for Taiwan (or any nation - didn’t we learn in the 20th century what ethnicity-based nation-building leads to? Nothing good). It’s not a jingoistic or xenophobic nationalism - Taiwanese know that to be dangerous. It’s a nationalism based on shared identity, culture, history and civics. The healthiest kind of nationalism there is. Taiwan exists because the Taiwanese identify with it. Period.
There are debates about how long the status quo should go on, and what we should risk to insist on formal recognition. However, the question of whether or not to be Taiwan, not China…
…well, that’s already settled.
The Taiwanese have spoken and they are not Chinese.
Whatever y’all think about that doesn’t matter. That’s what they want, and if you believe in self-determination you will respect it.
If you don’t, good luck with your authoritarian nonsense, but Taiwan wants nothing to do with it.
spanish words 在 鍾氏兄弟 The Chung Brothers Facebook 的最佳貼文
Feb 6, 2021 Playlist
Part 1 – New stuff and tributes
1. 大意 – Walter Kwan (4:01)
VO1.1 (3:50)
2. To Love Somebody – Barry Gibb feat. Jay Buchanan (3:35)
VO1.2 (3:42)
3. Words of a Fool – Barry Gibb feat. Jason Isbell (3:48)
VO1.3 (5:41)
4. Housing of the Rising Sun – The Animals (4:32)
VO1.4 (3:56)
5. To Know Him is to Love Him – The Teddy Bears (2:24)
VO1.5 (1:18)
6. Spanish Harlem – Ben E King (2:53)
7. Pretty Little Angel Eyes – Curtis Lee (2:47)
VO1.6 (2:27)
8. On Broadway – The Drifters (3:06)
Total Time: 50 mins 50 secs
Part 2 – Phil Spector’s
1. He’s a Rebel – The Crystals (2:28)
VO2.1.1 (00:48) + VO2.1.2 (4:21)
2. Da Doo Ron Ron – The Crystals (2:18)
3. Then He Kissed Me - The Crystals (2:37)
VO2.2 (5:32)
4. A Fine, Fine Boy – Darlene Love (2:48)
VO2.3 (1:45)
5. Be My Baby – The Ronettes (2:41)
6. Walking in the Rain - The Ronettes (3:16)
VO 2.4 (2:37)
7. Unchained Melody – The Righteous Brothers (3:38)
VO2.6 (2:14)
8. The Long and Winding Road – Paul McCartney (3:38)
VO2.7 (3:38)
9. Imagine – John Lennon (3:04)
Total Time: 51 mins 10 secs
spanish words 在 Point of View Youtube 的最佳貼文
- Barry, J. M. (2017, November). How the Horrific 1918 Flu Spread Across America. Smithsonian Magazine. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/journal-plague-year-180965222/
- Brown, J. (2018, December 18). The 1918 Influenza Pandemic: How Far Have We Come? Scientific American. https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/the-1918-influenza-pandemic-how-far-have-we-come/
- Editors of Merriam-Webster. (2019, December 16). Flu Season: The History of ‘Influenza.’ The Merriam-Webster Dictionary. https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/influenza-flu-word-history-origin
- influenza | Origin and meaning of influenza by Online Etymology Dictionary. (n.d.). Online Etymology Dictionary. https://www.etymonline.com/word/influenza
- Laoupi, A. (2011, April). Fires from Heaven. Comets and diseases in circum-Mediterranean Disaster Myths. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/332710803_Fires_from_Heaven_Comets_and_diseases_in_circum-Mediterranean_Disaster_Myths
- Saul, T. (n.d.). Inside the Swift, Deadly History of the Spanish Flu Pandemic. National Geographic. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/history-magazine/article/history-spanish-flu-pandemic
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00:00 ทำไมเล่า
01:28 ที่มาไข้หวัดสเปน
04:47 เจอไข้หวัดสเปนครั้งแรก
12:52 ที่มาของชื่อ
spanish words 在 Learn English and more with Ms.Tomato Youtube 的精選貼文
This time we are going to learn some Spanish phrases. I will speak English first, then Spanish. I hope you will practice well and try to speak Spanish as soon as you hear English.
Phrases can't be memorized just by listening to them once, so it's important to practice them over and over again.
🇪🇸Learn 1000 Phrases in Spanish before You Sleep
spanish words 在 Lindie Botes Youtube 的精選貼文
My brother and I try to answer questions from the Sibling Tag in Afrikaans, French and English. (And some words from our own made up language!)
You might remember my brother from the Guess the Language challenge video we did here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wE-x5TjHz-k
0:00 Meet my brother
00:21 Who is the oldest? (Afrikaans)
00:43 Likes and dislikes about each other (English)
01:37 What do we have in common? (French)
02:33 Funniest memories (Afrikaans)
03:34 He embarrassed me in Japan
04:42 Fighting over bananas (English)
05:25 Mastermind - our favorite game (French)
06:44 He hurt my feelings :(
07:25 Dating each other's friends... (Afrikaans)
08:08 Made-up words & nicknames for each other
09:38 Embarrassing photos? (French)
10:37 Our hideous Boomer Selfie
[Filmed in February before travel restrictions]
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Welcome to my channel! My name is Lindie and I share my love for languages through my polyglot progress and language learning tips here. South African by birth, I spent most of my life in France, Pakistan, the UAE and Japan. Now I work as a UI/UX designer in Singapore. I'm a Christian and strive to shine God’s light in all I do. May this channel inspire you to reach your language goals!
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Korean Grammar in Use Intermediate → https://geni.us/KoreanGrammarUse
Korean TOPIK exam prep → https://geni.us/TOPIK2prep
Short Stories in Spanish → https://geni.us/spanishshortstories
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Tripod → https://geni.us/ManfrottoTravel
Some links are affiliate links, and a percentage goes towards supporting my channel.
Collabs & partnerships: hello@lindiebotes.com
spanish words 在 20 Spanish Words for Everyday Life - Basic Vocabulary #1 的推薦與評價
This is the best video to start building your Spanish vocabulary.https://bit.ly/30dNFgX Click here to learn Spanish twice as fast with FREE ... ... <看更多>
spanish words 在 900+ Best Spanish Words ideas in 2022 - Pinterest 的推薦與評價
Feb 5, 2022 - Explore Karen Duggan's board "Spanish Words", followed by 186 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about spanish words, learning spanish, ... ... <看更多>
spanish words 在 300 Words Every Spanish Beginner Must Know - YouTube 的推薦與評價
This is the best video to get started with Spanish language https://bit.ly/2Zz6k5u Click here to learn Spanish twice as fast with FREE PDF! ... <看更多>