七海seven seas幫到你😃
我是透過student accommodation reception的廣告單張到認識他們的,因為實在不知道有哪些其他這類型的公司 所以就二話不說選擇了他們
嗯 我覺得他們的服務是真的很好
不過我略嫌他們有點貴 所以請大家按自己需求去衡量吧
🔹很方便和易用,想知道價錢只要上他們官網get quote就可以了。
🔹為顧客提供封箱專用膠紙、bubble wrap和marker pen,節省顧客的時間。👍👍
以我為例,我只需要一個large box就可以了,但最低消費是兩個large box,結果我便多了一個空箱,還好我可以和男朋友夾份,否則便浪費錢了。
🔸小編並不了解其他公司的費用,但感覺seven seas真的略微貴了點。
我選擇的服務是2 large boxes home to home的服務
總數是: HKD$1190
網站: www.sevenseasworldwide.com
免費查詢電話: +44 800 216698
#sevenseasworldwide #sevenseas #七海 #托運 #搬家 #英國 #留學 #hkig #ukig #hk #graduation #回國 #畢業
student accommodation hk 在 馮智政 Facebook 的最佳解答
Beyond 1104: Symposium on Asiaʼs World Citizen 2016 will be held from 18-22 July this year. We welcome
1) all Form 3 to Form 6 local/ overseas students (Year 9 - 12 students)
2) Local Undergraduate Students as students' mentors.
You may:
--Connect with Experts with HK’s Asia Vision from all walks of life.
--Take part in a Model LegCo hosted by Hon. Mr. Jasper Tsang(曾鈺成議員) and go through its policy debate and policy legislation process. Voice your ideas about Hong Kong’s future development
--Publish the policy you designed together with Prof. Priscilla Lau Pui-king, Member of the NPC (劉佩瓊教授, 港區人大代表) and Mr. Tai Hay Lap , Member of the CPPCC(戴希立校長, 全國政協委員).
--Receive Certificate presented by representatives of Consulates General of different Asian Countries and International Organisations
--Meet Overseas participants to share different culture in Asia
Schedule of the programme:
18-20/7: Globalization Asia Seminars
21-22/7: Glocalization Symposium on Asia World City
Application Fee: HK$ 1,000
(including all activities, 2-day accommodation and transportation during the Glocalization Symposium on Asia World City).
***For student under CSSA scheme, please contact teachers for fee remission***
You can also visit the following website to know more about our programme
Should you have any enquiries, please don't hesitate to contact our page or
contact David Chow at 3920 0612. We will contact you in person.
#youth #Asia #Summer #International #AsiaWorldCity #youthprogram