「留學必經茫然、未知與挑戰,但也將充滿各種可能、自信與成就。」畢業於美國賓州大學的蘇玉守道出了許多留學學子的心聲。蘇博士在進入職場十幾年後勇敢出國追求留學夢,雖然經歷了課堂上「鴨子聽雷」的挫折以及做研究時的辛苦寂寞,但在異鄉「每一天都在實現夢想」。快來欣賞「我的美國經驗」系列的最後一篇文章,瞭解國際學生在美唸書的共同的經驗與回憶。請上青年發展服務平台 http://www.achievor.com/ 瀏覽全文。文章連結:http://goo.gl/TtgvBJ
Although the path of studying abroad is full of uncertainty and challenges, it also opens up more possibilities and brings you self-esteem.” A graduate from the University of Pennsylvania Dr. Yu Shou Su illustrates vividly the common experiences among international students. After working in Taiwan for more than a decade, Dr. Su bravely pursued his dream of studying abroad in the United States. Having experienced frustration from the language barrier and challenges of conducting research, Dr. Su still felt “every day for me is dream-fulfilling.” Want to learn more about international students’ lives and memories, please visit the Youth Development Network Platform (http://www.achievor.com/) for Su’s full article.
Link: http://goo.gl/TtgvBJ