Defending Taiwan against potential enemy invasion cannot be accomplished by one party alone, it requires a joint effort, President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) said Monday as she commemorated the 63rd anniversary of the Artillery Bombardment of Kinmen, also called the Second Taiwan Strait Crisis.
「taiwan strait crisis」的推薦目錄:
taiwan strait crisis 在 王定宇 Facebook 的最佳貼文
1. 首次將台海安全列入。
2. 台海安危視為日本安全的最大挑戰,台灣遭受中國攻擊,將會影響日本存續,日本史無前例地研究計畫如何因應這樣的狀況。
3. 日本將台海局勢從2020年的“attention needs to be paid to trends”調整為2021年的Japan must “pay close attention” to the Taiwan Strait “with a sense of crisis more than ever before,” 。
—以下引自Nikkei Asia——
TOKYO — A conflict in the Taiwan Strait would present one of the biggest challenges to Japan’s security, a new defense white paper shows, as Tokyo delves into unprecedented detail on how it plans to protect the country’s territory in such a scenario.
Japan must “pay close attention” to the Taiwan Strait “with a sense of crisis more than ever before,” the document published Tuesday said.
The Defense Ministry cited the importance of cross-strait stability in its annual report for the first time, signaling a growing sense of urgency from the 2020 white paper, which said “attention needs to be paid to trends”.
taiwan strait crisis 在 管碧玲 (kuanbiling) Facebook 的最讚貼文
美國「外交」雜誌最新一篇報導,說明G7領袖聯合公報中納入台海和平安全的議題,代表「台灣海峽的危機將影響歐洲利益」的意識,越來越高漲。這篇名為:The EU’s Stake in the Taiwan Strait Issue(歐盟在台海問題上的利害關係)的報導,並說明讓七國同意這個議題被列入並不容易,內幕是:德國、法國的先頭部隊不敢決定,是到最後一天早上,才達成共識的!
報導最先指出這個聲明的意義說:「最新聲明表現岀一個海峽危機將能影響歐洲利益的意識越來越高漲」(Recent statements reflect growing awareness of how a crisis in the strait would impact European interests.)。
文中,整理出關注台海問題的用語,不斷出現的大事紀。這個句子是「我們強調台海和平穩定的重要性,並鼓勵和平解決兩岸問題」(We underscore the importance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, and encourage the peaceful resolution of cross-Strait issues.)
這簡潔的句子首次出現在6/13 G-7高峰會公報中;
除此之外,強調台海和平與穩定的重要性,在2021 Q2幾個最高層級的聯合聲明中不斷出現,包括:
今年的G7,目標是肺炎大流行的恢復及「重建要更好」,十分受到關注,世界各地的政治領袖全都在密切關注:美國新政府及其合作夥伴如何就議程進行談判。 包括什麼議題將成為他們的共同優先事項。
The inclusion of the Taiwan Strait issue as a shared agenda item – under the “Global Responsibility and International Action” heading – was not an easy decision among the seven capitals. According to political and diplomatic sources cited by a Tokyo-based news agency, before the summit, the G-7 sherpas of France and Germany argued that since the Taiwan Strait issue had been touched upon clearly in the Foreign Ministers’ joint statement a month ago already, it might not be necessary to bring up the issue in the leaders’ communiqué. France and Germany were looking to mitigate the irritations to Beijing. The U.S. and Japanese representatives, on the other hand, suggested the necessity of such a move, arguing that the situation in the Taiwan Strait is a topic closely linked to their national security and that failing to mention it would deliver the wrong impression that the leaders collectively have no concerns over the issue. The sherpas thus left the decision to the heads of state and government over the course of the summit. It was not until the morning of the last day of the summit that French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel agreed on including the Taiwan Strait issue in the communiqué.
歐盟和美國對中國的威脅認知、安全利益和採取應對措施,並不總相同。 然而,台海和平穩定確實符合歐盟的價值觀和利益。
支援和參與台海和平穩定,並不代表為了對抗中國選擇美國。 這恰好擺明歐盟致力於維護其價值觀和捍衛其利益的態度,是與其對中戰略一致。
(A firm commitment with regards to the Taiwan Strait issue is indeed in line with the EU’s strategy on China.
Endorsing and engaging in peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait does not mean choosing the U.S. side in order to counter China. It is rather an illustration of the EU’s dedication to uphold its values and safeguard its interests, which is in concert with its own China strategy.)
taiwan strait crisis 在 The Taiwan Straits Crises: 1954–55 and 1958 - Milestones ... 的相關結果
Tensions between the People's Republic of China (PRC) and the Republic of China (ROC) in the 1950s resulted in armed conflict over strategic islands in the ... ... <看更多>
taiwan strait crisis 在 The Taiwan Strait Crisis: Its Crux and Solutions - jstor 的相關結果
In March 1996 the world saw the most serious confron- tation in the Taiwan Strait since the 1958 Kinmen crisis.' China deployed. ... <看更多>
taiwan strait crisis 在 Third Taiwan Strait Crisis - Wikipedia 的相關結果
The Third Taiwan Strait Crisis, also called the 1995–1996 Taiwan Strait Crisis or the 1996 Taiwan Strait Crisis, was the effect of a series of missile tests ... ... <看更多>