* space exploration (compound noun): traveling through the universe in order to know more about it —> thám hiểm vũ trụ
* enhance one’s knowledge (verb phrase): to increase or further improve the understanding of somebody —> nâng cao kiến thức
* outer space (noun phrase): the same as space, the area outside the earth’s atmosphere where all the other planets and stars are —> không gian vũ trụ
* space program (compound noun): the programs that are operated to explore the space —> các chương trình thám hiểm vũ trụ
* natural disaster (noun phrase): the unexpected event caused by nature, resulting in a lot of damage —> thảm họa thiên nhiên
* satellite television (compound noun): television broadcasting using a satellite to relay signals to appropriately equipped customers in a particular area —> truyền hình vệ tinh
* extra-terrestrial beings = extraterrestrials (noun phrase): a creature that comes from another planet; a creature that may exist on another planet —> sinh vật ngoài hành tinh
* habitable land (noun phrase): the land that is suitable for people to live in —> vùng đất có thể sinh sống được
* space mission (compound noun): A journey, by a manned or unmanned vehicle, into space for a specific reason (normally to gather scientific data) —> chuyến hành trình thám hiểm vũ trụ
* rocket (noun): a spacecraft in the shape of a tube that is driven by a stream of gases let out behind it when fuel is burned inside —> tên lửa
* space shuttle (compound noun): a rocket-launched spacecraft, able to land like an unpowered aircraft, used to make repeated journeys between the earth and earth orbit —> phi thuyền không gian, tàu con thoi
* astronaut (noun): a person whose job involves traveling and working in a spacecraft —> phi hành gia
* unmanned spacecraft >< manned spacecraft (noun phrase): the spacecraft that does not need a person to control or operate —> Tàu vũ trụ không người lái
* debris (noun): pieces of wood, metal, brick, etc. that are left after something has been destroyed —> mảnh vỡ vụn, mảnh vụn
* light year (compound noun): the distance that light travels in one year, 9.4607 × 1012 kilometers —> năm ánh sáng
Link chi tiết: https://ielts-thanhloan.com/goc-tu-van/tu-vung-va-y-tuong-ielts-writing-theo-chu-de-space-exploration.html
「terrestrial planet」的推薦目錄:
terrestrial planet 在 Facebook 的精選貼文
大家有看過 #三體 這本書嗎?令我最感動和震撼的部分是當外星人發現地球的存在時的反應。住在只有極熱和極冷,被三個太陽包圍的星球的他們不敢相信這宇宙有一個完美氣候的地方。一個有四季,有陽光,雨,雪,山,海,各種自然生態系統和環境的地方。外星人把這裡形容為天堂。他們極度妒忌,也決定要侵入地球,讓自己人民有一個氣候穩定的星球為家。
有很多可以做,大大小小都有 - 少點外賣/少吃肉/不要用一次性塑膠料東西/自帶水杯/循環再用/參加環保活動等。#地球日快樂 🌏
In #TheThreeBodyProblem (highly recommended book), I was most touched when aliens first discover Earth’s existence. Living on a planet surrounded by 3 suns, they deal with extreme heat and extreme cold. They couldn’t believe that Earth had perfect liveable climate, with different temperatures, seasons and environments, that there was sunshine, ocean, mountains, and so much biodiversity. They became extremely jealous, describing Earth as paradise and decided to invade this planet, to give their own people a better home. This made me reflect a lot. Wow, Earth is indeed so so special, there isn’t anywhere like it in our observable universe and the fact we exist is because our nature is so perfectly designed that life blossomed. I felt so lucky to be born on this rare planet.
The climate crisis is the most pressing and dire issue of our generation, I really hope we can all take part in conserving our only home, the planet that any extra terrestrial would be jealous of.
Let’s all try - get less delivery/eat less meat/recycle/don’t use single use plastics/bring your own bottle/get involved in conservation efforts - so many little and big ways 🙂
#HappyEarthDay 🤍 @ Planet Earth
terrestrial planet 在 李婉鈺Adrean Lee Facebook 的精選貼文
因為不甘願自己去實在看不懂門道,拜託大內高手Judy Chiang帶我再看一次😆
這次的「#台北雙年展- #你我不住在同一星球上」有來自27個國家和地區共57位參與者及團隊,強勁陣容實在感謝中國信託文教基金會為台灣人爭光。
無視星球極限而堅持實行現代化的「全球化星球」(Planet GLOBALIZATION);感到被全球化背叛而意圖築牆與外界隔絕的「維安星球」(Planet SECURITY);少數特權人士想在火星定居以避開世界末日的「脫逃星球」(Planet ESCAPE);無法負擔昂貴星際旅行轉而安身於形上學信念中、探討存有本質的「另類重力星球」 (Planet with ALTERNATIVE GRAVITY); 以及關心氣候變遷並試圖調和經濟繁榮與星球負載之間平衡的「實地星球」(Planet TERRESTRIAL)。