我們其中最喜愛的人物是「小紅帽」(原名聶靖文 )。她大膽、迷人又出奇地虔誠。雖然住在市區,但我們幻想她的爸爸是漁民,住在港島岸邊一間魚排屋,村裡的廟宇、近乎空置的街道都反映她追求平靜、簡單而純潔的想法和生活方式。
在她第一個訪問中,分享了自己對周遭的看法。沒有人能想像到:她是如此的擅長表達 、如此的專注,充滿了個人奇想。
With Hong Kong Trilogy we wished to make a film that reflected the three generations of Hong Kongers : Primary school kids, Students and young professionals, and the Elderly.
Since we are neither of them, Jenny did a lot of interviews. From the interviews we chose five or so stories for each group and had the people whose stories we chose to act themselves.
We took the interviews expanded them into a story. So we started in fact, in the thoughts and ways of our characters but developed them into a fiction that the stories suggested. It was exciting and liberating, allowing the style and storytelling to be open-ended and eclectic.
One of our favorites was “ Little Red Cap ” (Lip Ching-man) . She was bold and charming and unexpectedly religious. She lives in town but we imagined her father was actually a fisherman and that they lived on a houseboat on the edge of Hong Kong Island. The village temple and the mostly empty village streets suggested a more peaceful, simpler, purer way of thinking and living that her character seemed to be searching for.
In her first interview, she shares what she sees the world the way she does. No-one like us could imagine: so expressive, so focused, so full of intent.
So she and the other characters made the film what it really is: a celebration of the unexpected and wondrous which is Hong Kong ….
影片來源Video:《香港三部曲之開門見山》“Hong Kong Trilogy : Pre-schooled ”(2014)
#香港三部曲 #開門見山 #JennySuen #現實與幻象
#HongKongTrilogy #Preschooled #白海 #realorimagined