每部被選入的電影都有專文介紹說明入選原因,在《色,戒》的部分,影評人安潔莉卡.潔德.巴斯汀(Angelica Jade Bastién)提到《斷背山》原本也獲得討論,但《色,戒》片末易先生的那顆鏡頭(未免暴雷,就不透露),實在對她而言更具力道。
(101)《楊朵 Yentle》(1983)
(100)《灰熊人 Grizzly Man》(2005)
(99)《沙漠之心 Desert Hearts》(1985)
(98)《我們 Us》(2019)
(97)《大幻影 The Grand Illusion》(1937)
(96)《閃亮的馬鞍 Blazing Saddles》(1974)
(95)《麥基與尼基 Mikey and Nicky》(1976)
(94)《姐妹情仇 What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?》(1962)
(93)《醉好的時光 Another Round》(2020)
(92)《巴西 Brazil》(1985)
(91)《愛戀風塵 High Tide》(1987)
(90)《榮耀之役 Lagaan》(2001)
(89)《女畫家與偷畫賊 The Painter and the Thief》(2020)
(88)《懸崖上的野餐 Picnic at Hanging Rock》(1975)
(87)《媽媽咪呀!回來了 Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again》(2018)
(86)《一位陌生女子的來信 Letter From an Unknown Woman》(1948)
(85)《牧師的最後誘惑 First Reformed》(2018)
(84)《怪胎 Freaks》(1932)
(83)《刑與愛的邊緣 Clemency》(2019)
(82)《仲夏夜玫瑰 Eve’s Bayou》(1997)
(81)《沉默的羔羊 The Silence of the Lambs》(1991)
(80)《著魔 Possession》(1981)
(79)《贗品 F for Fake》(1973)
(78)《最後迪斯可 The Last Days of Disco》(1998)
(77)《迷失之地 Losing Ground》(1982)
(76)《傾聽我的聲音 Sound of My Voice》(2011)
(75)《發暈 Moonstruck》(1987)
(74)《惡棍特工 Inglourious Basterds》(2009)
(73)《螢火蟲之墓 Grave of the Fireflies》(1988)
(72)《搭便車的人 The Hitch-Hiker》(1953)
(71)《隱藏攝影機 Caché》(2005)
(70)《美國風情畫 American Graffiti》(1973)
(69)《無知時刻 A Moment of Innocence》(1996)
(68)《深入絕地 The Descent》(2005)
(67)《變調搖滾樂 Gimme Shelter》(1970)
(66)《蘭花賊 Adaptation》(2002)
(65)《視差 The Parallax View》(1974)
(64)《鋼琴師與他的情人 The Piano》(1993)
(63)《異教徒 The Wicker Man》(1975)
(62)《顛父人生 Toni Erdmann》(2016)
(61)《社群網戰 The Social Network》(2010)
(60)《與巴席爾跳華爾滋 Waltz with Bashir》(2008)
(59)《頂尖對決 The Prestige》(2006)
(58)《北非諜影 Casablanca》(1943)
(57)《郎心如鐵 A Place in the Sun》(1951)
(56)《厄夜叢林 The Blair Witch Project》(1999)
(55)《末路狂花 Thelma & Louise》(1991)
(54)《捉神弄鬼 Death Becomes Her》(1992)
(53)《芬妮與亞歷山大 Fanny and Alexander》(1983)
(52)《天國與地獄 High and Low》(1963)
(51)《月光下的藍色男孩 Moonlight》(2016)
(50)《撫養亞利桑那 Raising Arizona》(1987)
(49)《神秘失蹤 The Vanishing》(1988)
(48)《歡迎光臨奇幻城堡 The Florida Project》(2017)
(47)《活死人之夜 Night of the Living Dead》(1968)
(46)《不羈夜 Boogie Nights》(1997)
(45)《性昏迷 Bad Timing》(1980)
(44)《無為而治 Being There》(1979)
(43)《千金小姐 The Heiress》(1949)
(42)《美好的星期五 The Long Good Friday》(1980)
(41)《大樹之歌The World of Apu》(1959)
(40)《萬世魔星 Monty Python’s Life of Brian》(1979)
(39)《大淘金 The Italian Job》(1969)
(38)《色,戒 Lust, Caution》(2007)
(37)《驚悚末日 Melancholia》(2011)
(36)《天涯芳蹤 Morvern Callar》(2002)
(35)《地方英雄 Local Hero》(1983)
(34)《甜蜜蜜 Comrades: Almost a Love Story》(1996)
(33)《焦點新聞 Z》(1969)
(32)《法櫃奇兵 Raiders of the Lost Ark》(1981)
(31)《城市之光 City Lights》(1931)
(30)《正義難伸The Thin Blue Line》(1988)
(29)《納許維爾 Nashville》(1975)
(28)《彗星美人 All About Eve》(1950)
(27)《鳥 The Birds》(1963)
(26)《搜索者 The Searchers》(1956)
(25)《25小時 25th Hour》(2002)
(24)《馬里奧普佐的教父,尾聲:麥克柯里昂之死 Mario Puzo’s The Godfather, Coda: The Death of Michael Corleone》(2020)
(23)《相見恨晚 Brief Encounter》(1945)
(22)《花樣年華 In the Mood for Love》(2000)
(21)《揚帆 Now, Voyager》(1942)
(20)《基督的最後誘惑 The Last Temptation of Christ》(1998)
(19)《新娘不是我 My Best Friend’s Wedding》(1997)
(18)《驚爆點 Point Break》(1991)
(17)《愛在日落巴黎時 Before Sunset》(2004)
(16)《烈火悍將 Heat》(1995)
(15)《珍妮德爾曼 Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles》(1975)
(14)《橄欖樹下的情人 Through the Olive Trees》(1994)
(13)《殺人一舉 The Act of Killing》(2012)
(12)《突變第三型 The Thing》(1982)
(11)《穆荷蘭大道 Mulholland Drive》(2001)
(10)《燃燒女子的畫像 Portrait of a Lady on Fire》(2019)
(9)《孤獨地方 In a Lonely Place》(1950)
(8)《大開眼戒 Eyes Wide Shut》(1999)
(7)《八又二分之一 8 1/2》(1963)
(6)《回不去的時光 Phoenix》(2014)
(5)《熱情如火 Some Like It Hot》(1959)
(4)《狂宴 Big Night》(1996)
(3)《非常母親 Mother》(2009)
(2)《黑獄亡魂 The Third Man》(1949)
(1)《軍中禁戀 Beau Travail》(1999)
(附圖來自《Vulture》,插畫家為James Clapham。)
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過13萬的網紅コペル英会話,也在其Youtube影片中提到,こんにちは、イムランです! 大人と子供向けの英会話レッスン動画をアップしています。 今日はリクエストにお答えして1日100言です。 この動画では英語英会話一日一言の001から100までをどんどん言っていきます。みなさんは、それを聞き取ってリピートしてください。 言った英語表現は下の方に書いてます...
the italian job movie 在 Moviematic 電影對白圖 Facebook 的最讚貼文
🌟明星專題- Jason Statham 積遜·史達頓 🌟
Jason Statham 1998年接拍第一部電影《 夠薑四小強》
mm精選了數套覺得Jason Statham最深刻印象的角色與電影 🎥
1. 《換命快遞系列 The Transporter Series》- Frank Martin (2002-2008)
2. 《偷天換日 The Italian Job》- Handsome Rob (2003)
3. 《駁命來電 Cellular》- Ethan (2004)
4. 《轟天猛將系列 The Expendables Series》- Lee Christmas (2010-2014)
5. 《秒速殺機系列 The Mechanic Series》- Arthur Bishop (2011-2016)
6. 《狂野時速6,7,8 Fast and Furious Series 6,7,8》- Deckard Shaw (2013-2017)
7. 《凸務MADAM Spy》- Rick Ford (2015)
8. 《極悍巨鯊 The Meg》- Jonas Taylor (2018)
你們最喜愛 Jason Statham哪套電影呢?🙋
#JasonStatham #積遜史達頓 #傑森史塔森 #movie #film #電影對白圖 #moviematic #語錄#文字 #電影 #電影台詞 #電影對白 #對白 #明星專題 #mm明星專題
the italian job movie 在 看電影學英文 Facebook 的最佳貼文
Hard work today? Review these and take a rest.
電影 Morning Glory – 麻辣女強人, 10 句精彩對話 The End.
The amazing job Becky had done to Daybreak had caught Today show’s eyes on her.
1. Obviously, we have a long track record of success here at the Today show, but we're always looking to stay current, to get out of our comfort zone, and we want the show to have that youthful energy.
很顯然的, 我們Today 節目一直長久保持著非常成功的紀錄, 但我們仍朝著緊跟潮流, 跳脫舒適圈, 並且要求節目注入年輕的能量。
2. You have done an amazing job of revitalizing a show that many people had just completely written off.
妳讓一個被許多人認為毫無價值(written off)的節目起死回生(revitalizing)了!
(write off somebody/something, to decide that someone or something is not important)
3. God forbid, anyone around here should be happy, but you had to have this happen, didn't you?
大家都快樂的在這裡工作, 但你卻是硬要讓這種事發生, 不是嗎? 你真不應該(God forbid)
4. In respect to sports, I think that it's really important to reach out to women through their kids because it's not that big of a step to go from being a soccer mom to...
我對體育(節目)的看法, 要透過婦女的小孩來吸引她們(觀注體育節目), 因為這樣雖然還不能一下子就讓她們成為媽媽球迷...
5. Mike Pomeroy is having a nervous breakdown on air. That's kind of big news.
Mike Pomeroy在節目中發生了異常的行為! 那還真是個大新聞呢!
(nervous breakdown, A severe or incapacitating emotional disorder.)
6. I've been making frittata for about 20 years now, ever since I was taught how to, on a naked weekend with a beautiful Italian movie star, who shall, of course, remain nameless.
(特別把這句話放上來是小編很喜歡Harrison Ford 講這段話的幽默感)
7. We'll let this firm up a little bit. Dash of pepper.
我們再等它(frittata)成型一點(烹煮), 灑點胡椒
8. We'll give it a few seconds, then we'll pop it in the hot oven.
等個幾秒鐘, 然後把它放進熱烤箱裡
9. I'll just free up the edges.
10. His gravity leavens the silliness of morning TV, making for an incongruous but somehow perfect match.
他的沈穩台風一改無趣的晨間新聞, 看似不協調卻是完美的組合
11. What if we got you a body double?
Becky and Mike revitalized the Daybreak show!
The End.
the italian job movie 在 コペル英会話 Youtube 的精選貼文
1 What do you do for a living?
2 It took an hour and a half.
3 I'm into studying English.
4 I'm sorry I'm late.
5 I shouldn't have bought it.
6 How have you been?
7 The restroom is right down the hall.
8 I'll play tennis tomorrow.
9 I went to buy groceries.
10 What's up?
11 My boyfriend is moody.
12 It was so embarrassing!
13 Coper is by far the best English school I've ever been to.
14 I've never been there.
15 No way!
16 I haven't decided [yet].
17 Congratulations! That's great!
18 You look different today. Did you get a haircut?
19 I'm leaving for good.
20 I might go see a movie.
21 Imran told me (that) it's going to be cold tomorrow. ,
Imran said (that) it's going to be cold tomorrow.
22 I'm used to getting up early.
23 Do you get along with your boss?
24 I sleep in on the weekends.
25 The other day, I went to Kyoto.
26 I decided not to go.
27 I couldn't stand it!
28 I've known them since forever.
29 I'm allergic to pineapples.
30 I get rashes.
31 What's your New Year resolution?
32 That sounds difficult.
33 You look busy. You seem busy.
34 I'm fine.
35 I visited my parents over the weekend.
36 I took a day off today.
37 I'm sure you'll like it.
38 I'd love to!
39 I'm sick of working late.
40 Why? Why is that? Why not? How come?
41 over 5 years.
42 What do you do, exactly? What exactly do you do?
43 I'm wondering what I should get.
44 It was kind of boring.
45 I have to go home early tonight.
46 speaking of….
47 Did you have a good time?
48 I usually stay home and watch TV on weekends.
49 Okay, I will.
50 Not really.
51 Who won?
52 I like your shirt.
53 I couldn't stand the noise.
54 I feel like Italian.
55 I'm turning 30 this year.
56 How can you be so naive?
57 I moved into a new place. I moved to a new place.
58 It's your lucky day today.
59 Can you tell me more about yourself?
60 Do you have any plans for GW?
61 I don't like apple juice so much. I don't like apple juice that much."
62 What do you do, exactly?
63 I've always wanted to visit Italy.
64 I've been there twice.
65 I've never been there.
66 What's it like there?
67 Can you say that again?
68 What did you do over the weekend?
How was it?
Did you do anything else?
Did you have a good time? "
69 Do you play soccer?
70 I just play for fun.
71 But, However
72 I don't like him at all.
73 I wonder if he's coming.
74 maybe I will
75 I just felt like it.
76 I was in a hurry, so I took a taxi (cab) home. I took a taxi (cab) home because I was in a hurry.
77 It was already over by the time I got there.
78 I had to hurry home.
79 I take English lessons once a week.
80 I can't wait.
81 How was your day?
82 Why don't you take him to Tokyo Tower?
83 What's he like?
84 You remind me of a friend in high school.
85 I wish I were rich.
86 I don't know much about Imran.
87 I feel bad.
88 I feel sorry.
89 Can you say that again?
90 I had a sore throat.
91 I had a headache.
92 I like all kinds of music.
93 How do you like it here?
94 I've been busy with work.
95 I'd been sick
96 Did you lose weight?
97 I might've lost weight.
98 How's your new job?
99 Have we met?
100 I got married last year.