嚟緊下個星期六(10/6)我都會去studio City依個Summer Love Pool Party㗎!可以玩成日💓大家都快啲拉埋朋友仔一齊嚟join啦~ 到時見🙆🏼
趁仲有Early Bird優惠($450),快訂票啦! https://goo.gl/kR7Zph
Pacha Macau's #SummerLovePoolParty is back! Summer splash is something you can’t miss in coming months. Again, this year we got a star-studded lineup with many DJ big names.
Let’s get cool from the summer heat with hottest sips and party music at #StudioCity Outdoor Pool!
Get ready for the first party on June 10 kicked off by EDX, Djs From Mars continuing the party on July 15, and Roger Sanchez signing off the 2017 summer on August 19! Stay tuned for ticket on-sale date!
【Pool Party火熱回歸!】熱辣辣的暑假,讓「派馳」的夏日盛典 #仲夏池畔派對 開啟你的party mode!今年繼續有多位國際知名DJ獻上熾熱音樂,一同掀起派對巨浪,High爆 #新濠影滙 戶外游泳池!
首場派對將於6月10日由EDX為你打響頭炮, 接著是7月15的Djs From Mars,最後Roger Sanchez在8月19日為夏天畫上完美句號!門票開賣日期即將公佈,密切期待!
#這才是娛樂 #ThisIsEntertainment
「the pool sanchez」的推薦目錄:
the pool sanchez 在 Candy Wong 黃家慰 Facebook 的最佳貼文
Wa條片拍得咁火辣辣,好彩我都有得去新濠影滙呢個Summer Love Pool Party👙🎪!
訂票: https://goo.gl/kR7Zph
Pacha Macau's #SummerLovePoolParty is back! Summer splash is something you can’t miss in coming months. Again, this year we got a star-studded lineup with many DJ big names.
Let’s get cool from the summer heat with hottest sips and party music at #StudioCity Outdoor Pool!
Get ready for the first party on June 10 kicked off by EDX, Djs From Mars continuing the party on July 15, and Roger Sanchez signing off the 2017 summer on August 19! Stay tuned for ticket on-sale date!
【Pool Party火熱回歸!】熱辣辣的暑假,讓「派馳」的夏日盛典 #仲夏池畔派對 開啟你的party mode!今年繼續有多位國際知名DJ獻上熾熱音樂,一同掀起派對巨浪,High爆 #新濠影滙 戶外游泳池!
首場派對將於6月10日由EDX為你打響頭炮, 接著是7月15的Djs From Mars,最後Roger Sanchez在8月19日為夏天畫上完美句號!門票開賣日期即將公佈,密切期待!
#這才是娛樂 #ThisIsEntertainment