Loving these Mosh! thermos', been matching my outfits everyday! Last day to get yours too! (https://pse.is/3q9qjr)
對的,我也加入了使用復古且新潮設計的保溫杯行列,因為它又美又好用,拿起來就是有種幸福感。我特別喜歡原色,它們很大方又百搭,跟服裝總能呼應或撞色,既實用又時尚的配件,媽媽最愛帶它到超商買咖啡,自備杯子既環保也能節省 3塊台幣!Why Not?
家裡原有幾個保溫瓶,但總是沒辦法完全裝進超商賣的卡布奇諾。這個保溫瓶可以裝滿一整杯咖啡(大容量 450 毫升) 它採用雙層不銹鋼設計,可以保持冷熱飲品的溫度。它還有一個方便的小矽膠標籤,有助於防止飲料灑出,並可以毫不費力的掛在掛繩上。尤其是當媽媽的已經沒有手再拿東西的時候。
如果你有覺得這個保溫瓶又潮又實用的話,點擊以下連結就可以購買囉! (https://pse.is/3q9qjr)
Yup that’s right, I got on the bandwagon and joined the million+ people that fell in love with this vintage American milk bottle design. I love primary colors, they make a nice accessory to get to 7-11 grab a coffee and save 3NT.
I have about 20 thermos’ at home that just can’t fit a cappuccino from 7-11. This thermos holds my full cup of coffee (full capacity of 450mL) It has a double-layer stainless steel design to insulate both hot and cold drinks. It’s also got a handy little silicon tab that helps to keep the drink from spilling and makes it easy to hang on a lanyard, especially when my hands are full.
Click here if ya wanna jump on the bandwagon too! (https://pse.is/3q9qjr)
同時也有225部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2,710的網紅HABIB,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Our HABIB Oro Italia 916 gold rings are known for their comfort fit. You will need to try it on to feel the difference. They come in a variety of intr...
「they fit」的推薦目錄:
- 關於they fit 在 Sarah Chang 張學仁 Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於they fit 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於they fit 在 Icebabby Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於they fit 在 HABIB Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於they fit 在 Joanna Soh Official Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於they fit 在 開水小姐 Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於they fit 在 Jimmy's Burger Bar - Doubles are the perfect size | Facebook 的評價
- 關於they fit 在 The pillars of obesity management and how they fit ... - YouTube 的評價
- 關於they fit 在 How to show Labels on Geoserver, only if they fit within the ... 的評價
they fit 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文
【一連七集,第五】哈佛知識分享: Trade-offs 如何「取捨」?
你要取得更多,就要捨棄更多。「取捨」is tough, but you have to do it!
股神巴菲特 Warren Buffett 有句名言好影響我:
"The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say no to almost everything.‘’
成功及非常成功嘅人分別就係非常成功嘅人對絕大部分事情都係 say No.
識我嘅朋友都知道,我經常講:「我乜都唔識、乜都唔買! 我只買幾千萬以下香港嘅街舖。 我唔買樓、唔買工廈、唔買商廈、唔買農地、唔買車位/骨灰龕位、唔買大灣區、英國樓、非洲農地、 火星月球。 全部都唔買,送畀我都唔要。Again … 我只買港幣五六千萬以下香港的街舖仔。 香港有十萬間,買十世我都買唔晒! 呢世我只想買一千間。」
哈佛大學教授 Michael Porter 亦講過: “Strategy is making trade-offs in competing. The essence of strategy is choosing what not to do."
策略就係要以「取捨」去競爭。 策略嘅精髓就係要知道唔做乜!
上一集講過,何謂一個好嘅策略 Good Strategy? 教授 Michael Porter 話要經得起五個 Tests:
A distinctive value proposition 獨特的價值主張
A tailored value chain 度身訂造的企業價值鏈
Trade-offs different from rivals 同競爭對手不同的「取捨」
Fit across value chain 成條企業價值鏈的活動要配合
Continuity over time 持續性、持續性,不能一時一樣
今集同你講第(3) Trade-offs different from rivals 要贏,就要有同競爭對手不同的「取捨」。
What are trade-offs?
"Trade-offs are the strategic equivalent of a fork in the road. If you take one path, you cannot simultaneously take the other." by Michael Porter
「取捨就好似去咗一個交叉路口咁, 你只可以二選其一,唔可以兩條路都行晒。」
做生意,唔係多啲,就好啲。 多啲產品、 多啲服務、多啲客戶, 唔代表你就係好啲。 因為你營業額可能多咗三成, 但利潤反而可能無咗一半。 咁我就情願營業額細啲,利潤多一倍好過。 記住一開始嘅時候我話 Michael Porter 講過:
"Competition is not about being the BEST, not about MARKET SHARE. Competition is about being UNIQUE, about earning PROFITS" by Michael Porter
video …
QB House (Quick Barber) 就係做咗好多「取捨」 trade-offs , 好多嘢唔做,但反而吸引咗一班想「快、靚、正」 ,但又唔想求求其其、 污糟邋遢剪個頭髮嘅繁忙上班一族, most likely 男士們、三四五十歲左近。10 minutes, just cut!
QB House 專注培訓、建立系統,令呢班目標顧客群由原本一兩三個月先剪個頭髮,而家一兩三個星期就去剪轉一轉。 剪快咗、剪多咗,就令QB House 同佢嘅髮型師雖然做少咗嘢,但反而收入及利潤上升。This is what I call "trade-offs", LESS IS MORE!
就係因為 QB House 嘅 Trades-offs 同一般髮廊嘅競爭對手唔同,當初首創新嘅經營模式係日本做到最獨特, 亦都解釋咗點解佢1996年由東京一間開始, 短短幾年間就能夠開到全球幾百間分店,2018年仲係東京証交所主板上市, 依家市值近20億港幣。 雖然有好多人想抄佢,QB House 嘅專注,佢 make 嘅 trade-offs 至今依然令佢每年生意額都上升,到今日都保持住係「速剪」行業嘅領導地位。
我成日都話,「當你乜都做,等如你乜都唔做!」 …. 因為你無樣嘢做得好、無樣嘢做得專。When you please everybody, you please nobody. 做生意要「取捨」,唔放手,唔會得到更多。
可能你會覺得 Just-Cut, QB House 都做咗啦。 做髮廊仲可以點變? 根據 Michael Porter,大把方法變。 最緊要就係,唔係人做你做。Your trade-offs have to be different from your rivals, then you have a strategy.
你嘅「取捨」要同你競爭對手唔同,咁你就有好策略。人哋 Just-Cut, 咁你可唔可以 Just Perm 電髮? Just Color 染髮? Just Blow Dry 吹頭?
唉! Just Blow Dry? 美國加州有間咁嘅髮廊 …
佢就好似係 QB House 嘅翻版,但係 No Cuts No Color, Just Blowouts. 齋吹頭! 美金$40,45分鐘時間,班目標顧客群,即係長頭髮嘅二三四五十歲女士們, 就可以 enjoy 喺個輕鬆嘅環境洗下頭、按下頭、吹下頭、飲杯 champagne、聽下音樂、Relax 下,就有個清神爽利嘅頭見人!
因為做得夠專,懂得運用 Michael Porter 所指嘅 trade-offs ,同一般髮廊競爭對手唔同嘅 trade-offs, 好多女士就個個禮拜去幫襯,relax relax 下。2010年由美國加州第一間店開始, 十年間,全美開超過一百間分店, 擁有超過5000個髮型師, 每次美金$40,每個月幫緊20萬個客人吹頭。 淨係吹頭,依家營業額每年超過一億美金。
全球最大嘅傢俬公司,IKEA, 又係另一個Michael Porter 所指 Trade-Offs 嘅典型例子。佢由產品設計 (自己裝嵌)、產品種類 (簡單得來又多幾樣選擇)、 自己推住架車嘅購物模式、至到客戶服務 (間舖頭永遠唔易搵到人幫手,人客自己搞掂,慳番啲成本,換取平啲價錢),到最後排隊畀錢、自己包裝、抬件貨返屋企 …. 如果唔係送貨要額外收費 (無得免費)。IKEA 成條嘅企業價值鏈 value chain 都係同其他一般嘅傢俬公司好唔同,有好唔同嘅 Trade-offs 取捨。
IKEA 嘅「取捨」,就能夠吸引咗一班 “with a thin wallet" 想價錢平,但又想 good design, 唔介意自己辛苦做多啲, 工餘時間,甚至乎自己花成日裝嵌埋嘅顧客。IKEA 明白佢唔會 serve 晒所有人。 我以前係美國讀大學、 或者啱啱出嚟 New York 做嘢,都好鍾意去 IKEA 買嘢,因為平! 而家? 叫我花成日嵌件傢俬,睬你都傻! I was an IKEA Customer, but not anymore! It's OK, you cannot please everybody! 做生意就係個「取捨」! 賺到錢就得啦。
美國最賺錢嘅航空公司 Southwest Airlines 西南航空都係一樣,No first class, No meals, No assigned seats, No baggage transfer, No planes other than Boeing 737s, No International Flight … so on and so forth.
無頭等、無飛機餐、無預設定座位、無行李轉運 、除咗波音737乜嘢客機都無、無國際航線。 仲有好多都比一般其他航空公司無。
但就係因為「冇」, 運動複雜程度及成本下降,Southwest 就可以專注做以下幾樣嘢特別好,就係「平」、「快」、「準時」、員工做得開心自然服務態度更好。其他乜都無, 但未必個個客人都啱!
於是 Southwest 有個好出名嘅 "Pen Pal" 故事,就有位乘客 Mrs. Crabapple, 經常好唔滿意 Southwest Airlines 乜都冇,無頭等、無飛機餐、無預設定座位、無行李轉運等等等等, 經常寫信去 Southwest 投訴,呢個「筆友」"Pen Pal" 個個客戶服務部同事都怕咗佢, 寫完又寫, 回覆左又寫,投訴完又投訴。 直至客戶服務 部嘅同事們都冇計, 叫當時嘅CEO/創辦人 Herb Kelleher 回覆。佢點寫? 真人真事! 60秒內,佢回覆:
“Dear Mrs. Crabapple. We will miss you. Love, Herb." 即係話,請佢走, 唔好再返來!
聽落好似好搞笑,但Michael Porter 話呢個係一個典型嘅 trade-offs 例子,you cannot please everyone. 記住,一開始嘅時候,我講過:
"Strategy is making trade-offs in competing. The essence of strategy is choosing what not to do." by Michael Porter.
策略就係要以「取捨」去競爭。 取捨嘅精髓就係要知道唔做乜!
"When you try to offer something for everybody, you tend to relax the trade-offs that underpin your competitive advantage." by Michael Porter.
當您嘗試做曬所有嘢去服務每一個人,你嘅「取捨」就會減少, 同時亦都會減少你嘅競爭優勢。
善用 Trade-offs 「取捨」去增強自己競爭力嘅機會隨處都係,爭在你願唔願意「放手」,先能夠取得「更多」。
包括我自己在內, 如果我乜嘢地產項目都投資,有賺錢就買, 甚至乎集資錢多地盤都搞埋, 我只係一個三四流嘅地產發展商。 我點同新鴻基/恒基/長實打呢? 但我專注幾千萬以下嘅香港街舖,我就係一個一流嘅商舖基金公司, 全香港人, 包括所有大嘅地產發展商,係街舖買賣都唔會夠我來。 社運/肺炎後,全香港買賣舖無人夠我哋多,呢個係事實!
"Trade-offs are choices that make strategies sustainable because they are not easy to match or to neutralize." by Michael Porter.
「取捨」會令到策略更有持續性,因為競爭對手 好難去複製或抵消你嘅優勢。特別是你嘅 first mover advantage 先行者優勢。
即是有人入嚟炒,Michael Porter 話新入嚟嘅 「模仿者」好多時都只係做 Straddling 跨騎, 即係好似「一腳踏兩船」咁, 自己本身嘅本業又做,商舖又做,結果兩邊都做唔「專」。
就係因為有自信我先咁講。因為好似今集一開始咁講,根據 Michael Porter 嘅 "Trade-offs different from rivals", 我哋係放棄咗好多嘅嘢,同競爭對手大大唔同,先能夠建立到我哋今日係香港街舖嘅領導地位。 只要我哋專注,我哋嘅基金投資者會賺錢! I know it. 但如果有一日,我開始搞工廈、搞商廈、搞地盤、搞英國樓、搞埋茶餐廳、 補習社 、 酒樓、酒店等, 就係投資者應該攞錢走嘅時候! 乜都做,就開始等如乜都唔做!
你呢? What are your trade-offs? 你的「取捨」同競爭對手有咩唔同呢? 抑或人做你做,人客想要乜,你就俾佢乜呢?
There is no problem with that! 第一集一開始我就話,99%嘅公司都係咁,養家活兒可能好多年都冇問題, 但根據 Michael Porter,你只係停留係第二個 S - Sustaining 持續緊嘅階段。 做好多年,搵到食,但可能仍然冇人識你,無突破。Survive, Sustain, 但要去到第三個 S, Succeed, I mean Super Successful 好似一支箭咁標上去,等如以上 QB House, DryBar, IKEA, Southwest Airlines 咁,你就要有 strategy 策略。 你嘅「取捨」trade-offs 要同競爭對手截然不同。
李小龍嘅名言,亦都係掛喺我公司office嘅唯一名言: "I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times."
李小龍唔怕嗰啲踢過一萬種唔同腳法嘅人。但佢怕嗰啲踢過一種腳法一萬次嘅人。 你嘅腳法又點呢? 有興趣一齊研究下點做? 聽多啲 Michael Porter,就來我星期六嘅早餐會啦! 下集我再同你講 (4) Fit across value chain 成條企業價值鏈的活動,如何配合去增強你的競爭優勢?
My hobby 《星期六早餐會》!
九/十月份早餐會 Topic: Applying "Michael Porter" to your business: How to compete and win!
哈佛分享: 如何應用「米高波特」於你盤生意? 點競爭? 點贏?
講起哈佛策略教授, 無人出名過 Michael Porter. 有幸我2017年在哈佛親身上過他教的課程, 今次早餐會同你分享,希望對你做生意亦有所啟發。
有興趣參加啦 😃 每次限四位 (包括我)。 人多傾唔到計。
對象: 中小企老闆/創業者/公司管理層,連我限4位。
有興趣參加的話,請 whatsapp 你的名片給 Suki (我助手) (+852) 5566 1335。
我唔係靠呢行搵食,免費,我請食早餐 😉 Be friends ..... 有機會到時見你。李根興 Edwin
聯絡李根興 whatsapp (+852) 90361143
#michael_porter #競爭策略
they fit 在 Icebabby Facebook 的精選貼文
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they fit 在 HABIB Youtube 的精選貼文
Our HABIB Oro Italia 916 gold rings are known for their comfort fit. You will need to try it on to feel the difference. They come in a variety of intricate designs with a mix of white and yellow gold.
Product Code: GR45950421YW BI, GR45960421YW BI, GR46000421YW BI
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they fit 在 Joanna Soh Official Youtube 的最讚貼文
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I'm a certified Personal Trainer (ACE), Women’s Fitness Specialist (NASM) and Nutrition Coach, with over 10 years of experience.
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You only need 20 ingredients for all these recipes!! They are absolutely flavourful, simple to prep and wholesome!! I've used healthier cooking methods such as light stir-frying, baking, steaming and boiling. Try them out and let me know which is your favourite dish in the comments below!
BREAKFAST - Mushroom Egg Muffins (6 muffins)
1) 6 Eggs - 468cals
2) 1/2 Red Bell Pepper, diced
3) 1/4 cup Mushroom, diced
4) 1/2 can of Tuna
5) 1/2 tsp. Cajun Seasoning
6) Salt & Pepper to taste
Per Egg Muffin - 94Cals
LUNCH - Asian Salmon Stir Fry (serves 2)
1) 1 Salmon Fillet, cut into cubes
2) 1/2 cup Green Beans, trimmed & sliced
3) 1 cup Mushrooms, sliced
4) 2 garlic Cloves, minced
5) 1 tbsp. Soy Sauce, divided
6) 1 tsp. Sesame Oil
7) Spring Onions, chopped
Soba Noodles & Edamame Salad (Serves 2)
1) 90g uncooked soba noodles
2) 1/4 cup Edamame, unshelled
3) 1/2 tbsp. Sesame Seeds
4) 1 tsp. Sesame Oil
5) 1 tsp. Chilli Flakes
6) Spring Onions
DINNER - Steamed Soy Ginger Barramundi (serves 2)
1) 1 Barramundi Fillet (about 12oz), or other white fish of your choice
2) 1/4 cup Ginger, finely sliced
3) 1/4 cup Spring Onions, sliced
4) 2 Small Chillies, chopped
5) 1 tsp. Sesame Oil
6) 1 tsp. Soy Sauce
Stir-Fried Mixed Vegetables (serves 3)
1) 1 Head Broccoli, cut into florets
2) 1 Carrot, thinly sliced
3) 1/2 Red Bell Pepper, sliced
4) 2 Garlic Cloves
5) 1/2 tsp. Sesame Oil
6) 1/2 tsp. Soy Sauce
7) 1/2 tsp. Chili flakes
Total Dinner Calories (including 1 bowl of white rice) - 500Cals

they fit 在 開水小姐 Youtube 的精選貼文
"Take Me Right Now"融合了80年代的Disco風格,
Take me right now
詞 孟慶而、蔡蔡、FI-Né
曲 謝似餘、FI-Né
曖昧流動我們何不就 轉身 邂逅
哎 ~~~~互相客套
哎 ~~~~氣氛漸入高潮
哎 ~~~~你要不要
哎 ~~~~Take Me Right Now
就靠近我 就碰觸我 就不要想太多
就抬起頭 就親吻我 就霸道的擁有
就答應我 就不要唯唯諾諾
你別閃躲 你別做作 你在懷疑什麼
OH 別害羞 先攻或守 就不要想太多
OH 放輕鬆 我的心跳 就隨便你感受
OH 這節奏 憑感覺走 天衣無縫
Hey Lucky Boy 你輸了自己卻贏了我
All my band members hop in the ship
And every time that we go we be takin' a zip
And They just want to ride with us so we making it fit
Yeah they wanna come with us they be jumpin' in quick
Hell yeah go ahead and cop another zip
I got to keep goin' in 'cause I’m feelin' her hips
And I just want to glide with it so I’m goin' with this
If they want to keep goin' they be takin a risk
I loved mysteries so much that I turn into one (I turn into one)
I am all yours with no refunds
I just wanna feel your passion come over tonight (come over tonight)
and make a mess out of me
哎 ~~~~互相客套
哎 ~~~~氣氛漸入高潮
哎 ~~~~你要不要
哎 ~~~~Take Me Right Now
就靠近我 就碰觸我 就不要想太多
就抬起頭 就親吻我 就霸道的擁有
就答應我 就不要唯唯諾諾
你別閃躲 你別做作 你在懷疑什麼
OH 別害羞 先攻或守 就不要想太多
OH 放輕鬆 我的心跳 就隨便你感受
OH 這節奏 憑感覺走 天衣無縫
Hey Lucky Boy 你輸了自己卻贏了我
At the end of the night
I can feel it in my arms
I can feel it in my heart
I can feel it in my mind
I can feel it in her ways
I can feel it in her plans
I can feel it in a trance
I can feel it up high
You already know what it is
Give it to your heart
And then give in to mine
Make me wanna ride cuz we up at the top
Here I go again girl I just can’t stop
就靠近我 就碰觸我 就不要想太多
就抬起頭 就親吻我 就霸道的擁有
就答應我 就不要唯唯諾諾
你別閃躲 你別做作 你在懷疑什麼
OH 別害羞 先攻或守 就不要想太多
OH 放輕鬆 我的心跳 就隨便你感受
OH 這節奏 憑感覺走 天衣無縫
Hey Lucky Boy 你輸了自己卻贏了我

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