有經濟學好友引述知名聯邦巡迴法院法官R. Posner對隱私權與營業秘密的經濟概念類比:
「The most interesting question in privacy law is whether a person should have a right to conceal embarrassing facts about himself — for example that he is an ex-convict. ...... Should he be encouraged to deceive these people, by being given a right to sue anyone who unmasks his hidden “defects”? At least on economic grounds, the answer seems to be no. It would be different if what was “unmasked” was not an embarrassing fact but a superb dinner recipe. We would then be in the realm of the trade secret, broadly defined, and the case would be no different in principle from the theft of a secret formula by a commercial rival. Here secrecy is a method of enforcing an informal property right and encourages an investment in a socially valuable idea. Concealing discreditable facts about a private individual, a firm, or a product does not.」
正確來說,Posner在argue的是傳統common law對隱私權的處理。
1. 我並不認同Posner的經濟分析,因為privacy的權利本質與trade secret畢竟不同,前者與後者的收入也不同。前者在common law底下保護的收入更多是personality,後者則純粹是monetary income。
2. 傳統common law對privacy的保護是放在「侵權行為(tort)」底下,原則上公認的四種隱私權侵害態樣:
a. appropriation by defendant of plaintiff's picture or name for defendant's commercial advantages;
b. intrusion by the defendant upon plaintiff's affairs or seclusion;
c. publication by the defendant of facts placing the plaintiff in a false light; and
d. public disclosures of private facts about the plaintiff by the defendant
後面三種行為都要求"highly offensive to a reasonable person"或"actual malice",而且相較於其他侵權行為訴訟,這三種隱私權受侵害原告只需要證明「侵害行為存在」,並不需要證明「所受損害」即可成立。反之,營業秘密侵害並不要求"actual malice or highly offensive"之存在,僅需故意、重大過失或違背保密義務即可構成。但營業秘密,原則上是需要證明損害存在與損害額度。除了少數原告不能證明損害,由法官判斷。
3. 這就回到Armen Alchian著名的「THE MEANING OF UTILITY MEASUREMENT」論文所提出的觀念:如果把personality看成經濟學上的一種utility,則經濟理論上關於量度我們只能做到對utility的偏好做排列,卻無從得出絕對數值。
這點就是我認為Posner犯錯的地方:privacy訴訟大部分情形下是武斷的utility判斷,無法像trade secret那樣有「可能市價」參考損失額度。
這一塊又是海耶克理論的進一步應用了 -- i.法院體系雖然不是市場交易體系,但處理糾紛賠償通常還是要引入外部市場價格作為參考,但;