[迷失十年,廿年,卅(*)年]日本股市卒之見家鄉,sort of
彭博原文:Japan Stocks Finally Beat Bubble-Era High, at Least on One Gauge(https://bityl.co/3iYB)
1. 1989年12月29日,你做緊乜?可能有啲讀者未出世,埃汾當然出咗世,11歲。呀仲有,我中學時曾經巧鍾意嘅女同學,係12月29號出世的。後來嫁咗畀我另一男同學,啤咗兩件(定一件?)。重點係住在我樓上添,篤眼篤鼻,而小學年代(即係1989年),我同嗰位男同學十分老友,成日上佢屋企打機,因為就在我樓上。但當然中學已經疏遠咗,況且呀女主角根本冇同我拍過拖,所以不存在咩搶唔搶嘅問題。純係我單戀不遂咁解
2. Sorry講多咗,但至少引到你睇落去。為咗引你睇落去我係無所不用其極的,同街邊(東南亞?大陸?)啲乞兒扯開個傷口畀你睇差不多。
3. 講返,1989年12月29日。你睇題目估到啦,日本。日本發生咩事?1989年就係日本泡沫經濟高峰,雖則經濟冇話邊一個位爆破,但稱12月29日係爆破點,應該係共識。
4. 因為嗰日,日經平均指數去到史上最高—打後咁多年都冇返到去咁嘅位。而家2020年,即係迷失十年,轉眼間變迷失廿年,變到迷失卅年。
5. 對日本文化稍為理解嘅人(即係,所有香港人),都會知道呢個泡沫經濟,迷失十/廿/卅年。因為係無數咁多日本作品嘅題材—其中一套最出名嘅,當然係近排楷仔台有得免費睇返嘅,《悠長假期》(絶對唔係植入廣告)。大家知啦,松隆子當時係新人,而家已經要演人阿媽(《最後的情書》,好合理喎,43歲)。但木村依然屹立不倒/阻住地球轉。
6. 《悠長假期》嘅背景就係泡沫經濟後嘅失落一代嘛,終身僱用制玩完,再冇咩一大堆10000 yen爭住截的士嘅場面。
7. 不過唔使灰心,嘻,「只要活著就有辦法嘛」,近來興講。亦即係埃汾常講嘅「留得賓周在 哪怕沒春袋」。當然廢老同你講「只要活著就有辦法嘛」就係風涼話 何不食肉糜,都係睇日劇好
8. 講返,真的,「只要活著就有辦法嘛」,事隔30年!日經指數卒之返返當年高位!!!!
9. 不過,電視節目有好多種,恒生指數有好多種(冇聽過恒生國企指數?恒生科技指數呢?恒生綜合指數呢?),日經指數都有好多種。一般講嘅日經指數,係指日經225,就未返到高位。唔使開香檳住
10. 但至少,日經500,就真係創出歷史新高了!突破咗1989年12月29日嘅高位—事隔30年後。噢耶
11. 滬深300,就真係300隻股票。富時100,亦係100隻股票。日經225,就係225隻股票。咁日經500,就真係500隻成份股(廢話?咁香港十隻白虎係咪10隻?唔知,冇數過,好似講股票的,有獨角獸有白馬股可能有白虎股,正如有唐伯虎亦有嚴白虎)。
12. 因乜解救會日經500破頂,日經225未破?當然係成份股不同。咁500入面係邊隻帶動?
13. 登登,就係惡名昭彰嘅,任天堂!
14. 舊文都寫過,日經指數基本上係照抄美國道指—戰敗國嘛。事實係戰後嘅嘢,但你話,唔係喎,你見到1949年之前都有數字—冇錯,但只係date back 返。日經指數出現,的確係戰後嘅事,唔信你自己搵日本報紙睇飽佢。咁,由於日經照抄道指,亦承繼咗道指種種不科學嘅嘢,有機會再講。
15. 但呢度想講嘅係,任天堂,係唔在日經225入面嘅!但在日經500!點解?莫非唔夠大?又唔係喎。你常識都估到,任天堂點都係日本大公司。事實任天堂市值應該係日本十大
16. 呢類東西,等我賣個廣告,遲下Patreon 周末專題會講,正如之前寫過美國大選,寫過Palantir,寫過畢菲特點解買日本商社。記得去訂(https://bit.ly/31QmYj7)
17. 賣完廣告,返返嚟。任天堂今年股價上天堂咁滯,年頭至今升超過40%,低位到而家更差不多一個double.但偏偏日經(225)指數就冇份,日經500先有。
18. 如果有會點?我就懶計了。不過由於日經225嘅老味計法,就算有埋任天堂,我心算都估唔會可以一命救全家。事實係日經225今年只係持平(都好過好多地方架啦),但日經500升咗8%。唔止係一隻任天堂
19. 仲有一啲其他公司係日經500有,而日經225冇。包括Keyence(キーエンス),一度係日本第二大公司(但都唔入日經225,死未),SMC Corp,仲有賣傢俬嘅Nitori (ニトリ)
20. 當然,唔一定話係日經500比較好,但至少可以質疑日經225嘅代表性(任天堂又冇,Keyence又冇,兩間都十大企業喎)。而其實日經225同500一樣,都係抄道指,price weighted,十分低智。Uniqlo嘅Fast Retailing就佔咗日經10%比重,三倍市值嘅Toyota就得1%比重,十分神化。
21. 高程度啲嘅,可能聽過TOPIX—冇錯就係科學啲,仲要包1700隻股票—「但又太多啦」,啲人又話太多細股又冇流通性好難track
22. 實情以上種種,包括任天堂同Keyence入日經之類,都講咗好一排。但日本嘛,再搞多幾年先啦。
23. 最後講下,日經(225)當然未返1989年12月29日嘅高位。而家23500點左右。1989年12月29日?差不多38900點,再等下啦,升多六成幾。
24. 其實真係冇你想像中咁難,我諗最值得講嘅係:日經500己經返返當年高位,但日經(225)要升多六成幾先返到。咁變咗你拎咩「股市」嚟講返日本經濟,有何意義?指數?誰的指數?
25. 仲有個小補充。基本上講泡沫經濟,迷失十/廿/卅年,必然仲要講嘅,係MK仔都知嘅,「廣場協議」,日圓升值。
26. 首先,廣場協議並唔係在任何廣場簽嘅(真的)。而1989年已經係廣場協議後嘅4年,日圓升值最急嗰浸已經過咗。不過,而家嘅日圓,仲係貴過當年嘅。如果你用香港人角度,當年係5算(嘩),而家7算,早幾年10算都見過
27. 亦即係,其實對外國投資者嚟講,你計及匯率,日經500一早就返咗家鄉。日經(225)呢?仲未,但升多兩成幾就得了。
28. 但當然,所謂「美國迫日本升值令日本出口競爭力大跌經濟泡爆」呢個論述,並唔係全部人都同意。甚至「迷失十/廿/卅年」呢樣嘢,都有人話係日本人撚化你嘅。日本人生活水平好差咩?「同香港比就係嘅」。有機會在Patreon都會寫
29. 有關平成年代嘅日本股市,之前medium仲有長文寫過,免費的(https://bityl.co/3iZF)
30. 記住訂Patreon啦,遲下成個日經指數同你研究,仲有埋Excel畀你自己玩。(https://bit.ly/31QmYj7)
Ivan Patreon 狼耳街華人,一星期至少三篇港美市場評點,其他免費好文推介,每日一圖,仲有FB Page post summary.一個月一舊水唔使,開張一個月已近 500人訂,仲有兩篇免費試睇:https://bit.ly/31QmYj7
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同時也有6部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過46萬的網紅CapcomChannel,也在其Youtube影片中提到,映像で使用しているテーマ曲「A Brand New Day」の歌詞はこちら↓ ----------- A Brand New Day [VERSE] Back in the good ol‘ days when we’d be in the arcade all night, Playin’ ou...
「track gauge」的推薦目錄:
- 關於track gauge 在 君子馬蘭頭 - Ivan Li 李聲揚 Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於track gauge 在 Nana Al Haleq Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於track gauge 在 Mr Jiro Chan Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於track gauge 在 CapcomChannel Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於track gauge 在 capcomasia Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於track gauge 在 capcomasia Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於track gauge 在 Why do most countries use different railway gauges? - YouTube 的評價
track gauge 在 Nana Al Haleq Facebook 的最佳解答
Greens 🥬 is a priority & naughty carbs is occasionally 🥖. Easy peasy ✌🏼.
Many of u asked whether I track my calories or count my macros currently.
A: not at the moment as I can roughly gauge portion size of the general food I eat.
Yes it true to lose fats/weight you need to track what you eat, calorie intake & macro. However, if you have been practising healthy eating and your healthy eating habits somewhat has become part of your lifestyle, tracking calories/macros is not entirely necessary if you are on the maintenance side.
This advantage is not for everyone unfortunately. It really depends on your fitness/health goal tbh. And how well u know your food and the food you are eating daily.
For someone who just started their journey, I would suggest you to “tahan” and go with the timely & tedious process of counting calories/macros for at least 28days. Coz we’ll let’s be honest here, not everyone can be discipline enough & have that will power to control their “nafsu” makan aight.
After 28days, ask yourself if you can eat almost the same food and sort of gauge the portion. If you can’t, keep counting them calories/macro & track it using app.
Transitioning from counting calories/macro, you can pay attention to the portion size. Meaning for the first 28days, after u measure your food, jot down the serving size using hand portion serving size.
How 200g of cooked chicken look in hand portion size and etc. I know it’s timely & timeous, but once u get a hang of it, you can pretty much know how much you should be eating in each meal.
But again, this method only work if you are maintaining your weight. To build lean muscle/load mass/shred/lose weight, unfortunately you have to put in more effort and count them cal/macros the least once in every 2-3 weeks.
Hope this help. It’s just my way of simplifying things. It might not be for everyone.
P/s: I know u guys are obsess over protein but please prioritise 🥬 and have them in every main meal. 🥕 doesn’t count lol 😂
track gauge 在 Mr Jiro Chan Facebook 的最讚貼文
เป็น R32 ที่สวยมากๆคันนึงเลย แต่งไม่เยอะดี...โดนใจ
**Extended Cut Video**
Available now from Driver Motorsports is this heavily modified Midnight Purple 1991 R32 Nissan Skyline GT-R! This GTR is for sale in the USA, it is 100% legal, customs cleared with a valid Virginia title and all importation documents. This Skyline is set up very nicely and offered at $38,900.
This Midnight Purple GTR is fully loaded with an array of premium aftermarket performance parts! This beast is equipped with a Haltech standalone ECU, R34 N1 turbos, Amuse Titanium exhaust, 13 Point Cusco roll cage, Endless front brakes, Twin Disc clutch and much, much, more.
The mod list speaks for itself on this one. This GTR has the performance equipment to be driven on the track, but its not slacking in the looks department either. The Endless Racing hood and front lip will be sure to break necks on the street, car shows, or on the track! The interior is nicely done with white faced Greddy gauges, MOMO steering wheel, and Bride Zeta driver's seat. From the Work wheels to the eye catching Midnight Purple paint, and from the rumble of the exhaust to the magazine worthy engine bay, this GTR is a true head turner. If you are looking for a drop dead gorgeous R32 GTR Skyline that has great performance and looks then this one is for you.
R34 N1 Turbos
HKS Exhaust Manifolds
HKS Turbo Elbows
Rocket Dancer Equal Length Downpipes
Amuse Titanium Exhaust
AM Catch Can
HKS Oil Filter Relocation Kit
AM Oil Cooler
AM Power Steering Cooler
HKS IC Piping
Custom Suction Kit
Tabata Aluminum Radiator
Samco Radiator Hoses
HKS Twin Power Ignition System
HKS Air Filters
Greddy Fuel Rail
Nismo 555cc Fuel Injectors
Sard Surge Tank
Twin Disc Clutch
Nismo LSD
Haltech Platinum Pro Stand Alone ECU
Blue Dress Up Bolts Engine and Bay Kit
Battery Relocated to Trunk
AM Tension Rod Brace
AM Tension Rods
Am Front Upper Control Arm
LMR Sway Bars (Front and Rear)
Zeal Coilovers with Swift Springs
Nismo Rear Lower Control Arms
Nismo Traction Arms
AM Rear Upper Control Arms
Hicas Delete Bar
ABS Delete
Aluminum Subframe Collars
Endless BBK with 2-Piece Rotors in Front
Cusco 3-Point Rear Strut Tower Bar *Rare*
Front Strut Tower Bar
Work Emotion T7R 18x10.5 Wheels
Federal RS-R 285/30/18 Tires
Endless Racing Front Lip
Tinted Front Turn Signals
Endless Racing Vented Carbon Fiber Hood
Widebody Vented Front Fenders
Custom Widened Rear Fenders
N1 Side Skirts
Bride Zeta 2 Driver’s Seat
MOMO Steering wheel
Nismo Shift Knob
13 Point Cusco Roll Cage
HKS EVC 6 Boost Controller
Mine’s 320kph Gauge Cluster
Greddy Boost Gauge
Greddy Water Temp Gauge
Greddy Oil Pressure Gauge
Greddy Oil Temp Gauge
Greddy Fuel Pressure Gauge
Greddy Ext Gauge
Ready for pick up in Rustburg VA 24588 or we can arrange shipment to your door. This car is ready for the track, car shows or your daily driver. If you are looking to buy a quality JDM car in great condition come see us because we only import the best!
Please private message, text or email us about financing options.
Call or text Chris: 434-942-5424
e-mail: drivermotorsports@gmail.com
Please follow us on Instagram
Driver Motorsports is a Virginia independent auto dealer.
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track gauge 在 CapcomChannel Youtube 的精選貼文
映像で使用しているテーマ曲「A Brand New Day」の歌詞はこちら↓
A Brand New Day
Back in the good ol‘ days when we’d be in the arcade all night,
Playin’ our favorite games ‘til the sun brought a new daylight.
We’d be attacking, defending, shootin’ em up, and smashing the arcade machine.
Always losin’ track of time, down to our last dime, totally immersed in the screen.
Down, down, into the ground
Letting the man drag you further down
But ya gotta try before it gets too late
A brand new day
Time to start over
A brand new game
Topping the leaderboard
A brand new life
Pressing the reset
A brand new dream
Changing direction
Mem’ries of long ago are beginning to escape my mind.
But it’s that golden age that I’m not gonna leave behind.
The dedication, elation of reachin’ the end is somethin’ that I really need
Filling up my life gauge, for the final stage, stopping once I fin’ly succeed
価格:ゲーム本体 無料
対応ハード:Nintendo Switch
プレイ人数:1~4人 ※プレイいただくタイトルによって異なります。
#CAPCOM #カプコンアーケード #TGA2020 #カプスタ

track gauge 在 capcomasia Youtube 的精選貼文
CHALLENGE AGAIN! Capcom Arcade Stadium brings the excitement of 32 arcade classics to Nintendo Switch in February 2021! #Capcom #Arcade #ArcadeStadium
A Brand New Day
Back in the good ol‘ days when we’d be in the arcade all night,
Playin’ our favorite games ‘til the sun brought a new daylight.
We’d be attacking, defending, shootin’ em up, and smashing the arcade machine.
Always losin’ track of time, down to our last dime, totally immersed in the screen.
Down, down, into the ground
Letting the man drag you further down
But ya gotta try before it gets too late
A brand new day
Time to start over
A brand new game
Topping the leaderboard
A brand new life
Pressing the reset
A brand new dream
Changing direction
Mem’ries of long ago are beginning to escape my mind.
But it’s that golden age that I’m not gonna leave behind.
The dedication, elation of reachin’ the end is somethin’ that I really need
Filling up my life gauge, for the final stage, stopping once I fin’ly succeed
Release Date: February, 2021
Official Website: https://www.capcom-arcade-stadium.com/
Platform: Nintendo Switch
No. of players: 1 to 4 ※Depends on the selected title.
#Arcade #Nostalgic #Side-scrollingAction #Fighting #Shooting #Action #Stadium #NintendoSwitch

track gauge 在 capcomasia Youtube 的最佳貼文
지금 다시 도전하자!
Capcom Arcade Stadium은 캡콤의 총 32개의 클래식 아케이드 게임을 Nintendo Switch에서 즐길 수 있는 타이틀 입니다.
영상에서 사용한 테마 곡 'A Brand New Day'의 가사는 아래에서 확인하세요↓
A Brand New Day
Back in the good ol‘ days when we’d be in the arcade all night,
Playin’ our favorite games ‘til the sun brought a new daylight.
We’d be attacking, defending, shootin’ em up, and smashing the arcade machine.
Always losin’ track of time, down to our last dime, totally immersed in the screen.
Down, down, into the ground
Letting the man drag you further down
But ya gotta try before it gets too late
A brand new day
Time to start over
A brand new game
Topping the leaderboard
A brand new life
Pressing the reset
A brand new dream
Changing direction
Mem’ries of long ago are beginning to escape my mind.
But it’s that golden age that I’m not gonna leave behind.
The dedication, elation of reachin’ the end is somethin’ that I really need
Filling up my life gauge, for the final stage, stopping once I fin’ly succeed
Capcom Arcade Stadium
발매일:2021년 초 예정
가격:게임 본체 무료
대응 하드:Nintendo Switch
플레이 인원 수:1~4명 ※플레이하는 게임에 따라 다릅니다

track gauge 在 Why do most countries use different railway gauges? - YouTube 的推薦與評價
Variable gauge system Talgo RD 2008 · Why India chose broad gauge over standard gauge · What are the Purpose and Elements of the Railway Track ? ... <看更多>