Saw this pretty cool video on World Map :) Never knew that Russia is actually not as big as it seems, Canada is similar size of USA, Madagascar may seem small on the map, but it is actually twice the size of UK and Greenland is actually very small :D #mindblowing
剛剛看了一個關於世界地圖的影片趕快來跟分享 :) 從來不知道地圖上那麼大的俄羅斯其實面積根本沒有那麼大! 而加拿大的大小跟美國本土沒有差很多! 非洲旁邊的馬達加斯加雖然地圖上看起來跟英國差不多, 但其實是兩倍大! 看似巨大的格陵蘭, 也比想像中的小! 真的是顛覆一般人對世界地圖的印象呢!!! :D #酷 #世界地圖
usa canada map 在 跟著恬恬與Fabianㄧ起刮世界地圖 Facebook 的最讚貼文
新加坡 93.61
德國 76.21
香港 75.23
台灣物價雖不高,但薪水不漲有什麼用QQ 而德國在歐洲大國家裡頭,物價真的算是比較合理的喔!比起瑞士法國英國丹麥甚至挪威都比較低~而美國物價比加拿大再便宜一點~不知道大家有想去哪個國家定居嗎?那你們看完這個地圖會幻滅嗎:P 恬恬看完覺得更了解世界各國的資訊一點了, 還可以搜藏起來每次談論到一個國家就可以比較一下!
I think there are some ppl dream of living in foreign countries, so today I'd like you to know the living expenses in the world.
When ppl ask me traveling information, they also ask me about the living expenses. For me, I have stayed in Switzerland, France and Germany. The most expensive country would be Switzerland. In Paris, I couldn't pay my monthly rent from my monthly salary QQ
How to read this map:
From left to right, the most expensive to the cheapest. So the darkest is the most expensive and the light green is the cheapest. The data is collected from June 2013 to January 2015 from Numbeo website. Numbeo users submit price data from a variety of sources, including supermarket and taxi company websites, government institutions, press reports and more. However, the data is excluded rent and mortgage payments. The third pic is the 15 countries with the highest costs of living, according to Numbeo's data. The living costs in each country are measured against a base of 100, which represents New York City's cost of living.
I also looked the index up on Nembeo, some countries which are more related to Taiwanese.
Singapore 93.61
France 88.37
South Korea 82.90
Japan 80.36
Germany 76.21
Hong Kong 75.23
Taiwan 57.06
China 48.89
Malaysia 45.97
*I'm curious. Does Singapore really cost twice more than Malaysia?
Even Taiwan costs not too expensive, our salary remain the same for decades QQ In Europe, Germany compared to other countries like Denmark, France, England, Norway and Switzerland, has a reasonable living expense. And USA is rather cheaper than Canada. Do you plan or think of going any countries? After reading this map, what do you think now? For me, I know more about the reality of the world:) Hope you like this post and if you like it very much, plz share with your friends!
usa canada map 在 跟著恬恬與Fabianㄧ起刮世界地圖 Facebook 的最讚貼文
"Scratch world map!!"
I planed to give this scratch map to Fabian as his bday gift. But he gave me this map as Xmas gift already. Also he bought one for himself too, so finally I had to give him the map I bought for him in advance.... Two days ago we were very excited scratching the map! We learned some territories of countries and knew capitals of every country. Fabian has been to several large countries like USA/Russia/China and Canada, so we scratched for a while. I think maybe it takes us 30mins to scratch off Antartica hahaha
So far Fabian has been to 31 countries and I've been to 16 countries(10 countries in Europe the past one year!). How many countries have you been to so far? Which country or city you like the most? Don't worry this is not a competition