她是Tina Wang,北藝大的學妹。
北藝大音樂系89級校友王倩婷(Tina Wang)身為新生代跨古典流行音樂作曲、編曲及演奏家,自十歲初見電影《末代皇帝》後,深受電影裡的配樂所感動,為此,在心底構築了邁向好萊塢電影配樂製作的夢想。
歷經了二十餘年多元類型的音樂創作經驗,王倩婷於2015年毅然決然放下手邊的流行音樂事業,直奔美國就讀電影配樂全美排名第一的南加州大學電影配樂系(USC Screen Scoring ),隔年即以優異的成績畢業,並獲頒系上為她所創立的「喬治.德萊魯獎」(Georges Delerue Conductor Award)。目前的她受邀擔任現任奧斯卡音樂類主席,也是艾美獎、葛萊美獎得主作曲家Laura Karpman女士於"Woman who score concert"擔任助理指揮,正式成為好萊塢電影配樂圈的一員。
而多年工作經驗的累積,使王倩婷在南加大表現十分傑出,也被系主任引薦給好萊塢作曲家Bruce Broughton、奧斯卡音樂類主席及作曲家Laura Karpman等大師級人物,並在旁學習。
身在好萊塢這樣高手雲集的夢想之地,王倩婷時常惦記著南加大電影配樂系系主任給學生們的勉勵,「work hard、be nice」、get lucky」。因為,在好萊塢的每個人都是深藏不露,你永遠都不會知道面前的這個人是誰,也不會知道是不是難能可貴的機會,因此需不斷地充實自己的實力、待人謙遜以和,才會在機會降臨之時,擁有足夠的實力把握好運,除此之外,在好萊塢最根本的,其實是要學會如何「做人」。
另提及關於女性在好萊塢發展面臨到的困境,王倩婷說明,女性在好萊塢其實仍是相當辛苦的。在2014年前,參與頂尖的電影配樂圈僅有1%是女性,迄今則是有小幅成長至3%為女性作曲家。其中,她的老師Laura Karpman在2016年創立了「好萊塢女性電影作曲家協會」,時常提醒她們要積極建立自己的人脈,並且在機會降臨時也盡力去爭取,而Laura女士比男性還要強勢的工作態度,也勉勵著她在好萊塢工作要更加努力。
Tina Wang, who graduated from TNUA in 2000, is a pianist and composer who works across the boundaries of classical and pop music. Last year she achieved a major breakthrough realizing her dream of working in Hollywood – a dream she first made when she was deeply touched by the music watching “The Last Emperor” at the age of 10.
Wang started playing piano around the age of four and started to compose when she was eight. After obtaining her bachelor degree in Music Composition, she worked in the Asian music industry for 13 yeas as a composer, music director, and producer. Her composing experience includes music for orchestras, musicals, advertisements, films, television, and video games.
In 2015, she followed her dream to Los Angeles where she studied Screen Scoring at the University of Southern California (USC) Screen Scoring department under the guidance of Daniel Carlin. At USC Tina was honored with the Georges Delerue Conductor Award. She was invited to work as an assistant conductor to Laura Karpman for the 2016 Hollywood "Women Who Score Concert" hosted by the Alliance for Women Film Composers. Her latest work will be presented at the 2017 Summer Universiade in Taipei.
Wang said it was quite a difficult decision to quit work and go study at USC. Despite the loneliness upon arrival at USC, she said she told herself that as she had made the decision, the only way ahead was towards Hollywood.
She said it is still not easy for women to work in Hollywood. Prior to 2014, women accounted for only 1% of the top film composers, and now the proportion has risen to only 3%.
“Doing film scores is like working in the service industry and you have to serve the film from the perspective of music, helping the director tell a more complete story,” Wang said. Having done many film score projects, Wang thinks film scores have to be a plus for the film images and dialogues. The score has to permeate the atmosphere, which means if the music cannot assist the images and makes a strong statement of its own, it will sometimes upstage the images and blur the focus. She stressed that proper and simple music allows the audience to focus on the drama itself.
Looking ahead, Wang said she hopes to blend the cultural essence of the East with the music technology of the East. She also encourages TNUA’s aspiring students to work hard towards realizing their dreams. The road ahead may be bumpy but they should not be afraid. She also encourages them to take part in different kinds of competition, constantly affirming and adjusting their attitudes and creativity. This is how they could demonstrate their capabilities and succeed.
同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過24萬的網紅Kyle Le Dot Net,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Follow Bosco at @being.bosco and Whity @whity_v The Busan Tourism Industry flew me and many other content creators over and provided accommodations ...
usc music industry 在 瑪莉咬凱利 Mary Bites Kerry Facebook 的最讚貼文
日籍長號手加藤真弘帶來的Back Bone樂團這週末就要來表演了~
兩位MBK的專輯製作人Elisa Lin 林依霖、老鄧都會一同演出喔!
10/29(Sat) Revolver, Taipei
10/30(Sun)Sappho de Base, Taipei
地址:台北市大安區安和路一段102巷 1號 B1
Back Bone Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/backbonetrb
10/29(Sat) Revolver, Taipei
10/30(Sun)Sappho de Base, Taipei
地址:台北市大安區安和路一段102巷 1號 B1
由日本長號手——加藤真弘(Kato Masahiro)領軍的 super trombone 樂團 Back Bone 長號重奏即將來台!這個在台灣非常難得一見的編制,10/29 將在 Revolver 首先與大家見面,並在隔日10/30於 Sappho de Base 帶來一整晚的演出!
日本 Back Bone 長號重奏,是由五隻長號搭配節奏組所組成, super trombone 編制的樂團,曲風偏向 Funk 與 Soul ,在日本國內常常與知名樂手合作演出,包括美國爵士長號大師Michael Davis與日本小號神人 Eric Miyashiro 等等。
日本長號手加藤真弘,昭和音樂大學畢業,是日本新生代的優秀長號演奏家,目前是知名的樂器公司 Michael Rath 的代言人,同時也為 Back Bone 長號重奏擔任編曲的工作。
此次在台的演出是加藤先生與台灣優秀樂手共同合作,演出他為 Back Bone 所編寫的專屬樂曲,歡迎大家來一同感受放克長號的魅力!
Bandleader and trombonist, Kato Masahiro, studied the trombone at Syouwa Music University. He was in Tokyo Disney Sea's main band and McDonald's band named Big Mouth. Kato is an artist for UK's Michael Rath Alto and Tenor Trombones since 2013.
Now the band is 『Back Bone!』,which plays funk and soul music. Kato is the bandleader and is also in charge of the musical arrangements.
『Back Bone!』has co-starred with many greatest musicians! Michael Davis and Eric Miyashiro previously guested in this band.
If you like trombones, love funk or soul music, don't miss out on this!!
加藤真弘(Kato "Billy" Masahiro)
山縣真梨子(Mariko Yamagata)(tb&vocal),
林依霖(Elisa Lin)
鄧亦峻(Yichun Teng)
Guitar: 翁光煒(Wico Weng)
Bass: 張為智(大頭 Datou)
Drum: 坂本健志(Takeshi Sakamoto)
Trombone鄧亦峻(Yichun Teng)
指揮、長號手、作曲及編曲者。在2013年五月,以優異成績(Magna Cum Laude)獲得美國麻州百克里音樂院(Berklee College of Music)的爵士作曲文憑,並在2016年六月自東華大學音樂系取得爵士演奏碩士。
在百克里音樂院求學時,雙主修長號演奏以及爵士作曲。爵士,拉丁,放克以及古典都是他喜愛的音樂。他對於 big band, funk band, jazz band, ska band 等諸如此類的演奏或錄音相當拿手並且已累積非常豐富的經驗。在旅美留學期間,參與了無數的電影配樂和各式古典流行爵士音樂的錄音。
Trombone 鄧世偉
曾服役於中華民國國防部示範樂隊 鼓霸大樂隊長號手 底細爵士樂團長號手
多次參與電視綜藝節目錄影唱片錄音、藝人演唱會、大型音樂會等 曾經在犁榭、China Pa、NYNY 等音樂餐廳固定演出 2002 水岸爵士音樂節受邀演出 台中爵士音樂節受邀演出 台中爵士音樂節爵士傳習長號分部講師 兩廳院爵士音樂夏令營長號分部講師
現為:Montunos 拉丁樂團長號手 錄音室、演唱會現場session player
Trombone林依霖(Elisa Lin)
•專長 - 製作/編曲/配樂/歌手/和聲/樂手/詞曲創作
•演出樂器 - 吉他/bass/小中提琴/長號/鋼琴/長笛/爵士鼓
•就讀美國紐約大學NYU與南加大USC音樂產業系Music Industry Major,畢業於南加大。
•美國大學時期實習生/工作經歷:紐約 Deston Songs Publishing (音樂版權公司), 洛杉磯 Varase Sarabande Records (電影配樂唱片公司), Tsunami Entertainment (邦喬飛樂團經紀公司), Glenwood Place Studios (大型錄音室)。
•台灣工作經歷:八大電視台(音樂製作專員), 嘉瑪音樂Gamma Records(製作助理), 東城音樂 Easttown Music (編曲師/錄音師), freelance production。
•目前擔任 [當道音樂 Downtown Music] 錄音室副總, 音樂製作人, 創作型歌手, 演唱會樂手。
Guitar翁光煒(Wico Weng)
2013年秋季入學美國洛杉磯音樂家學院Musicians Institute(M.I)。就學期間師事Vadim Zilberstein(Earth, Wind & Fire)、Scott Henderson、Allen Hinds、Jinishi Ozaki、Dave Hills等名師,第三學期開始擔任一年Funk Live Performance Workshop吉他助教。
合作藝人:羅大佑、蔡健雅、MC Hotdog、李佳薇、VK克、黃鴻升、林依霖 並時常於河岸留言、Sappho Live Jazz、Brown Sugar、Marsalis、Legacy、The Wall、MajiMaji、Red Room、月見君想、板橋飛、台北台中爵士音樂節等各大小展演空間演出
Bass張為智 (大頭 Datou)
最具旋律性solo 跟攻擊性的貝斯線條,在Double Bass 跟 Electric Bass 共同擁有蹚目結舌的極快速度跟音色變化。 2005~2008 年 –骨頭樂團Bass 手,在台灣各地知名Live house 超過百場演出,並屢次榮獲比賽冠軍。
2008~2010 年 – 前往美國Berklee College of Music 師承Whit Browne, Anthony Vitti, Daniel Morris, Bruno Raberg, Oscar Stagnaro 學習 Jazz, Funk, 及世界音樂. 並於美國波士頓受邀參與各種不同音樂類型的現場演出,以及專輯錄製.
2008~2010 年 – 於美國錄製吉他手Gadi Caplan 專輯及巡迴演出
2009~Present – 現任 Draft 音樂總監與Bass 手。與諸多知名爵士樂手及藝人合 作演唱會及專輯錄音。
演出:於Att for Fun concert stage,台中爵士音樂祭, StreetVoice 大登陸,簡單生活節,混種音樂節,海洋音樂祭,台客搖滾音樂祭, 春天吶喊音樂祭…etc。常於河岸留言,法藍瓷,Marsalis,Sappho…等live house 及音樂餐廳不固定演出。
合作樂手及藝人: 杜德偉,任賢齊,王若琳,LARA,馬念先,Martin“Musa”Musaubach,董舜文, 呂聖斐,楊曉恩,莊智淵,唐么玫…etc.
Drums坂本健志(Takeshi Sakamoto)
21歲開始於日本從事職業演出及錄音工作和多個當地藝人合作過電視節目、廣播、廣告、音樂劇 等。表演的曲風包含了流行、搖滾、爵士、放克、節奏藍調、金屬搖滾及拉丁等。
2009年前往美國紐約進修,先於Brooklyn Music Conservatory就讀主修爵士,之後轉學到City College of New York BFA, Jazz Department 同樣主修爵士,並在當地從事演出,和一些世界級爵士樂手合作,如Jerome Harris(Sonny Rollins Band), Tex Allen(Gil Evans Orchestra), Andy Mackee(Elvin Jones Quartet), Jason Marshall(Charles Mingus Bigband),etc.
曾師事Greg Hutchinson, Marc Fever, Nathaniel Townsley 學習爵士鼓。 2012年搬到台灣,曾於新北市國際鼓藝 節「全國鼓王爭霸賽2013」現代鼓樂部榮獲金鼓王的殊譽。
2012,2014 演出台中爵士節
2013, 2014 演出台中爵士節
新秀比賽 2013 第一名
新北市全國鼓王爭霸賽 爵士鼓 金鼓王(第一名)
與Matzka 樂團 日本Summer Sonic2013, 大高雄超級搖擺日, Canada Music Week(Toronto) , 海洋音 樂祭, 金曲音樂節 ,etc...
與曹格 曹格世界巡迴演唱會2014
與齊秦 齊秦飛行魚世界巡迴演唱會2014
與辛曉琪 加拿大 多倫多 演出
與底細爵士大樂隊 國父紀念館 , 中山堂 演出 Etc,,,
共演歌手(台湾、中国) 曹格 Gary Chaw 齊秦 Chyi Chin 辛曉琪 Lara 梁心頤 Hana 花水木 Matzka 家家 (錄音)
usc music industry 在 Kyle Le Dot Net Youtube 的最讚貼文
Follow Bosco at @being.bosco
and Whity @whity_v
The Busan Tourism Industry flew me and many other content creators over and provided accommodations and most foods. They didn't pay me to produce this video. I paid for extra meals and additional transportation that were not apart of the media tour. My opinions and content are entirely my own.
#busan #korea #travel
SUBSCRIBE now for MORE Videos: https://goo.gl/tMnTmX
JOIN to support the channel & for exclusives: http://goo.gl/oUGRBv
Like: Facebook: http://www.fb.com/KyleLe.net
Follow: Instagram and Snapchat @KyleLeDotNet
About Me: I'm Kyle Le and these are the places I've been, the people I've met, the foods I've eaten, and the many things that I've seen...Originally from Southern California, I moved to Saigon, Vietnam after university and lived there for many years. Then, I traveled the world finding and documenting stories of Vietnamese people living outside of the homeland. Then I finished my master's at USC and now... well... you're going to have to follow and watch to find out!
Like: Facebook: http://www.fb.com/KyleLe.net
Follow: Instagram and Snapchat @KyleLeDotNet
Original Music by Antti Luode.
Filmed with a Panasonic G9, 12-60mm, 14-140mm 15mm
Audio from a Rode Micro / Rode Link
Dji Spark from http://www.easyshopdrone.com

usc music industry 在 Kyle Le Dot Net Youtube 的最佳貼文
Whity from Myanmar tries king crab for the first time. Follow her on instagram @ Whity_V
Check out previous Korean videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnwupzqd-YERTiNKndFunsMAjlZ8RX3Dp
The Busan Tourism Industry flew me and many other content creators over and provided accommodations and most foods. They didn't pay me to produce this video. I paid for extra meals (night time) and additional transportation that were not apart of the media tour. My opinions and content are entirely my own.
SUBSCRIBE now for MORE Videos: https://goo.gl/tMnTmX
JOIN to support the channel & for exclusives: http://goo.gl/oUGRBv
Like: Facebook: http://www.fb.com/KyleLe.net
Follow: Instagram and Snapchat @KyleLeDotNet
About Me: I'm Kyle Le and these are the places I've been, the people I've met, the foods I've eaten, and the many things that I've seen...Originally from Southern California, I moved to Saigon, Vietnam after university and lived there for many years. Then, I traveled the world finding and documenting stories of Vietnamese people living outside of the homeland. Then I finished my master's at USC and now... well... you're going to have to follow and watch to find out!
Like: Facebook: http://www.fb.com/KyleLe.net
Follow: Instagram and Snapchat @KyleLeDotNet
Original Music by Antti Luode.
Filmed with a Panasonic G9, 12-60mm, 14-140mm 15mm
Audio from a Rode Micro / Rode Link
Dji Spark from http://www.easyshopdrone.com

usc music industry 在 Kyle Le Dot Net Youtube 的精選貼文
Follow the people in this video:
Regent (ThaiTubeID) @egendd
Mike @mike.pantv
Whity @whity_v
Bash @bashharry
Steve @laosbriefly
The Busan Tourism Industry flew me and many other content creators over and provided accommodations and most foods. They didn't pay me to produce this video. I paid for extra meals (night time) and additional transportation that were not apart of the media tour. My opinions and content are entirely my own.
#busan #korea #travelSUBSCRIBE now for MORE Videos: https://goo.gl/tMnTmX
JOIN to support the channel & for exclusives: http://goo.gl/oUGRBv
Like: Facebook: http://www.fb.com/KyleLe.net
Follow: Instagram and Snapchat @KyleLeDotNet
About Me: I'm Kyle Le and these are the places I've been, the people I've met, the foods I've eaten, and the many things that I've seen...Originally from Southern California, I moved to Saigon, Vietnam after university and lived there for many years. Then, I traveled the world finding and documenting stories of Vietnamese people living outside of the homeland. Then I finished my master's at USC and now... well... you're going to have to follow and watch to find out!
Like: Facebook: http://www.fb.com/KyleLe.net
Follow: Instagram and Snapchat @KyleLeDotNet
Original Music by Antti Luode.
Filmed with a Panasonic G9, 12-60mm, 14-140mm 15mm
Audio from a Rode Micro / Rode Link
Dji Spark from http://www.easyshopdrone.com
