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เราค้นหาข้อมูลจาก Google...
Continue ReadingGet to know Yandex, a company that ruled the world online in Russia / by investing man.
Nowadays most people are familiar with using online platforms.
To meet everyday needs.
We searched for information from Google
We order products from Amazon
We called a car and ordered food via Uber, Grab
We follow videos on YouTube
We listen to favorite songs on Spotify
But believe it or not, people can use these services through a single ′′ Yandex ′′ company.
What business does this company do? Why do they rule Russian over other famous platforms?
Investing man will tell you about it.
cuddle Update the situation and economic situation with Blockdit
There's a podcast to listen to on the go.
Yandex is Russia's biggest tech company
Founded in 1997 or 23 years ago by a businessman named Arkady Volozh
Yandex stands for Yet Another Indexer
Because the first business of the company is to make a search website.
In the global Search Engine market, Google is undoubtedly leading up to 92 % while Yandex has 5 % user with a 0.5 % share.
But within the Russian country
Yandex can rule the market share at 58 % to be regarded as Russian Google.
However, this is only part of the Yandex Kingdom because of 70 different types of internet-related businesses.
Let's see some interesting examples.
Yandex. Direct Online Advertising Business is like Google Ads. 61 % Russian market share.
Yandex. Market platform to buy products online like Amazon. Currently, there are 19 million users per month.
Yandex. Taxi platform called Uber, but embraced 60 % of domestic users until the end of 2018, Uber competitors have to sell Russian affairs for 36.6 % of Yandex's shareholders. Taxi instead.
Yandex. Eats food delivery service and Yandex Lavka, the new generation's popular grocery delivery service.
Resulting in quarter 1 2020 Transport business group grew 49 % compared to the same period last year.
Yandex. Music platform listening online like Spotify and Yandex. Video platform. Video watching online. Like YouTube. Latest. Total members of 4.3 million accounts.
There are also many other businesses like
Yandex. Flight Platform to book airfare
Yandex. Messenger Chat Apps
Yandex. Disk storage services on cloud
Yandex. Money Payment System and Online Banking
Alisa Smart Assistant like Amazon Alexa
Even during the COVID-19 incident Russia was one of the severe outbreak centers, the company developed a free virus detection kit to the public.
By the proportion of the company's income every 100 baht.
64 baht from advertisement fee
24 baht from car and delivery business.
12 baht from other businesses such as subscription fee, entertainment media.
If you ask what is the reason Yandex has succeeded in occupying online space?
The answer should be not hesitating to grab opportunities in hand.
The company's strategy is to analyze which businesses have potential and foreigners are starting to market. But it doesn't meet local people. Yandex will compete with simple service models and consistent with consumer behavior.
Because the company has a great advantage that it can design platforms to support the usage of Russian language properly and more accurately.
Improving Yandex's performance continuously following the development of internet technology.
But it's undeniable that the weakness of rubble currency from Russia's case of economic sanctions since mid 2014's after Ukraine Crimea land annexation to be part of itself. Assembled with the Expanding businesses, affecting fairly corporate profits.
Year 2013 (1 rubles equals 1.01 baht)
Income 39,900 million baht
Profit of 13,600 million baht.
Year 2017 (1 rubles equals 0.55 baht)
Income 52,000 million baht
Profit of 4,800 million baht.
Year 2018 (1 rubles equals 0.47 baht)
Income 60,000 million baht
Profit of 20,800 million baht.
This year, there is extra profit from separating Yandex business. Market venture out with another company
Year 2019 (1 rubles equals 0.49 baht)
Income 86,000 million baht
Profit of 5,500 million baht.
Yandex is listed on the NASDAQ stock exchange in the USA. Now it's worth 420,000 million baht.
And it is evaluated that Mr Arkady Volozh, who is founder and CEO has private property up to 42,000 million baht.
However, sometimes business-related to a lot of data is often troubled because government concerns about the security of important data that could slip into the hands of dissent countries.
Yandex was recently ordered to restructure the company without a single shareholder over 10 % and limit total expat shareholders to 50 %
Yandex story makes us know
In many countries, strong foreign brands often scare local business owners and dare to do anything.
But really, what those companies can fight with us is understanding the unique characteristics of domestic consumers.
So if you keep opening the door to opportunities.
At the end we may succeed.
Like the case of Yandex that has become everything in Russian life..
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ukraine news now 在 又飛啦! Flyagain.la Facebook 的最讚貼文
【#整合】一文睇哂 不斷更新 全球針對或包括香港的防武漢肺炎政策
(🆕❗ - 3月17日 1430) 🇪🇺歐盟:暫禁止「非必要」旅行,變相封關
🇨🇱智利:暫禁止外國人入境 (17/3 1430)
🇵🇾巴拉圭:暫禁止外國人入境 (17/3 1430)
🇲🇪黑山:暫禁止外國人入境 (17/3 0300)
🇨🇦加拿大:暫禁所有外籍人士入境,美國公民除外 (17/3 0300)
🇲🇾馬來西亞:暫禁所有外籍人士入境 (17/3 0300)
🇵🇪秘魯:關閉邊境,出入境受限 (16/3 2130)
🇦🇿阿塞拜疆:停發所有e-Visa及落地簽證,變相封關 (16/3 2130)
🇰🇬吉爾吉斯:香港居民入境需接受檢測及觀察,14日內禁止於境內移動 (16/3 2130)
🇷🇸塞爾維亞:暫禁止外國人入境 (16/3 2130)
🇲🇩摩爾多瓦:暫禁止外國人入境 (16/3 2130)
🇦🇷阿根廷:暫禁止外國人入境 (16/3 1730)
🇨🇴哥倫比亞:暫禁止外國人入境 (16/3 1730)
🇵🇦巴拿馬:暫禁止外國人入境 (16/3 1730)
🇹🇳突尼西亞:所有遊客入境需強制隔離14日 (16/3 1730)
🇯🇴約旦:封鎖邊境及禁航 (16/3 1730)
🇦🇺澳洲:所有外籍遊客入境時需隔離14日,禁止郵輪泊岸30日 (15/3 1730);維珍澳洲航空宣布退出香港市場,將停飛所有香港航線 (5/2 1615)
🇳🇿紐西蘭:所有外籍遊客,除太平洋島國公民,入境時需隔離14日,另禁止郵輪泊岸至6月30日 (15/3 1730)
🇳🇴挪威:所有外國人入境需隔離14日或直接遣返(北歐公民,或曾逗留北歐14日以上除外) (15/3 1730)
🇺🇦烏克蘭:暫禁止外國人入境 (15/3 1730)
🇺🇿烏茲別克:過去14日曾到香港人士,入境後需自行隔離14日 (15/3 1730)
🇮🇱以色列:所有外國人拒絕入境 (14/3 0115);過去14日曾到港人士(不包括轉機),不得進入以色列 (20/2 0400);以色列航空停飛香港-特拉維夫航線 (17/2 1800)
🇳🇵尼泊爾:香港特區護照持有人申請簽證需提供健康證明,並只能從加德滿都入境 (14/3 0115);取消香港特區護照落地簽證待遇,香港特區護照持有人需出發前到領事館申請簽證 (5/3 0230)
🇸🇻薩爾瓦多:禁止所有外國人入境 (14/3 0115)
🇹🇲土庫曼:持香港特區護照或任何英國護照者,均不可入境 (11/3 0030)
🇹🇭泰國:港人入境後需隔離14日,上機需提供健康證明及有效旅遊保險(至少有100,000 USD coverage) (10/3 0045)
🇰🇿哈薩克:持香港特區護照,以及過去30日曾到香港之人士,一律拒絕入境;Air Astana停飛香港 (8/3 0330)
🇱🇧黎巴嫩:香港特區護照持有人,以及過去14日曾到訪香港 (包括轉機) 人士,均拒絕入境及轉機 (6/3 0500)
🇯🇵日本:取消香港人免簽待遇,即使獲發簽證,入境後仍需隔離14天 (5/3 2300)
🇸🇦沙特阿拉伯:過去14日曾到港人士不得入境 (27/2 0135)
🇳🇷諾魯:過去21日曾到港人士不得入境 (27/2 0135)
🇧🇭巴林:過去14日曾到港人士(包括轉機),不得入境 (26/2 1250)
🇷🇺俄羅斯:禁止香港特區護照持有人入境 (19/2 1030);S7航空宣佈停飛所有來往香港,包括海參崴、伊爾庫茨克及新西伯利亞的三條航線 (3/2 2150)
🇸🇬新加坡:新加坡航空停飛香港-三藩市航線 (13/2 1800);捷星亞洲航空將於2月15日起停飛香港,航空公司早前宣布於3月28日起停運此航線 (6/2 0200)
🇫🇲密克羅尼西亞:禁止所有從武漢肺炎確診地區出發的遊客入境,除非已於沒有確診的地區逗留14日或以上 (13/2 1445)
🇰🇮基里巴斯:禁止所有從武漢肺炎確診地區出發的遊客入境,除非已於沒有確診的地區逗留14日或以上 (13/2 1445)
🇰🇷韓國:濟州航空停飛香港-首爾及濟州兩條航線 (12/2 0215);列港澳為疫區,加強對港澳旅客檢疫 (11/2 1407),包括強制提供留韓住址及有效之聯絡號碼;易斯達航空停飛香港-首爾仁川航線 (10/2 1230);提升對港旅遊警示至2級,勸喻國民不要前往
🇧🇩孟加拉:取消香港特區護照落地簽證待遇,入境需填健康申報表 (11/2 0215)
🇮🇷伊朗:取消香港特區護照免簽證待遇,只可落地簽或到領事館辦簽證,另入境時需通過健康檢查 (11/2 0215)
🇲🇭馬紹爾群島:從香港出發的所有旅客均拒絕入境 (11/2 0215)
🇲🇺毛里裘斯:所有過去14日曾到或逗留在港旅客均拒絕入境 (11/2 0215);毛里裘斯航空宣佈停飛香港-路易港航線 (2/2 2200)
🇸🇨塞舌爾:所有香港居民,以及過去14日曾到過香港的旅客,均拒絕入境或轉機 (11/2 0215)
🇻🇺瓦魯阿圖:過去14日曾到過香港的旅客全不准入境 (11/2 0215)
🇲🇳蒙古:2020年1月1日起曾到過香港的旅客皆不准入境 (11/2 0215);另禁止所有遊客從中國入境,包括港澳;蒙古航空及伊斯尼斯航空停飛香港-烏蘭巴托航線 (3/2 0230)
🇵🇼帛琉:禁止所有過去14日曾到香港(包括轉機)人士入境 (11/2 0150)
🇹🇼台灣:暫緩所有港澳人士入境 (10/2 1545);中華及華信航空停飛香港-台中、台南及高雄航線 (6/2 1705);另停止簽證申請 (5/2 1615)
🌐國際郵輪協會各成員公司將禁止所有14日內曾到香港,包括轉機人士上船 (8/2 1945)
🇮🇳印度:印度航空停飛香港-德里航線 (5/2 2255);靛藍航空停飛香港-班加羅爾航線
🇺🇸美國:聯合航空宣布停飛香港-紐約紐華克及香港-三藩市航線 (5/2 1930);美國航空停飛來回香港至洛杉磯/達拉斯航線 (5/2 0230);
🇰🇭柬埔寨:瀾湄航空取消香港-金邊-西哈努克航線 (3/2 2215)
🇵🇭菲律賓:菲律賓中斷所有來往香港航班 (包括亞洲航空、宿霧太平洋航空及菲律賓航空) (3/2 2215);菲律賓禁止所有過去14天到過或經過中、港、澳的人士入境(2/2 1100)
🇻🇳越南:捷星太平洋航空停飛香港-河內及香港-峴港航線 (3/2 0240);越南航空下週四起停飛香港-河內線,另胡志明市減班;停止簽發香港特區護照的旅遊簽證申請
#武漢肺炎 #疫情 #小心 #注意 #口罩 #洗手 #你唔封人哋封你
ukraine news now 在 堅離地城:沈旭暉國際生活台 Simon's Glos World Facebook 的最佳貼文
🇩🇰 這是一篇深度報導,來自歐洲現存最古老的報紙:丹麥Weekendavisen,題目是從香港抗爭運動、香港聯繫加泰羅尼亞的集會,前瞻全球大城市的「永久革命」。一篇報導訪問了世界各地大量學者,我也在其中,雖然只是每人一句,加在一起,卻有了很完整的圖像。
Protest! The demonstrations in Hong Kong were just the beginning. Now there are unrest in big cities from Baghdad to Barcelona. Perhaps the stage is set for something that could look like a permanent revolution in the world's big cities.
A world on the barricades
At the end of October, an hour after dark, a group of young protesters gathered at the Chater Garden Park in Hong Kong. Some of them wore large red and yellow flags. The talk began and the applause filled the warm evening air. There were slogans of independence, and demands of self-determination - from Spain. For the protest was in sympathy with the Catalan independence movement.
At the same time, a group of Catalan protesters staged a protest in front of the Chinese Consulate in Barcelona in favor of Hong Kong's hope for more democracy. The message was not to be mistaken: We are in the same boat. Or, as Joshua Wong, one of the leading members of the Hong Kong protest movement, told the Catalan news agency: "The people of Hong Kong and Catalonia both deserve the right to decide their own destiny."
For much of 2019, Hong Kong's streets have been ravaged by fierce protests and a growing desperation on both sides, with escalating violence and vandalism ensuing. But what, do observers ask, if Hong Kong is not just a Chinese crisis, but a warning of anger that is about to break out globally?
Each week brings new turmoil from an unexpected edge. In recent days, attention has focused on Chile. Here, more than 20 people have lost their lives in unrest, which has mainly been about unequal distribution of economic goods. Before then, the unrest has hit places as diverse as Lebanon and the Czech Republic, Bolivia and Algeria, Russia and Sudan.
With such a geographical spread, it is difficult to bring the protests to any sort of common denominator, but they all reflect a form of powerlessness so acute that traditional ways of speaking do not seem adequate.
Hardy Merriman, head of research at the International Center for Nonviolent Conflict in Washington, is not in doubt that it is a real wave of protest and that we have not seen the ending yet.
"I have been researching non-violent resistance for 17 years, and to me it is obvious that there are far more popular protest movements now than before. Often the protests have roots in the way political systems work. Elsewhere, it is about welfare and economic inequality or both. The two sets of factors are often related, ”he says.
Economic powerlessness
Hong Kong is a good example of this. The desire among the majority of Hong Kong's seven million residents to maintain an independent political identity vis-à-vis the People's Republic of China is well known, but the resentment of the streets is also fueled by a sense of economic powerlessness. Hong Kong is one of the most unequal communities in the world, and especially the uneven access to the real estate market is causing a stir.
According to Lee Chun-wing, a sociologist at Hong Kong Polytechnic University, the turmoil in the city is not just facing Beijing, but also expressing a daunting showdown with the neoliberal economy, which should diminish the state's role and give the market more influence, but in its real form often ends with the brutal arbitrariness of jungle law.
'The many protests show that neoliberalism is unable to instill hope in many. And as one of the world's most neoliberal cities, Hong Kong is no exception. While the protests here are, of course, primarily political, there is no doubt that social polarization and economic inequality make many young people not afraid to participate in more radical protests and do not care whether they are accused of damage economic growth, 'he says.
The turmoil is now so extensive that it can no longer be dismissed as a coincidence. Something special and significant is happening. As UN Secretary General António Guterres put it last week, it would be wrong to stare blindly at the superficial differences between the factors that get people on the streets.
“There are also common features that are recurring across the continents and should force us to reflect and respond. It is clear that there is growing distrust between the people and the political elites and growing threats to the social contract. The world is struggling with the negative consequences of globalization and the new technologies that have led to growing inequality in individual societies, "he told reporters in New York.
Triggered by trifles
In many cases, the riots have been triggered by questions that may appear almost trivial on the surface. In Chile, there was an increase in the price of the capital's subway equivalent to 30 Danish cents, while in Lebanon there were reports of a tax on certain services on the Internet. In both places, it was just the reason why the people have been able to express a far more fundamental dissatisfaction.
In a broad sense, there are two situations where a population is rebelling, says Paul Almeida, who teaches sociology at the University of California, Merced. The first is when more opportunities suddenly open up and conditions get better. People are getting hungry for more and trying to pressure their politicians to give even more concessions.
“But then there is also the mobilization that takes place when people get worse. That seems to be the overall theme of the current protests, even in Hong Kong. People are concerned about various kinds of threats they face. It may be the threat of inferior economic conditions, or it may be a more political threat of erosion of rights. But the question is why it is happening right now. That's the 10,000-kroner issue, ”says Almeida.
Almeida, who has just published the book Social Movements: The Structure of Social Mobilization, even gives a possible answer. A growing authoritarian, anti-democratic flow has spread across the continents and united rulers in all countries, and among others it is the one that has now triggered a reaction in the peoples.
“There is a tendency for more use of force by the state power. If we look at the death toll in Latin America, they are high considering that the countries are democracies. This kind of violence is not usually expected in democratic regimes in connection with protests. It is an interesting trend and may be related to the authoritarian flow that is underway worldwide. It's worth watching, 'he says.
The authoritarian wave
Politologists Anna Lürhmann and Staffan Lindberg from the University of Gothenburg describe in a paper published earlier this year a "third autocratic wave." Unlike previous waves, for example, in the years before World War II, when democracy was beaten under great external drama , the new wave is characterized by creeping. It happens little by little - in countries like Turkey, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Hungary and Russia - at such a slow pace that you barely notice it.
Even old-fashioned autocrats nowadays understand the language of democracy - the only acceptable lingua franca in politics - and so the popular reaction does not happen very often when it becomes clear at once that the electoral process itself is not sufficient to secure democratic conditions. Against this backdrop, Kenneth Chan, a politician at Hong Kong Baptist University, sees the recent worldwide wave of unrest as an expression of the legitimacy crisis of the democratic regimes.
“People have become more likely to take the initiative and take part in direct actions because they feel that they have not made the changes they had hoped for through the elections. In fact, the leaders elected by the peoples are perceived as undermining the institutional guarantees of citizens' security, freedom, welfare and rights. As a result, over the past decade, we have seen more democracies reduced to semi-democracies, hybrid regimes and authoritarian regimes, ”he says.
"Therefore, we should also not be surprised by the new wave of resistance from the people. On the surface, the spark may be a relatively innocent or inconsiderate decision by the leadership, but people's anger quickly turns to what they see as the cause of the democratic deroute, that is, an arrogant and selfish leadership, a weakened democratic control, a dysfunctional civil society. who are no longer able to speak on behalf of the people. ”The world is changing. Anthony Ince, a cardiff at Cardiff University who has researched urban urban unrest, sees the uprisings as the culmination of long-term nagging discontent and an almost revolutionary situation where new can arise.
"The wider context is that the dominant world order - the global neoliberalism that has dominated since the 1980s - is under pressure from a number of sides, creating both uncertainty and at the same time the possibility of change. People may feel that we are in a period of uncertainty, confusion, anxiety, but perhaps also hope, ”he says.
Learning from each other.
Apart from mutual assurances of solidarity the protest movements in between, there does not appear to be any kind of coordination. But it may not be necessary either. In a time of social media, learning from each other's practices is easy, says Simon Shen, a University of Hong Kong political scientist.
“They learn from each other at the tactical level. Protesters in Hong Kong have seen what happened in Ukraine through YouTube, and now protesters in Catalonia and Lebanon are taking lessons from Hong Kong. It's reminiscent of 1968, when baby boomers around the globe were inspired by an alternative ideology to break down rigid hierarchies, 'he says.
But just as the protest movements can learn from each other, the same goes for their opponents. According to Harvard political scientist Erica Chenoweth, Russia has been particularly active in trying to establish cooperation with other authoritarian regimes, which feel threatened by riots in the style of the "color revolutions" on the periphery of the old Soviet empire at the turn of the century.
"It has resulted in joint efforts between Russian, Chinese, Iranian, Venezuelan, Belarusian, Syrian and other national authorities to develop, systematize and report on techniques and practices that have proved useful in trying to contain such threats," writes Chenoweth in an article in the journal Global Responsibility to Protect.
Max Fisher and Amanda Taub, commentators at the New York Times, point to the social media as a double-edged sword. Not only are Twitter and Facebook powerful weapons in the hands of tech-savvy autocrats. They are also of questionable value to the protesting grass roots. With WhatsApp and other new technologies, it is possible to mobilize large numbers of interested and almost-interested participants in collective action. But they quickly fall apart again.
The volatile affiliation is one of the reasons why, according to a recent survey, politically motivated protests today only succeed in reaching their targets in 30 percent of cases. A generation ago, the success rate was 70 percent. Therefore, unrest often recurs every few years, and they last longer, as Hong Kong is an example of. Perhaps the scene is set for something that might resemble a permanent revolution in the world's big cities - a kind of background noise that other residents will eventually just get used to.
"Since there is still no obvious alternative to neoliberalism, the polarization that led to the protests initially will probably continue to apply," says Lee of Hong Kong Polytechnic University. "At the same time, this means that the anger and frustration will continue to rumble in society."
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