#1. United Nations Treaty Collection - the United Nations
The Secretary-General of the United Nations is the depositary of more than 560 multilateral treaties which cover a broad range of subject matters such as human ...
#2. UN Treaty Collection - United Nations - Research Guides
Includes status and full text of all multilateral treaties deposited with the United Nations - even those that have not been published yet.
#3. United Nations Treaty Series - UN iLibrary
The UNTS is by far the largest collection of treaties, running to some 2500 volumes containing 158,000 treaties from 1946. Its predecessor was the League of ...
#4. Definition of Key Terms Used in UN Treaty Collection
Definition of key terms used in the UN Treaty Collection. The United Nations. Introduction; Treaties; Agreements; Conventions; Charters; Protocols ...
A treaty series is an officially published collection of treaties and other international agreements. Contents. 1 League of Nations; 2 United Nations ...
#6. United Nations Treaty Collection
Treaty Reference Guide. Table of Contents. Part I: Definition of key terms used in the UN Treaty Collection. Introduction. Treaties. Agreements. Conventions.
#7. United Nations Treaty Collection | MacOdrum Library
This database contains the text of international agreements registered with the United Nations and information on the status of the registered treaties. Status ...
#8. United Nations & League of Nations treaties - International Law
According to the Introduction to the United Nations Treaty Series online, UNTS contains all treaties and international agreements registered ...
#9. The United Nations Treaty Collection on the Internet - JSTOR
The UN Treaty Section, which is responsible for publishing treaties ... the Charter, it publishes the lUTS2 (the responsibility of the Treaty Series Unit), ...
#10. United Nations Treaty Collection | IALS
Access The United Nations Treaty Collection (UNTC) is a free website, accessible to all. Content The website covers treaties registered with the UN under ...
#11. United Nations Treaty Collection | UNCCD
What can I find on this website? The United Nations Treaty Collection ( contains information regarding the activities of the Treaty ...
#12. United Nations Treaty Collection | Tisch Library
Treaties and international agreements entered into by members of the United Nations and registered with the Secretariat are included in this searchable ...
#13. United Nations Treaty Collection | Indiana University Libraries
* Status of Multilateral Treaties deposited with the Secretary-General including photographs of treaty actions, and titles in the UN Official Languages. * ...
#14. United Nations treaty collection | Gothenburg University Library
All multilateral treaties deposited with the Secretary-General of the United ... Collection des traités des Nations unies, UN treaty collection, UNTC ...
#15. UN Treaty Collection (UNTS) | IAEA
UN Treaty Collection (UNTS) ... status and access to full-text bilateral and multilateral treaties registered with and published by the UN Secretariat.
#16. Treaty Collection - ICAO
Treaty Collection · 2019 revised limits of liability under the Montreal Convention of 1999. English | Français | Español | Русский | عربية | 中文 · Recently ...
#17. United Nations Treaty Collection | Queen's University Library
Also known as: United Nations Treaty Series|UN Treaty Series | Multilateral Treaties Deposited with the Secretary-General | UNTS.
#18. United Nations Treaty Collection-翻译为中文-例句英语
使用Reverso Context: the united nations treaty collection,在英语-中文情境中翻译"United Nations Treaty Collection"
#19. United Nations Treaty Collection - Databases
Description: The UN Treaty Collection incorporates full text of several UN publications available in paper, among them Multilateral Treaties Deposited with ...
#20. United Nations Audiovisual Library of International Law
Many of these instruments are reproduced in a number of treaty collections, including the United Nations Treaty Series which contains the various treaties ...
#21. United Nations treaty collection - The University Library
It also includes the League of Nations Treaty Series, 1920-1944. Other documents included in the database are the UN Treaty Handbook and the UNTS Cumulative ...
#22. United Nations Treaty Collection - United Nations Documents
The United Nations Treaty Series (UNTS): This is a collection of treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with ...
#23. The Core International Human Rights Instruments and their ...
Some of the treaties are supplemented by optional protocols dealing with specific concerns whereas the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture ...
#24. Referencing - International Law: United Nations Treaty Series
If available, then give the date that it entered into force. UNTS citation. The preferred source for UN treaties is the United Nations Treaty ...
#25. United Nations Treaty Collection - Wikidata
website and database managed by the United Nations Office of Legal Affairs.; UN Treaty Collection; UNTC. In more languages.
#26. UK Treaties - GOV.UK
are responsible for the registration of these treaties with the UN, allowing their subsequent publication in the United Nations Treaty Series, and; will ...
#27. Finding Treaties in Full Text - Basic Resources
This site has an extensive collection of multilateral treaties but ... Includes the United Nations Treaty Series (UNTS) and the League of ...
#28. Databases
The United Nations Treaty Collection (UNTC) web site contains the following databases: United Nations Treaty Series, UNTS (1946-2003) - A collection of treaties ...
#29. United Nations Treaty Collection - Penn State University ...
This collection includes five categories of treaty-related data: Status of Multilateral Treaties deposited with the Secretary-General; The United Nations ...
#30. Finding Agreements - United States Department of State
The United Nations publishes the United Nations Treaty Series, compiling the texts of treaties and other international agreements registered with the UN.
#31. United Nations Treaty Collection - The Borgen Project
The United Nations Treaty Collection is an online database that offers access to over 200000 bilateral and multilateral treaties filed by ...
#32. United Nations Treaty Collection | Peace Palace Library
On this website, you can access information relating to the Depositary functions of the UN Secretary-General in respect of over 560 multilateral ...
#33. United Nations treaty | Leeds Numeric referencing examples
Year signed, volume number and abbreviated Treaty Series name and 1st page number, ... The authoritative source for UN treaties is the UN Treaty Collection.
#34. Free Online Treaty Collections: Historical, National, Regional ...
Access treaties and model laws related to international commerce drafted by the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, along with ...
#35. International Treaty Sources - Library Guides at UChicago
United Nations Treaty Collection (UNTC)(LNTS (1920-1948), UNTS, Cumulative Indexes, Monthly Statements of Treaties Registered with the ...
#36. Can I pull up a UN Treaty if I have the UNTS Citation? Yes ...
From the Finding Aids list on the main for United Nations Law Collection, click on “Enter a United Nations Treaty Series Citation”. This will expand the ...
#37. United Nations Treaty Series - UNC School of Law: Blogs
The United Nations Treaty Series, the largest collection of treaty documents, is available online at no charge and in pdf format.
#38. United Nations Treaty Collection - Treaty Reference Guide
Definition of key terms used in the UN Treaty Collection. Introduction; Agreements; Charters; Conventions; Declarations; Exchange of Notes ...
#39. Space Law Treaties and Principles - UNOOSA
Treaties. The treaties commonly referred to as the "five United Nations treaties on outer space" are: The "Outer Space Treaty".
#40. Treaty Research Guide: Rule 21.4 of Bluebook
United Nations Treaty Collection, MTDSG, tab: Status of Treaties ... to multilateral treaties registered or filed with the United Nations.
#41. United Nations Treaty Collection | Practical Law
Database of international treaties maintained by the Secretariat of the United Nations.
#42. Treaties - International Law - Library Guides
Multilateral treaties are published in sets such as the United Nations Treaty Series (UNTS). Only treaties deposited with the UN Secretary General become ...
#43. File:UN Treaty Series - vol 935.pdf - Wikimedia Commons
English: Volume 935 of the United Nations Treaty Series, on international treatments related to Vietnam in 1954 and 1972.
#44. Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide ...
Treaties, States Parties and Commentaries ... 180(II) of 21 December 1947 in which the UN recognised that "genocide is an international crime, which entails ...
#45. Canada Treaty Series -
As of 1 April 2014, the treaties published in the Canada Treaty Series (CTS) are only be available in electronic format. To view the list of the treaties ...
#46. International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Cite as, UN General Assembly, International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 16 December 1966, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 993, p. 3, ...
#47. United Nations treaty collection = - Berkeley Law
Former Title United Nations treaty series. United Nations treaty data base. UN treaty database. Added Corporate Author United Nations.
#48. Treaty Collection > Forum Sec
A number of treaties have been developed through the Pacific Islands Forum to provide ... on the Law of Treaties, and the United Nations Treaty Collection.
#49. Full list - The Council of Europe
No Title Opening of the treaty Entry into For... 185 Convention on Cybercrime (ETS No. 185) 23/11/2001 01/07/2004 174 Civil Law Convention on Corruption (ETS No. 174) 04/11/1999 01/11/2003 166 European Convention on Nationality (ETS No. 166) 06/11/1997 01/03/2000
#50. UN Treaty Series | Knowledge Management Services
... plus Bilateral and multilateral treaties registeblue with and published by the United Nations Secretariat in accordance with Article 102 up to a certain ...
#51. Non-US Treaty Sources - Research Guides - University at ...
A printed index to current treaties and international agreements published in the United Nations Treaty Series vols. 1229-1503.
#52. User Contributions - Encyclopedia of the Nations
... Databases - United nations treaty collection ... Nations treaty series; texts of recently deposited multilateral treaties; ...
#53. (XI.B.22) Attention: Treaty Services of Ministries of Foreign ...
in the United Nations Treaty Collection on the Internet at Reference: C.N.228.2003.TREATIES-2 (Depositary Notification).
#54. EUI Library on Twitter: "#DatabasesAZ #EResources The UN ...
#DatabasesAZ #EResources The UN Treaty Collection includes multilateral treaties, the United Nations treaty series, texts of recently deposited multilateral ...
#55. International Treaties - UC Hastings Law Library Research ...
Other Sources of Treaties. HeinOnline United Nations Law Collection · U.N. Treaty Collection · for human rights treaties ...
#56. Page:UN Treaty Series - vol 1.pdf/16 - Wikisource
(c) Treaties or international agreements transmitted by a party not a Member of the United Nations which were entered into before or after ...
#57. Citing treaties - Research guides - University of Toronto
The McGill Guide specifies the following order of preference for treaty citations: United Nations Treaty Series (UNTS) or League of Nations ...
#58. International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and ...
of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) concerning the ... Article 15 Ex Situ Collections of Plant Genetic Resources for Food.
#59. International Treaties Collection - WorldLII
This collection is part of the International Law Library. News & Announcements. World Intellectual Property Organization Administered Treaties (WIPOATSer) 1925- ...
#60. Text of US Treaties - LibGuides at Loyola Law School
Treaties and Other International Acts Series (T.I.A.S.) numbers are assigned to individual pamphlets publishing advice and consent treaties and ...
#61. UNCTAD: Home
UN crisis response group calls for immediate action to avert cascading impacts of war in Ukraine. Dire consequences of the war on global food, energy and ...
#62. C138 - Minimum Age Convention, 1973 (No. 138) - ILO
The Director-General of the International Labour Office shall communicate to the Secretary-General of the United Nations for registration in accordance with ...
#63. Track the impact of the United Nations human rights treaty ...
Track the impact of the United Nations human rights treaty system: ... will collect documentation on the extent to which the treaty system ...
#64. United Nations Conventions | Your Rights | Our Site
There are 7 United Nations (UN) documents that protect the rights of people in ... This web page has a series of Auslan interpreted videos which explain The ...
#65. Irish Treaty Series - DFA
Irish Treaty Series To facilitate teaching, study, dissemination and wider appreciation of international law, it has been our practice since 1930 to publish ...
#66. Human Rights Library- University of Minnesota
... a large collection of international human rights treaties, instruments, ... decisions, and views of treaty bodies; other U.N. human rights materials, ...
#67. Commission proposes a comprehensive reform of data ...
In the digital age, the collection and storage of personal ... law under Article 16 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
#68. Chatham House – International Affairs Think Tank
Chatham House, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, is an independent policy institute based in London. Discover what we do, visit our website ...
#69. - Department of Finance - Government of Ireland
This website uses cookies to collect information about how you use this site. This information is used to make the website work as well as ...
#70. The Conversation: In-depth analysis, research, news and ...
Curated by professional editors, The Conversation offers informed commentary and debate on the issues affecting our world. Plus a Plain English guide to the ...
#71. U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea |
Given the United States has been abiding by all but one provision of the treaty since President Reagan's 1983 statement of oceans policy and ...
#72. Ukraine and the International Criminal Court
In May 2016, at the UN General Assembly, Ukraine declared itself 'at the final ... obligations rather than non-ratification of a treaty.
#73. US would lag behind global abortion access if Roe v. Wade is ...
Included in these treaties are the right to non-discrimination; ... Tags: abortion access U.N. Supreme Court abortion Series: Roe v.
#74. Australia's international support for gender equality
Australia is supporting UN Women to deliver activities focused on ... the program assists governments to collect, analyse and use good gender data, ...
#76. International Regulatory Co-operation The Role of ...
While they are not international treaties, they do entail the same kind of ... According to the definition of key terms used in the UN Treaty Collection, ...
#77. Tax Treaty Case Law around the Globe 2014: Schriftenreihe ...
31 and 32 (23 May 1969), Treaties IBFD; 652 also availableon the UN website at: > UN Treaty Collection > UnitedNations Treaty Series (UNTS).
#78. International Control of Sea Resources - 第 94 頁 - Google 圖書結果
U.N. Treaty Series , vol . 11 , p . 43. The Union of South Africa , Australia , Canada , Denmark , France , Mexico , the Netherlands , New Zealand , Norway ...
#79. Treaty Series 1600 - 第 364 頁 - Google 圖書結果
Les gains qu'un résident d'un Etat contractant tire de l'aliénation de biens immobiliers visés à l'article 6 et situés dans l'autre Etat contractant sont ...
#80. Treaty Series 1571 - 第 137 頁 - Google 圖書結果
4) Un membre d'une force australienne ou d'un élément civil pourra, à la date de son entrée à Singapour ou pendant une période raisonnable suivant cette ...
#81. Treaty Series 1583 - 第 152 頁 - Google 圖書結果
d) A la demande des autorités dudit Etat ou avec leur consentement, à servir d'interprète au nom dudit ressortissant ou à désigner un interprète pour ...
#82. Treaty Series 2922/Recueil des Traités 2922 - 第 3 頁 - Google 圖書結果
COTONOU, 8 MARCH 1965 AND 13 MARCH 1965 [United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 549, I-7987.] ÉCHANGE DE NOTES CONSTITUANT UN ACCORD ENTRE LES ÉTATS-UNIS ...
#83. Piracy and Armed Robbery at Sea: The Legal Framework for ...
216 Id. 217 United Nations, Treaty Collection, Status of Treaties, ... available at tus.aspx (last visited Aug ...
un treaty collection 在 Track the impact of the United Nations human rights treaty ... 的推薦與評價
Track the impact of the United Nations human rights treaty system: ... will collect documentation on the extent to which the treaty system ... ... <看更多>