《台灣海外網》刊出專文:為蔡英文論文門護航的施芳瓏也是假博士 http://taiwanus.net/news/press/2021/202109080159111995.htm
在蔡英文的論文門事件中,為蔡護航的施芳瓏被揭出(https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/ch/news/3800142 ),台北匯給倫敦政經學院的48萬英鎊,被指名給施芳瓏。這筆錢被質疑是蔡英文方面給施芳瓏的遊說款或報酬,以報答她在論文門事件中為蔡護航。
施芳瓏在海外台灣同鄉會的一次英文演講令人大開眼界,因其英文之爛(好像是火星上的外語),可登世界威尼斯記錄,但她就有膽獻醜,也可能是醜美不分,喪失基本的判斷能力。這個演講引起很多人質疑,施芳瓏的英文差到如此地步(她的英文講話視頻在這: https://www.taiwanus.net/news/press/2019/201910222227481835.htm ),怎麼能通過博士論文答辯呢,哪個口試委員能聽懂她在說什麼?
近日台灣評論家、一直質疑蔡英文假學位的曾淼泓博士在節目中提到( https://youtu.be/Hocz1s7lgcc ),他偶然從網上查到,直到2017年,施芳瓏都還是 PhD candidate(博士候選人),也就是她還不是正式博士。可是施芳瓏到台灣、在歐洲,都是稱Dr.Shih Fang-long(施芳瓏博士)。看來她一直為蔡英文護航的原因在這裡,她倆都是假博士,是惺惺相惜、假假相惜。
施芳瓏2017年到捷克的Masaryk大學參加『學生研討會』(Students Workshop),維也納大學在網頁上( https://tsc.univie.ac.at/recent-news/single-view-recent/article/students-workshop-social-movements-in-chinese-societies/?tx_ttnews[backPid]=192008&cHash=138dac521dc171218a8a5173d22ae624&fbclid=IwAR0gr_DdaAg6vR-6MHn_74E9z83bQKyZGdhNYTwWeMHnvUBer5nJa1BrCTU )介紹這次活動時,清楚地寫著:四位演講者,一位是正攻讀學位的博士生,另一位施芳瓏(Shih Fang-long)是博士候選人(PhD candidate)。如果他們寫錯了,那麼愛面子、爭虛榮的施芳瓏,早就會抗議這個『烏龍』,不會這麼置之不理。
You are here:>University of Vienna >Faculty of Philological and Cultural Studies>Department of East Asian Studies>Vienna Center for Taiwan Studies
Students Workshop - Social Movements in Chinese Societies
During the week of 21 October - 24 October, China Studies Seminar at Masaryk University, Czech Republic will be holding a students´ workshop with a particular focus on Social Movements in Taiwan and Hong Kong. We would like to invite undergraduate and master students to attend the workshop. Those interested in attending are welcome to register via e-mail: magdalena.maslakova@gmail.com
Liang Chia-Yu University of Sussex (PhD candidate)
Lai Tsz Him Drew University (Ph.D. student)
Calida Chu University of Edinburgh (PhD candidate)
Shih Fang-long London School of Economics Leon Nelson Kunz SOAS (PhD candidate)
For a detailed program please click this link!
Organizer: China Studies Seminar Masaryk University, Faculty of Arts Brno, Czech Republic
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同時也有136部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過6萬的網紅Tristan H. 崔璀璨,也在其Youtube影片中提到,外國人需要考大考嗎?學士班的外籍生是全英文上課的嗎? 我今天來回答大家好奇的這幾個問題~ 也順便分享幾個有趣的故事... 像全台語上課這件事情🤪 Do foreigners have to take the standardized college exams in Taiwan? Do unde...
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undergraduate 在 Scholarship for Vietnamese students Facebook 的精選貼文
HỌC BỔNG 100% BẬC CỬ NHÂN TẠI KAIST - Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology.
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Thông tin chung:
- Deadline: 22/10/2021.
- Đối tượng: tất cả các sinh viên quốc tế nộp hồ sơ vào trường.
- Bậc học: cử nhân.
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- Điều kiện duy trì học bổng: sinh viên phải đạt GPA tối thiểu 2.7 trên 4.3.
- Chú ý: quá trình xin học bổng sẽ không tách rời. (Tức là lúc các bạn nộp hồ sơ, trường sẽ tự động xét học bổng. Ngày thông báo kết quả trúng tuyển đại học cũng chính là ngày thông bao kết quả học bổng).
- Link thông tin học bổng: https://admission.kaist.ac.kr/intl-undergraduate/scholarships/?fbclid=IwAR29JyrlGah30YUz99v3Qmn7ppaUv9e_jNBZjoYwH51kw3POo5di2AW6Bc0
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🌸 Link đăng ký và lịch học lớp tháng10,11: http://tiny.cc/HannahEdClass
🌸Profile giảng viên: https://cutt.ly/yWOEGCU
Profile cố vấn học tập: https://cutt.ly/PbzSgd4
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undergraduate 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的精選貼文
✅ 9/17 8 pm 布朗大學、哥倫比亞大學、普林斯頓大學、賓州大學聯合說明會 (另一場為9/28,擇一參加即可) :https://bit.ly/3A9djEb
✅ 9/18 10:30 am 舊金山大學、紐約州立大學水牛城分校聯合講座,主題為「入學申論題寫作」:https://bit.ly/3tzs6W9
✅ 9/25 10:30 am 紐約州立大學石溪分校、佩栢丹大學、安柏瑞德航空大學、明尼蘇達大學、加州橘郡社區大學等共同講座,主題為「如何選校」:https://bit.ly/3txnpMw
✅ 9/27 8 pm 史丹佛大學大學部入學說明會 :https://bit.ly/3nqjpww
✅ Sept 28 8 am (同9/17,擇一參加即可) 布朗大學、哥倫比亞大學、普林斯頓大學、賓州大學聯合說明會:https://bit.ly/3z9fiH7
#留學美國 #美國歡迎你 #留美線上講座 #留學美國在台灣 #AIT留學美國服務 #在家關注留美 #美國學位課程 #美國留學優勢 #美國教育優勢
It is time to start prepping your 2022 school applications! Don’t know where to start? Attend some webinars and learn application skills from U.S. college and university admission staff. Here is a list of September webinars that #EducationUSA has either organized or participated in.
✅ September 17 @ 8pm: Info session with Brown University, Columbia University, Princeton University, and the University of Pennsylvania:https://bit.ly/3A9djEb
✅ September 18 @ 10:30am: “Essay Writing” with University of San Francisco and University at Buffalo:https://bit.ly/3tzs6W9
✅ September 25 @ 10:30am: “College Selection” with Stony Brook University, Pepperdine University, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, and Minnesota State University:https://bit.ly/3A9djEb
✅ September 27 @ 8pm, “Undergraduate Admissions” with Stanford University: https://bit.ly/3nqjpww
✅ September 28 @ 8pm, Info session with Brown University, Columbia University, Princeton University, and the University of Pennsylvania:https://bit.ly/3z9fiH7
#StudyWithUS #EducationUSA #EdUSA #EdUSAatHome #EducationUSATaiwan #studyintheusataiwan #AITeducationUSA #UShigereducation #USeducationbenefits #EdUSAwebinars
undergraduate 在 Tristan H. 崔璀璨 Youtube 的最讚貼文
也順便分享幾個有趣的故事... 像全台語上課這件事情🤪
Do foreigners have to take the standardized college exams in Taiwan?
Do undergraduate foreign students take classes all in English?
Today I'm answering some of those most commonly asked questions
I'll also be sharing a couple of interesting stories... like the professor who taught entirely in Taiwanese🤪
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【崔璀璨 Tristan H.】
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undergraduate 在 Greanyduo 泰國小姊姊 เกรียนนี่ดูโอ้ Youtube 的最佳解答
เรียนไต้หวัน National ChengChi University [政大 NCCU] - จบนิเทศทำอะไรได้บ้าง
สอบถามข้อมูลเพิ่มเกี่ยวกับ NCCU:
IG Tina: https://www.instagram.com/tinatiramisu/
IG Jenny: https://www.instagram.com/foodielustbyjenny/
ดูวิดีโอภาษาจีนสนุกๆต่อได้ที่นี้: https://www.tiktok.com/@greanyduo?
FB: https://www.facebook.com/greanyduo/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/greanyduo
Official Website: http://www.greanyduo.com
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4bsFNkQ...
Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/sawasdee-nihao-podcast/id1566997752
Music by Joakim Karud https://youtube.com/joakimkarud
Big thanks to Joakim Karud's awesome bgm! :)

undergraduate 在 Greanyduo 泰國小姊姊 เกรียนนี่ดูโอ้ Youtube 的精選貼文
How to be friends with Taiwanese! :)
IG Tina: https://www.instagram.com/tinatiramisu/
IG Jenny: https://www.instagram.com/foodielustbyjenny/
ดูวิดีโอภาษาจีนสนุกๆต่อได้ที่นี้: https://www.tiktok.com/@greanyduo?
FB: https://www.facebook.com/greanyduo/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/greanyduo
Official Website: http://www.greanyduo.com
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4bsFNkQ...
Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/sawasdee-nihao-podcast/id1566997752
Music by Joakim Karud https://youtube.com/joakimkarud
Big thanks to Joakim Karud's awesome bgm! :)

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undergraduate 的同義字Undergraduate is used to refer to a student who is studying in,but hasn't completed university, while graduate refers ... ... <看更多>
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We thank our colleagues, collaborators, postgraduate and undergraduate students who have contributed to, motivated and inspired our research activities in this ... ... <看更多>