不過這裡並沒有前一座沙漠綠洲小鎮 Khiva 那麼好拍照,因此我覺得待三晚有點太久... 🏜️ 但有找到食物划算的餐廳,所以 York 比較喜歡這裡😂
布哈拉最主要的景點就是高47米的 Kaylan Minerate 宣禮塔。建於1127年,當時成吉思汗把該城捏過時因為它的壯觀把它留下來😆
然而這座塔也被稱為「死亡之塔」☠️ 因為直到 1990 年代,人們還是把犯人從塔上丟下來...😖 這裡夜晚會打燈,但只打塔本身,所以也不是那麼漂亮😅
另外一個我覺得被騙很大的景點是四根像是宣禮塔的碧綠色頂的 Chor Minor 🕌 照片上看起來超酷的!結果本尊好不壯觀,藏在社區的小公園內。如果當地居民不懂觀光客在拍什麼,那麼我可以理解...🤔
總而言之我沒有很愛這裡,但這裡餵飽 York 所以他很開心😝 只能說每個人喜歡的都不同啊~🤷
Ps. 記得加入 IG 觀看即時動態唷 😁 www.instagram.com/travelwithwinny 📸
好啦!其實是因為我 IG 人數很弱,需要大家多多支持😂
#烏茲別克 #布哈拉 #世界遺產
Bukhara- one of the great historical trading cities of the Silk Road🐪
The old city center is UNESCO site but it's less photogenic than the previous desert oasis- Khiva 🏜️
It has more than 140 architectural monuments built in Middle Ages dating back to 2300 years ago👀
York enjoyed this place more since it has cheaper/ better food here🍴 Less photo stress as there just isn't as much sites to photograph...😂
The main highlight of Bukhara suppose to be Kaylan Minerate built in 1127. At height of 47M, Gengiz Khan was so impressed during its conquering of Bukhara, he ordered his men to leave it 😲
It's also nick-named "The Tower of Death" bcz they used to execute criminals by chucking them from top of the tower😬 This practice only stopped in early 1990s...
However, one of the major disappointment for me was the four turquoise blue minerates- Chor Minor🕌 It looked pretty epic in photos but it was lame in real life🙄
Overall, I think 3N was too much in this city. Although York does enjoy this place more than the previous, so yea, guess everyone is different 🤷
#Bukhara #Uzbekistan #UNESCO