Good Fats vs Bad Fats
There is always a misconception that fats are bad for you, all fats should be avoided. That is not true! Our bodies need fat!
Fats are necessary to provide energy, help in body growth, develop healthy cells, make hormones. There are good fats and bad fats. We need good fats and should stay away from bad fats because they can increase your risk of heart disease and other health conditions.
✔️Lower cholesterol levels
✔️Reduce risk of heart disease
✔️Curb cravings for junk food
- Mono-unsaturated fat is found in olive oils, avocados, and nuts.
- Poly-unsaturated fats are found in vegetable oils, fish, walnuts, almonds, and flaxseed.
Tip: Skip mayonnaise and use avocado, use olive oil in your cooking or salads. Snack on almonds or walnuts instead of chips.
✖️Raise cholesterol levels
✖️Clog arteries
✖️Increace the risk of heart disease
- Trans fat, made by adding hydrogen to vegetable oil through hydrogenation process. Trans fat is found in packaged and processed foods.
- Saturated fat is found in red meat, sausages, fried foods, baked goods.
Tip: Trans fat should be avoided and saturated fats intake should be limited.