Until Dawn is designed to be replayed multiple times. Each play through will last about 10 hours in length and the game mechanics utilize a new in-game system called the "Butterfly Effect" in which any choice of action by the player may cause minor or major unforeseen consequences later on...
《直到黎明》是款以典型美國青少年恐怖片為主題的恐怖冒險遊戲,邀請好萊塢電影編劇與電視藝人參與製作。故事敘述 8 名青少年在某位朋友神秘死去 1 年後,來到一處偏遠的深山,卻遭遇到未知的死亡威脅。在電力中斷、手機不通的孤立狀態下,用盡一切手段苦撐至黎明到來。
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Bonus Part 2 : https://youtu.be/Fj1Rfhrf6LM
關注我的Youtube : http://goo.gl/3TVkJT
關注老吳FB: http://goo.gl/c0a2DW
副頻道 : https://goo.gl/oiM4vk
Part 1開始開清單Playlist : https://goo.gl/yOjhLO