Telephone booking? What year is this? 199x?
衷心多謝大家的支持,我們整個團隊包括「Harmonic Motion」的創作者堀內紀子女士非常感謝大家的期待!我們正連日連夜努力為活動作最後準備及測試,但由於我們特別為是次活動而設的網上登記系統暫時未能成功通過壓力測試,為免大家久候,首階段我們特別安排了四條電話專線為大家作預約及登記,讓活動可以如期開放。
電話預約日期: 由6月30日起 (有效至第二階段網上預約開始,網上預約日期將容後再作公佈)
接受預約時間: 上午9時至該天場次名額已滿
預約電話專線如下: (6月30日早上9時起接受預約)
9384 4149
9859 7833
9731 7092
9869 5182
可供登記之場次: 登記日起計共兩天 (即明天、後天)之活動場次,名額先到先得
活動開放時間:上午11時至晚上9時 - 每場為20分鐘,每半小時開始新場次 (如11時、11時30分、12時,如此類推)
我們希望為每位參加者盡量做到最好!我們亦會盡快為大家公佈次階段網上預約安排。再次感謝每位的支持 :)
1. 參加者必須通過電話專線預約登記及以大會發出的確認電郵為準,方為有效登記 (確認電郵將於登記日當天晚上10時前發出)。
2. 任何入場人士(包括家長或監護人)均必須預約登記。
3. 每次成功致電預約,可為最多兩位同行的參加者登記(連同登記人共三人)。在此以外的其他預約必須再作致電重新登記。
Thank you very much for the overwhelming support from you all. Words cannot express the gratitude from our team including the creator of the art piece, Mrs Toshiko Horiuchi MacAdam. We are now working day and night for the final preparation and tests for the exhibition. Unfortunately the dedicated online reservation system did not meet our satisfactory standard during stress testing. We understand that many of you have been waiting for the launch, therefore we have specially arranged 4 reservation telephone hotlines for registration, so that admission will commence on Jul 1 as promised to you all.
[First Phase: Phone reservation arrangement]
Phone reservation period: From 30 Jun 2016 (till further notice with the launch of second phase for online registration)
Hotline operating hours: From 9am to all available sessions for the day are fully booked
Reservation hotlines as follow: (From 30 Jun 9am onwards)
9384 4149
9859 7833
9731 7092
9869 5182
Sessions available for reservation: Enrollment for sessions can be made up to 2 days in advance, excluding the date of registration (which is tomorrow and the day after tomorrow). First-come, first-served.
Exhibition opening hours: From 11am to 9pm, each session will last for 20 minutes, and each will start at every full and half hours (e.g. 11am, 11:30am, 12nn, so on and so forth)
Thank you again for your support :)
1. Registration must be made via our reservation hotlines. Reservation is only valid upon the receipt of confirmation email.
2. All participants entering the event (including parents or guardians) must register in advance.
3. You can also register for a maximum of TWO additional guests for the same session (THREE participants in total). For reservations beyond that, please dial in the reservation hotline again for new registration.
For more details, please visit
upon receipt of your confirmation 在 Confirmation of receipt 的推薦與評價
Upon receipt of this package, complete spaces below and return this page by fax to the IPC Headquarters: FAX NUMBER +49 228 2097 209. Thank you for your ... ... <看更多>
upon receipt of your confirmation 在 definite articles - "Please confirm receipt of this email" or ... 的推薦與評價
Jason signed a form to acknowledge the receipt of the letter. Did you get a notification acknowledging receipt of your package? The company ... ... <看更多>