【Talk】美國南加大郭宗杰教授User Experience on Stereoscopic Image Pair Viewing:Subject Evaluation and Objective Assessment
Topic : User Experience on Stereoscopic Image Pair Viewing:Subject Evaluation and Objective Assessment
Extensive studies on human visual experience on image and video have been conducted in recentyears, yet the study on human viewing experience on stereoscopic image pairs is still sparse inliterature. In this talk, I will first describe our recent effort in building a new subjective stereoimage quality evaluation database called MCL3D at the University of Southern California (USC).It consists a rich set of distortion types, including distortion in the depth map, in the texture mapand in the rendering engine. Then, I will describe the performance evaluation of several objectivestereo image quality metrics for this new database as well as ideas to design a more robustobjective quality index using machine learning and decision fusion. Finally, concluding remarksand future research directions are given.
演講者: C.-C. Jay Kuo, University of Southern California
(美國南加州大學 郭宗杰教授)
時間: 2013 年10 月29 日(週二) 上午 10:30am ~ 11:30am
地點: 交通大學光復校區交映樓國際會議廳
主辦單位: 交通大學國際百大合作計畫
協辦單位: IEEE Consumer Electronics Society Taipei Chapter