要維持愛犬牙齒健康,除了刷牙和進食潔齒零食之外,定期檢查亦非常重要。PURINA DENTALIFE®舉辦的「健齒體驗活動」,由專業獸醫免費為狗狗檢查牙齒,完成後更可獲得狗狗潔齒棒一包 (價值港幣$280)!
⭐PURINA DENTALIFE® x VET01 免費健齒體驗活動⭐
活動與 Vet01 一愛寵治療中心 合辦,註冊獸醫會於2021年3月14日(星期日),為30隻狗狗提供專業牙齒檢查及護齒建議,並會教授主人正確的刷牙方式。每位參加者的諮詢時間為15至20分鐘,完成後更可獲得PURINA DENTALIFE®狗狗潔齒棒一包(迷你犬或中型及小型犬裝)。
有意參加的狗主,請填妥參加表格 (網址︰https://purinaxvet01.simplybook.asia/v2/# )。活動名額共30個,先到先得,額滿即止。
1. 是次專業牙齒檢查及護齒建議活動是由雀巢香港有限公司(“雀巢”)贊助及由“VET 01 VETERINARY EMERGENCY AND THERAPAUTIC CENTRE ”之專業獸醫進行檢查。
2. 參加者須於活動網址 (https://purinaxvet01.simplybook.asia/v2/#) 登記,方可參加此2021 PURINA DENTALIFE® x VET01 健齒體驗活動。
3. 成功登記的寵物可獲得免費獸醫牙齒檢查及 PURINA DENTALIFE®潔齒棒一份(迷你犬或中型及小型犬裝)。
4. 是次活動只限於提供專業牙齒檢查及護齒建議,以及PURINA DENTALIFE®產品贊助。 (不包括其他額外身體檢查、牙齒口腔診療及藥物等)。
5. 參加之寵物主人需確保寵物牙齒檢查當日, 寵物之健康狀況良好, 獸醫亦會因應寵物當時健康及牙齒口腔的健康狀況而作出專業判斷寵物是否適合檢查; 寵物主人不得另議。
6. 於VET01獸醫診所檢查時,主人須出示及如實提供個人資料、寵物的健康狀況及針卡(正本),以便獸醫進行檢查。
7. 如寵物被診斷出嚴重之牙齒口腔健康問題, 如: 嚴重牙周病, 牙齒牙肉發炎等症狀; 當值獸醫將保留該寵物是否適合參與是次活動的最終決定權。ii) 倘若您需就其寵物作檢查以外的牙齒或其他治療, 此乃為您與VET01的協議; 與雀巢香港有限公司無關。
8. 寵物必須為一歲或以上,體重5磅或以上方合資格參加本活動。
9. 如有任何原因或不可歸責於雀巢之理由(包括電腦、網路、電話、技術問題),而令參加者所登記之資料有遲延、遺失或錯誤等情況,雀巢不會負上任何法律責任,參加者不得異議。
10. 參加者參加本活動之同時,即同意接受本活動之活動條款及細則之規範。如有違反條款,以不誠實手法進行本活動或造假者,雀巢有權取消其參加資格。
11. 贈送之PURINA DENTALIFE®潔齒棒乃非賣品,如被發現買賣,主辦方保留追究權利。
12. 雀巢有權隨時取消本活動並更改參加條款及細則,怒不另行通知。如有任何爭議,雀巢及VET01將保留最終決定權。
13. 參加者所提供之個人資料僅供是次推廣活動之用,雀巢將按照《個人資料(私隱)條例》處理所收集的個人資料。詳情請閱讀雀巢私隱聲明(https://www.nestle.com.hk/info/privacypolicy) 。
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【MEWE: MoCity 毛城城】
【Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MoCityHK】
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【YouTube Channel: 毛城城MoCity】
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「veterinary emergency centre」的推薦目錄:
veterinary emergency centre 在 Sophie Willocq Facebook 的精選貼文
Please help if you can, or share!!!
PLEASE HELP! Even a small amount counts!
We are urgently appealing for donations to help this stray cat.
She was found with a big cut on her right thigh exposing her muscle and her wound already started to smell badly! :(
My aunt Jean Say and uncle Eric Ang T T found her outside my grandmother's house at Lengkong Dua, Kembangan.
We suspect it is most likely an abuse case and has contacted Cat Welfare Society.
She is currently receiving treatment at Animal Recovery Veterinary Referral Centre and needs to be hospitalised for at least 3-4 weeks.
The minimum hospitalisation and medical cost is $150 per day and will potentially reach $5000. The current bill incurred as of 15th November is $1800. Emergency late night treatment (when we first found her) at Mount Pleasant Animal Hospital is $240 and she was transferred to ARVRC the next morning with an initial deposit of $1000. ARVRC requested us to name her for receipt purposes and she was named Minnie.
*WE ARE ALSO LOOKING FOR FOR A SAFE & LOVING FUREVER HOME FOR MINNIE as it will be unsafe to release her back after she recovers and we're not able to keep her as we already have cats at home. Please PM me if you're keen or pls help to share so she can find a good adopter. Minnie is a very sweet and friendly cat :) Minnie's vet said she is very easy to handle and is very cooperative despite being so seriously injured.
If you are able to help, please PM me or donate directly to my aunt, Jean Say (the rescuer)
POSB SAVINGS 084-55482-0
For ibanking:
1. Ibank nick pls state: your name
2. Payee name: Jean Say
3. Pls update us with the screenshot or update us your ibank nick and donation amount so that we can update on FB for transparency purposes.
For ATM transfer/deposit:
Pls update us with a clear photo of the receipt so that we can update on FB for transparency purposes.
Any extra amount will be donated to Cat Welfare Society, Lily Low Shelter, Cause For Paws SG, Love Kuching Project , Metta Cats and other cat shelters.