#1. Vocal cord paralysis - Diagnosis and treatment - Mayo Clinic
Paralysis of the nerve to your vocal cord will probably leave the vocal cord muscle thin and weak. To add bulk to a paralyzed vocal cord, a ...
#2. Vocal Cord Paralysis: Definition, Causes, & Treatment
Vocal cord paralysis happens when you can't control the muscles that move your vocal cords. If your vocal cord doesn't close, ...
#3. Vocal Cord Paralysis Treatment NYC | Mount Sinai - New York
Vocal cord paralysis occurs when the nerve impulses to your voice box (larynx) are interrupted. This results in paralysis of your vocal cord muscle.
#4. Vocal cord paralysis: Causes, diagnosis, and treatment
Vocal cord paralysis, also known as vocal cord paresis, is the inability of one or both vocal cords (vocal folds) to move.
#5. Vocal Fold Paralysis—Symptoms & Treatment | NIDCD
Vocal fold paralysis (also known as vocal cord paralysis) is a voice disorder that occurs when one or both of the vocal folds don't open or ...
#6. Vocal Cord Paralysis | Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Vocal cord paralysis is when 1 or both of your vocal cords aren't able to move (see Figure 3). It's usually caused by the nerve that controls ...
#7. Vocal Cord (Fold) Paralysis - ENT Health
Vocal cord paralysis and paresis can result from abnormal function of the nerves that control your voice box muscles (laryngeal muscles). Paralysis is a ...
#8. Vocal Cord Paralysis - Ear, Nose, and Throat Disorders - MSD ...
Vocal cord paralysis results in loss of vocal cord abduction and adduction. Paralysis may affect phonation, respiration, and deglutition, and food and fluids ...
#9. Vocal cord paresis - Wikipedia
Vocal cord paresis, also known as recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis or vocal fold paralysis, is an injury to one or both recurrent laryngeal nerves (RLNs) ...
#10. Vocal Cord Paralysis: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments
Vocal cord paralysis is a health condition that affects the two folds of tissue in your voice box called the vocal cords.
#11. Vocal Fold Paralysis - ASHA
Unilateral vocal fold paralysis is when only one fold will not move or only moves a little bit. It is more common than bilateral paralysis. The paralyzed vocal ...
#12. Vocal Cord Paralysis | Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Vocal cord paralysis (also referred to as “vocal fold” paralysis by physicians) is a condition in which the vocal cords cannot move on one side (unilateral) ...
#13. Unilateral Vocal Cord Paralysis: A Review of CT Findings ...
Vocal cord paralysis (VCP) may be caused by a variety of mediastinal disease entities, including various neoplastic, inflammatory, ...
#14. Vocal Fold Paralysis | Michigan Medicine
One or both vocal folds can be paralyzed. When one vocal fold is paralyzed (unilateral vocal cord paralysis), voice and sometimes swallowing are impaired.
#15. Vocal Cord Paralysis | Boston Medical Center
Vocal fold (or cord) paresis and paralysis result from abnormal nerve input to the voice box muscles (laryngeal muscles). Paralysis is the total ...
#16. Vocal Cord Disorders | Johns Hopkins Medicine
Paralysis of the vocal cords may happen when one or both vocal cords doesn't open or close properly. When one vocal cord is paralyzed, the voice can be weak ...
#17. Pediatric Vocal Fold Paralysis: A Long-term Retrospective Study
VOCAL FOLD paralysis (VFP) is the absence of movement of the vocal folds following dysfunction of the motor nerve supply to the larynx. Presenting symptoms in ...
#18. Vocal Cord Paralysis Program - Massachusetts General Hospital
Vocal cord paralysis is a rare but serious cause of hoarseness. Normally, the two vocal cords act as a valve in the upper airway, opening for breathing and ...
#19. Vocal Cord Paralysis and Laryngeal Trauma in Cardiac Surgery
The risk of vocal cord paralysis was associated with emergency operation [odds ratio, 97.5 (95% confidence interval [CI], 2.9 to 366), p. = 0.01]. Use of ...
#20. Vocal Cord Paralysis - Stanford Children's Health
Vocal cord immobility or paralysis can involve one (unilateral) or both (bilateral) vocal cords. When the nerve is injured or not working properly to move ...
#21. Bilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis - Medscape Reference
Bilateral vocal fold (cord) paralysis (BVFP) refers to the neurologic causes of bilateral vocal fold immobility (BVFI) and specifically ...
#22. Vocal cord paralysis: Mayo Clinic Radio - YouTube
On the Mayo Clinic Radio podcast, Dr. Dale Ekbom, a Mayo Clinic otolaryngologist and head and neck surgeon, explains treatment options for ...
#23. Vocal Fold Paresis | Sean Parker Institute for the Voice
What is vocal fold paresis? ... "Paresis" means partial paralysis. Vocal fold paresis refers to a vocal fold with motion impaired (but not absent – that condition ...
#24. Vocal cord paralysis | Radiology Reference Article
Vocal cord paralysis /paresis (VCP), also known as vocal fold paralysis/paresis, refers to the impaired mobility of the true vocal cord or ...
#25. Vocal Cord Paralysis | Condition - UT Southwestern Medical ...
The vocal cords are located in the larynx (voice box) and vibrate to produce sound for speaking and singing. Vocal cord paralysis occurs when one or both vocal ...
#26. Health Library Bilateral Vocal Cord Paralysis (BVCP)
What is Bilateral Vocal Cord Paralysis (BVCP)? ... Vocal cords vibrate to make sound. Vocal cords also close when you swallow. They protect your airway from food ...
#27. Vocal Cord Paralysis | Northwestern Medicine
Paralyzed vocal cords result in a breathy or hoarse voice, weak cough and difficulty swallowing. When a vocal cord remains open, food, beverages and saliva can ...
#28. What to Know About Vocal Cord Paralysis - WebMD
They protect your airway, prevent food, drink, and saliva from getting into your windpipe, and help keep you from choking. When your nerve ...
#29. Surgery for Vocal Cord Paralysis - Full Text View - Clinical Trials
The standard surgical treatment is called vocal fold medialization and aims to bring the injured cord to the midline. An alternative surgical treatment, vocal ...
#30. Vocal Cord Paresis (Paralysis): Symptoms, Causes, and ...
Vocal cord paralysis can impact how you speak and breathe, resulting in vocal cord muscle paralysis.This is due to your vocal cords (or your ...
#31. Vocal cord palsy fact sheet | Children's Health Queensland
Vocal cord palsy (VCP) is a condition in which the vocal cords cannot move, or have weak or reduced movement, on one or both sides.
#32. Vocal Cord Paralysis - Robert H. Oliver, MD
Since the cricothyroid muscle adjusts the tension of the vocal fold for high notes during singing, SLN paresis and paralysis result in abnormalities in voice ...
#33. Vocal Cord Paralysis | Durham, Raleigh, North Carolina
Vocal cord paralysis can occur when the nerve responsible for your vocal cord movement is damaged, preventing one or both of your vocal cords from opening and ...
#34. Vocal Cord Paralysis - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Vocal fold paresis is most commonly due to injury of the recurrent laryngeal nerve, which results in vocal fold immobility. It may or may not involve the ...
#35. Vocal Cord Paralysis - Symptoms and Causes | Penn Medicine
Vocal cord (fold) paralysis is a muscle tension disorder when vocal cords are weak or paralyzed. Vocal cord paralysis symptoms can be temporary or ...
#36. Vocal Fold Paralysis - Department of Otolaryngology Head ...
What is vocal fold paralysis? Vocal fold paralysis is the most common neurogenic (arising from the nerves) voice disorder. Vocal fold paralysis may be ...
#37. Vocal Cord (Folds) Paralysis - Emory Healthcare
Vocal fold paralysis is an inability to move the muscles of the vocal cords. This can impact all three functions of the larynx. Paralysis of one vocal fold ...
#38. Vocal Fold Paralysis - Sunil Verma MD
Vocal fold paralysis is a condition in which a vocal fold does not move. Normally, there are two vocal folds, both of which move from an open to a closed ...
#39. Vocal Cord Paralysis Causes and Diagnosis - Verywell Health
Vocal cord paralysis is a common voice disorder occurring with either one (unilateral) or both (bilateral) vocal cords.
#40. Vocal cord paralysis: anatomy, imaging and pathology
Vocal cord paralysis (VCP) can be caused by any process that interferes with the normal function of the vagal nerves or recurrent laryngeal ...
#41. Dysphonia & Vocal Cord Paralysis | Houston Methodist
Vocal cord paralysis occurs when nerve impulses to your larynx get interrupted by a neurological condition or by damage to the nerves from trauma, tumor or ...
#42. Vocal Cord Paralysis - Beach Cities ENTS
Vocal cord paralysis occurs when one or both of your vocal cords fail to open or close properly. Normally, the vocal cords are closed when you swallow, ...
#43. Vocal Cord Paralysis | University of Miami Health System
Vocal cord, or vocal fold, paralysis is the name of a condition when one of our two vocal folds is immobile. Ordinarily, the vocal folds come apart to let ...
#44. Right vocal cord paralysis and mediastinal lymphadenopathy
Sarcoidosis-associated vocal cord paralysis is uncommon. In general, vocal cord paralysis is usually bilateral or left-sided, probably due to decreased ...
#45. Vocal Cord Paresis/Paralysis - Coastal Ear Nose & Throat
The immobile or paralyzed vocal cord typically causes a soft, breathy, weak voice due to poor vocal cord closure. Most paralyzed vocal cords will recover on ...
#46. Vocal Cord Paralysis - ENT Doctors | UC Irvine Medical Center
This surgery was invented at the University of California-Irvine as a result of Dr. Roger Crumley's lifelong interest in vocal fold paralysis. The ansa ...
#47. Vocal cord paralysis | CUH - Cambridge University Hospitals
Vocal fold paralysis (complete absence of movement) is the inability to move the vocal cords. This may affect only one or both of the cords.
#48. Vocal Cord Paralysis - Pediatric Ear, Nose, & Throat Specialist ...
The superior laryngeal nerve (SLN) carries signals to the cricothyroid muscle. Since this muscle adjusts the tension of the vocal fold for high notes during ...
#49. Paralysed Vocal Folds and Voice
A paralysed vocal fold (or cord), also often referred to as a vocal fold palsy, occurs when the nerve to one (or both) of the vocal folds cannot function.
#50. Vocal Cord Paralysis | Jeffrey E. Goldberg, MD
Vocal cord paralysis is a common disorder that occurs when nerve impulses to the larynx (commonly known as the voice box) are interrupted.
#51. Bilateral Abductor Vocal Folds Paralysis as Manifestation of ...
The unilateral paralysis of vocal fold is not a rare disease and it can result from peripheral injury that involves the vagus nerve above the exit of the ...
#52. Vocal Cord Paralysis / Insufficiency Treatments - Aetna
Aetna considers medialization thyroplasty (also known as type 1 thyroplasty) medically necessary for vocal cord paralysis. A Gore Tex/silastic implant is ...
#53. Vocal Cord Paralysis - Audiology | Middletown, RI | Ear, Nose ...
Vocal fold (or cord) paresis and paralysis result from abnormal nerve input to the voice box muscles (laryngeal muscles).
#54. Extralaryngeal causes of vocal cord paralysis - AJR Online
of vocal cord paralysis. (22 left, 11 right). Neoplasm in the lower neck or upper mediastinum. (lung, esophagus, thyroid, breast, lymphoma) was found.
#55. Vocal Cord Paralysis | Stanford Health Care
Paralysis of the vocal cords may occur when one or both vocal cords or folds does not open or close properly. A common disorder, this condition can range ...
#56. Vocal Fold Paralysis | University of Maryland Medical Center
Often the vocal fold becomes paralyzed in a position that does not allow the vocal folds to come together properly, giving such symptoms as a weak breathy ...
#57. Vocal Cord Paralysis | Maryland ENT Associates
Vocal fold (or cord) paresis and paralysis result from abnormal nerve input to the voice box muscles (laryngeal muscles). Paralysis is the total ...
#58. Unilateral Laryngeal Paralysis or Vocal Cord Paralysis
Unilateral vocal cord paralysis may cause 'glottic incompetence' if the paralyzed vocal cord is laterally positioned and lacks sufficient tone ...
#59. Surgical Options for Pediatric Bilateral Vocal Cord Palsy
Vocal cord paralysis (VCP) is the second most common congenital laryngeal anomaly in pediatric age (10–15%) (2). Unilateral VCP and bilateral ...
#60. Pediatric Vocal Cord Paralysis - Conditions and Treatments
Vocal cord paralysis can arise from a variety of conditions and is most commonly due to congenital problems or due to scarring of the larynx following ...
#61. Vocal Cord Paralysis (VCP) - Jellagen
Vocal Cord paralysis is the inability to move the muscles that control the vocal cords and is caused by injury to one or both recurrent laryngeal nerves ...
#62. Bilateral Vocal Cord Paralysis Article - StatPearls
Vocal cord paralysis refers to the immobility of a vocal cord, which can be due to pathology of the vocal ford (also known as the vocal ...
#63. Vocal Cord Paralysis | Children's Ear, Nose, Throat & Allergy
Vocal Cord Paralysis. People have one set of two vocal cords, also known as vocal folds, that work together in your voice box to produce sound. They ...
#64. Vocal Cord Paralysis | Henry Ford Health System - Detroit, MI
Vocal cord paralysis is a voice disorder that occurs when one or both of the vocal cords (or vocal folds) do not open or close properly.
#65. Vocal Cord Paralysis | University Voice & Swallowing Center
Vocal cord paralysis is when one of the two vocal cords does not move, causing a weak voice and difficulty swallowing. Symptoms. Symptoms of vocal cord ...
#66. Vocal Cord Paralysis: Implications for Anesthesia Care - AANA
Vocal cord paralysis (VCP) is the absence of movement of one or both vocal cords (VCs).1 It can be neurogenic, due to damage to the brain, vagus, or recurrent ...
#67. Vocal cord paralysis - Airway Unit, Service of Otorhino ... - CHUV
Immediately after birth, vocal cord paralysis may be secondary to compression of the brainstem, as in Arnold-Chiari malformation, ...
#68. Vocal Cord (Fold) Paralysis | McGovern Medical School
Vocal cord paralysis and paresis can result from abnormal function of the nerves that control your voice box muscles (laryngeal muscles).
#69. Vocal Cord Paralysis - NorthShore University HealthSystem
Unilateral vocal cord paralysis occurs when one of the vocal cords fails to move properly as a result of nerve damage. The result can be a leaking valve, which ...
#70. Vocal Cord Paralysis – BeverlyHillsENT
Vocal cord paralysis can occur when either one fold (unilateral) or both folds (bilateral) stop working. When one of the vocal folds no longer works, ...
#71. Vocal Fold Paralysis | BIDMC of Boston
Symptoms of vocal cord paralysis can include: breathy of hoarse voice; noisy breathing; choking or coughing while swallowing food, drink or saliva; the need to ...
#72. Vocal Cord Paralysis Treatment Surgeons Chicago IL
Vocal cord paralysis usually presents as hoarseness, a weak or breathy voice, or some coughing and choking while drinking thin liquids like water. Because the ...
#73. Vocal Cord Paralysis | The Institute for Advanced Reconstruction
Vocal cord paralysis (also known as vocal fold paralysis) a debilitating condition that commonly presents as a hoarse voice and/or weakened voice.
#74. Vocal Fold Paralysis - Queensland Voice Centre |
Vocal Fold Paralysis ... The vocal folds have the most dense neurological wiring of any organ in the body outside the brain. It is possible for a patient to ...
#75. Vocal Cord Paralysis - National Spasmodic Dysphonia ...
Vocal Fold Paresis : A partial loss of input to the nerve of the vocal fold. The vocal fold is moving but with reduced function. Symptoms of VCP. Symptoms ...
#76. Vocal Cord Paralysis | ENT Doctor In Glendale, AZ
Vocal fold (or cord) paresis and paralysis result from abnormal nerve input to the voice box muscles (laryngeal muscles). Paralysis is the total ...
#77. Vocal Cord Paralysis Doctor Philadelphia | Treatment Options
Vocal cords are a pair of tissue folds in the throat that vibrate to produce the sound of your voice. Vocal cord paralysis occurs when nerve impulses to the ...
#78. Vocal Cord Paralysis | New Orleans Sinus Center
Vocal fold (or cord) paresis and paralysis result from abnormal nerve input to the voice box muscles (laryngeal muscles). Paralysis means no nerve input and ...
#79. Vocal Cord Paralysis - Ear, Nose, and Throat Doctors in ...
Vocal cord paralysis and paresis can result from abnormal function of the nerves that control your voice box muscles (laryngeal muscles).
#80. Vocal Fold Paralysis and Vocal Fold Paresis - Wake Forest ...
Vocal fold paresis and paralysis are disorders characterized by either reduced mobility or complete immobility of the vocal folds, respectively.
#81. Ipsilateral Vocal Cord Paralysis After Acute Anterior Ischemic ...
In literature, unilateral vocal cord paralysis due to acute cerebral ischemia is rare but is not unheard of. Most reports were attributed to ...
#82. Radiology findings in adult patients with vocal fold paralysis
Vocal fold paralysis is caused by damage to the recurrent laryngeal branch of the vagus nerve. The onset can be sudden with dyspnoa, hoarseness and dysphonia, ...
#83. Vocal Fold Paralysis - Baylor College of Medicine
The nerve that controls motion to the vocal folds is called cranial nerve X (also known as the vagus nerve). You can think of nerves like the electrical ...
#84. Vocal Cord Paralysis - Bismarck - Prairie SEA Clinic
Vocal cord paralysis and paresis can result from abnormal function of the nerves that control your voice box muscles (laryngeal muscles).
#85. Vocal Cord Disorders | Cedars-Sinai
When one or both vocal cords are paralyzed, food or liquids can slip into the trachea and lungs. A person may have trouble swallowing and coughing.
#86. Vocal Cord Paralysis as a Complication of Endotracheal Intub...
In literature, unilateral vocal cord paralysis (VCP) due to intubation is more common than bilateral paralysis. In the presented case report, ...
#87. Vocal Cord Paralysis Symptoms & Treatments | New York City
Vocal cord or vocal fold paralysis is the result of abnormal nerve input to the voice box muscles (laryngeal muscles). When total interruption of nerve ...
#88. Vocal cord paralysis: Clinical and electrophysiologic features
Abstract Vocal cord paralysis may occur in isolation or as part of a constellation of findings in neurological disease. We investigated the pathophysiology ...
#89. Vocal Cord Paralysis
Vocal fold (or cord) paresis and paralysis result from abnormal nerve input to the voice box muscles (laryngeal muscles). Paralysis is the total ...
#90. Vocal Cord Dysfunction - American Family Physician
The differential diagnosis includes asthma, angioedema, vocal cord tumors, and vocal cord paralysis. Pulmonary function testing with a ...
#91. Vocal Cord Paralysis | Topeka ENT
Unilateral vocal fold paralysis is when only one fold will not move or only moves a little bit. It is more common than bilateral paralysis. The paralyzed vocal ...
#92. Common Questions about Vocal Fold Paralysis - University of ...
Classically, vocal fold paralysis results in glottal incompetence – reduced laryngeal valving ability due to an impaired ability of the vocal ...
#93. Vocal Paralysis Symptoms & Treatment - Los Angeles Voice ...
Vocal paralysis is the total absence of movement of a vocal cord due to nerve damage. A paralysis may be partial, in which case it is called a paresis.
#94. Vocal Cord Paralysis - Eastern CT ENT Patient Education
Vocal fold (or cord) paresis and paralysis result from abnormal nerve input to the voice box muscles (laryngeal muscles). Paralysis is the total interruption of ...
#95. Chapter 32. Vocal Cord Paralysis - AccessMedicine
Read this chapter of CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment in Otolaryngology—Head & Neck Surgery, 3e online now, exclusively on AccessMedicine.
#96. Vocal Cord Paralysis San Diego | Vocal Folds Chula Vista
Vocal cord paralysis results from an interruption of the nerve impulses to your larynx (voice box). This results in paralysis of the vocal cord muscles and ...
#97. Abnormal Laryngeal Function
Comments: The true vocal cords may be paralyzed as a result of a viral illness, a surgical procedure, by involvement of lymphadenopathy or a mass in the ...
vocal cord paralysis 在 Vocal cord paralysis: Mayo Clinic Radio - YouTube 的推薦與評價
On the Mayo Clinic Radio podcast, Dr. Dale Ekbom, a Mayo Clinic otolaryngologist and head and neck surgeon, explains treatment options for ... ... <看更多>