福克斯26台記者指控上司欺騙觀眾 遭停職
32歲的Fox 26記者海克(Ivory Hecker)對奧基夫說,有一次她在疫情中報導一個醫院使用羥氯喹的時候,她與上司發生了激烈的爭執。在一個視頻中,海克訪問的「聯合紀念醫療中心」(United Memorial Medical Center)的巴倫(Joseph Barron)醫生被問到是否使用羥氯喹時說,「是的,我們常用,我說,我們都知道這個藥在政治上被說成啥也不是,我們是使用的,而且我們用得很成功。」
Fox 26台的一個攝影師回應道:「我們僱用製作人,他們寫的腳本,都是25歲左右的人,他們什麼都不做,他們只是把餵給他們的再吐出來……全市都在打疫苗,他們就出去做視頻。」當對方質疑為什麼不報導疫苗的副作用的時候,Fox 26的人回答,「不,我們不做。」
濕評:她講真話,然後就被fire掉了。根據美國密西根州立大學教授Mark Skidmore的研究,倘若美國去年早一點鬆綁媒體與機構箝制,使用羥氯奎,就能救到10萬條的人命...
Covid Lies Cost 100,000 Lives –Mark Skidmore
Michigan State Economics Professor Mark Skidmore revealed up to 100,000 lives could have been saved by using Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ). Instead, the medical community and the mainstream media trashed it and told people it was “dangerous” and it “did not work.” That was a total lie. So, our estimate is if the U.S. just allowed it and made it widely available from the beginning, we could have saved 80,000 to 100,000 lives.”
更恐怖的是,德州農工大學教授、國會聽證會醫師Peter A. McCullough表示,去年諸多非洲醫師通報他,說類傭兵人士跑到當地藥廠搶奎寧。McCullough博士還說,同時間,桃園的旭富被炸!很是詭異。
36:10 有趣的是,McCullough博士說很多非洲醫師說「類傭兵人士」跑到藥局搶奎寧
37:27 McCullough博士還說,同時間,桃園的旭富被炸!
we為什麼不work了 在 Wintoday Facebook 的精選貼文
這個男人不知道下面有蛇。 女人不知道有一塊石頭砸死了男人。 女人想:“我要摔倒了! 而且我不能爬,因為蛇會咬我! 為什麼男人不能多用一點力量來拉我!” 該名男子認為:“我非常痛苦! 但是,我仍在竭盡所能! 您為什麼不嘗試再努力一點!?”
道德是-您看不到別人承受的壓力,別人看不到您所承受的痛苦。這是生活,無論是工作,家庭,感情還是朋友,我們都應該嘗試 互相了解。 學會以不同的方式思考,也許更清晰,更好地溝通。 稍加思考和耐心就能走很長一段路。 🧡—沙丘谷輪
The man doesn’t know that there is a snake underneath. The womandoesn’t know that there is a stone crushing the man. The woman thinks: “I am going to fall! And I can’t climb because the snake is going to bite me! Why can’t the man use a little more strength and pull me up!” The man thinks: “I am in so much pain! Yet I’m still pulling you as much as I can! Why don’t you try and climb a little harder!?”
The moral is— you can’t see the pressure the other person is under, and the other person can’t see the pain you’re in. This is life, whether it’s with work, family, feelings or friends, we should try to understand each other. Learn to think differently, perhaps more clearly and communicate better. A little thought and patience goes a long way. 🧡— Rashawn Copeland
we為什麼不work了 在 Travel with Winny 一起跟昀去旅行 Facebook 的最讚貼文
【圖不對文】我覺得我是那種「一朝被蛇咬,十年怕草繩」的人😐 不要以為愛旅遊等於愛冒險,生命安全跟自身財產我可是顧得很緊😆
事情發生在前年的舊家... York 某個晚上下班忘了關鐵門跟車庫門🏠 雖然住在好區,但雙門開開等於就是跟大家說歡迎光臨😑
於是晚上就有人經過,進來把我們車上的現金跟遙控器拿走,可能是希望等我們上班後再回來好好偷東西🙄 所幸小偷沒有把連結車庫跟房子的門打開(也沒鎖) 不然他把我們在睡夢中殺掉,我們也會不知道🤣
事發過後我對於鎖門這件事情超敏感😐 因為自小家人對鎖門就有強迫症,不管是爸爸、表妹或是阿嬤,睡前一定會在巡邏一次。我實在沒有想到我需要在 York 下班後檢查門有沒有關🤦 雖然只有那一次,但已經在我心中留下陰影...
今年搬新家的前兩個禮拜,我爸媽有從黃金海岸過來幫我們打掃🧹 有幾晚我爸發現 York 都忘了鎖門,所以會提醒他一下🔐
結果我爸媽離開後,雖然都有鎖門,但是我居然開始睡得不安穩😖 每天早上醒來都很擔心出了房門會不會看到外面一片狼藉😨 甚至可以想像那個畫面,反正就到有點病態的感覺😣
York 提議要克服我的恐懼就是要讓我知道事情其實不會發生,所以叫我幾晚不鎖門,如果沒遭小偷的話,那麼我的恐懼搞不好就消失了?!!🤔 反正這個提議我回絕了,最後決定兩個人晚上睡前一起巡邏確定每扇門都有鎖 🔐
好不容易一個多月過後,我睡覺醒來終於不在恐懼中😌 結果昨天晚上 York 倒垃圾回來後就忘了關鐵門以及兩扇大門!!重點是我叫他過來的時候他還跟我說明明就有關,真奇怪怎麼會發生這樣的問題🙄 當初花幾萬塊台幣把這房子的鐵門修好,就是因為我會感到比較安心!結果居然又忘了關😠
由於我們都在客廳看電視,搞不好有人真的跑進來也說不定。於是就一起到每個房間查詢。主臥室有個衣櫃沒關,剛好有陣風吹過來讓那門晃動🌬️ York 就突然跳到牆角做出要打拳擊的樣子,重點是我人還在離衣櫃比較近的地方欸!!!
上次發生那件事情的時候,我覺得是不小心就不罵了,知錯能改就好😒 結果這次又發生。尤其知道我上個月才因恐懼而睡不好還這樣,所以震驚到沒辦法生氣,只是頭痛得要命🤦🤦🤦 連我自己都不知道如何處理情緒。
這讓我想到當時在南美的差點被大狗咬,後來有大約兩年的時候連看到我朋友的小貴賓都會全身緊繃害怕🐶 其實這篇也沒有要表達什麼,只是紀錄一下。一個人的恐懼是真實的存在的,不管看起來多麼莫名其妙。
大家也有什麼恐懼想要分享嗎?歡迎歡迎😆 🙏
Ps. Winny 目前兩本書大特價直到下個禮拜二 (7/28)!一本才 NT$249!千萬不要錯過喔😁
✅ 地心引力抓不住的冒險家➡️ https://goo.gl/RYPSTp
✅ 跟著 Winny 勇闖中美洲➡️ https://bit.ly/2kYdpgt
#澳洲生活 #我是長舌婦哈哈
So... Last night York completely forgot to close our gate and left our front door open after he went to dispose to rubbish bin🤦
I actually have a true phobia with regards to ppl coming in and rob our house😖 It was so severe that every morning I woke up feeling stressed that someone may have broken in😣
It all happened when York forgot to close our gate & garage door back in Adelaide🔓 This opportunist saw it and came in and stole some cash from the car as well as the remote control😬 Probably hoping to come back while we both at work...
The door connecting the garage and the house wasn't locked either, so technically he could come in and kill us in our sleep😨 Ever since then I've been a bit paranoid about it..
So this year, after we moved Melbourne, my parents came over to help during the first two weeks of our move. Dad occasionally found York forgetting to lock the doors🔓
This started making me EXTREMELY paranoid, to the point I would wake up in middle of the night or in the morning feeling stressed and wonder what's outside our bedroom door😨
York suggested maybe keep the doors unlocked for a few days, so if no one breaks in, that means my phobia is not real😑 Of course I rejected this outrageous idea! We ended up agreeing on going through every door before bed so I can feel secure. After a month of this, I truly can sleep with ease..😶
However, last night York forgot to close the gate and the doors AGAIN!! I was so shocked that I couldn't even feel anger, my head was bursting with pain😖
As we were in the lounge eating, potentially someone would've come in, so we decided to go around the house to make sure no one is hiding anywhere😠
One of our wardrobe door was open, York thought there was someone in there so he jumped back 5 feet 😑 I was like in front of him...🙄🙄
Anyways.. this post is just to document the incidence and that I am a paranoid person😑 Love to travel does not equate to me being a risk taker...😒😒