IBM中心特別邀請到Dr. Shu-Ping Chang前來為我們演講,歡迎有興趣的老師與同學免費報名參加!
演講標題:Intelligent IoT (iIOT) the 3rd Platform – the rise of AI
演 講 者:Dr. Shu-Ping Chang
時 間:2019/11/13(三) 11:00 ~ 12:00
地 點:交大工程四館824
聯絡方式:曾紫玲 Tel:03-5712121分機54599
Big Data is now commodity due to advance of information technologies. However, IoT solutions that work for billions of devices won’t necessarily scale to hundreds of billions of devices. The hot topic of the recent rising of artificial intelligence (AI) has brought new question of its impacts and influences.
Is AI a necessity as human society progress or just a pure scientific interest? By considering the industrial trends and technologies advancement, we wish to shed some light into this area and its potential directions. Most importantly, what does AI development really means in its essence?!
Dr. Chang has a Ph.D. in Computer and Information Sciences from University of Minnesota with special focus in Computer Communication and System. He has a Master of Science degree from University of Minnesota with major in Computer and Information Sciences and minor in Electrical Engineering. His master project is in the field of Computer Vision. He also has a Bachelor of Sciences degree, first place honor, from National Chiao-Tung University, Republic of China, in Communication Engineering.
Experience :
Dr. Shu-Ping Chang works at AI First, T.J. Watson Research Center as a software development manager for the IBM System S (Streams) Laboratory, a cluster for distributed computing research and development. IBM System S project, the base of IBM Big Data product IBM Streams, uses streams processing architecture for massive information computing and management as decision making support.
His primary function is System S Laboratory management, prototype systems development and cluster system administration automation especially in faults management. Dr. Chang has more than 25 years research and product development experiences in the Computer and Information technology arena. He has broad and in-depth knowledge in computer system hardware architecture and software structure in Big Data platforms and prototype research and development, computer communication, relational database, internet-based solutions and cloud computing.