[生活美語] 購物相關單字與片語
Many people asked me how my trip back to the USA was. I can tell you it was a trip of irony (諷剌之旅).
I saw hundreds of Chinese tourists buying Coach and Ralph Lauren merchandises at US outlets. Ironically, most of these merchandises were made in China...orz.
Words of the day:
irony (n.) / ironic (adj.) 反諷,諷剌,諷剌之事
retailer (n.) 零售商; 零售店
wholesaler (n.) 批發商
outlet (n.) 過季商品商店; 零售商店*
department store (n.) 百貨公司
mall/shopping mall (n.) 大規模購物中心
strip mall (n.) 【美】單排商業區
galleria (n.) (購物中心等的)大型拱廊**
brand (n.) 商標; 牌子
brand–name/ name-brand (adj.) 名牌
label (n.) 標籤
cut (n.) (服裝等的)式樣
size (n.) 尺碼, 號, 型
bargain (n./v.) 特價商品, 便宜貨; v. = 討價還價
discount (n.) 折扣
#% off 打折 (e.g. 20% off = 打八折)
consumerism (n.) 消費主義
materialism (n.) 唯物論; 唯物主義; 實利主義
utilitarianism (n.) 實利主義
「Outlet」,原本意思是「清理庫存,廉價出售」。是一種廠商與零售商為了調整庫存量,索性大批廉價出售商品的零售方式。世界名牌廠商為了清盤滯貨、過期貨,以及一些不合規格尺寸或是有細微污垢的商品,以半價以下的價格拍賣,便是「Factory Outlet Store」;百貨公司與精品店等零售商,為了清除自家品牌存貨的特賣方式,則是「Retail Outlet Store」。
**differences between gallerias, plaza, mall and arcade: refer to the comment section of this post as well as the following links.
1. http://qna.rediff.com/questions-and-answers/what-is-the-difference-between-plaza-mall-and-arc/7237884/answers
2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shopping_mall#Regional_differences