你聽過循環經濟嗎?美國和台灣可都是循環經濟的先驅喔!例如,美國材料市場計畫 (U.S. Materials Marketplace) 將企業工業廢棄物與其他能將廢棄物用來營利的企業相匹配,這項創舉也為美國材料市場計畫贏得了2016年循環經濟數位創新大獎。台灣工研院最近也宣布,找到百分百回收、再利用廢液晶的方法!為什麼這很重要呢?因為全世界有許多電子產品被丟棄後,直接送進掩埋場或焚化爐;而液晶螢幕中的有毒物質,如果被排放到空氣或土壤水域中就會造成環境汙染。所以台灣工研院真是做出對世界的一大貢獻!讓我們為工研院和許多其他循環經濟的創新者歡呼!一起來看看這項科技新典範:https://ec.ltn.com.tw/article/breakingnews/2855224 #circulareconomy
Have you ever heard of the idea of a circular economy? The United States and Taiwan are both the trailblazers in this field. For example, the U.S. Materials Marketplace matches one business’s industrial waste with other businesses that use it for profit, an innovative service that helped the platform win the 2016 Circular Economy Digital Disruptor Award. Taiwan’s Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) recently announced that it has found a way to fully recycle and reuse the liquid crystal waste in device displays. Why is this important? Find out in this article about how many electronic devices worldwide end up in landfills or incineration plants after being thrown away and how the waste liquid crystal causes environmental pollution if the toxic substances it releases go into the air and leak into soil and water. What a contribution to the world! Hooray for ITRI and the many other circular economy innovators! Learn more about this technology here: https://ec.ltn.com.tw/article/breakingnews/2855224