... <看更多>
Oilseeds, including rapeseed and flax, were more sensitive than the cereals tested, including barley and wheat; oat growth was not affected at all67. 來自 ...
#2. cereals中文, cereals是什麼意思:糧食… - 查查在線詞典
"cereal" 中文翻譯: adj. 谷類的,谷類植物的,谷類制成的。 n. 〔常... "box cereals" 中文翻譯 ...
#3. 麥片有四種:Cereal、Granola、Muesli、Oat 差在哪?怎麼挑?
Cereal 耳熟能詳的喜瑞兒:也就是俗稱的玉米穀片,四種麥片當中大家應該最熟悉這個名字吧!沒錯!喜瑞兒本身就是一種榖片的類別 ...
#4. cereals - 不榖類 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙
不榖類. cereals. 以cereals 進行詞彙精確檢索結果. 出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文詞彙. 學術名詞 生物學名詞-植物, cereals, 不榖類 ...
穀物;穀類植物. 牛津中文字典. cereal. 穀類食品,早餐穀類的. PyDict. cereals. cereal的名詞複數. Dr.eye 譯典通. cereal test ... 牛津中文字典. cereal grain.
#6. cereals and grains - 英中– Linguee词典
大量翻译例句关于"cereals and grains" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
使用Reverso Context: determination of fomesafen residuesin soybeans and cereals,在英语-中文情境中翻译"cereals"
cereals中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:n. [作物] 谷類;谷類食品。英漢詞典提供【cereals】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
N-MASS(拌以牛奶作早餐的)穀類食品,麥片. Cereal or breakfast cereal is a food made from grain. It is mixed with milk and eaten for breakfast.
cereals 中文 意思是什麼 ... It is mainly found in wheat bran and bran cereals. ... He should eat plenty of fruits, leafy vegetables and coarse cereals.
#11. 單字cereals的中文意思與發音 - Websaru線上字典
cereals中文 意思: cereals [] 谷類食品,穀類;名詞cereal的複數形式..., 學習cereals發音, cereals例句盡在WebSaru字典。
#12. 穀物片- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
穀物片(英語:breakfast cereal),簡稱穀/麥片(英語:cereal),是一種由加工穀物製成的食品,並在某些飲食文化中為早餐通常的一部分。該食品經常被與水果、果汁、 ...
#13. minor cereals 中文意思是什麼 - Dict.site 英漢/漢英線上英文字典
minor cereals 中文意思是什麼. minor cereals 解釋. 雜糧. minor : adj (opp major)1 較小的,少數的,小…。2 不重要的,二三流的,較次的。3 未成年的;〈英國〉( ...
#14. Cereals 的中文翻釋|影音字典- VoiceTube 看影片學英語
Cereals. 分享單字. US. ・. UK. B1 中級. 定義 影片字幕. noun pl. 穀類的; 穀子的; 穀類; 穀物; 作早點吃的麥片粥; 米花等; 禾;穀類作物.
#15. cereals 的中文翻譯| 英漢字典
cereals /s'ɪriəlz/ 共發現1 筆關於[cereals] 的資料(解釋內文之英文單字均可再點入查詢) 來源(1): Internet Dictionary Project [english-spanish] cereals cereales.
#16. Translation of cereals from English into 繁體中文 - LingQ
繁體中文translation of cereals - Translations, examples and discussions ... especially for comparing breakfast cereals is the dietary fiber 在上下文中查看 ...
#17. cereals的中文翻譯_例句 - 英漢科技詞典
cereals 的中文是什麼意思,cereals的中文翻譯_例句. Share this. 基本搜索 ... English, cereals. 中文, 穀物. quick-cook grains and pulses. 快煮穀物和豆類 ...
#18. "cereals" 和"grains" 的差別在哪裡?
cereals 的同義字Cereal is usually made of grain. ... 中文(簡體). 越南語. 有關英語(美國) 的問題. cereals 和 grains 的差別在哪裡?
#19. 【cereals中文】cereal-Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果 +1 | 健康跟著走
cereals中文 :cereal-Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果,名詞複數:cereals.釋義;相關詞.n.名詞.1.穀類植物[P1];2.穀類加工食品;玉蜀黍薄片;麥片[C][U]I'vejustboughtaboxofce.
#20. Cereal 释义| 柯林斯英语词典
Cereals are plants such as wheat, corn, or rice that produce grain. ... 阿拉伯语: حُبُوب; 巴西葡萄牙语: cereal; 简体中文: 谷类食品; 克罗地亚语: žitarica ...
#21. oat bran cereals的中文翻譯 - 英文翻譯
oat bran cereals. oat bran cereals. 16/5000. 偵測語言, 世界語, 中文, 丹麥文, 亞塞拜然文, 亞美尼亞文, 伊博文, 俄文, 保加利亞文, 信德文, 優魯巴文, 克林貢語 ...
#22. 不榖類英文- 生物學名詞-植物- 雙語詞彙 - 三度漢語網
中文詞彙 英文翻譯 出處/學術領域 不榖類 cereals 【生物學名詞‑植物】 不明類別之目標回波 unclassified track 【機械工程】 榖類磨粉機 grist mill 【機械工程】
#23. cereals - 从英语翻译成中文| PONS - 词典
#24. cereals单词的级别、释义、真人发音、例句 - 背单词
cereals. 级别, 扩展级. 音标, [ 'sɪərɪəlz ]. 解释, n.谷类食品,谷类;麦片粥. 英英释义, grass whose starchy grains are used as food: wheat; rice; rye; oats; ...
#25. Grains & Cereals - TAIWAN FOODS
Latest Activity · Events · Schedule · Contact Us. English. English 正體中文 简体中文 日本語 한국어 · +886-2-27255200 ext. 1381. [email protected].
#26. cereals是什么意思 - 英语翻译在线翻译
cereals 的中文意思:谷类植物( cere,点击查看详细解释:cereals的中文翻译、cereals的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握cereals这个单词。
#27. 全麥和穀物的種類: Types of grains,... - OssiGo購精選全穀物 ...
全麥和穀物的種類: Types of grains, whole grain, and cereals: 穀物包括小麥,大麥,燕麥,黑麥,玉米,大米,小米和黑小麥。
#28. 穀麥片有四種:Cereal、Granola、Muesli、Porridge 差在哪?
... 製成的食品)產品分為四大類:Cereal、Granola、Muesli、Porridge,真的很難用中文去翻譯。 Cereal:這四個當中大家大概只看過這個名字吧!沒錯!
#29. Applications of Genetic and Genomic Research in Cereals
書名:Applications of Genetic and Genomic Research in Cereals,語言:英文,ISBN:9780081021637,頁數:380,作者:Miedaner, Thomas (EDT)/ Korzun, ...
#30. 膨化谷物, 爆熟谷物…《抓鸟》英语词典
puffed cereals的解释是:膨化谷物, 爆熟谷物… 同时,该页为英语学习者提供:puffed cereals的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。
#31. Cold Breakfast Cereals - 冷穀物片/ 穀物片:雜貨和美食
#32. cereals中文 - 搜狗搜索 - 知识
[例句]. Use wholegrain breakfast cereals wherever possible. 只要有可能,尽量用全谷类早餐食品。 搜狗翻译 查看更多翻译. 翻译小助手. 拍照翻译 语音翻译 ...
#33. 英文词典| breakfast cereals 意思、解释
在中文里面,我们如何解释breakfast cereals这个英文词呢? breakfast cereals这个英文词,中文意思如下:早餐谷物。 Meaning of breakfast cereals for the defined ...
#34. 雀巢KOKO KRUNCH®可可脆片| 品牌
Nestlé Breakfast Cereals · 健康早餐 · 什麼是健康早餐? 為何選擇雀巢早餐脆片當早餐? 所有主題 · 早餐桌上,坐著一個戴著面具的小男孩和一個戴 ...
#35. Croissant Cereals using leftover dough! Croreal? / 迷你可頌 ...
#36. baby food on the basis of cereals是什麼意思、英文翻譯及中文 ...
baby food on the basis of cereals是什麼意思、英文翻譯及中文解釋分析:babyfoodonthebasisofcereals詞語:babyfoodonthebasisofcereals解釋:用 ...
#37. What cereals were you not allowed to eat as a kid? . Bowl from ...
1455 個讚,54 則留言- Instagram 上的APPA(@hungryoc):「 What cereals were you not allowed to eat as a kid? . Bowl from @ourplace (gifted) ...
#38. 中文怎么翻译breakfast cereal? - 知乎
麦片,其实中国人早餐一般不吃这个 -------- 我之所以答麦片是因为题主要翻的东西在大陆没有很好的翻译,翻成麦片,绝大部分中国人能明白食用方法和用途。
#39. cereals中文cereals中文,cereals的意思,cereals翻譯及用法
grain的中文意思:谷物…,cereal的同義詞,大米及小麥佔了2012年所有穀物生產量的89%,用法和例句等。 Kellogg's Frosted Mini-Wheats Original cereal | ...
#40. Spoon Cereals | 领英
We are on a mission to make breakfast better: healthier, simpler, tastier and more exciting. The company launched as London's first breakfast cereal pop-up, ...
#41. 早餐穀物食品 - 中文百科知識
早餐穀物食品(breakfast cereals food)是以穀物如玉米、大米、小麥、燕麥等為主要原料加工而成的,加入牛奶(冷食)或稍煮片刻就可食用的早餐食品。
#42. 06.6Breakfast cereals, including rolled oats
Examples include: granola-type breakfast cereals, instant oatmeal, farina, corn flakes, puffed wheat or rice, multi-grain (e.g. rice, wheat and corn) ...
#43. Cereals Millets - Google Play 應用程式
This app provides information about various seeds namely Paddy(Hybird), Paddy (Varieties), Maiz, Sorghum and Pearl Millet.
#44. 翻译'breakfast cereals' – 字典中文-英文 - Glosbe
检查“ breakfast cereals”到中文的翻译。浏览句子中breakfast cereals的翻译示例,听发音并学习语法。
#45. Cereal | WordReference Forums
但是,如果我要说“I ate cereal for breakfast" - 中文的翻译就是什么? ... prefer to buy fresh cereals and beans, and then cook them patiently.
#46. 英语-汉语cereals翻译
#47. Cornmeal - Masa. Cereals Processing Toolkit
العربية · 中文 · English · Français · Русский · Español · 关于粮农组织 · 成员国为固定计划的缴款关于我们总干事领导结构粮农组织机构图世界各地办事处治理机构 ...
#48. Journal of the Chinese Cereals and Oils Association
《中国粮油学报》是中国科学技术协会主管、中国粮油学会主办的国内外公开发行的学术期刊,是全国食品工业类中文核心期刊,中国标准刊号为ISSN 1003-0174,CN ...
#49. winter cereals — 中文翻译- TechDico辞書
包含许多翻译示例按活动分类“winter cereals” – 英语-中文字典和智能翻译助手。
#50. Mixed Cereals Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock
Find mixed cereals stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection.
#51. puffed cereals中文是什么意思 - 我比你强问答社区
puffed cereals中文意思是爆熟的榖类食品.
#52. Natural Series Multi Cereals Crackers | Chung Hsiang Foods.
Add calcium and bake with multi cereals for a variety of nutrients. Free of MSG and preservatives, it presents the original natural flavor.
#53. A Partnership - Z托福20答案,解析- 威学一百
According to paragraph 2, one way in which legumes differ from cereals is that legumes ... 阅读原文 中文译文. Cereals are flowering grasses that sprout, ...
#54. 穀類早餐
Newsletter. 繁體中文. English; 繁體中文. 版權所有; 2021 L'AZURGourmet. 由Shopify 提供技術支援. 關閉. 中文. English. 中文.
#55. Michel Cluizel Souffletine Crisped Cereals/50g - Ichi-cake
Login; Join Now · Activation · Cart; Currency:HKD ( Hong Kong Dollar ); 繁體中文. Login Join Now ... Michel Cluizel Souffletine Crisped Cereals/50g.
#56. cereals - 将英语译为德语
热门:西班牙语译英语、法语译英语、日语译英语。 其他语言:保加利亚语、中文、捷克语、丹麦语、荷兰语、爱沙尼亚语、芬兰语、德语、希腊语、匈牙利语、意大利语、 ...
#57. 無麥麩速食Gluten-free Cereals & Proteins - 食療主義
#58. gall of cereals是什么意思 - 双偶网
2020-12-07 16:19:34 来源:互联网 Tag:cereals 中文. 除了crazy,试试下面这些地道来俚语表达“疯狂”吧! 免责声明:非本网注明原创的信息,皆为程序自动获取互联网, ...
#59. cereals是什么意思、英文翻译及中文解释 - 英语作文
cereals 是什么意思、英文翻译及中文解释阐明:cereals词语: cereals解释: 谷类词性: 名词词典:环境专业英汉词典cereals 相关解释谷类cereal ...
#60. cereals的中文解释和发音 - 欧路词典
4.Wheat and rice are cereals. 小麦和水稻是谷类植 。 5.I have hot cereal every day for breakfast.
#61. coarse cereals的中文,翻译,解释,例句 - 英语人
coarse cereals的中文,翻译,解释,例句. ... You had better feed on coarse cereals for a time. 你最好吃一段时间的杂粮。 Mizhi County 15 an agricultural county ...
#62. tid229.pdf - 工業貿易署
Application Form for Registration as Local Importers of Mainland Cereals and Grain Flour. 內地糧食及其製粉本地進口商登記申請表 ... (Chinese 中文).
#63. Mass customisation of breakfast cereals | Pictet
Mass customisation of breakfast cereals. Three young German entrepreneurs founded a successful online company that produces mueslis to satisfy every taste, ...
#64. Cereals and Granola - Ksquare Food
繁體中文. English; 繁體中文. © 2021, Ksquare Food 由Shopify 提供技術支援. © 2021, Ksquare Food 由Shopify 提供技術支援. 使用向左/向右箭頭操作播放投影片。
#65. cereals - 例句 - 共读书房
cereals : 英['sɪərɪəlz] cereals: 美['sɪərɪrlz] n. 谷类植物( cereal的名词复数);n. 谷物;n. 谷类食物;n. 麦片粥.
#66. powdery mildew of cereals的中文意思 - 沪江网校
沪江词库精选powdery mildew of cereals是什么意思、英语单词推荐、powdery mildew of cereals的用法、powdery mildew of cereals的中文意思、翻译powdery mildew of ...
#67. Fumonisins in cereals reference material - Sigma-Aldrich
Fumonisins in cereals reference material; find -FAP80926 MSDS, related peer-reviewed papers, technical documents, similar products & more at Sigma-Aldrich.
#68. Must try Buckwheat Cereals Tea (10 pcs/box)
Must try☆ Buckwheat Cereals Tea (10 pcs/box) Its refreshing taste contains the rich aroma of roasted buckwheat. A warm but refreshing drink that does not ...
#69. Cold Cereals | PARKnSHOP.com
Shop and buy discounted Cold Cereals items at low price include KELLOGG'S, NESTLE, NATURE'S PATH, QUAKER, WEETABIX, , other Breakfast & Bakery.
#70. Goodrich Cereals | PotatoPro
The production of potato flakes is a significant new venture in Food Industry for the Goodrich Group of companies: Goodrich Cereals, for manufacturing ...
#71. Application of cereals and cereal components in functional foods
北京勤云科技发展有限公司旗下网站最专业的期刊搜索引擎国内最大的二次文献数据库期刊界OA 免费获取文献All Journals 搜尽天下杂志传播学术成功.
#72. cereal是什么意思 - 星火网校
复数:cereals cereal的短语词组cereal crops 谷类作物breakfast cereals ... 下面我们就来学习cereal可数还是不可数? cereal的中文翻译cereal是一个 ...
#73. 英文翻譯及中文解釋 - 英語點津幫
China National Cereals,Oils and Food Stuffs Import and Export Corporation是什麼意思、英文翻譯及中文解釋簡介:ChinaNationalCereals ...
#74. other cereals – 中文翻译– Multitran 词典
登录 | Chinese | 使用条款 · 词典论坛联络. 英语⇄. 中文, 匈牙利语, 希腊语, 德语, 法语, 芬兰语, 阿拉伯语. Google | Forvo | + · other cereals.
#75. minor cereals - 英文翻译中文,怎么说?
minor cereals. 5个回答. 小杂粮 2013-05-23 12:21:38 回答:匿名. 小谷 2013-05-23 12:23:18 回答:匿名. 较小谷物 2013-05-23 12:24:58 回答:匿名. 杂粮
#76. Simply Fruity Muesli - 820g by Dorset - faceetcmedispa.co.uk
24 - - Muesli - Simply 820g Cereals Simply - Fruity Muesli Fruity Dorset Dorset Muesli - - Dorset by by Cereals Muesli Dorset Grocery Gourmet Food Breakfast ...
#77. 谷类 Cereals - Imported snacks - Chips | Biscuits | Chocolate
... Instant Snacks · Medical Supplies · Sweets & Candies. Account. Sign in · Sign up. Others. Message Shop; English; RM MYR. View All / Cereals ...
#78. Rapid Analysis of Aflatoxins in Corn, Cereals, and Almonds ...
This application note describes a method using the ACQUITY UPLC Aflatoxin Analysis Application Kit and the ACQUITY UPLC H-Class System to analyze aflatoxins ...
#79. Our Brands | Kellogg's
Our Brands. The trouble is they taste too good. kelloggs-initial-logo; Our Brands. Brands; Cereals; Snacks. 14 BRANDS ...
#80. BASF expands line of fungicides for cereals in Spain
BASF has introduced the fungicide Revysol ® in the Spanish market, the first isopropanol-azole to reach crops in the country.
#81. World food import bill to reach record high in 2021 - Helsinki ...
In terms of products, developing regions are facing sharp increases in basic staples such as cereals, animal fats, vegetable oils and ...
#82. General Mills x Stranger Things - Netflix.shop
We collaborated with General Mills on limited-edition boxes of their most popular cereals, Cheerios, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, and Lucky Charms.
#83. The New CinnaGraham Toast Crunch Cereal Will Add a Hint ...
We have General Mills to thank for some of our favorite cereals, including Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Sure, the roofs of our mouths can't handle ...
#84. World food import bill to reach record high in 2021 | | UN News
Cereals for consumption, and animal feed, should grow even faster. The forecast expects some improvements in the supply situation for oilseeds ...
#85. Cholesterol: Top foods to improve your numbers - Mayo Clinic
Español · Português · العربية · 中文 · mayo-mobile-logo-image. Menu; Search. Search. All Mayo Clinic Topics. Care at Mayo Clinic.
#86. World food import bill to reach record high in 2021: FAO
In terms of products, developing regions are facing sharp increases in basic staples such as cereals, animal fats, vegetable oils and ...
#87. home ec-fruits veg and cereals Flashcards | Quizlet
Start studying home ec-fruits veg and cereals. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools.
#88. Reese's Puffs Gets Shaped in a New Cluster Crunch Form
Along with the new Reese's Puffs cereal, other General Mills cereals such as Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Cheerios are receiving a spin with ...
#89. Belarus' grain harvest to exceed 9m tonnes in 2021 - BELTA
We will get over 9 million tonnes of cereals, maize and colza. We have already secured a government order for 1 million tonnes,” said Ivan ...
#90. Evaluation of meadow ecosystem biomass contributes to ...
The identification of practically significant functional groups of species (cereals, forbs and legumes) in the composition of meadow communities of ...
#91. Cereal vs. serial - 英文資訊交流網
這個字亦可當形容詞用,意為「穀類的;穀類製成的」,如cereal crops (穀類作物)。大多數字典都僅將它列為名詞,複數為cereals,如breakfast cereals ( ...
#92. U-PICK ART ™ Benefit Sale & Food Drive - Northforker
Suggested items: canned foods, pasta, soups, dry beans, protein bars, boxed cereals, shelf juices, baby food, and pet food too.
#93. 'Tis the Season for Giving! - Plymouth Public Schools
All non-perishable items are welcome but ones that are in the highest demand include, peanut butter, canned tuna, cereals, paper towels, toilet paper, ...
#94. What does staple food mean? - Definitions.net
Staple foods are derived either from vegetables or animal products, and common staples include cereals (such as rice, wheat, maize, millet, or sorghum), ...
#95. SNAP FAQS - South Dakota Department of Social Services
What foods are eligible for purchase with SNAP benefits? · Foods for the household to eat such as breads and cereals; fruits and vegetables; meats, fish and ...
#96. 格蘭特船長的兒女(中文導讀英文版) 英語學習專家 克萊兒老師專業推薦
Gradually fields covered with cereals came in sight, whole acres covered with bristling ears of corn, hay-ricks in the shape of large bee-hives, ...
#97. XAG Launches V40 and P40 Agricultural Drone Globally to ...
2021-07-07 16:00. 1040. XAG Low-carbon Farm Robots Exhibited at UK's Cereals Agricultural Show · XAG R150 ground robot debuts to help ...
#98. Intermediate Chinese Vocabulary (3271 Words) 国际中文考试中级词汇: A ...
A Quick Reference for HSK1-4, IB B SL, IGCSE, GCSE (SL HL) Exam 国际中文教育等级 ... cereals ; food HSK 5 V2009 HSK 4 V2021 51 ) lièchē ( 2 ) train : HSK 4 ...
cereals中文 在 全麥和穀物的種類: Types of grains,... - OssiGo購精選全穀物 ... 的推薦與評價
全麥和穀物的種類: Types of grains, whole grain, and cereals: 穀物包括小麥,大麥,燕麥,黑麥,玉米,大米,小米和黑小麥。 ... <看更多>