克隆氏症(Crohn's disease),又称克罗恩病、克隆氏症候群或局部性腸炎,是一種發炎性腸道疾病,可能影響腸胃道從口腔至肛門的任何部分。
#2. Crohn's Disease - 台灣發炎性腸道疾病學會
克隆氏症(Crohn's disease) 屬於發炎性腸. 道疾病(Inflammatory bowel disease) 的一. 種,且為遺傳和環境因素之間相互作用所. 引起之終身疾病。已知在 ...
#3. 克隆氏症是什麼?
背景:克隆氏症是以美國醫師布瑞‧伯納‧克隆(Burrill Bernard Crohn)所命名,1932年他於文章中提到此疾病,並稱之為區域性迴腸炎(小腸局部(即指迴腸,拉丁文 ...
#4. 發炎性腸道疾病 - 義大醫院
克隆氏症(Crohn's disease). (1)症狀. 克隆氏症之症狀雖和潰瘍性大腸炎相似,但由於克隆氏症主要是侵犯小腸 ...
如何診斷? 陳家昌醫師指出,克隆氏症常見症狀為腹痛、腹瀉,這些症狀一般人或多或少會遇到,然而克隆氏症或潰瘍性結腸炎屬不易好轉的慢性疾病,如果症狀 ...
#6. 發炎性腸道疾病– Inflammatory Bowel Disease - Colon Cancer
Crohn's disease :主要是transmural invasion, 所以常常會造成fissures 或是strictures, 或是內視鏡檢查下可見到cobblestone 的表現。 Ulcerative colitis ...
#7. IBD patients適合吃的飲食 - 台灣小腸醫學會
答:發炎性腸道症是慢性腸胃道黏膜因為免疫失調,造成組織因為發炎反應遭受破壞的相關疾病之統稱,主要包括有克隆氏症(Crohn's disease)與潰瘍性結直 ...
Crohn病與慢性潰瘍性結腸炎鑒別是每年容易出題的部分,複習時必須從疾病的常見發生部位、臨床表現、顯微鏡下 ... 下列有關克隆氏病(Crohns disease)之敘述,何者錯誤?
克隆氏症(Crohn's disease). 潰瘍性大腸炎(Ulcerative colitis). -流行概況(Epidemiology). 它是一種慢性的原因不明的腸道發炎疾病,較常見於年輕人,多發生在直腸與 ...
#10. 發炎性腸道疾病(IBD):原因、症狀、診斷、治療 - Hello醫師
發炎性腸道疾病(又稱炎症性腸病,Inflammatory bowel disease,IBD,)是一種部分,或整個消化道慢性發炎的疾病,主要分2種:潰瘍性結腸炎(Ulcerative ...
#11. 炎症性腸病飲食營養
正確選擇食物對於炎症性腸病(Inflammatory bowel disease). 患者有時是很不容易的。 關於炎症性腸病的 ... 炎症性腸病可以分為克隆氏症(Crohn's Disease)和漫性結腸炎.
#12. 克罗恩病(疾病)_百度百科
外文名: Crohn's disease ; 别名: 局限性回肠炎、局限性肠炎 ; 就诊科室: 消化内科、腹外科 ; 多发群体: 青壮年人.
#13. 克羅恩病是什麽病? - 科普寫作網路平台
克羅恩病或克隆氏病(Crohn's disease)是一嚴重的腸道炎性疾病。隨著生活水平的提高,糖尿病開始流行,有人稱之爲富貴病,目前已經能夠通過控制血糖 ...
#15. 臺北榮總藥訊
發炎性腸道疾病(inflammatory bowel dis- ease,IBD) 是一種反覆發作於腸道的慢性發炎. 疾病,主要由潰瘍性結腸炎(ulcerative colitis). 和克隆氏症(Crohn's disease) ...
#16. 發炎性腸道疾病的治療困境 - BIOMEDICINE
發炎性腸道疾病(Inflammatory bowel disease,IBD) 包含克隆氏症(Crohn's disease,. CD) 和潰瘍性結腸炎(ulcerative colitis,UC),. 是一種慢性腸胃道發炎的疾病。
#17. 發炎性腸道疾病的免疫生物製劑治療- 月旦知識庫
魏淑鉁,發炎性腸道疾病,免疫調節劑,生物製劑,inflammatory bowel disease,immunomodulators,biologics,近來由於西化的飲食(高脂,高甜度)衝擊及環,月旦知識庫, ...
#18. Crohn's disease - 英中– Linguee词典
大量翻译例句关于"Crohn's disease" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#19. crohn's disease-翻译为中文-例句英语
使用Reverso Context: Antibodies to CBir1 flagellin define a unique response that is associated independently with complicated Crohn's disease.,在英语-中文 ...
#20. Crohn's disease - 克隆氏病,局部性迴腸炎 - 國家教育研究院 ...
出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文詞彙. 學術名詞 實驗動物及比較醫學名詞, Crohn's disease, 克羅恩氏病;局部性迴腸炎;節段性迴腸炎. 學術名詞
#21. 發炎性腸道疾病(Inflammatory bowel disease)》UC和CD的腸 ...
可以分成潰瘍性腸炎(UC, Ulcerative Colitis)與克隆氏疾病(CD, Crohn disease)兩種。此疾病以歐美地區分布為主,亞洲人相對較少。 (1) 潰瘍性腸炎(UC): 位置:侷限於 ...
#22. 日常饮食诱导和维持炎性肠病(inflammatory bowel disease ...
IBD涉及胃肠道的炎症。溃疡性结肠炎(Ulcerative colitis , UC)和克罗恩氏病(Crohn's , CD)是IBD最常见的类型。症状包括 ...
#23. 极早发型炎症性肠病的特点与治疗 - NCBI
IBD主要类型包括克罗恩病(Crohn' s disease, CD)、溃疡性结肠炎(ulcerative colitis, UC)及未分型IBD(IBD-unclassified, IBD-U)。有报道,儿童IBD的发病率呈增长 ...
#24. Crohn's disease中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典
Crohn's disease 翻譯:克羅恩氏病,局部性迴腸炎,節段性迴腸炎。了解更多。
#25. 炎症性腸炎 - 藥物教育資源中心
炎症性腸炎(Inflammatory Bowel Disease)大致可分為克隆氏症(Crohn's disease)及潰瘍性結腸炎(Ulcerative Colitis),是一種慢性、反覆發作,主要是腸道發炎、潰瘍的疾病。
#26. 發炎性腸道疾病:克隆氏症(CD)及潰瘍性大腸炎(UC) - 張庭嘉 ...
3. 有關克隆氏病(Crohn disease)的敘述,下列何者錯誤? (A)好發於直腸 (B)常出現跳躍性病灶(skip lesion) (C)病理特徵是非乾酪性 ...
#27. 克隆氏症(Crohn's Disease) - 醫家顧問
克隆氏症(Crohn's Disease) ... 克隆氏症又名克羅恩氏症。 屬於炎症性腸病,即腸道無明顯原因下慢性發炎和潰瘍。 根據中文大學最近的研究指出,克隆氏症在過去20年的病發率 ...
#28. Q241:什麼是克隆氏症(Crohn's disease, CD)... - Facebook ...
A241:發炎性腸道疾病(inflammatory bowel disease, IBD)主要是指克隆氏症(Crohn's disease, CD)及潰瘍性結腸炎(ulcerative colitis, ...
#29. Crohn's disease - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
Crohn's disease is a type of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). It causes inflammation of your digestive tract, which can lead to abdominal pain, ...
#30. crohn's disease 中文- 網絡] 克隆氏… - 查查在線詞典
crohn's disease中文 :[網絡] 克隆氏癥;克羅恩病;克隆氏病…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋crohn's disease的中文翻譯,crohn's disease的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
#31. 腸道手術- 嘉義長庚一般外科
發炎性腸疾病:潰瘍性結腸炎、Crohn's disease。 缺血性結腸炎. 阻塞. 大腸無力症(colon inertia). 直腸脫垂.
#32. 克羅恩病和結腸炎
... Colonoscopy · Crohn's Disease and Colitis · Diarrhea · Endoscopy · Sitemap · Testimonials · Thank You · What Can We Improve · 肝纖維掃描 · 繁體中文.
#33. Crohn's Disease: The Monster Uncovered - 博客來
書名:Crohn's Disease: The Monster Uncovered,語言:英文,ISBN:9781618629395,作者:Cates, Sharon,出版日期:2013/02/05,類別:心靈養生.
#34. 糞便鈣衛蛋白之臨床應用 - 台灣內科醫學會
以. 構造性異常來說,其中一個很重要也最常被提. 及的次分類為發炎性腸疾(Inflammatory bowel disease);以功能性異常來說,則以腸道激躁症. (Irritable bowel syndrome)最 ...
#35. crohn disease 中文意思是什麼
crohn disease 中文 意思是什麼. crohn disease 解釋. 克隆病. crohn : 何為克隆; disease : n. 1. 病,疾病;【植物;植物學】病害。2. (精神等的)病態,弊病。3.
#36. 潰瘍性結腸炎(Ulcerative Colitis)、不是感染、自體免疫 - 李宜霖 ...
... 痛、肝病、結腸破裂(毒性巨結腸症)、克隆氏症(Crohn's disease)、過敏性腸綜合症(Irritable Bowel Syndrome,IBS)、憩室炎(diverticulitis)、大腸鏡.
#37. 克罗恩病Crohn's disease - 知乎专栏
克罗恩氏病是一种炎症性肠病(IBD),可能会影响从口腔到肛门的胃肠道的任何部分。症状通常包括腹痛,腹泻(如果发炎严重,可能会流血),发烧和体重减轻 ...
#38. 克罗恩氏病活动指数(CDAI)
与标准体重的偏差百分比是(1-体重/标准体重)×100,因此正的百分比偏差代表体重下降,为CDAI 增加点数。 参考. Best WR. Predicting the Crohn's disease activity index ...
#39. 克隆氏症活動性指標CDAI (Crohn's disease activity index)
克隆氏症活動性指標CDAI (Crohn's disease activity index) 可以一並參考兒童克隆氏症活動性指標PCDAI http://teachingcenter1.pix.
#40. Crohn's Disease | Accredo
Crohn's disease is an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that affects the digestive tract. The cause of crohn's disease is unknown. How common is crohn's disease.
#41. 用于治疗克罗恩氏囊袋容易的间充质干细胞 - ICH GCP
异基因骨髓间充质干细胞治疗回肠肠喉术和回肠囊袋克罗恩病的我期研究 · Crohn's Disease · 瘘管 · 肛瘘 · 小袋,回肠 · 小袋,回肠.
#42. crohn s disease中文– Budzak
克隆氏癥(Crohn's disease) 屬於發炎性腸道疾病(Inflammatory bowel disease) 的 ... 根據中文大學最近的研究指出,克隆氏癥在過去20年的病發率上升接近7倍,每10萬人 ...
#43. 「免疫介導的發炎性疾病」病患免疫製劑使用之服藥順從度
... 製劑為「免疫介導的發炎性疾病」病患(Immune‐mediated inflammatory diseases, ... PsA),克隆氏症(Crohn's disease, CD),和乾癬(psoriasis, PsO)有顯著的療效。
#44. Natalizumab for induction of remission in Crohn's disease
The primary outcome was failure to enter clinical remission. Secondary outcomes included clinical response, mean change in Crohn's Disease ...
#45. 炎症性肠病 - 西安杨森
炎症性肠病(Inflammatory Bowel Disease, IBD)是一组疾病的总称, 包括溃疡性结肠炎(ulcerative colitis, UC)和克罗恩病(Crohn's disease, CD) 1 。
#46. Crohn's disease"的中文翻译 - 医学词典
〔Burrill Bernard Crohn,纽约医师,1884~1983〕Crohn病:见disease项下. 专业医学词典. 克隆(氏)病,节段性回肠炎,克罗恩病,慢性狭窄性小肠结肠炎,局限性肠炎 ...
#47. Crohn's Disease | Johns Hopkins Medicine
Crohn's disease is a chronic, inflammatory disease of the gastrointestinal tract. It is an autoimmune disorder, meaning your body's immune system mistakenly ...
#48. Crohn's and Colitis Center - Massachusetts General Hospital
Gastroenterologists with a focused expertise in Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, and other inflammatory bowel diseases form the core of the treatment team.
#49. 克羅恩病(克羅恩病(Crohn's disease,CD)) - 中文百科全書
克羅恩病(cd(克羅恩病(Crohn's disease,CD)))病因,臨床表現,檢查,鑑別診斷,併發症,治療,
#50. Crohn's disease | healthdirect
Crohn's disease is an inflammatory bowel disease that causes painful swelling and redness inside the digestive tract.
#51. 認識反芻動物副結核病(農委會) - 行政院農業委員會
副結核病(或稱約內氏病Johne's disease )是由副結核分支桿菌( ... 改進及PCR 技術的應用,證實某些人類克隆氏病( Crohn's disease )病患的組織中有副結核分支桿菌 ...
#52. Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center | Cedars-Sinai
The Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) Center is a patient care and research facility with specialized knowledge in every area of IBD treatment, ...
#53. ICD 10 總表 - Dr.Tseng曾志仁醫師
代碼, 英/中文名稱. K00, Disorders of tooth development and ... K5000, Crohn's disease of small intestine without complications. 小腸克隆氏病未伴有併發症.
#54. Crohn's disease 释义| 柯林斯英语词典
Crohn's disease 释义: inflammation, thickening , and ulceration of any of various parts of the intestine , esp... | 意思、发音、翻译及示例.
#55. Crohn's disease | UCB
Together with ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease belongs to the group of illnesses called inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). An estimated ...
#56. Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) | CDC
The two most common inflammatory bowel diseases are ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Inflammation affects the entire digestive tract in Crohn's ...
#57. Crohn's Disease | Michigan Medicine
Top of the page Crohn's Disease Topic Overview What is Crohn's disease? Crohn's disease is a lifelong inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
#58. Capsule endoscopy in the diagnosis of Crohn's disease | MDER
Abstract: Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammatory disorder affecting any part of the gastrointestinal tract, but frequently involves the ...
#59. COVID-19(新冠病毒):IBD患者应该知道的事
What is Crohn's Disease? What is Ulcerative Colitis? What is Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)? · Newly Diagnosed · Mental and Emotional Well-being · Diet & ...
#60. Crohn skin disease | DermNet NZ
Crohn disease is an inflammatory bowel disease that involves inflammation of the small intestine. This can cause pain, fever, constipation, diarrhoea and ...
#61. Does Crohn's disease affect your cancer risk
Inflammatory bowel diseases increase your risk for colorectal cancer. However, there are steps you can take to control your symptoms and ...
#62. Crohn's Disease - Los Angeles - UCLA Health
Crohn's disease is one of the two main forms of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. In Crohn's disease, the inflammation can occur anywhere from the mouth to the ...
#63. Crohn's Disease | Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Crohn's disease belongs to a group of conditions known as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Crohn's disease is characterized by a chronic inflammatory ...
#64. Crohn's Disease: Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment | Mercy
Crohn's disease is an inflammatory bowel condition that can affect any part of your digestive tract. However, it's most commonly found in the lower part of ...
#65. Learn About STELARA® (ustekinumab) for Crohn's Disease
100,000+ PATIENTS. are estimated to have been treated with. STELARA ® for Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis in the US ‡.
#66. IBD Services: Crohn's Disease - UCI Health
Crohn's disease, treated at UCI Health, also known as ileitis or enteritis, is a form of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that causes painful swelling of ...
#67. P127 Lemann Index for Assessment of Crohn's disease ...
当前位置: X-MOL 学术 › J. Crohns Colitis › 论文详情 ... Crohn's disease (CD) is one of the subtypes of idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease ... 中文翻译: ...
#68. Stem Cell Therapy: A Potential Crohn's Disease Breakthrough ...
Mental Problems (such as anxiety or depression). . Is there a cure for Crohn's? Unlike ulcerative colitis, a similar inflammatory bowel disease ...
#69. Crohn's Disease - Henry Ford Health System
Leading care for this form of IBD. Crohn's disease is one of the major forms of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). It results in the chronic (long-lasting) ...
#70. Crohn's Disease - 香港中文大學何善衡腸胃健康中心|胃鏡及 ...
Crohn's Disease is a type of inflammatory bowel disease. This is an inflammatory condition of unknown etiology that can affect any portion of the ...
#71. Crohn's disease - AboutKidsHealth
Crohn's disease is a type of inflammatory bowel disease that can cause inflammation anywhere in the digestive tract between the mouth and ...
#72. Crohn's Disease | Gastroenterology | Spectrum Health
Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), which is inflammation of the digestive, or gastrointestinal (GI) tract and typically involves ...
#73. 肛門廔管-大腸直腸外科 - 三軍總醫院
科隆氏疾病(Crohn's disease): 科隆氏疾病是併發肛門廔管最常見之疾病﹐此類病人平均16 %會有肛門膿瘍﹐而20 %會有肛門廔管。,,,,4. 潰瘍性大腸炎: 此類病人也會併發 ...
#74. 【篤實關懷倫理卓越】光田綜合醫院Kuang Tien General Hospital
中文 名, 賽得膠囊, 健保局藥理類別, 92240000 Biologic response modifiers ... 原發性腦腫瘤、多發性骨髓瘤(multiple myeloma)及克隆氏病(Crohn's disease)。
#75. 海外医疗旅行保险
You must ensure you have a valid travel insurance policy when travelling to protect you in the event of a Crohn's disease or ulcerative ...
#76. Crohn's and Colitis Identification Card - New York State ...
The Crohn's and Colitis Identification Card provides people with Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, other inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel ...
#77. 血紅素(正常值?)算貧血?可以輸血治療?症狀、原因、種類
骨髓相關疾病所引起的貧血(anemia associated with bone marrow disease):這不 ... 慢性發炎的相關疾病:愛滋病、肺結核、克隆氏症(Crohn's disease,慢性腸道發炎 ...
#78. Crohn's disease - Doctors Australia
Crohn's disease is an inflammatory bowel condition that mainly affects the intestines. The main symptoms include diarrhoea, abdominal cramping and tiredness ...
#79. Crohn's Disease in Children
Crohn's disease is a type of inflammatory bowel disease, or IBD. The condition causes chronic inflammation in the digestive system, and it may affect the mouth, ...
#80. What is gastroduodenal Crohn's disease? | IBDrelief
Crohn's disease causes inflammation in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. It most commonly affects the small intestine and the beginning of the large intestine, ...
#81. Crohn's Disease | Cigna
Discusses Crohn's disease, an inflammatory bowel disease. Covers symptoms, which include diarrhea and abdominal pain. Discusses treatment with medicines, ...
#82. Crohn's Disease - Children's Health Orange County - CHOC
Crohn's disease is type of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). It is a chronic condition that may recur at various times over a lifetime.
#83. What Is Indeterminate Colitis? - Verywell Health
When discussing inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), the two forms that are most often talked about are ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.
#84. Crohn's Disease Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock
Find crohn's disease stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection.
#85. 學習看懂英文報告 - 大腸癌照護網
Cardiovascular disease 心臟血管疾病. Case manager (nurse) 個案護理師. Carcinoma 癌 ... Crohn's disease 克隆氏腸道疾病. Crushing pain 壓迫痛
#86. 107營養師-膳食療養學試題詳解 - 志聖文教
有關發炎性腸道疾病-克隆氏病(Crohn's disease)飲食原則,下列何者正確? 病患由於發炎及藥物的使用,可能造成肌肉的流失,蛋白質的攝取量得以增加至1.3-1.5 g/kg ...
#87. Crohn's Disease | Franciscan Health
Crohn's disease is an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that causes digestive issues and pain. But with proper treatment, you can manage and reduce symptoms.
#88. Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) | Froedtert & MCW
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), including Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, diagnosis and treatment at Froedtert & MCW locations in the Milwaukee ...
#89. 全民健保重大傷病檔 - 衛生福利部
中文 欄位名稱. 英文欄位名稱 ... chronic kidney disease, or end stage renal disease ... Crohn's disease. Ulcerative colitis. Kawasaki disease.
#90. 參與炎症性腸病或腸道微生物研究Interested in Joining Study
你所提供的資料會用於有關香港中文大學炎症性腸病或腸道微生物研究,亦作日後聯絡之用,只有獲本研究部門授權人員方 ... 患有克隆氏症diagnosed with Crohn's Disease
#91. Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) - Bumrungrad International ...
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) refers to the chronic inflammation of the mucosal lining of the intestine or bowel, with the major types being ulcerative ...
#92. Crohn's Disease in Children | SSM Health
Crohn's disease is one of the most common forms of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), affecting any part of the digestive tract from the mouth to the anus. In ...
#93. Crohn's & Colitis UK | LinkedIn
We work to make life better for the 500,000 people in the UK with Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis and other forms of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). We ...
#94. Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) | Janssen Belgium
At Janssen we continue to look for new ways to prevent, treat and eventually cure inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
#95. Specialist IBD clinic restores hopes of pregnancy for people ...
Thousands of Australians with inflammatory bowel diseases think they can't safely fall pregnant, but a specialist clinic is making that ...
#96. Inflammatory Bowel Disease Program | Carilion Clinic
Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs), including Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, are chronic inflammatory diseases of all or part of the digestive ...
#97. 附表二十六之四PCDAI(Pediatric Crohn's disease activity ...
附表二十六之四PCDAI(Pediatric Crohn's disease activity index). History (Recall, 1 week) 病史(過去一周). Abdominal Pain 腹痛. Score 分數.
crohn'sdisease中文 在 Q241:什麼是克隆氏症(Crohn's disease, CD)... - Facebook ... 的推薦與評價
A241:發炎性腸道疾病(inflammatory bowel disease, IBD)主要是指克隆氏症(Crohn's disease, CD)及潰瘍性結腸炎(ulcerative colitis, ... ... <看更多>