我很榮幸地受邀推薦我摯友李宗恩博士的新書《當張仲景遇上史丹佛》。這本書很獨特, 李博士是一位資深的中醫專家和臨床醫生,卻也是一位經過嚴格科學訓練的科技人,在大膽蛻變深入中醫之前,他在矽谷有著成功的科技生涯。這本書反映了李博士與眾不同人生歷練下的洞悉力,文字清新流暢,內容時而讓人驚艷,時而讓人深思反省。
中醫和現代科學似乎是無限分開的兩個世界, 然而,李博士個人和他文筆下的討論,為讀者開啟了一個難得的窗口,窺見兩個充滿衝突卻又永遠相互纏繞世界的並存對偶性(duality of existence)。李博士的旅程,象徵著古老醫學現代化的挑戰之路,同時也象徵著對凡事以科技來定義的現代生活之深刻反思。李博士帶領我們尋求一種全新的方式來看待這兩個世界,我對李博士帶領我們探索的旅程深深感到興趣,也期許讀者一起參與這趟旅程!
Fei-Fei Li:Challenging path of the modernization of an ancient medicine
(Dr. Fei-Fei Li is a world leading expert in Artificial Intelligent. She is the inaugural Sequoia Professor in the Computer Science Department at Stanford University, Co-Director of Stanford’s Human-Centered AI Institute, and elected Member of both the US National Academy of Medicine and National Academy of Engineering.)
I’m honored and humbled to be asked to recommend my friend Dr. Andy Lee’s new book. I find this book very unique. The voice of Dr. Lee is that of a deep Chinese Medicine clinician and expert, but also a rigorously trained technologist who has carved a very successful career in the heart of Silicon Valley before the daring transition to a new career as a Chinese Medicine doctor. This book is a pleasantly easy and smooth read, yet oftentimes beautiful and introspective.
The worlds of Chinese Medicine and modern science seem to be infinitely apart, just like the worlds of Taiwan and the Silicon Valley. Yet, in Dr. Lee and his words, we the readers are given a rare glimpse into this duality of existence of two possibly conflicting yet eternally revolving worlds. The journey taken by Dr. Lee symbolizes the challenging path of the modernization of an ancient medicine, as well as a soulful reflection of the technologically defined modern lives. Dr. Lee is leading us to seek a new way of looking at both worlds. I’m intrigued by the journey that he is taking, and I sincerely invite the readers to join him on this journey together.
張慶瑞:物理忌妒 – 無用之用,是為大用
他畢業後,我斷斷續續由同學口中聽到他的職涯轉變,但並未特別放在心上。一直 到二○○九年,我因為在國科會國合處服務,到美國史丹佛大學訪視當時我參與啟動的Stanford-Taiwan Biotechnology (STB),聽到宗恩居然已經變成灣區的名中醫師,有點訝異,但也不是特別難理解。因為聰明的人,只要有恆心,做什麼事都會成功。
二○一九年我離開行政職後,便有許多時間思考,跨領域學問引起了我極大的興趣。 物理訓練最強大與扎實的是科學邏輯方法論,複雜系統模型簡單化再加上數學預測化。 其實,物理真正的本質訓練就在以簡馭繁,好的物理學家對事物的看法具備強大的簡約能 力。
在一九七○年代,科學界出現一個有趣的名詞叫「物理忌妒」(Physics Envy),就是 生物學家及其他領域的學者看到數學在物理學科如此成功,就想要複製物理成功的經驗;奇怪的是,只有在少數有些許成效,但基本上無法像物理一樣成功!也因此忌妒物理可以成功使用數學。物理忌妒不是忌妒物理,而是忌妒為什麼數學工具只能在物理上成功?看起來像是上帝特別寵愛物理,便引起大家忌妒。
領域的互動永遠是新知識的淵藪,現代的斜槓世代就是跨多領域的人才,然而老祖 宗卻告訴我們「鼯鼠五技而窮」,顯然歷史法則指出:沒有專精學門,是不容易出人頭地的。今日由於學問複雜與廣泛性提升,有些學問必須要跨領域互動才能了解與掌握問題所在,進而激發出解決的科學方法。而且這些跨領域互動初期必須沒有目的,才有機會激發出原創想法。
人類累積的已知愈來愈多,「知道的不知道」就愈多。物理學現有的知識是標準的 「知道的知道」,但是有許多學問我們不斷在使用,也很有效,但卻不完全知其所以然,我稱之為「不知道的知道」。中醫就是其中一種,這就是直覺與經驗的累積。
中醫的重現率不像物理學那般精準,也在於不完全知其所以然,所以急需要累積更多的數據,並有時間由「不知道的知道」發展轉化成「知道的知道」的狀態,這非常需要利用物理學的既有發展經驗來協助加速轉化的過程。宗恩具有充分的跨多領域專業訓練,相信在取得更多的中醫案例後,將有大智慧將中醫推動成「知道的知道」範疇。宗恩傳承東漢張仲景延續至倪海廈的正宗中醫思維,再結合台大物理系的科學邏輯基礎訓練,經歷史丹佛與矽谷應用科技的淬鍊,中學為體,西學為用,未來必定能真正完成「西醫精準化檢測,中醫客製化治療」的至高無上理想。將宏 觀醫學與微觀醫學並用,強固個體本身,隔絕入侵病毒。
本書是宗恩超越張仲景的起點,胡適的朋友以「我的朋友是胡適之」為榮,我深為 「我的學生是李宗恩」為傲。
daring中文 在 Jessie Chung锺潔希 Facebook 的最讚貼文
More shows to come! Excitement unending!
On August 28, 2020, Symphony Theatre will premiere a performance that is sure to warm the heart—“Tearless Sky”.
同名主题曲 – 《没有泪的天空》在易桀齐和伍冠彦的编曲下,由饰演杜小梦的钟洁希填词并演唱 。美籍音乐家兼演员的李安生 在美国得过音乐奖,也为《红楼梦》话剧创作了主题曲与插曲,深获好评。 此次,为本话剧操刀制作填词,以磁性声线献唱插曲《在一起》,并以中英双语演唱《永恒》。男主角林霆坚,真情真爱以动人歌声勇敢表达《幸福女孩》。
想要购买话剧入门票🤩?请点击这里 :
【联络号码】016-336 6701(Ms. Tan)
Want to purchase tickets? 🤩 Visit the following link:
Contact number: 016-336 6701 (Ms. Tan)
More shows to come! Excitement unending!
On August 28, 2020, Symphony Theatre will premiere a performance that is sure to warm the heart—“Tearless Sky”.
How would they respond when facing the conflicts in love and the call of destiny?
And does settling with a kindred soul really mean happiness?
🌧 “Tearless Sky”, a touching stage play based on a classic romance novel, stars well-known artist Jessie Chung. Symphony Theatre artists John Lee and Terry Lim also star in the play alongside many experienced actors.
🤩 Lead actor Terry Lim portrayed Jia Baoyu in the stage play “The Dream of Red Mansions” after coming first in a global audition. His portrayal of Jia Baoyu has been praised by the audience, and he is known for his superb acting skills. John Lee is an American musician and actor. He is an award-winning musician and has written two songs for the stage play “The Dream of Red Mansions”, garnering favourable reviews. Two songs written by him will also appear in the stage play “Tearless Sky”. Both actors are performing arts and music majors.
The title song, “Tearless Sky”, is composed by Yi Jet Qi and Ng Cheon Chet, while Jessie Chung, who portrays Du Xiaomeng, wrote the lyrics and performed the song. John Lee is an actor and award-winning American musician who composed the theme song and soundtrack for the stage play “The Dream of Red Mansions”, garnering favourable reviews. For this upcoming play, he produced and performed the soundtrack song “Be With Me” and performed two versions of “Eternally” in both Mandarin and English with his mesmeric vocals. Male lead Terry Lim, in a daring and romantic manner, provides the love song “Happy Girl” with his marvellous voice.
Jeffrey Beh, director of “Tearless Sky”, has starred in movies, dramas, short films and music videos. Paul Lee, the assistant director, is a dual citizen who grew up between the U.S. and Taiwan. He is also a character actor and learned the craft of cinematography and directing under a few renowned instructors in the U.S. Director Jeffrey Beh and Assistant Director Paul Lee both majored in performing arts and music, and have directed many dramas, short films and commercials.
💘Synopsis: Jessie Chung plays a lively, cheerful girl who returns a lost item to its owner (John Lee) and loses her job due to showing up to work late. After many twists and turns, she finally finds a job as a caregiver and meets a rich young man (Terry Lim). The two begin to break the ice...
Growing up is going from ignorance to understanding, from holding on to letting go.
As we know not if we might live to see tomorrow,
We can only live life with no regrets when we learn to give and bless.
In doing so, a tearless sky is created that truly belongs to each one of us.
💕Symphony Theatre presents to all theatre lovers a brand-new masterpiece, “Tearless Sky”. It is a fast-paced, hotblooded stage play. Equipped with high-end audio equipment and an LED stage to display spectacular, vivid backdrops created through 3D technology, the audience gets a chance to enjoy an immersive feast of the senses. So far, six performances of “Tearless Sky” have been scheduled. It will premiere on August 28 at Symphony Theatre. Stay tuned for more updates!
Performance dates: 🏹🏹🏹
First show: August 28, 2020
Second show: August 29, 2020
Third show: August 30, 2020
Fourth show: September 4, 2020
Fifth show: September 5, 2020
Sixth show: September 6, 2020
Duration: 2 hours 30min
Time: 8 p.m.
Venue: Symphony Theatre
Performed in Mandarin with English surtitles
daring中文 在 大紀元時報(香港) Facebook 的最佳解答
為爭取保護自己城市機會,他們犧牲了自己的工作,據「Hong Kong watch」公佈,從去年6月9號至今,已經有8,934位抗爭者被捕,年齡介乎11到84歲。繼他們後,誰還去抗爭?要犧牲多少個我們年輕人的未來才能換到基本的自由?
Secretary Pompeo,
On behalf of our FREEDOM loving people in HK, I thank you for STANDING WITH HONG KONG.
The coming June 4th is the 31st anniversary of the Tiananmen Massacre. A pivotal moment in China’s hope for democracy.
Your decision to stand with freedom in Hong Kong shows your true dedication to human rights in today’s watershed moment, with the heroes of Hong Kong.
The millions of everyday Hong Kongers marching for the future of their home.
The nameless lawyers, volunteers, medical staff, journalists, artists doing their part to keep our voices alive.
The youth of Hong Kong daring to stand up for what they know in their heart to be right.
But the fight for freedom has come at great cost.
These warriors are our children and every day Hong Kong kids.
And in the last 12 months, Too many have been arrested, tortured, raped, murdered and many allegedly shipped across the border to secret concentration camps, never to be heard of again.
Giving up their lives for a chance at the preservation of their city.
8934 protestors aged between 11 and 84 years have been arrested since June 9th 2019.
After them, who will be left to fight?
How many of our young will have to sacrifice their futures for basic rights?
They are erasing our language.
Our identity as Hong Kong people.
Our right to speak.
Our rule of law.
Our children.
We need the US to stand up to the CCP, NOW.
Waiting for the National Security Law to be passed in late June is waiting for another Holocaust to begin.
The world has allowed China to commit mass atrocities against human lives under the pretense that one day they will stop.
They will never stop until they control the world, including America.
If it doesn’t stop here now, it will be too late.
We must learn from history that appeasement will NEVER work.
The one country two systems promised Hong Kong in the joint Sino-British Declaration has been obliterated.
Now is the moment for our world leaders to not only stand up, but to fight. If done, history will remember America as a nation that dared, truly, to be a voice for freedom.
Here is what I ask:
Since the PRC has reneged on all its obligations in the Joint Sino British Declaration, HK Sovereignty should revert back to the UK. Please convince your ally UK to do the right thing this time, by transferring the Sovereignty back to the people of HK, on the condition of a genuine referendum in 6 months, supervised by international and independent judges, to choose their own future.
Hong Kong belong to HK people.
Before the referendum, we need your troops to keep HK safe as West Berlin, from the Communist’s never ending interferences, infiltrations, cheating and persecution of our youths. Your 85,000 US citizens in HK also need your protection.
Lastly, while you are working to make South China Sea safe again, please include us in your battle plan.
We are also in the South China Sea.
Mr. Secretary, as an ally in the free world, please
make HK safe again.
Thank you.
God Bless USA
God Save HK.
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競馬—Daring Tact(謀勇兼備)挑戰成為史上首匹無敗3冠牝馬】 日本競馬界在未來3個星期日可能會連續誕生3個偉業: .10月18日秋華賞—Daring Tact(謀勇兼備)挑戰成為 ... ... <看更多>
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Let's find out your dating style with a smiley character | Smile test | Smile love test | smile date test- 케이테스트 | MBTI 테스트 검사. ... <看更多>
daring中文 在 Hello Darling / 你好親愛的(Tracy Huang / 黃鶯鶯) (4K 5.1聲道 ... 的推薦與評價
Hello Darling / 你好親愛的(Tracy Huang / 黃鶯鶯) (4K 5.1聲道) ( 中文 翻譯). ... <看更多>