#EZTALK #你不知道的美國大小事 #ratVSmouse
🇺🇸 Idioms 美國生活用語:老鼠 rat╱mouse 🐁
💪順便搞懂 rat 跟 mouse 的不同之處吧!
1⃣ rat
2⃣ rat out/on
3⃣ smell a rat
4⃣ the rat race
5⃣ quiet at a mouse
6⃣ poor as a church mouse
As we enter the Year of the Rat, it’s a good time to think about rodents and their cultural significance. The first animal in the Chinese Zodiac, rats are associated with intelligence, diligence and ambition. And people born in the Year of the Rat can look forward to being wealthy and successful.
In America, however, rats don’t have such a positive image. They are seen as dirty pests that steal food and spread disease. It’s therefore no accident the rat-related idioms are all negative. 1⃣ First, the term “rat” itself. In colloquial American English, a rat is a deceptive, disloyal person or an informant. Ex: Don’t trust Tommy—he’s a rat!
不過在美國,老鼠可就沒有這麼正面的形象。牠們被視為髒東西,愛偷食物並且散播疾病,所以沒有意外地,跟老鼠有關的美國用語都是負面的。首先來看看 rat 這個字,在美式口語英文中,講某人是 rat,就是說他是「騙子、不忠實」,或是「告密者」。如:Don’t trust Tommy—he’s a rat!(別相信湯米,他是個騙子!)
2⃣ “Rat” can also be used in the verb phrase “rat out/on,” which means “to inform on sb.” Ex: The thief ratted out his accomplices to avoid jail time. 3⃣Another phrase is “smell a rat,” which means “to suspect an instance of wrongdoing, deception or betrayal.” Ex: The witness smelled a rat when he saw the suspect leaving the scene of the crime. 4⃣Finally, “the rat race” describes the intense competition and long hours of the urban work environment. Ex: Eric dreamed of leaving the rat race and buying a small farm.
因此 rat 也可延伸作為動詞:rat out/on,指「出賣某人」,如:The thief ratted out his accomplices to avoid jail time.(那個小偷出賣他的同夥逃避坐牢。)另一個片語則是 smell a rat,指「發覺有可疑之處」,如:The witness smelled a rat when he saw the suspect leaving the scene of the crime.(目擊者看到嫌犯離開案發現場時覺得行為可疑。)最後是 the rat race,用來形容職場競爭激烈且工時長的現象。如:Eric dreamed of leaving the rat race and buying a small farm.(艾瑞克夢想著離開這競爭激烈的工作環境,去鄉下種田。)
While the Chinese “shu” is usually translated as “rat,” it can also refer to mice. And mice have a slightly better reputation in English than rats. Mice are small, quiet and shy, so 5⃣ “quiet at a mouse” refers to someone who is shy and timid. Ex: The new student in our class is quiet as a mouse. 6⃣And if someone is “poor as a church mouse,” they’re really poor. This is because churches usually don’t usually store food, so mice who lived in them would have nothing to eat. Ex: My parents were poor as a church mouse when I was born.
雖然中文字「鼠」常常翻作 rat「大老鼠」,不過也可以指 mouse(複數形 mice)「小老鼠」。在英文中,小老鼠的形象比大老鼠稍微好些。小老鼠體型較小,安靜又害羞,所以 quiet as a mouse 可以用來形容某人「害羞膽怯的」,如:The new student in our class is quiet as a mouse.(我們班新來的學生很害羞。)要是說某人 poor as a church mouse,就是說他們「非常窮」。由來是因為教堂通常不會儲藏食物,所以住在教堂裡的老鼠根本沒東西可吃。如:My parents were poor as a church mouse when I was born.(我父母在我出生時候非常窮。)
1. rodent「嚙齒類動物」
2. Chinese Zodiac「十二生肖」:zodiac指西洋占星的十二星座。
3. diligence「勤奮」:當名詞,形容詞 diligent。
4. it’s no accident that…「沒有意外,……」
5. colloquial「口語的」:相對於書寫文字而言,較不正式的說法。
6. deceptive「愛騙人、說謊的」:當形容詞,名詞 deception。
7. informant「告密者」
8. urban「都市的」:相反詞為 rural「鄉下的」。
9. reputation「名聲」
#鼠年行大運 #鼠錢鼠不完
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- 關於diligent中文 在 EZ Talk Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於diligent中文 在 政變後的寧靜夏午 Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於diligent中文 在 肉皂 MusSoap Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於diligent中文 在 識富天使新創加速計畫- 「DD」Due Diligence (中文多翻為 ... 的評價
- 關於diligent中文 在 拜登“四天左右”任命美聯儲主席,市場還要漲到11/30? - YouTube 的評價
- 關於diligent中文 在 How To Say 'Diligent' (勤奋) in Mandarin Chinese - YouTube 的評價
diligent中文 在 政變後的寧靜夏午 Facebook 的最佳解答
〈談文論譯〉選舉的英文詞彙 蘇正隆
2018年美國期中選舉要在11月6日週二投票,台灣的地方選舉也正如火如荼的展開,到緊鑼密鼓的階段。因此選舉新聞 (election coverage) 占據了媒體相當大的版面。
選舉 (elect/election) 一詞,源自 e-(out) + legere (choose)──選出,而 leg- 或 legere 同時也是 intelligent, diligent, logic, dialog, legal 等詞的詞幹,因此挑選候選人要考慮她/他是否 intelligent (有能力、智慧),diligent (勤於出席、問政),logic (前後一致、腦筋清楚),dialog (願意溝通),legal (用合法手段)。
選舉不同於革命,是用選票來決定,不是以武力來定勝負,是民主國家最重要的機制。美國黑人民權領袖麥爾坎‧艾克斯 (Malcolm X) 1964年4月在底特律的一場著名演說 “The Ballot or The Bullet” 中控訴白人的宰制,鼓吹黑人用選票來決定自己的命運,來監督國會議員是否支持保障黑人及弱勢族群不受歧視的民權法案,促成國會在三個月之後通過該法案。Ballot or Bullet?「紙彈還是子彈?」 遂成傳誦一時的名言,道出民主與極權的分野,在民主國家改變可以透過選舉 (The Ballot) 達成,在極權國家,只有武裝革命 (The Bullet) 才能造成改變。
候選人競選活動英文叫 campaign,她/他們通常有一群助選人員 (canvassers),俗稱「抬轎者」,替她/他們助選或抬轎 (canvass),因此「拉票」,「抬轎子」都可以說 canvassing。
候選人在選區內巡迴競選演說叫 stump speech,因為以前在美國,候選人每到一地,往往都是站在木樁上對選民演說 (on the stump),因此僕僕風塵到各地發表競選演說 (campaign speech) 就叫 stump speech。在英國,則用 Hustings 一詞,意思類似 stump。Hustings 指候選人發表競選演說的 raised platform (墊高的平臺)。
募款餐會英文 fundraising party,造勢大會叫 pep rally,「(幫人)站臺(演說)」叫 endorsement speech,挨家挨户拜票 (door-to-door canvassing),到了選戰緊鑼密鼓的階段則有所謂的掃街(拜票) street canvassing,針對尚未決定投票對象、心意未定的選民 (courting the undecided voters),希望選民能投自己一票的催票 (drum up votes)活動,催票活動有時也由選務機關發動,盼能提高投票率,叫 get-out-the-vote campaign,簡稱GOTV。本尊或助選人員透過電話拜票叫 phone banking,透過電腦錄音自動拜票叫 robocall/robocalling。
這次美國及台灣都未涉及總統、副總統選舉。如有的話,總統、副總統候選人搭檔,中文叫「XX配」,英文叫 ticket;「馬吳配」英文是 “Ma-Wu Ticket”, 「蔡陳配」英文是 “Tsai-Chen Ticket”。「政見」英文叫 platform。
美國這次的期中選舉 36 states are holding gubernatorial elections,也就是選州長 (election for governor),州長候選人叫 gubernatorial candidates。
選民有幾種類型,死忠某一黨派的叫 old faithful voters;不受黨派影響的中間選民叫 swing voters 或 floating voters。不喜歡自己黨提名的候選人,但又不願投對手,只好含淚投己方候選人或投給第三黨 (tactical voting),則是「含淚投票族」(tactical voters)。
最後則由選民投下神聖的一票 (cast their votes),等待選舉結果 (poll results)。(Jerome Su, Revised Nov. 14, 2018)
diligent中文 在 肉皂 MusSoap Facebook 的精選貼文
■ 中文版問券:https://goo.gl/RzhTxC
■ English Questionnaire: https://goo.gl/KCSxT7
■ 全新的問卷來啦!!!這次的問券裡面還有小故事呢(超用心),快幫我填填!這次也會有小禮物歐!!!
Brand new questionnaire coming your way!!! We even put in a short story for you guys too (such diligent(doge)). Help us fill in, and lucky ones will receive a small gift from us.
■ 上次問券的得獎名單已經出爐囉!也已私信到各位的信箱,記得去收信一下~如果看到疑似朋友的幫忙提醒一下吧~不然就要換人了XD,沒被抽到也不要氣餒,這次還有機會!!!
The list of winners for the last questionnaire is already out and we have already PMed your inbox, so make sure to check it out~ And if you guys saw your friend's name on the list make sure to tell them too, or else we might give the prize to other people 😂Don't give up if you didn't win this time, there might still be a chance for you next time~
Here are the list of names for the lucky ones:
diligent中文 在 拜登“四天左右”任命美聯儲主席,市場還要漲到11/30? - YouTube 的推薦與評價

官方鏈接: 美國中文投資網:www.chinesefn.com 美加免費熱線:1-800-958-8561 微信:chinesefn168 ... ... <看更多>
diligent中文 在 How To Say 'Diligent' (勤奋) in Mandarin Chinese - YouTube 的推薦與評價

Learn how to pronounce ''Diligent'' (勤奋) in Mandarin Chinese with ... ... <看更多>
diligent中文 在 識富天使新創加速計畫- 「DD」Due Diligence (中文多翻為 ... 的推薦與評價
「DD」Due Diligence (中文多翻為「盡職調查」, 但翻譯為「核實調查」會更易理解)... ... <看更多>