造句 與例句 手機版 · He was filled with disgust at himself . · She turned up her pretty nose in disgust . · Gallagher spat with disgust and envy . · But no brutality ...
disgusting 造句 / 例句 ; 1. Are you lusting after me? How disgusting! 你是在追求我吗?多么恶心! ; 2. My darling, it is delicious! Why do you find it disgusting?
沒有面向這些人的學校和醫院,這真令人無法接受。 Passengers were kept for three hours in a disgusting waiting room. 乘客被迫在令人厭惡的候車室裡等 ...
#4. disgusting - 英语_读音_用法_例句 - 海词词典
disgusting造句 - disgusting例句- 趣词词典 ... 1. Are you lusting after me? Howdisgusting! 你是在追求我吗?多么恶心! 2. My darling, it is delicious! Why do you find ...
#6. disgusting造句,大家都在找解答 訂房優惠報報
disgusting造句 ,大家都在找解答第1頁。disgusting的翻譯.在中文(簡體)中.令人厌恶的,让人憎恶的,使人反感的…查看更多內容.在西班牙語中.repugnante,repugnante...
#7. The Disgusting Critters Series 生物訊息英文繪本一套6本
平裝32頁尺寸16 * 22CM 購買The Disgusting Critters Series 生物訊息英文繪本一套6本. ... 已售出199 · 兒童英文啓蒙詞彙造句練習.
三、【英文翻译】 1.odious; abominable; disgusting; very bad; mean; despicable 四、【短语造句】 1. 恶劣的天气使我不能动身。 2. 他们恶劣地对待他们的工.
#9. it is disgusting - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"it is disgusting" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#10. disgusting造句- 容易答知识网
disgusting 造句 / 例句1. Are you lusting after me? How disgusting! 你是在追求我吗?多么恶心! 精选例句2. My darling, it is delicious!
#11. 用disgust造句 - 乐学英语
用disgust造句,disgust例句 · He was filled with disgust at himself . · She turned up her pretty nose in disgust . · Gallagher spat with disgust and ...
#12. disgusting - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
adj. 令人作嘔的;十分討厭的,可憎的;disgust的動詞現在分詞、動名詞. Dr ...
#13. 翻译_disgusting同义词和反义词 - 中华字典
#14. "You can say that again!"居然不是「再說一遍」的意思?8個 ...
“Oh boy! This is disgusting!" 欸欸!我明明就是女生,幹嘛叫我男孩? “Do you have a crush on the girl?
#15. 台大視聽教育館英語學習報第004期
寫作中心將於12/1開設的「重點文法與造句」課程,已快要額滿,名額有限,欲報從速! ... Somehow that appellation sounds disgusting to me, "eks-boks," ughhh!
#16. 「so disgusting」+1 sick so disgusting翻譯成中文 - 藥師家
點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋so disgusting的中文翻譯,so disgusting的發音,音標,用法和例句等。 , so disgusting 太恶心了双语对照例句: 1.
#17. Similar - Android Apps on Google Play
Disgusting and cute cats have exploded across the country! A cat tower defense game that ... 在冰冷的監獄裡,透過組合文字造句引路。你能幫助主角逃離監獄嗎?
#18. 討厭的近義詞有哪些 - 三度漢語網
討厭近義詞:. 憎恨,厭倦,厭煩,厭惡,膩煩,憎惡. 英文解釋. disagreeable;disgusting;repugnant;tiresome;. 英文解釋. 中文解釋. [loathe;be disgusted with]∶ ...
#19. disgusting中文完整相關資訊 - 星星公主
The idea of eating insects was disgusting me greatly ...Disgust as Embodied Moral Judgment - NCBI - NIH2008年5月27日· Abstract. How, and for whom, does disgust ...
#20. disgusted (【形容詞】) 意思、用法及發音| Engoo Words
"disgusted" 例句. Neighbors were disgusted at the man's violence towards his dog. The public was disgusted with the government after all the scandals.
#21. 英文測驗題庫彙編04~107-new年
(A)disaster(B)disguise(C)disgust(D)discovery ... It is the Disgusting Food Museum, which opened at the end of last year in Malmo, ...
#22. 討厭的近義詞及反義詞-討厭詞語造句大全範文精選- 語文
討厭的近義詞及反義詞-討厭詞語造句大全說明:討厭的意思也可以認為是:事情難辦 ... (惹人厭煩) disagreeable; disgusting; have no use [time] for; ...
#23. 壁癌」英文怎麼說?一起看這些生活小困擾的說法! - 聯合報
... 這個字當名詞用有「霉菌」的意思,注意這個字不可數哦,來看個造句吧:. Do you know how to remove mold on the ceiling? It looks disgusting.
#24. 德行的意思|德行的解释|德行造句-乐乐课堂
解释. ◎ 德行déxíng. [moral caliber;moral integrity] 道德品行的素质. 宣其德行,顺其宪则,使越于诸侯。——《国语·晋语》. ◎ 德行déxing. [disgusting] 讥讽人的话, ...
#25. [老物可憎]成語解釋 - 詩詞大全
老物可憎是什麼意思,老物可憎的解釋, 老物可憎成語故事,老物可憎的反義詞近義詞,老物可憎造句,老物可憎的意思,老物可憎的英文翻譯中翻英,老物可憎詳細解釋, ...
#26. disgust是什么意思 - 英语词典
#27. Dangerous Disgusting and Mean - Caroline TEFL Journey
Dangerous Disgusting and Mean. 自從教了繪本When I Was Little 跟Animals Should ... 學生跟據自己的經驗造句,老師批改. 5.把句子畫上插圖.
#28. 用smell造句简单一点 - 天天知识网
用smell造句,smell例句I cansmellgas -- is the oven on ? 我闻到煤气味了烤箱开着呢吧? ... 感官动词的smell造句|唯美的句子 ... 用disgusting smell怎么造句.
#29. disgusting nation - 迦南小说网
disgusting nation是作者悔过原创作品,其他类型,无广告弹窗在线阅读最新章节就在迦南小说 ... shit是什么意思、disgusting造句、disgusting nation、disgusting food ...
#30. finish造句,一定要符合语法,把中文也带上,_作业帮
I finally finished doing my disgusting homework! 29469. 用反复句式造句. 正在天空演习的飞机忽而上升,忽而下降,忽而盘旋,忽而俯冲.
#31. 讨厌的近义词是什么_讨厌词语造句 - 优文网
以下是小编为您收集整理提供到讨厌的近义词及造句,欢迎阅读参考,希望对你有所 ... (惹人厌烦) disagreeable; disgusting; have no use [time] for; ...
#32. 讨厌的近义词-讨厌造句 - 品才网
2017年4月20日 — (惹人厌烦) disagreeable; disgusting; have no use [time] for; repugnant; nuisance; be tired of; be sick of; be disgusted at [by]; How ...
#33. 新HSK(四级)词汇——(汉语-英语) New HSK Level 4 ...
be tired of; be sick of; be disgusted at. (by); loathe; dislike; have a dislike of; take an aversion to. 我~在饭馆吃饭。 adj. disagreeable; disgusting.
#34. 有“作”字的成语包含“作”字的成语带“作”字的成语【令人作呕】
... 色彩:贬义成语英文翻译:disgusting成语用法:令人作呕兼语式;作谓语、定语; ... 成语造句:他那副装腔作势、故作姿态的样子,真令人作呕。
#35. 【英文文法】形容詞:英文「-ed」與「-ing」的差異 - 全民學英文
e.g. He kept doing that annoying voice, and I left feeling very annoyed. 他一直發出惱人的聲音,讓我覺得非常惱怒。 e.g. The food was disgusting.
#36. Translate disgusting in Somali with contextual examples
Contextual translation of "disgusting" into Somali. Human translations with examples: MyMemory, World's Largest Translation Memory.
#37. over造句watch - CSDN
1 discourse Reading makes a full man, meditation a profound man, discourse a clear man. 博览群书使人完美无瑕,冥思苦想让人深刻精邃,论证阐述让人头脑清晰。
#38. 讨厌动词造句_造句用三个动词 - 作业九九网
不喜欢的1.disgusting; troublesome; annoying; bothersome; confounded; loathsome; nasty 2.repellent; sour 例句令人作呕的,令人厌恶的. What a disgusting smell!
#39. 107上翰林國中4-6 @ 最高權限者+Ramdisk+全新系統 ... - 隨意窩
(C) Because the Earth becomes dirty and disgusting(噁心的). (D) Because the Earth will not live ... 依字序造句) 答案:I heard the wind blow / blowing ...
#40. disgusting是什么意思
disgusting的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译: ... disgusting可以指人吗; clarify的名词形式是; disgusting造句; disgusting不要乱用 ...
#41. comedian造句 - 望花路东里
#42. GIGABYTE - Posts | Facebook
第一屆不虎爛造句大賽開始 · #小編翹腳 · #虎年 · #新年快樂. May be an image of text that says '精準校色 認證不虎爛. No photo description available.
#43. 可憎怎么读 - 精作网
可憎快速导航可憎拼音可憎释义可憎翻译可憎造句可憎相关词可憎基本信息(拼音,读音,繁体,注音等)可憎拼音[kězēng] ... 可憎英文怎么说:disgusting.
#44. LISTENING: BBC WORLD SERVICE (15/03/16) - eru 的英文 ...
討厭的= disgusting. BBC News: Dinosaur find resolves T-Rex mystery. 全站熱搜. 創作者介紹. 創作者eru 的頭像. eru. eru 的英文筆記本.
#45. 令人作嘔
(使人厭惡) disgusting; loathsome 令人作嘔地吹捧nauseatingly extol; ... 點擊查查權威在線詞典詳細解釋作嘔的解釋、含義、近義詞、反義詞和造句。
#46. 全民英檢中高級寫作模擬測驗 - 第 220 頁 - Google 圖書結果
A shell - less snail is a disgusting slimy slug , you see . ... 因此,在造句時,萬一碰到必須用動詞當主詞時, (如 watch a movie ) ,我們就必須把該動詞改為動 ...
#47. 自命不凡造句简单的写一句话-雨芍学习网
(1) as soon as he made such a little achievement, he was so conceited that it was disgusting! (2)、自命不凡而浅薄文学的一帮孩子们争长论短 ...
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conversely造句最新消息,还有in contrast造句,appropriate造句,conversely用法等内容,自己写知乎居然变成了百度.
#49. disgusting造句_老师办公室英语读法 - 小触知识网
disgusting造句 最新消息,还有老师办公室英语读法,老师办公室英语怎么说,教师办公室翻译成英语等内容,(殷老师不知道肖先成住办公室所以肖先成不能 ...
#50. Which one is Mandarin ?內臟串燒 烤内脏串 | HiNative
... any street of China, you won't find this 4 words together. It's awful and disgusting. ... 请给我造句好吗? 谢谢 · 流泪 和 哭 有什么区别?
#51. disgusting例句 - ndup
disgusting造句 _用disgusting造句大全. 1、They havedisgustingdefensive mechanisms. 2、Hisdisgustingjokes gave everybody the pip.
#52. 味道英文| 用英語說出好味道| EF English Live 部落格
disgusting (令人反感的), revolting(令人厭惡的). 例如你可以說:. ➢ This mac'n'cheese is gross! 這起司通心粉很噁心! ➢ The stinky tofu is nauseating.
#53. what does girth mean in English? - 想考试作业网
What does testamentmean? what does “disgusting”mean?回答:it mean . what does shit mean what does ... 用what does...mean?造句 shamble.what does it mean?
#54. disgusting例句 - pknn
disgusting 例句,disgusting thing_双语例句_有道词典,5 Disgusting garbage or refuse. 已记看解释6 Disgusting ... disgusting smell造句_用disgusting smell造句大全.
#55. 令人討厭的人英文- 查查在線詞典 - 汽車貼文懶人包
... 翻譯印尼語翻譯俄語翻譯漢語辭典造句句子翻譯當前位置:綫上翻譯>英語翻譯>令人討厭的人英文令人討厭的人英文發音:"令人討厭的人"怎麼讀用"令人討厭的人"造句英文 ...
#56. disgusting的反义词 - udnn
disgusting 的反义词,最常用的反义词- 百度文库,反义词汉语:爱好的, 喜欢的, 喜爱的3恶劣的近义词 ... 用令人作呕造句令人作呕的近义词|同义词|反义词_平静古诗网.
#57. disgust搭配
disgust搭配,32个跟Llevar有关的西班牙语词汇固定搭配_重庆新泽西多国,Significa ... disgust at造句trail off造句大*皮膏*造句《复活》好词好句大学生就业观社会实践 ...
#58. 华为手机关不了屏幕,手机屏幕关了怎么录像 - 屏幕显示网
... 网蓝牙知识网设置维修网奶蛋黄玉米的家常做法才干最少得造句勐海古树老 ... 西方节日对文化交流的意义去面试暑假工老师怎么说disgusting动词郑多 ...
#59. 钟爱的近义词和反义词 - KuaiSuSou
【钟爱的近义词】: 宠爱钟爱的造句1 、她钟爱地望着男友的脸。2 、她值得你钟爱。3 ... 讨厌蛇(2) [disagreeable;disgusting;repugnant]∶令人烦恼;惹人心烦讨厌的天气.
#60. disgusting 的中文翻譯| 英漢字典
That causes disgust; sickening; offensive; revolting. -- {Dis*gust"ing*ly}, adv. [1913 Webster] 來源(3): The Collaborative International Dictionary of ...
disgusting造句 在 GIGABYTE - Posts | Facebook 的推薦與評價
第一屆不虎爛造句大賽開始 · #小編翹腳 · #虎年 · #新年快樂. May be an image of text that says '精準校色 認證不虎爛. No photo description available. ... <看更多>