eiderdown 的例句. eiderdown. A duvet is more practical than sheets, blankets and eiderdown, although the patient may prefer them if they are ...
eiderdown中文 ::棉鳧的絨毛…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋eiderdown的中文翻譯,eiderdown的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
eiderdown中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:n. 鳧絨被;鳧絨;羽絨被;鴨絨被。英漢詞典提供【eiderdown】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#4. eiderdown是什么意思? eiderdown翻译(中文英文) - 抓鸟
eiderdown 的解释是:鸭的绒毛, 鸭绒被… 同时,该页为英语学习者提供:eiderdown的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。
#5. eiderdown 的中文意思
eiderdown 中文 意思是什麼. 英 美 澳. eiderdown 解釋. 絨鴨的絨毛. eiderdown 例句. This device can compress the sealing of the eiderdown, bedclothing and ...
綿鳧的絨毛;鳧絨被. Dr.eye 譯典通 · eiderdown · 查看更多. IPA[ˈaɪdədaʊn]. 美式. 英式. n. 鴨絨被;鴨絨. 牛津中文字典. eiderdown. 鴨的絨毛,鴨絨被. PyDict.
#7. eiderdown的中文意思 - 英漢/漢英線上英文字典
eiderdown 中文 意思是什麼 ... another piece of good news for this winter : our factory comes out with 2006 ' s fashionable eiderdown outwear of various kinds
使用Reverso Context: filled with sponge and eiderdown;,在英语-中文情境中翻译"eiderdown"
eiderdown 的中文意思:鸭的绒毛,鸭绒被,点击查看详细解释:eiderdown的中文翻译、eiderdown的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握eiderdown这个单词。
eiderdown n 1: a soft quilt usually filled with the down of the eider [syn: {eiderdown}, {duvet}, {continental quilt}] 2: down of the eider duck 來源(3): ...
#11. eiderdown中文翻译和例句 - 词典
eiderdown中文 翻译、例句和音频发音。 ... As they shuffle off to bed, apart Then meet again beneath the eiderdown. 发音. Does the gentleman want his eiderdown ...
#12. eiderdown - 从英语翻译成中文 | PONS - 词典
Reportedly, commonplace, low-maintence duvets will replace sheets, eiderdowns and blankets, much to the dismay of housekeeping staff, who have prided themselves ...
#13. eiderdown - 鴨絨 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙
出處/學術領域, 中文詞彙, 英文詞彙. 學術名詞 食品科技, 鴨絨, eider down. 學術名詞 紡織科技, 鴨絨, duck-down puff. 學術名詞 兩岸對照名詞-紡織, 鴨絨, eiderdown ...
#14. eiderdown的中文翻譯和情景例句- 留聲詞典
eiderdown 的中文意思翻譯:n. 鴨的絨毛,鴨絨被。eiderdown的中文翻譯、eiderdown的發音、柯林斯釋義、用法、eiderdown的近義詞、反義詞和雙語例句等。
#15. eiderdown - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"eiderdown" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。 ... 英语-中文正在建设中. eiderdown 名词—. 羽绒被 名 (). © Linguee 词典, 2022.
#16. eiderdown 的中文翻釋|影音字典- VoiceTube 看影片學英語
超過400 萬人愛用的線上英語學習平台!上萬部YouTube 影片教材,搭配中英文翻譯字幕與英漢字典,輕鬆掌握日常對話、瞭解單字的發音與用法。是最適合華人提升英文聽力和 ...
#17. eiderdown 中文- 英文词典
在中文里面,我们如何解释eiderdown这个英文词呢? eiderdown这个英文词,中文意思如下:凫绒被。 Meaning of eiderdown for the defined word.
#18. eiderdown – 中文翻译– Multitran 词典
eiderdown ['aɪdədaun] 名词. 建筑学 · 一种厚绒布 · 技术 · 鸭绒垫 · 登山 · 棉凫绒毛; 鸭的绒毛; 鸭绒被 · 纺织工业 · 鸭绒; 鸭绒制品. 英语词库.
#19. eiderdown — 中文翻译- TechDico辞書
包含许多翻译示例按活动分类“eiderdown” – 英语-中文字典和智能翻译助手。 ... Duck fleas as evidence for eiderdown production on archaeological sites.
#20. 英语-汉语eiderdown翻译
#21. eiderdown - 英文單詞。意思是絨鴨絨(毛),鳧 - 中文百科知識
eiderdown ,英文單詞。意思是絨鴨絨(毛),鳧絨(用作被子、枕頭等)。 發音. 英['aɪdədaʊn] 美['aɪdɚdaʊn] ...
#22. 巧奪天工的鴨絨蠶絲被工藝,一絲不苛的瑞士品質 - Beyond ...
#23. eider down中文翻译 - 乐学英语
eider down 的中文翻译,eider down的中文意思. besoo2020-03-21 32. 鸭的绒毛;鸭绒垫。 转载请注明原文地址: ...
#24. eiderdown的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇 - 英语人
eiderdown ['aidədaun]. eiderdown的基本解释: n. 鸭绒被, 鸭的绒毛. 相关中文词汇: 鸭绒被 · 鸭的绒毛. 拼写相近单词: eiderdowns.
#25. Eiderdown 释义| 柯林斯英语词典
eiderdown in British English · 1. the breast down of the female eider duck, with which it lines the nest, used for stuffing pillows, quilts, etc · 2. · 3. US.
#26. eiderdown中文翻譯
【Dict.Wiki ❷⓿❷❶】為您提供eiderdown的中文翻譯、中文意思,❤️️︎︎eiderdown的發音、音標、用法.
#27. eiderdown - Chinese Translation - 吕氏英汉字典
eiderdown. "eiderdown" Chinese translation ("eiderdown" in Chinese, "eiderdown" 中文翻译, "eiderdown"发音): eiderdown n. 鸭的绒毛,鸭绒被 [n.
#28. 发现全世界最奢华寝具 - Savoir Beds
这种天然材料比羊羔毛的保温性更强,将超级柔软与极度舒适和保暖性能完美融合于一身。 Mollisima duvet - Arctic eiderdown. 北极新鸭绒羽绒被. 绒鸭的柔软羽毛可以制作出 ...
#29. eiderdown是什么意思中文翻译- 英语单词- 优选网
... 音标:英[ˈaɪdədaʊn]美[ˈaɪdərdaʊn] ,更多eiderdown是什么意思中文翻译相关的知识、图片、信息、怎么样、经验、方法、故事、大全等信息上优选网。
#30. EIDER DOWN DUVET "Silk & Eider" - Aro Artländer
Our JUWEL THE NIGHT Eiderdown Duvet is not only appreciated in the royal bedrooms of the world for a restful sleep. The precious eiderdowns are collected by ...
#31. eiderdown的中文解释和发音 - 欧路词典
#32. eiderdown - 维基词典,自由的多语言词典
英語编辑 · 此页面最后编辑于2021年11月25日(星期四) 17:45。 · 除非另有声明,本网站内容采用CC BY-SA 3.0授权。
#33. eiderdown怎么读_含义_读音 - 趣词词典
趣词词典为大家提供eiderdown是什么意思,eiderdown的用法,eiderdown怎么读,含义,读音,例句等高效记单词的 ... 中文词源. eiderdown 羽绒被. eider, 绒鸭。down, 软毛。
#34. eiderdown - 例句 - 共读书房
The only way out was that he covered with eiderdown quilts and I with silk - padded ones. 惟有他盖他的羽绒被,我盖我的丝棉被. 来自中国文学部分.
#35. eiderdown quilt 中文 - Enercell
eiderdown quilt 中文 · eiderdown是什么意思? eiderdown翻译(中文英文):鸭的 · duvet · Common eider · eiderdown.
#36. eider down是什么意思 - 英语词典
恒星英语词典栏目提供eider down是什么意思,eider down的中文解释,eider down的读音发音,eider down的含义和用法以及eider down的造句参考例句。
#37. eiderdown - 中国的翻译
Eiderdown 的中国的翻译– 英语-中文字典和搜索引擎, 中国的翻译.
#38. Daniadown 0000005 Twin Eiderdown Quilt : 居家與廚房
Material: White Swiss cotton shell. 300 Thread count. Fill: Pure Icelandic eiderdown. Box baffle construction. Incorporates the highest quality of cloth and ...
#39. 【eiderdown】在多语言下的意思、翻译、词源、用法、例句
英语(English). 替代形式(Alternative forms). eider down. 词源(Etymology). eider + down. 名词(Noun). eiderdown (countable and uncountable, plural eiderdowns).
#40. 在"英语"词典里eiderdown}的意思
在英语词典里带使用范例的eiderdown含义eiderdown的近义词以及eiderdown的25种语言翻译。 ... 点击查看«eiderdown»在英语词典里的原始定义。 ... 翻译者英语- 中文.
#41. 【認識羽絨入門教學】關於羽絨製品填充物 | 鴨絨英文
鴨絨英文翻譯,eiderdown中文,兩岸對照名詞| 鴨絨英文. 鴨絨英文怎麼說,鸭绒是什麼意思? ... 鴨絨. 中文詞彙鴨絨. 英文翻譯eiderdown. 學術領域两岸对照名词-纺织.
#42. eiderdown quilt 中文 - Alibuy
eiderdown quilt 中文. Bedding 同义词. Look at other dictionaries: quilt — n coverlet counterpane bedspread blanket bedcover bedquilt; crazy quilt patchwork ...
#43. What does eiderdown mean? -
Find a translation for the eiderdown definition in other languages: ... Select another language: - Select -; 简体中文 (Chinese - Simplified); 繁體中文 (Chinese - ...
#44. Eiderdown(路易斯维尔) - 餐厅/美食点评 - Tripadvisor
Eiderdown (路易斯维尔): 读读144条条关于Eiderdown客观公正的美食点评,在Tripadvisor的5分满分评等中得4.5分,在路易斯维尔的1771家餐厅中排 ... 中文(简体) (69).
#45. 加入購物車 -
Heavy white eiderdown jacket big size Austrian wool collar fashion warm coat. Heavy white eiderdown jacket big size Austrian wool collar fashion warm coat.
#46. 绒羽- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
从古老的琥珀中发现的羽毛表明某类恐龙可能曾经长有与绒羽类似的羽毛。绒鸭的绒羽的叫做羽绒(eiderdown)。 目录. 1 概述 ...
#47. EIDERDOWN Meaning in Arabic - Tr-ex
Translations in context of "EIDERDOWN" in english-arabic. HERE are many translated example sentences containing "EIDERDOWN" - english-arabic translations ...
#48. 羽絨夾克 - 中文百科全書
#49. Eiderdown & Z Land Bedding - Instagram
545 Followers, 643 Following, 81 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Eiderdown & Z Land Bedding (@eiderdownbedding)
#50. feather quilt 中文 - Dcreaty
“eiderdown quilt” 中文翻譯: 鴨絨被; 羽絨被“euphon quilt” 中文翻譯: 一種吸音 ... “down feather quilt”中文翻譯羽絨被“duck feather down-pillow”中文翻譯鴨毛絨 ...
#51. Food and Equipments - Online Application For Entry ...
People afraid of cold can wear warm-keeping, sweat-shifting clothes in winter. Warm-keeping layer should be made from fleece, hollow fiber, or eiderdown.
#52. Historic - Milan - Eiderdown jacket - Catawiki
Historic - Milan - Eiderdown jacket. Green - water repellent polyamide - Size: M. 翻譯至繁體中文. 將由Google翻譯提供翻譯. 100% eiderdown jacket in perfect ...
#53. Coral Fern Eiderdown Bedspread (170cm x 160cm) - Harrods
Customer Service ; The Store. Plan Your VisitStore Guide ; Shopping Online · Return Your OrderDelivery ; Customer Service · 中文信息区Harrods Rewards ; About us.
#54. eiderdown - 同义词、 反义词和发音
了解更多关于eiderdown的英语单词,包括定义、 同义词、 反义词、 发音。 ... 翻译到中文. 英语中的定义 ... 包含eiderdown且超过七个字母的英语单词: 没有结果 ...
#55. definition of eiderdown by The Free Dictionary
Define eiderdown. eiderdown synonyms, eiderdown pronunciation, eiderdown translation, English dictionary definition of eiderdown. also eider down n. 1.
#56. 鳧絨墊是什麼意思、英文翻譯及中文解釋 - 可可英語館
鳧絨墊是什麼意思、英文翻譯及中文解釋內容:鳧絨墊詞語:鳧絨墊解釋:eiderdown詞典:紡織專業漢英詞典鳧絨墊相關解釋eiderdown〔名詞〕鳧絨,鴨絨, ...
#57. 鳧絨墊是什麼意思、英文翻譯及中文解釋 - 三毛英語季
鳧絨墊是什麼意思、英文翻譯及中文解釋分析:鳧絨墊詞語:鳧絨墊解釋:eiderdown詞典:紡織專業漢英詞典鳧絨墊相關解釋eiderdown〔名詞〕鳧絨,鴨絨, ...
#58. eiderdown quilt 中文 - SQOF
eiderdown 的中文翻譯,eiderdown是什麼意思,怎麽用漢語翻譯eiderdown,eiderdown的中文意思,eiderdown的中文,eiderdown in Chinese,eiderdown怎麼讀,发音,例句,用法 ...
#59. 單字eider的中文意思與發音 - Websaru線上字典
單字eider的中英文例句與用法. 但絨鴨知道它的豐盛: And eider duck know it. 還給他們睡鴨絨被嗎 ... Tucking them to sleep with eiderdown quilts.
#60. Harriet Olsen (Judd) - Founder - Eiderdown Books | LinkedIn
Founder at Eiderdown Books + Head of Publishing at Pallant House Gallery. Eiderdown Books. Chichester, England, United Kingdom226 connections.
BRINKHAUS LUXURY LIFESTYLE KING SIZE EIDERDOWN DUVET. Style 210047962 ... 中国 - 简体中文. 根據香港法律,不得在業務過程中,向未成年人售賣或供應令人醉醺的 ...
#62. 【中文】一种智能分区的羽绒存储箱【EN】Eiderdown storage ...
【中文】本实用新型提供了一种智能分区的羽绒存储箱,包括主体框架、智能分隔装置、智能盖板装置和定量装置;主体框架底部由六块面板组成的长方体,其上底面面板上设置 ...
#63. 認識羽絨| What is down feather? - ACOTEX® 服裝布料知識網
Eider down : This is considered to be the ultimate in duck down; it's collected from the breast feathers of the female eider duck and has the ...
#64. "eiderdown "是什么意思? -关于英语(美国) | HiNative
英语(美国), 法语(法国), 德语, 意大利语, 日语, 韩语, 波兰语, 葡萄牙语(巴西), 葡萄牙语(葡萄牙), 俄语, 中文(简体), 西班牙语(墨西哥) ...
#65. 鸭绒(加工过的鸭氄毛)_百度百科
... 纤维上密布千万个三角形的细小气孔,能随气温变化而收缩膨胀,产生调温功能,可吸收人体散发流动的热气,隔绝外界冷空气的入侵。 中文名: 鸭绒; 外文名: Eiderdown.
#66. eiderdown单词的级别、释义、真人发音、例句
参考例句. The only way out was that he covered with eiderdown quilts and I with silk-padded ones. 惟有他盖他的羽绒被,我盖我的丝棉被。 来自中国文学部分
#67. eiderdown duvet | 歐洲建材寢具專門店® 香港官網
English; 簡體中文. 首頁 · CasaMall Blog; eiderdown duvet. eiderdown duvet. [生活分享] 夏天嚟到☼ 舒適皇牌被推薦[奧地利Outlast. Jun 30 2021 ...
#68. E.O.W. on her blue Eiderdown III - Frank Auerbach -
'E.O.W. on her blue Eiderdown III' was created by Frank Auerbach in Expressionism style. Find more prominent pieces of abstract at – best visual ...
#69. Eiderdown Comforters - Icelandic Times
All the eiderdown from Eiderdown Duvets is carefully cleaned and an inspector assesses the quality of the eiderdown. There for all the eiderdown products from ...
#70. 英文字典中文字典
英文字典中文字典-fluff 英文字典,中文字典,免費線上字典,英文發音,英文拼音. ... eiderdown, error, ether, etourderie, fairy, feather, feather bed,
#71. down feather quilt中文翻譯 - Lvxmk
down feather quilt中文翻譯,feather quilt的中文意思, quilt, feather, ... (r) 3.0 (2006) [wn] eiderdown n 1: a soft quilt usually filled with the down of ...
#72. 加入購物車 -
Heavy white eiderdown jacket big size Austrian wool collar fashion warm coat. Heavy white eiderdown jacket big size Austrian wool collar fashion warm coat.
#73. Genuine Eiderdown Duvet - Fino Lino
Eiderdown is hand collected from the bird's nests at Eider duck sanctuaries. For generations, the local farmers have created a special bond between themselves ...
#74. Eiderdown Synonyms & Antonyms
繁體中文 (Chinese - Traditional); Español (Spanish); Esperanto (Esperanto); 日本語 (Japanese); Português (Portuguese); Deutsch (German); العربية (Arabic) ...
#75. Down Materials - 合隆毛廠 Hop Lion Feather Works Corp.
Eiderdown ; Hungarian White Goose Down; Taiwan White Goose/ Duck Down; Canadian White Goose/ Duck Down; Regular Down. Polish White Goose Down ...
#76. Nunavut Canada community revives eiderdown business
With no caribou on their islands, Inuit on the Belcher Islands have relied on eider ducks for food and clothing for generations.
#77. Winter eiderdown quilts at Mitsukoshi Ginza | Global Blue
EN; RU · 中文 ... Keep cosy this winter with an eiderdown quilt ... including heat-retaining eiderdown and duck and goose-feather quilts, ...
#78. Colortrend Eiderdown / #f9ebd5 Hex Color Code
Color schemes, paints, palettes, combinations, gradients and color space conversions for the #f9ebd5 hex color code.
#79. Eiderdown Is Nature's Perfect Duvet - WSJ
The microstructure of their feathers allows eider ducks to stay warm in frigid Arctic waters.
#80. eiderdown quilt 中文eiderdown - QRV.CO
主要翻譯英語中文eiderdown n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (soft duck feathers) 鴨絨yā róng 鴨子的絨毛yā zi de róng máo eiderdown n ...
#81. Utopia Collection | Silk Jacquard Eider Down ... - SFERRA
Experience absolute luxury with the finest eider down duvets and pillows, encased in silk jacquard fabric, offering the warmest sleep with an elegant ...
#82. wool quilt 中文quilt的意思在線翻譯,解釋quilt中文英文含義,短 ...
eiderdown 的中文翻譯 eiderdown 鴨的絨毛,鴨絨被共發現4 筆關於[eiderdown] 的資料(解釋內文之英文單字均可再點入查詢) 來源(1): pydict data [pydict] eiderdown 鴨 ...
#83. About Eiderdown, The Best Down in The World - Plumeria Bay®
Eiderdown, or eider down, comes from the Common Eider Duck, a large migratory sea duck. The common eider duck ranges along the northern coasts of eastern ...
#84. Eiderdown Duvet羽绒被-frette芙蕾特中国官网 - 明博体育官方 ...
大理石产品:做好隔热处理:不要让85°以上的物体直接接触大理石;当高温物体接触大理石时,需添加隔热垫,防止台面褪色或破裂。 · 布艺沙发的保养、清洁:在清洗沙发护套后 ...
#85. Eiderdown Books (@EiderdownBooks) / Twitter
Books about brilliant female artists. 'Modern Women Artists' series // Eileen Mayo and Tirzah Garwood coming soon.
#86. 格蘭特船長的兒女(中文導讀英文版) 英語學習專家 克萊兒老師專業推薦
When all was ready the three companions wrapped themselves in the ponchos, and stretched themselves on an eiderdown of ALFAFARES, the usual bed of hunters ...
#87. Tuttle Learner's Chinese-English Dictionary: Revised Second ...
... eiderdown coat (件 jiàn) yǔ 语 trAD 語 n language yǔdiào 语调[modif:语 speech + 调 tune] n intonation □中文的声调不容易掌握,语调也很难。
#88. 沙皇的信使(中文導讀英文版): 英語學習專家 克萊兒老師專業推薦
#89. Eiderdown Duvet羽绒被-frette芙蕾特中国官网 - 意俱home ...
Ethically sourced from the natural molting process of eider on the shores of Iceland and Canada, Eiderdown is an animal-friendly down lauded for its warmth and ...
#90. Hangzhou Hualong Eider Down Products Co Ltd - Bloomberg ...
Company profile page for Hangzhou Hualong Eider Down Products Co Ltd including stock price, company news, press releases, executives, board members, ...
#91. Icelandic Eiderdown Design - 照片 - Facebook - 登录或注册
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#92. Forty Shades Of Green 歌詞Johnny Cash ※
As soft as eiderdown. Again I want to see and do. The things we've done and seen. Where the breeze is sweet as Shalimar And there's forty shades of green
eiderdown中文 在 Icelandic Eiderdown Design - 照片 - Facebook - 登录或注册 的推薦與評價
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