🌲 Lily英文聊天術(口說課程):https://bit.ly/36I05CF
📚 Lily新制托福課程:https://bit.ly/2GIs3mC
Turn on the subtitles people! It takes forever to type up haha
Does reading a lot help you learn vocabulary? Research has shown the benefits of extensive reading!
Reference (See upper right corner in video):
1. Chen, C., & Truscott, J. (2002). The effects of repetition and L1 lexicalization on incidental vocabulary acquisition. Applied Linguistics, 31(5), 693–713
2. Horst, M. (2005). Learning L2 vocabulary through extensive reading: a measurement study. Canadian Modern Language Review, 61(3), 355-382.
3. Webb, S. (2007). The effect of repetition on vocabulary knowledge. Applied Linguistics, 28(1), 46-65
p.s. 這是我這學期的final project之一,大家留言可以留英文,教授也會看到唷 :)
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我是Lily Chen. 加拿大McGill University 語言教育碩士

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