近日身邊有很多朋友都不太敢外出做facial treatment 😷(你也是嗎?)也知道我因為皮膚敏感,所以通常都只會用自己篩選過的護膚品在家護膚,很少外出做facial 💆♀。所以她們都來問我「到底怎樣才能在家做出能媲美facial treatment的護膚效果🤔?」
今天我來跟大家分享我藏了很久的三個美肌小秘密~🤭 包括:
1) At-Home Facial 的步驟
2) 如何改善因為戴口罩而出現的皮膚問題
3) 促進血液循環+全臉提升按摩手法
這是我在家研究多年+測試過之後,覺得最有效果,也能堅持做很多年的方法😎,希望大家會喜歡我這次的分享吧 ❤!
Many of my friends are afraid to go out recently 😷. As my skin is quite sensitive, I only use skincare products I’ve screened for At-home facial rather than going out for a facial treatment 💆♀. Therefore my friends came to me and asked, "How can I improve my skin condition at home like you when I don’t have a chance to have a facial treatment in beauty centers 🤔?"
Let me share with you my three secrets that I have been hiding for a long time 🤭! Including:
1) My at-home facial steps
2) How to improve skin problems caused by wearing a mask
3) My blood circulation improving + whole face lifting massage technique
This is the best method I have been using for a long time, so far these are most effective techniques and these techniques are easy to be persisted as a skincare routine for many years. Hope you guys enjoy my sharing ❤!
Vivien Yeo's Beauty Store