在疫情施虐全球的情況之下, 請保持免疫系統強壯, 保護自己保護家人🌟
While the world combat coronavirus , it is essential for you to make sure your immunity is strong and fit to fight 💪🏻
Protect yourself and your family 👨👩👧👦 .
✔️不含抗生素及激素 ‼️‼️( 這一點對孕媽媽🤰、喂母乳的媽媽🍼及有濕疹問題的朋友特別重要‼️)
- 提升免疫力
- 補身不胖
- 培養孕前好體質,提高受孕機會
- 減少懷孕不適,為胎兒補充營養
- 長胎不長肉
- 有助產後自我復原能力
- 改善手腳冰冷、減緩經期不適
- 對抗疲勞
- 備孕者
- 孕婦
- 產後媽媽
- 手腳冰冷,有經痛的女性朋友
- 年長者
- 上班族、經常熬夜者
- 大病初癒、術後恢復者
- 兒童、青少年發育時期
- 運動健身者 .
✨YUSAIKA Organic Drip Chicken Essence✨
✔️100% Malaysia Organic Chicken ( approved by Malaysia Organic Scheme ) .
✔️Chicken are raised with NO Antibiotocs and NO hormones ever ‼️‼️
( It is important for pregnant women🤰 , breastfeeding moms 🍼and people with eczema to avoid food with antibiotics and growth hormones ‼️)
✔️Accredited by Hong Kong Health Care Federation in 2020
Suitble for :
• People who plan for pregnancy • Pregnant women
• Postnatal / New mothers
• Women with cold hands & feet and menstrual discomfort
• The elderly • Office workers and people who always stay up late
• Patients who just recuperate from illness and surgery
• Children and teenagers
• Body builer
Description :
• Nourish without gaining weight • Strengthen immunity , get invigorated and replenish vital energy.
• Gain no fat during pregnancy • Relieve discomforts during pregnancy and supply nutrients to fetus
• Help with better and faster recovery and regain vitality after giving the birth
• Fight fatique
• It keeps Qi and blood in harmony , help improve physical fitness and nourish the ovum and ovary , enhancing fertility
• keep uterus, spleen and stomach warm , improving cold limbs and menstrual discomfort .
📍楊秀惠美妝店網站 : www.vybeautystore.com
📍HKTV Mall購買連結(只限香港地區):https://bit.ly/39HPYf5
御世家 - 御心仁製 養生專家
Vivien Yeo's Beauty Store
#御世家 #滴雞精 #有機 #養生 #補身不胖 #抵抗力 #無抗生素 #無生長激素 #零脂肪 #零膽固 #boostimmunesystem #dripchickenessence #organic #antibioticsfree #growthhormonesfree