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#1. 甚麼是俳句?
書本作者寫"Haiku is both easy and impossible to define. One can merely use dictionary language to say that a haiku is a short poem, usually in three lines ...
#2. 從英文Haiku到中文七律,一首反向翻譯的「詠春詩」
通常俳句有「季語」,即景選擇了「春」。而後產生了一個有趣的想法,把這首英文詩歌翻譯成了中文七律。 ... A Haiku Poem. Snow slowly recedes.
haiku 翻譯:(日本的)俳句。了解更多。 ... haiku 在英語-中文(繁體)詞典中的翻譯. haiku ... a short Japanese poem with 17 syllables.
#4. 俳句- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
是仿照日本俳句的形式,以中文創作的韻文,初期多為翻譯日本俳句,後來再出現仿作,1980年代由趙樸初定型。由於中文為單音節語言,改俳句的十七音為十七字,分自由體和格律 ...
#5. 俳句之簡介
term haiku. This new form of poetry was to be written, read, and. (甲)俳句之緣起. 俳句,乃最重要的傳統日本詩之一。“Haiku”一. 詞,原是中文「俳句」之日語讀音 ...
n. 名詞 〈日語〉1. 俳句〈由五、七、五共十七字組成的短詩〉。 2. 俳句詩。 haiku 例句. The small magazine american haiku began publication ...
#7. 从英文Haiku到中文七律,一首反向翻译的“咏春诗”
其音节遵循5-7-5结构,每段3句。通常俳句有“季语”,即景选择了“春”。而后产生了一个有趣的想法,把这首英文诗歌翻译成了中文七律。 A Haiku Poem.
#8. 從英文Haiku到中文七律,一首反向翻譯的「詠春詩」 - 壹讀
而後產生了一個有趣的想法,把這首英文詩歌翻譯成了中文七律。 ... 從英文Haiku到中文七律,一首反向翻譯的「詠春詩」 ... A Haiku Poem.
#9. 谁能教我怎么写HAIKU诗(英文)/Diamante poem - 百度知道
俳句日本古典短诗,由17字音组成。原称俳谐(也写为诽谐)。俳谐一语来源于中国,大致与滑稽同义。它在日本,最初出现于《古今和歌集》(收有“俳谐歌”58首 ...
The haiku a poem of just 17 syllables, for example, makes scant sense as standalone verse. 例如, 獨立看,僅有17音節的俳句很難讓人理解. speaker.
#11. 從英文Haiku到中文七律,一首反向翻譯的「詠春詩」 - ITW01
... 每段3句通常俳句有季語」,即景選擇了春」而後產生了一個有趣的想法,把這首英文詩歌翻譯成了中文七律a haiku poem snow slowly recedes... the.
#12. haiku是什么意思- 俳句
haiku的中文意思:俳句,点击查看详细解释:haiku的中文翻译、haiku的发音、音标、用法和双语例句 ... Haiku poems tell what people think about in very few words .
#13. haiku-翻译为中文-例句英语
使用Reverso Context: Issa Kobayashi also poem haiku "Tsukimitera",在英语-中文情境中翻译"haiku"
#14. Haiku 释义| 柯林斯英语词典
Haiku 释义: an epigrammatic Japanese verse form in 17 syllables | 意思、发音、翻译 ... A haiku is a short poem consisting of words with a total of seventeen ...
#15. 單字Haiku的中文意思與發音 - Websaru線上字典
There are traditional poem types such as haiku cinquain and limerick. 在春假期間,我寫了三俳句詩歌。 I wrote three haiku poems during spring holidays.
#16. 4种方法来写俳句 - wikiHow
#17. Haiku Baby English poems with Chinese words (包含英文兒童 ...
喺Hong Kong,Hong Kong買Haiku Baby English poems with Chinese words (包含英文兒童詩句及簡單中文字). Perfect for a baby shower gift basket--Betsy Snyder's ...
#18. 俳句- 英文翻译- 英语
俳句的英文翻译– 中文-英语字典和搜索引擎, 英文翻译. ... How can you make haiku poems so beautiful so easily? 谢谢. 我把抑扬格和五音步格混何在一起.
#19. Haiku Generator - Google Play 應用程式
Haiku Generator assembles words into the 5-syllable, 7-syllable, 5-syllable pattern of haiku poetry. In the haiku tradition, its vocabulary ...
#20. poem 中文
In the theatre. collected poems 中文翻譯: 名詩; 詩全集.2021 · Haiku Poems.2011 · NOTES This poem satirically contrasts the moral improvement to British ...
#21. "俳句"是什麼意思? - 關於日語的問題| HiNative
俳句(はいく)俳句的意思@Kuyorad_Shinya It means Japanese poetry. Haiku consist of 17 characters, in three phases of 5,7 and 5 respectively.
#22. 原创中英双语俳句两首《原乡月》、《圆月星》2 Bilingual ...
我英译的王安忆的得奖小说《发廊情话》由香港中文大学翻译研究中心享有 ... Haiku Poem I - Hometown Moon ... Haiku Poem II - Full Moonlit Stars
#23. Essential Haiku Volume 20 - 博客來
American readers have been fascinated, since their exposure to Japanese culture late in the nineteenth century, with the brief Japanese poem called the hokku or ...
#24. 在"英语"词典里haiku}的意思 - Educalingo
该章节所呈现的将haiku由英语向其他语言的翻译是通过自动统计翻译获得的;在英语中基本的翻译单位是单词«haiku»。 zh. 翻译者英语- 中文. 俳句. 1,325 数百万发言 ...
#25. 中文詩的中文趣味或特性陳黎(Chen Li)
non-character poems(非文字的詩), and poems which I call “modern Chinese haiku” (中文現代俳句)and “Tang poetry haiku”(唐詩俳句), attempting not only at ...
#26. 【Haiku ( 英語俳句)】 A Good Day@河光‧流映|PChome 個人 ...
【Poetry】610寫給齊柏林(Write to Chi Po-Lin on 610) ... 懷舊、插畫) | 個人分類: Poetry | 此分類下一篇:【詩、Haiku】獨行的吟遊(中、英)
#27. In the moonlight by Yosa Buson - Haiku Analysis
'In the moonlight' by Yosa Buson is a Japanese haiku that depicts a night scene filled ... 5 Literary Devices; 6 Detailed Analysis; 7 FAQs; 8 Similar Poetry.
#28. Haiku Mind: 108 Poems to Cultivate Awareness and Open ...
A collection of 108 haiku poems to heighten awareness and deepen our appreciation for the ordinary in everyday life. Haiku, the Japanese form of poetry ...
#29. 一条YIT - 世界上最短的詩The Shortest Form of Poetry | Facebook
#30. Naviar Haiku project: music inspired by Haiku poetry - LinkedIn
Naviar Haiku is a music project run by Naviar Records: each week a haiku poem is assigned and participants have seven days to convert it to ...
#31. Tosh Twitterissä: "『自由律俳句』です。 The following is “a ...
『自由律俳句』です。 The following is “a haiku poem to read”. 這邊寫著短短的詩句。 Tia telechib a cheritakl. #ペン字 #英語 #中国語 #パラオ語 #calligraphy ...
#32. What are Haiku Poems? | Haiku Structure | English Teaching ...
A haiku poem is a type of poetry that originated in 16th century Japan. Haiku poems follow strict rules. Each poem must have three lines, and each line has to ...
#33. International "Kusamakura" Haiku Competition - 「草枕」国際 ...
2021年12月20日 — We are looking forward to having more applicants and wonderful haiku poems from all over the world. Next year, we will inform you about the ...
#34. haiku範例– Mrs. Yang's Magic School Box
全新的正體中文WordPress 網誌! haiku範例. Horror. Lots of scary scenes. Ghosts and zombies and vampires. Peep through the ...
#35. 【英语】趣味英语之俳句Haiku - CSDN博客
Haiku is a Japanese form of poetry that is made up of 17 syllables. It is not a traditional form of English poetry, but is very popular with ...
#36. Poetry with a Purpose: Why the Haiku?
April 17 was International Haiku Poetry Day, giving poets the perfect opportunity to celebrate this age-old form. Traditional, structured ...
#37. haiku是什麼意思 - 海词词典
#38. 【転載】俳句與中文by 粵俳句 - 日中News
我本身不懂日文,卻有機會從英語俳句Haiku in English:The First Hundred Years這 ... One can merely use dictionary language to say that a haiku is a short poem, ...
#39. Let's Read and Write Poems - 林淑媛的小窩
3. haiku (日本) 三行俳句詩 ... 1. poems set to music 專為音樂而創作的詩歌 ... 各行首字母或尾字母,或其他特定處的字母能組合成詞或句的一種詩體,類似中文的「藏 ...
#40. 下載How To Write Haiku Poems apk最新版本App由Creative ...
下載Creative Writing Apps所下載的How To Write Haiku Poems apk最新版本-最快-免費-適用於Android設備的安全. 一步地指導如何寫俳句詩步驟.
#41. 諏訪素濤編俳誌『熱』と本島人俳句作家―大正前期の台湾俳壇 ...
The paper is mainly regarding the Japanese haiku poem magazine of "Netu" which were issued by Suwa Sotou during the Taisho period.
#42. 閱讀文章- 精華區poetry
比較一般的closed form 有以下幾種格式: blank verse, couplet, tercet, quatrain, sonnet, villanelle, sestina, ballad, haiku, limerick, ode, epic 等等.
#43. Haiku (Kala Ramesh) - Lyrikline
She writes and teaches haiku, tanka, haibun and renku to children, undergrads and senior citizens. In charge of haiku and other allied short forms of poetry ...
#44. Cherry Blossoms in a Haiku Poem 櫻之俳句 - YouTube
#45. T:英文詩歌的內容 - Poetry
The analysis of verse into metrical patterns.在分析到格律詩的模式。 Senryu 千柳. Senryu (also called human haiku) is an unrhymed Japanese verse consisting of ...
#46. haiku英文诗例子-热点-学帮网 - 家长查作业答案辅导
谁能教我怎么写HAIKU诗(英文)/Diamante poem谁能教我怎么写HAIKU诗?和Dia. 谁能教我怎么写HAIKU ... Haiku按五、七、五的格式,中文翻译附后,也按五、七、五格式:1.
#47. Haiku poems - The Free Dictionary
A verse form in another language modeled on the Japanese haiku, typically counting syllables instead of morae. 2. A poem written in this form. [Japanese : hai, ...
#48. L U - Steam
LUNE is a experiential haiku, a short poem dedicated to the exploration of the new medium of VR. You can touch and play; ... 繁體中文和其它26 種語言 ...
#49. japanese banana leaf 中文- 芭蕉葉… - 查查在線詞典
japanese banana leaf中文:芭蕉葉…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋japanese banana ... near the pond is a stone monument inscribed with a haiku poem by basho
#50. 19 haiku poems about Autumn | Australian Writers' Centre
April 17 was International Haiku Poetry Day and in our recent AWC newsletter, we threw out a challenge for our community have a go at ...
#51. HAIKU POEM in Finnish Translation - TR-Ex
Translations in context of "HAIKU POEM" in english-finnish. HERE are many translated example sentences containing "HAIKU POEM" - english-finnish ...
#52. 臺北市民到訪日本愛媛縣松山市即可兌換限量專屬好禮
更多松山市觀光介紹,請參考松山市中文觀光網站。 附件檔案. 中文俳句投稿紙.pdf · English HAIKU poem paper.pdf · 日本語 ...
#53. Literary Composers with Ties to Saitama Prefecture - さいたま ...
JINBO Kōtarō. Poets of Tanka (Thirty-one Syllable Poems). • MAEDA Yūgure. • MIKAJIMA Yoshiko. • KAGOSHIMA Juzō. Haiku Poets. • HASEGAWA Kanajo.
#54. 曆生活・2022 俳句日曆 - 文具患者
繁體中文. English; 繁體中文. 購物車. 你的購物車是空的. 訂單結帳. 你的購物車是空的. 訂單結帳 ... 聯絡我們; 繁體中文. 全部商品 / 各種葯帖 / 日本葯帖 / 曆生活.
#55. haiku的意思在线翻译,解释haiku中文英文含义,短语词组,音标 ...
共找到1项关于haiku意思的翻译解释和用法说明. 相关词• haiku 单词意思查询Top5 ... A poem written in this form. 俳句诗:以这种形式写成的诗. haiku的词源:.
#56. Haiku 图片、库存照片和矢量图 - Shutterstock
Word Haiku, Japanese Poetry, with Jasmine Flowers on a Rustic Wooden Background. Haiku word concept on cubes.
#57. How to Write a Powerful Haiku Poem - creation.com
A form of Japanese poetry, haiku has existed for hundreds of years. A haiku consists of three unrhymed lines, the first having five syllables; the second, seven ...
#58. 邊讀俳句邊彈巴赫(Playing Bach While Reading Haikus)
#59. 論俳句英文原版On Haiku 文學批評Hiroaki Sato - 奇摩拍賣
Everything you want to know about haiku written by one of the foremost experts in the field and the “finest translator of contemporary ...
#60. The Narrow Road to the Deep North | travelogue by Bashō
28, 1694, Ōsaka), the supreme Japanese haiku poet, who greatly enriched ... The Monkey's Straw Raincoat and Other Poetry of the Basho School ...
#61. Hamaguri no (Dividing Like Clam), haiku poem and painting ...
Hamaguri no (Dividing Like Clam), haiku poem and painting (replica). Matsuo Basho. Genroku 2 (1689). This is one of the many works of Basho ...
#62. Haiku Poems – Tomas Tranströmer on Behance
Haiku Poems by Tomas Tranströmer printed with risograph – accompanied by ... graphic design risograph print Haiku Poetry magazine Tomas ...
#63. Haiku for You - Ebsco
Haiku is a form of Japanese poetry that uses rich sensory imagery, most often to honor nature or describe our surroundings.
#64. haiku的中文解释和发音 - 欧路词典
n. poem, verse form. 英语例句库. 1.Sonnets, Jintishi, Villanelle, Ruba'i, Sijo and Sestina ...
#65. 美国小学课堂Haiku Poetry利用诗歌来教导形容词和写作_带字幕
#66. What does haiku mean? - Definitions.net
Etymology: From 俳句. haikunoun. A three-line poem in any language, with five syllables in the first and last lines and seven syllables in ...
#67. Poems from a Plague — a Tibetan Meditation – 遺典 - China ...
First, I want to talk about Taneda Santōka's haiku poem, translated into Chinese by Gao Haiyang. I wanted to find an English translation of ...
#68. Yosa Buson's haiku poems - Masterpieces of Japanese Culture
Buson honored the great master of haiku Matsuo Basho (1644-1694) and his style of the poetry. The haiku poems of the famous Japanese poets.
#69. Can You Express Your Science in 17 Syllables? - Eos.org
The format of a haiku—a poem split between three lines, with the first line having five syllables, the second seven, and the third ...
#70. Matsuo Bashō Analysis - eNotes.com
In a sense, all Bash's literary works are broader and more complex than the seventeen-syllable haiku for which he is remembered. The seven major anthologies of ...
#71. Haiku Poetry - SchoolTube
#72. Haiku Contest | Filoli
Guidelines. You may submit up to three original poems. Poems should be in the general haiku format of three short lines of 5-7-5 syllables or free-form ...
#73. About Our Name|Ginza Gomei Akita Beef Teppanyaki
Gomei stuck fast to his motto of “a return to the style of Matsuo Basho,” amassing some 600 followers and bringing about a golden age of haiku poetry in ...
#74. 正岡子規 Masaoka Shiki (1867-1902) - Terebess
When Shiki was in the fifth grade he composed a Chinese poem. ... The three death haiku poems by Shiki written by his own hand about 13 to 14 hours before ...
#75. GobbledyBook — Haiku: The “Aha” Poem - Arkansas PBS
Learn more about haiku - a short poem that captures a moment of wonder - and how to write your own poem with AETN educator and poet Stacy ...
#76. The World of Haiku Flashcards | Quizlet
the opening verse in a longer sequence of linked poems, which typically included a greeting to the host of a poetry session.
#77. A Wave of Ocean-Inspired Haiku
In honor of the upcoming National Haiku Poetry Day, ... colleagues here at Ocean Conservancy to prepare a haiku poem inspired by our daily ...
#78. Writing Chinese Haiku 寫中文三行詩 by Working Wonders | TpT
Teach your students how to write Chinese Haiku poetry. It is a three line poem that is easy to learn. Let students practice using their Chinese in a ...
#79. Haiku: The Art of the 17-Syllable Poem | Feel Fukuoka Japan
Haiku are very short poems comprising a total of 17 Japanese syllables organized into three lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables each.
#80. 7 Haikus By Jorge Luis Borges | Faena
The haiku, one of the most famous of Japanese poetic forms, is curiously the only one widely known in the West, even by those deeply interested in poetry.
#81. Art of Being Calm: ABCs of Composing with Haiku - Marina ...
Learn about haikus, a traditional Japanese poetry, and how it can slow us down and soak in the natural bliss around us. About Loh Guan Liang:.
#82. Haiku—How I Smell the Roses : Anesthesia & Analgesia
Haiku (pronounced HI-koo) is a loosely applied term for both haiku, a short poem about nature, and senryu (SEN-roo), a short poem about human nature.
#83. haiku - Sesli Sözlük
plural form of haiku: A three-line poem in any language, with five syllables in the first and last lines and seven syllables in the ...
#84. Poem of the Day - June 8
Summer - Haiku Poem Sand in my swimsuit Sunburn on my nose and back Vacations are hard This is an example of a Haiku poem.
#85. New York City in 17 Syllables
For National Poetry Month, The New York Times asked readers to write haiku about the city: three lines of five, seven and five syllables.
#86. piece of poetry - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"piece of poetry" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。 ... Haiku is the world's shortest form of poetry, and it encapsulates the beauty ...
#87. haiku 中文歡迎訪問 - Pweon
中文 English français español 日本語한국어繁體中文中譯英英譯中中譯日日譯中中譯法法譯中中譯韓The two haiku poems (f and G) above are translations from the ...
#88. haiku英文诗幽默的,英语俳句带翻译
Haiku 按五、七、五的格式,中文翻译附后,也按五、七、五格式: 1. The warm earthy smell, ... 9、谁能教我怎么写HAIKU诗(英文)/Diamante poem.
#89. The elements of a poem | Reading (video) | Khan Academy
#90. 找Haiku autumn相關社群貼文資訊
提供Haiku autumn相關文章,想要了解更多Haiku autumn、Love poems、Leaf poem相關商業資訊或書籍,就來商業貼文懶人包.
#91. poems 中文【poem】什么意思_英語poem的翻譯_音標_讀音
poems 中文 【poem】什么意思_英語poem的翻譯_音標_讀音_用法_ ... Haiku Seasonal Poems from Strategy Studio on Behance ...
#92. 从Hai句到Waka的日本诗歌形式指南 - 启发旅客- 2022
Kanshi. Kanshi 一般是指中国诗歌,也是日本诗人用中文写的诗歌。 在平安时代(794-1185),中文是法律 ...
#93. 美式高中教师团队| Haiku Poetry 徜徉在“三行诗”海之中
美式高中教师团队| Haiku Poetry 徜徉在“三行诗”海之中. 640.webp (46).jpg. 作者| Iva Ticic. 翻译| 陈思曼Jessie Chen. 三行诗简介. HaiKu俳句:俳句是由中国古代的 ...
#94. Fog Awaits Us by Sensitive Sky - Poetry.com
20 小時前 — Sensitive Sky · Haiku. The ship sailed slowly. Going into the unknown
haiku poem中文 在 閱讀文章- 精華區poetry 的推薦與評價
格式, 在英詩裡, 是很重要的. 一般我們把英詩分為兩大類:
open form (free verse) 和 closed form (formal verse). 但
是現在的文學家比較不喜歡用 free verse 和 formal verse 這兩
種說法, 原因有二 -- 第一, free verse 其實並不全然是 "free"
的, 一個好的詩人還是會在不自覺中利用到結構, 既然有結構, 又
怎麼能說是 free 呢? 第二, verse 其實是跟 poetry 有點小差
別. Verse 是指有結構的詞句, 但是不一定要有很精湛的內容,
而 poetry 是一種強烈濃縮過後的文體, 所以也就應該要有相當濃
當然, open form 和 closed form 這種名稱也是有爭議的. 因為
"closed form" 給人家毫無變通的感覺 -- 這是相當錯誤的想法!
詩是人寫的, 格式也是人想的. 所以, 在運用格式上, 必須要能
夠有彈性. 那天心情高興就自己創造出幾種格式也無不可. 這才
Closed form 和 open form 的不同在於 closed form 有遵照一定
的規則, open form 則沒有. 比較一般的 closed form 有以下幾
種格式: blank verse, couplet, tercet, quatrain, sonnet,
villanelle, sestina, ballad, haiku, limerick, ode, epic 等
等. 說真的, 實在是講也講不完. 但是知道了這些也就應該差不
Blank verses 一般是以 iambic pentametre 來寫的, 在文藝復興
時代的義大利被發揚光大. 它的條件很簡單, 就是要每行都用一
樣的 metre, 然後, 不用押韻. 它是一種有彈性的格式 -- 雖然
有點像 open form, 但是卻比較有節奏感. 許多著名的詩人, 像
Marlowe, Shakespeare, Yeats, Milton, Pound, Frost, 等, 都
是擅用 blank verse 的高手. 使用這種格式時, 最重要的就是不
要為了成全 metre 而用出生硬的句子來. 每一句讀起來都應該要
Ballads 是一種敘述性的詩, 一般用來說故事, 並有一種如歌的特
質, 讓人家讀起來會有唱歌的感覺. 它的組成是以每段的第二行
和第四行押韻的方式, 每段四行, 每行用 iambic heptametre 組
合而成. 不過, 有的時候可以破例.
Couplets 是兩行一段的形式. 一般來說這兩行都會有相似的押韻
方式, 但是其實也不一定. 這種格式因為它在 metre 上有些限制
而又細分為 short couplet (iambic 或 trochaic tetrametre),
split couplet (第一行是 iambic pentametre, 第二行是 iambic
dimetre), heroic couplet (兩行都是 iambic pentametre, 然後
最後兩行要像 sonnet 一樣, 有一個結尾), alexandrine couplet
(alexandrine 又叫 iambic hexametre... 所以, 就是兩行都是
iambic hexametre), 和 qasida (是阿拉伯傳出的格式, 每一行都
要有相同的壓韻, 不限行數, metre). 一個 blank verse 的詩通
Haiku 這種格式, 是比較受爭議的. 不過大部份的人都同意它的
格式是三行 -- 第一行五個音節, 第二行七個音節, 第三行又回到
五個音節. 它不需要押韻, 但是因為極短, 所以在意境上也最為
精簡. 除了 5, 7, 5 這種組合以外, 其他的還有一種叫做 tanka
的 (5, 7, 5, 7, 5), 和另一種更短的 (3, 5, 3).
最近我回答了一些關於 haiku (俳句) 和 senryu (川柳) 的問題,
我想, 就挑一些段落放在這兒, 或許會對想了解 haiku 的人有用
"嗯, 俳句有一些條件... 首先, 它們必須有時間性, 嚴格一點的
會要求季節性, 也因此通常俳句會和自然景觀有關."
"俳句的英文是 haiku, 但這裡提到的 haiku 是 renga 的前三句
(也就是五音節, 七音節, 五音節那三句). 而在 renga 裡頭, 它
確切要求要有 kigo. kigo 是一個字眼 (抱歉, 我不知道它的中
文, 學這些時是在英文課學的), 一個和自然有關的字眼, 常見的
有 '月,' '風,' '雪,' '雨,' '花,' '樹,' 等..."
"為什麼會需要有時間性呢? 因為它追求的是一種意境, 是一種在
"俳句很重要的, 是一種禪意, 一種升華... 有一種常和俳句混淆
的, 英文叫 senryu (呃, 我知道這些英文都是從日文音譯而來的,
但是在英詩裡使用的 "規範" 是否和日詩相同我不敢確定, 所以只
好說 "它的英文" 而不是 "它的日文"), 好像就是川柳吧? 這種
詩的題材比較開放, 常常是詼諧的, 甚至政治的 -- 它也不用和自
"但是, 最大的不同, 在於俳句把自己抽離畫面, 寫俳句的詩人力
求客觀 (在這裡說的客觀, 指敘述方式), 像攝影師一樣是站在相
機後頭, 洗出來的照片也不會拿筆在上面畫滿箭頭解釋自己在照什
麼. 而寫川柳的詩人, 則是設了時間後, 匆匆忙忙地衝入鏡頭扮
鬼臉的好友, 和鏡頭內的人物打成一片 -- 是主觀的, 是聒噪的,
"又, 如果真的必須選擇, 俳句是可以不顧 5-7-5 格式的, 舉個我
In a Station of the Metro
The apparition of these faces in the crowd;
Petals on a wet, black bough.
Ezra Pound
如果有去算音節的話, 會發現第一句有十二個音節, 第二句有七個
音節, 加起是十九個, 不是十七個, 也沒有分成三行. 沒分三行
的原因, 是因為近一百年來, 分行方式已經沒有那麼嚴格 -- 甚至
有只有一行的. 音節不符的原因, 我唯一能想到的解釋, 就是在
達到俳句的意境之後, 差個兩音節已經無所謂了... (題外話: 這
也是我一直不敢用英文寫俳句的原因, 用中文寫不好, 我可以拿中
文不好來做藉口, 用英文寫不好, 我就只能因為達不到那種意境而
Limericks 是一種很有秩序的詩, 讀起來詼諧有趣, 一般來說很少
人會拿 limericks 來處理一些比較深沉的題材. 它有五行, 並且
相當注意節奏. 第一, 二, 五行以三個 anapestic feet (也就是
"輕重輕輕重輕輕重"), 第三, 四行以兩個 anapestic feet (就是
"輕輕重輕輕重") 組成. 不過第一, 二, 五行的第一個音節通常
Tercets 和 quatrains 的限制比較鬆散. 一個 tercet 是三行一
段, 而一個 quatrain 則是四行一段. 它們可以押韻, 也可以不
押韻, 在 metre 上的限制也是可有可無. 但是我們來談談在
metre 上有限制的 tercets 和 quatrains 好了. 首先在 tercet
下又可以細分為 enclosed tercet (以 "aba" 方式來壓韻, 也就
是第一和第三壓同樣的韻), Sicilian tercet (這個其實也就是
enclosed tercet, 只是它每行必須要是 iambic pentametre),
terza rima (以 "aba bcb cdc ded..." 方式來壓韻, 有點像一環
一環的圈, 一直下去), 還有 villanelle, 但是 villanelle (也
就是暱稱 "詩人的惡夢" 的格式) 因為太複雜了, 所以一般都把它
在這裡先給大家欣賞一首 Dylan Thomas 的 villanelle.
Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night
Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night,
Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night,
Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Villanelles 是從法國傳出來的格式, 有 19 行, 可是只用兩種押
韻, 並且在每一段中一定都要有兩行一樣 (完全一樣喔...), 前五
段是每段三行, 最後一段有四行. 它第一段的第一行是第二, 四
段的最後一行. 然後第一段的第三行, 是第三, 五段的最後一行.
然後第一段的第一, 三行又分別是第六段的第三, 四行.
有一種特別的 villanelle, 叫做 terzanelle (從 terza rima 轉
來), 比較簡單一些. 它每一段的第二行, 要和下一段的最後一行
相同, 然後第五段的第二行, 和第六段的第三行相同.
其實, villanelle 並沒有限定每行的長度, 或是 metre. 但是很
多詩人都偏好 iambic pentametre. 嗯, 其實用 villanelle 這
種格式寫詩, 會有一種利用使人發狂的格式把情感逼出來的感覺,
很特別, 也很有成就感. 但是要注意的是, 不要為了符合它的格
式而讓一首詩看起來好像六首詩似的, 這樣就真的很糟糕了...
至於 quatrains, 則可細分為 alternating quatrain ("abab" 方
式來押韻的), arch stanza (或叫做 envelope stanza, 它是以
"abba" 方式來押韻), memoriam stanza (其實就是 arch stanza,
但是必須每行以 iambic tetrametre 來寫), Italian quatrain
(這也是 arch stanza, 但是以 iambic pentametre 來寫),
Sicilian quatrain (其實這個跟 Italian quatrain 很像, 只是
Italian quatrain 是以 "abba" 方式來押韻, Sicilian quatrain
則是以 "abab" 方式), redondilla (一種西班牙傳出的格式, 可
以由 "abba", "abab", 或 "aabb" 三種方式來押韻), hymnal
stanza (其實就是 alternating quatrain, 但是每段的第一, 三
行要以 iambic tetrametre 來寫, 而第二, 四行要以 iambic
trimetre 來寫, 也有不用 "abab" 而以 "abcb" 方式來押韻的),
pantoum (這是馬來西亞傳出來的格式, 比較 villanelle 的難度
有過之而無不及 -- 它不限 metre, 行數, 段數, 但是每一段的
二, 四行, 必須是第下一段的一, 三行, 然後最後一行的二, 四
行, 更要是第一行的一, 三行... 當然, 不用說也知道這不大可
能, 所以有時只要求壓韻的字要完全一樣).
再來就談到 sonnets 了. Sonnet 最先是在義大利出現的, 並被
用來處理有關愛情的題材. 它有十四行, 用 iambic pentametre
(每行都要), 而且在內容上有要求 (必須要有主題的呈現, 然後接
著答覆), 也因此詩人在控制文章節奏上的訓練就變成很重要. 板
主認為這種格式是給剛寫詩的人一個很好的練習. 大致上來說,
sonnet 可以細分為四種, 其中 Italian sonnet (又叫 petrarchan
sonnet, 以 "abba abba cde cde" 或 "abba abba cdc dcd" 方式
來押韻, 其中 "abba abba" 是主題, 剩下的是答覆) 和 English
sonnet (又叫 shakespearean sonnet, 以 "abab cdcd efef gg"
方式來押韻, 以前 12 為主題, 剩下的兩行為答覆) 最為常見.
其他的還有 spenserian sonnet (以 "abab bcbc cdcd ee" 方式
來押韻), 和 arch sonnet (又叫 envelope sonnet, 以 "abba
cddc efgefg" 或 "abba cddc efefef" 方式來押韻).
一首 sestina 的結構其實蠻複雜的, 而且非常具有挑戰性. 跟
villanelle 一樣, sestina 也是從法國來的 (法國人怎麼那麼喜
歡結構複雜的詩啊?)... 它有七個段, 前六段每段有六行 (這種
段落叫做 sestet), 最後一段是三行 (最後一段有特別的名字, 叫
envoi). 它前六段押韻的方式是 "abcdef faebdc cfdabe ecbfad
deacfb bdfeca", 最後一段是 "abc" 或是 "def" 的形式. 一個
好的 sestina 它並不是只有單純的押韻, 而是用完全一樣的字.
一首 sestina 通常要整首寫完後, 才能隱約感覺的到那種在文字
後隱藏的力量. 一般來說, 它並沒有 metre 上的限制, 但是板主
認為如果全部都用 iambic pentametre 會比較有趣. 寫出來的
sestina 也比較有力量.
最後提到 ode 和 epic. Ode 的定義有很多種, 但是一般來說,
它必須要拿一件有意義的事情來當它的題材, 並且要使用明確的格
式. 此外, 標題上還必須要有 "ode" 這個字. 至於 epic, 一般
都是以英雄事蹟來作為它的題材. 兩者都沒有特別的在 metre 上
做限制, 算是以題材來分類的詩.
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