I hope this letter/email finds you well. 它的字面意思是:我希望您收到此email时一切都好! 类似中文“展信悦”,“展信 ... ... <看更多>
I hope this letter/email finds you well. 它的字面意思是:我希望您收到此email时一切都好! 类似中文“展信悦”,“展信 ... ... <看更多>
#1. 但看起來有點怪!在email 裡顯得過時又老氣的5 種字眼 - 經理人
3. I hope this email finds you well. 這是舊式商業書信裡很常出現的開場白,意思是「希望您收到此email 時身體健康」,相當於我們常見或常用的「收 ...
#2. “I hope this email finds you well.” 3 個英文email 的雷不要踩
三、I hope this email finds you well. 在時間跟注意力資源稀缺的時代下,如果人家已經讀到你這句,就代表他開了信,你不妨「直接說明來信目的」吧!
#3. 一位外國朋友每次寫email 給我,第一句話都是寫"I hope this ...
A:“I hope this email finds you well.” 這句話是書信的問候語或祝福語,它的字面意思是「我希望您收到此email 時身體健康」,相當於我們常見或常用 ...
#4. 第一句話都是寫"I hope this email finds you well."。這句話是 ...
A:“I hope this email finds you well.” 這句話是書信的問候語或祝福語,它的字面意思是「我希望您收到此email 時身體健康」,相當於我們常見或常用 ...
#5. Email 開場白的學問 - Wall Street English 英語學院
1. I hope this email finds you well. ... 希望你收到電郵時一切安好。 呢句可以話係超級常見嘅問候語,意思大致上同「你好」冇分別。亦可以有希望你安好, ...
#6. 第963期:一句外企email 中常用的话- I hope this (email) finds ...
... this (email) finds you well 佛老扯英文Hope this finds you well. ... 这句话开头,实际意思是:I hope that when you receive this letter you ...
I hope this letter finds you well. 謹以此郵件向您致以問候。 ○ It was my pleasure to help you. 幫助你是我的榮幸。
#8. "hope this email finds you well "是什麼意思? - 關於英語(美國 ...
hope this email finds you well 的意思It can mean that they wish the email finds you at a good time or that they hope you are well (no ...
#9. "I hope this email finds you well."。這句話是什麼意思?
A:“I hope this email finds you well.” 這句話是書信的問候語或祝福語,它的字面意思是「我希望您收到此email 時身體健康」,相當於我們常見或常用的「收信 ...
#10. 为啥老外写信的首句总是hope this letter finds you well? - 知乎
I hope this letter/email finds you well.” 这句话是老外写信或email时的常用开篇问候语,它的字面意思是: 我希望您收到此email时一切都好!
#11. 一句外企email 中常用的話- I hope this (email) finds you well
「I hope this letter/email finds you well.」 這句話是老外寫信或email時的常用開篇問候語,它的字面意思是:我希望您收到此email時一切都好!Debby ...
#12. 为啥老外写信的首句总是hope this letter finds you well?
#13. 寫英文電子信件愛注意!會惹怒老闆的email「雷」字句有這些
希望你收到信時一切安好(Hope this email finds you well) ... 但“touch base”和“touchbase”意思就截然不同,也是不建議在電子郵件中使用“touch ...
#14. 哪些字在email裡顯得過時又老氣? - 世界公民電子報
3. I hope this email finds you well. 這是舊式商業書信裡很常出現的開場白,意思是「希望您收到此email 時身體健康」,相當於我們 ...
#15. hope this email finds you well用法2023-精選在Youtube/網路 ...
I hope this message finds you well. ... 這句話是很地道的用法,意思就是你想跟對方確認大家對於目前狀況的理解是基本一致的。 工作時間篇 ...
#16. Hope this email finds you well!这句话翻译成中文 - 百度知道
Hope this email finds you well !的中文:希望这封邮件能给你带来好运!一、hope 读法英[həʊp] 美[hop]n. 希望;期望;信心vt. 希望;期望vi.
#17. I hope this letter/email finds you well是什么意思_东莞英语培训 ...
I hope this letter/email finds you well. 这句话是外国人寄信或email时的常见开场问侯,它的字面意思是:希望您接到此email时.
#18. Email開頭寫Dear Sir or Madam,其實很沒禮貌?-戒掉爛英文
如果沒有任何資訊,可以用"Greetings",就像中文裡的「您好」。 3.hope this email finds you well. 這是舊式商業書信裡常出現的開場白,意思是「希望您 ...
#19. Hope this email finds you well 中文 - sodapop.cz
“I hope this letter/email finds you well.” 这句话是老外写信或email时的常用开篇问候语,它的字面意思是: 我希望您收到此email时一切都好!
#20. “I hope this email finds you well”,这个说法正确吗?(以及 ...
在学习英文的过程中,不知大家是否有过这样的感受:英语中有一些说法比较反直觉(比如Will的美语课在前面介绍过的“all is well”)。
#21. hope this letter finds you well | enote
I hope this letter/email finds you well. 它的字面意思是:我希望您收到此email时一切都好! 类似中文“展信悦”,“展信 ...
#22. Hope this email finds you well 中文
I hope this letter/email finds you well. 这句话是外国人寄信或email时的常见开场问侯,它的字面意思是:希望您接到此email时【hope this email finds you well】Hope ...
#23. Warframe: Ninjas Play Free
Join the Tenno and defend an ever-expanding universe. Wield your Warframe's tactical abilities, craft a loadout of devastating weaponry and define your ...
#24. ll - Contours Medical Spa
Slowly lose health when bleeding, however you can cure the status with meds. Engineered and mixed by Shani Gandhi. com/support/ You may opt-out of email ...
#25. 今晚OT到幾點: Audit新丁求生記 - 第 110 頁 - Google 圖書結果
... 本來十秒說完的話分分鐘用上多幾倍的時間。先來一堆開場白:「Hope this email finds you well.」之後到重點:「Would you please provide the bank statements ?
#26. 高考英语作文素材my room(共29篇) - 千学网
Nice__to__read__your__email__today. I'm sorry to learn that you didn't do well in that exam and that you are very worried about your study.
#27. Los Angeles Magazine - 11月 2003 - 第 45 頁 - Google 圖書結果
第 48 卷,第 11 冊 · 雜誌
#28. The Advocate - 2001年8月14日 - 第 9 頁 - Google 圖書結果
1QOQ Radclyffe Hall publishes /ZO her novel The Well of Loneliness, which quickly becomes the definitive statement on lesbianism, despite its downbeat ...
#29. Insomniac meaning in bengali. something that is used for ...
Not feeling well-rested after a night's sleep. Insomnia, also known as sleeplessness, is a sleep disorder where people have trouble sleeping. Find more ...
#30. New York Magazine - 1985年7月15日 - 第 32 頁 - Google 圖書結果
TWICE DURING THE PAST month, colleagues approached 38-year-old Rebecca Murray* and volunteered identical assessments of her life: "You are the woman who has ...
hope this email finds you well意思 在 hope this email finds you well用法2023-精選在Youtube/網路 ... 的推薦與評價
I hope this message finds you well. ... 這句話是很地道的用法,意思就是你想跟對方確認大家對於目前狀況的理解是基本一致的。 工作時間篇 ... ... <看更多>