iFi Uno : https://geni.us/7NnEh (use code 'amfu3wgq' to get 10% off - first 50 customers only, expires 1st July 2023)➡️ Grado SR80x ... ... <看更多>
iFi Uno : https://geni.us/7NnEh (use code 'amfu3wgq' to get 10% off - first 50 customers only, expires 1st July 2023)➡️ Grado SR80x ... ... <看更多>
iFi Audio Taiwan 台灣, New Taipei City. 2570 likes · 2 talking about this ... UNO — 桌上型迷你解碼耳擴一體機 ... 【iFi Audio Taiwan 土耳其賑災支援活饋活動】. ... <看更多>
#1. uno - iFi Audio
iFi Uno 的可愛曲線及小巧外殼,可輕易融入您的手掌中,由堅固的礦物填充聚合物製成,內部複雜的DAC及耳機放大器電路將升級各種設備中基本的音頻處理技術。通過USB-C連接iFi ...
#2. {音悅音響}iFi Audio Uno 迷你USB DAC / 耳擴/ 前 ... - 蝦皮購物
iFi Uno 可愛曲線的小巧外殼設計,可放入您的手掌中,由堅固的礦物填充聚合物製成。內部具備複雜的DAC和耳機放大器電路將升級各種數位設備中的音訊技術。 通過USB-C 輸入將 ...
#3. ifi uno - 加煒電子
iFi Uno 的可愛曲線及小巧外殼,可輕易融入您的手掌中,由堅固的礦物填充聚合物製成,內部複雜的DAC及耳機放大器電路將升級各種設備中基本的音頻處理技術。通過USB-C連接iFi ...
#4. 超有感升級還不傷荷包-試聽iFi Audio Uno USB DAC
iFi Audio 這款Uno USB DAC,不僅平價,而且聲音表現遠超過我對其價格的期待,不僅適合耳機族升級,它還可以當作數位前級,與主動式喇叭配套使用, ...
#5. 英國iFi Audio UNO 小型USB DAC 耳機擴大機
iFi Uno 的可愛曲線外殼小巧,可放入您的手掌中,由堅固的礦物填充聚合物製成。在內部,複雜的DAC 和耳機放大器電路將升級各種數字設備中的基本音頻技術。 通過USB-C 輸入 ...
#6. The new sonic supercharger from iFi - The uno by iFi audio
Music, Movies, and Gaming. The UNO by iFi Audio is the ultimate audio experience for your digital entertainment. Its massive sound profile, ...
#7. 【評測】iFi Uno:為Desktop、Notebook 換把聲 - SPILL HK
iFi Uno 的功能簡單直接,而且機身小巧,原則上是對應檯面機或Notebook,但用於手機也不成問題,而且支援的音樂格式夠多,說得上是功能全面。音色方面, ...
#8. 超有感升級還不傷荷包-試聽iFi Audio Uno USB DAC
iFi Audio 這款Uno USB DAC,不僅平價,而且聲音表現遠超過我對其價格的期待,不僅適合耳機族升級,它還可以當作數位前級,與主動式喇叭配套使用, ...
#9. Ifi Uno的價格推薦- 2023年6月| 比價比個夠BigGo
分期免運贈專用線材組ifI Audio UNO 小型USB DAC MQA解碼攜帶型耳擴Hi-Res 公司貨 · $2,600. 價格持平. 樂天市場 亞都音樂YouDoMusic(178). iFi UNO 耳擴DAC一體機USB ...
#10. 志達電子英國iFi Audio UNO 小型USB DAC 耳機擴大機
iFi Uno 的可愛曲線外殼小巧,可放入您的手掌中,由堅固的礦物填充聚合物製成。在內部,複雜的DAC 和耳機放大器電路將升級各種數字設備中的基本音頻技術。 通過USB-C 輸入 ...
#11. 【醉音影音生活】英國iFi Audio UNO 小型USB DAC耳擴/耳機 ...
【醉音影音生活】英國iFi Audio UNO 小型USB DAC耳擴/耳機擴大機.台灣公司貨 · 醉音影音生活|JOIN AUDIO · 特色 · 詳情 · 商品資訊.
#12. {音悅音響}iFi Audio Uno 迷你USB DAC / 耳擴/ 前級一體機 ...
那麼,新的iFi Uno就是為您準備的。 所有充當數位音源的設備都使用內建DAC(數類轉換器)將訊源設備(您的PC、平板 ...
#13. iFi uno - DAC 和耳機放大器- USB-C 輸入- 改善Lacklustre 音訊 ...
Amazon.com: iFi uno - DAC 和耳機放大器- USB-C 輸入- 改善Lacklustre 音訊- 串流/遊戲/音樂模式調整音效- 32 位元/384kHz/DSD256/MQA - Windows/MAC/智慧型裝置/主動 ...
#14. 【名展音響】iFi Audio UNO 全新聲波增壓器小型USB DAC耳 ...
遊戲模式使低頻音效變得清晰,輕易聽見敵人的到來及風暴來臨前的警告。 只需使用前面板上的按鈕,及可在三個模式中輕易切換,iFi Uno頂部的發光標誌會依照您 ...
#15. iFi uno 解碼耳擴 - 英京SK-HK.com
iFi Uno 憑藉我們十年的經驗和其中DAC 芯片的先進規格,解鎖了很少實現的高端功能。 · 可調模擬增益配備DRE(動態範圍增強)以及可最大限度減少THD(總諧波失真)和串擾的 ...
#16. ifi Audio UNO Review
Compact and powerful, the iFi UNO DAC delivers exceptional audio quality. Customizable EQ, solid build, and versatile connectivity. A true audio powerhouse.
#17. ifi UNO DAC 價錢、規格及用家意見
比較ifi UNO DAC 價格,查看詳細規格、用家意見、相關情報及二手買賣,安心訂購產品享折扣優惠及購物保障.
#18. The BEST beginner audiophile setup? iFi Uno review!
iFi Uno : https://geni.us/7NnEh (use code 'amfu3wgq' to get 10% off - first 50 customers only, expires 1st July 2023)➡️ Grado SR80x ...
#19. iFi Audio UNO Review - Headfonics
It is priced at $79. Disclaimer: We received this sample in exchange for our honest opinion. Headfonics is an independent website that does not ...
#20. iFi Audio Taiwan 台灣| Xinbei - Facebook
iFi Audio Taiwan 台灣, New Taipei City. 2570 likes · 2 talking about this ... UNO — 桌上型迷你解碼耳擴一體機 ... 【iFi Audio Taiwan 土耳其賑災支援活饋活動】.
#21. iFi Audio UNO Hi-Res USB DAC & Headphone Amp
The iFi Audio UNO is the only DAC & Amp you will ever want. It is Small enough to fit into the palm of your hand. The iFi UNO's cute, curvy case is made from ...
#22. 【評測】iFi Uno:為Desktop、Notebook 換把聲
對Uno 的印象來自那個可以加你2 隻加4 隻再轉顏色的卡牌遊戲,iFi 為產品取名Uno,可沒有半點關係,反而更似是Uno 在意大利文、西班牙文中的意思── ...
#23. 捧在掌心的台機?iFi UNO桌面解碼耳放一體機 - 新浪香港
其實我跟iFi還挺有緣的,幾年前在大家壇搶樓抽獎居然都能被我抽到了iFi nano iDSD BL。後來忘了參加哪兩次巡迴試聽活動,又拿到了一隻USB信號淨化器, ...
#24. iFi Uno — USB DAC and Headphone Amplifier
iFi Uno — USB DAC and Headphone Amplifier · Music mode unlocks detailed and engaging sound from all your favourite artists. Listen while you work. · Movie mode ...
#25. ifi UNO - 其他音響配件及設備 - Carousell
喺Hong Kong,Hong Kong買ifi UNO. 本店為香港ifi 代表正式認可經銷商可使用信用卡歡迎透過網上訂購或親臨門巿試聽選購其他產品營業時間: 星期一至日: 1500-2100 CAS ...
#26. iFi Audio Uno - AV-Connection
Small enough to fit in the palm of your hand, the iFi Uno's curved case is made of tough polymer. Inside, the sophisticated DAC and headphone amplifier ...
#27. iFI Audio Uno | DAC Headphone amplifier • Tape Connection
The iFi Uno is a compact and powerful external DAC (Digital to Analogue Converter) designed to enhance the sound quality of your music, movies, games, ...
#28. iFi Audio Uno Review - Headfonia
The iFi Audio GO Uno I/O is surprisingly extensive for a $79 DAC/Amp and only misses a balanced output, in case you'd need to plug a power- ...
#29. 【25th週年慶祭中巡禮】嬌小,卻大膽的好聲音- iFi Audio UNO
【25th週年慶祭中巡禮】嬌小,卻大膽的好聲音- iFi Audio UNO. 這次的"音悅25週年慶"期間,小編會每天"重點"介紹「參與抽獎活動」的各代理、同行們,其"亮眼產品"或本 ...
#30. iFi Audio Uno DAC - Analogue Seduction
The iFi Uno supports different file formats – PCM 32bit/384kHz, fully native DSD256 and MQA. PCM – Pulse Code Modulation is the file format used in CD, DVD, Blu ...
#31. iFi UNO | Headphone Amplifier/DAC | Audio Excellence Canada
Small enough to fit into the palm of your hand, the iFi Uno's cute, curvy case is made from tough, mineral-filled polymer. Inside, the sophisticated DAC and ...
#32. iFi Audio Uno - Review
Here is where the Uno enters the game. iFi are obviously a company that have been in the audio game for a long time and have experience making ...
#33. iFi Audio Uno - Soundium.lt
Small enough to fit in the palm of your hand, the iFi Uno has a curved case is made from tough, mineral-filled polymer and contains DAC and headphone amp ...
#34. iFi Uno Review – Unbeatable Value In 2023?
What Is It? ... iFi's Uno is an Amp/DAC combo for your headphones that also functions as a preamp to separate active speakers like the PreSonus ...
#35. 英國iFi Audio - UNO 超小型桌上解碼連耳擴| 3.5mm 輸出
英國iFi Audio – UNO 超小型桌上解碼連耳擴| 3.5mm 輸出| RCA前級輸出| 支援最高DSD256, 32-bit/384kHz, MQA. $699. Digital Input, USB-C. Formats, DSD 256 /11.3MHz
#36. iFi Audio Uno - Beach HiFi
Inside, the sophisticated DAC and headphone amp circuitry will upgrade the native audio tech in all sorts of digital devices. Connect the iFi Uno via the USB-C ...
#37. IFI AUDIO UNO USB DAC Headphone Amplifier 32bit 384kHz ...
The iFi Audio Uno is a compact DAC and headphone amplifier that easily and efficiently enhances the sound quality of a standard digital source such as a ...
#38. iFi Audio uno | Smart Home Audio Video Control4 Certified ...
Look no further than the iFi Audio Uno DAC. The iFi Uno is the perfect solution for those who have never owned a DAC before and want to take their audio ...
#39. ifi UNO DAC - Ayreborn Audio/Video
Inside, the sophisticated DAC and headphone amp circuitry will upgrade the basic audio tech in all sorts of digital devices. Connect the iFi Uno via the USB-C ...
#40. iFi Uno High-Resolution Amp/DAC - Audio46
Inside, the sophisticated DAC and headphone amp circuitry will upgrade the basic audio tech in all sorts of digital devices. Connect the iFi Uno ...
#41. iFi audio UNO DAC/amp– E1 Personal Audio Malaysia
Uno : great sound for everyone. Does the sound from your digital devices lack lustre when you listen to music, watch movies or play games? Then you need Uno, ...
#42. iFi audio UNO DAC and Headphone Amplifier - B&H
Convenient, compact, and powerful, the UNO from iFi Audio is a 2-channel, USB-powered DAC and headphone amplifier, designed to elevate your music, movies, ...
#43. HIFI 篇二百四十二:小玩具大推力,iFi UNO解码耳放一体机
iFi 在第七届上海耳机展上展出了一个瞧着奇怪但又萌萌的新品——UNO,比Go Bar小尾巴大,比ZEN DAC台机小,单手可握,前有3.5mm耳机孔.
#44. iFi audio Uno | Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head-Fi
The iFi Uno supports different file formats – PCM 32bit/384kHz, fully native DSD256 and MQA. PCM – Pulse Code Modulation is the file format used ...
#45. iFi Uno Portable Amplifier/ DAC - Addicted To Audio
The iFi Uno will supercharge your sound. Everything will sound more powerful, more detailed and more real. The One you want. Small enough to fit into the palm ...
#46. Ifi Audio Uno - Amplificador / DAC portátil - Zococity.es
Entonces, el nuevo iFi Uno es para ti. Todos los dispositivos que actúan como fuentes de sonido digital utilizan un DAC (convertidor de digital a analógico) ...
#47. iFi Audio UNO - Peter Tyson
This is the difference an external DAC makes to your music. The iFi Uno will supercharge your sound. Everything will sound more powerful, more detailed and more ...
#48. iFi Audio Uno Hi-Res DAC & Headphone Amplifier - HifiHut
Small enough to fit into the palm of your hand, the iFi Uno's cute, curvy case is made from tough, mineral-filled polymer. Inside, the sophisticated DAC and ...
#49. iFi Uno DAC/Headphone Amp - Clearance / Open Box
Uno : Great Sound For Everyone Does the sound from your digital devices lack lustre when you listen to music, watch movies or play games? Then you need Uno, ...
#50. iFi Audio Uno DAC + AMP - Gears For Ears
The iFi Uno supports different file formats – PCM 32bit/384kHz, fully native DSD256 and MQA. PCM – Pulse Code Modulation is the file format used in CD, DVD, Blu ...
#51. iFi Audio UNO - mp3store
Urocza, zaokrąglona obudowa iFi Uno, jest wystarczająco mała, aby zmieścić się w dłoni. Została wykonana z wytrzymałego, wypełnionego minerałami polimeru.
#52. Ifi uno dac Amplifiers & Receivers - PriceRunner
Find the lowest prices on Ifi uno dac ✓ See 4 top models available at PriceRunner UK ✓ Discover deals now.
#53. iFi UNO Desktop DAC AMP - Bloom Audio
The iFi Uno is a first-rung audio upgrade: it's a DAC/headphone amp for people who may not know what a DAC is but know they want better sound quality when ...
#54. iFi Uno | ConcertoAudio.com
iFi Uno at the best price. Audio Video online store Ifi. Fast shipping. Financing. We solve your questions.
#55. 看板Headphone - [心得] ifi uno搭DT770 pro/HD560s
身為菜雞本來不想多發一篇佔篇幅但最近入手ifi uno後發現前一篇對770的評論需要修正一下https://i.imgur.com/AO3k3EY.jpg 先說說為何選ifi uno 本來是 ...
#56. iFi Audio's Latest Audiophile DACs Cram in the Features
iFi Audio Uno ... Even smaller than the Zen products, the Uno is about 3.5 inches wide, 1 inch tall, and a little over 3 inches deep. Its shape is ...
#57. 小玩具大推力,iFi UNO解码耳放一体机 - 知乎专栏
iFi 在第七届上海耳机展上展出了一个瞧着奇怪但又萌萌的新品——UNO,比Go Bar小尾巴大,比ZEN DAC台机小,单手可握,前有3.5mm耳机孔,后有RCA输出, ...
#58. iFi Audio UNO - DAC - LDLC
Buy DAC iFi Audio UNO (IFI_UNO) on LDLC, high-tech expert. Audio DAC and Headphone Amplifier - Hi-Res Audio - PCM/DSD/MQA - 6.5 mm jack ...
#59. Ifi Uno - DAC & Headphone AMP USB-C Input ... - eBay
You can find the following contents inside the uno box 1x Quick Start Guide. We do not accept P.O. Boxes. You can plug the USB-A end of the cable into a ...
#60. iFi Audio UNO - CSI-ZONE
The One you want Small enough to fit into the palm of your hand, the iFi Uno's cute, curvy case is made from tough, mineral-filled polymer.
#61. iFi UNO在调音和听感上比电脑手机平板... 来自数懒小姐姐- 微博
iFi UNO 在调音和听感上比电脑、手机、平板等设备的直推好听了不少,花500多来体验下iFi的调音也是OK的,对音质的提升也是可以明显感觉出来的。
#62. iFi audio uno - Work, Chill, Play!
iFi audio Uno: great sound for everyone. Does the sound from your digital devices lack lustre when you listen to music, watch movies or play ...
#63. Two New Minature DACs from iFi: Uno and GO Link
iFi introduces two new DACs with integrated headphone amplifier, which aim to convince with their low price and Hi-Res music playback.
#64. 新着商品 ifi audio amp DAC+headphone uno アンプ
Ifi audio uno 32bit/384kHz Hi-Res USB DAC +headphone amp実勢価格 ¥14,300税込ご覧頂きありがとうございます。本機は2022年12月に新品購入をして現在保有している据 ...
#65. iFi Audio Uno -kuulokevahvistin :: jt-audio.fi
Then, the new iFi Uno is for you. All devices that act as digital sound sources use a built-in DAC (Digital to Analogue Converter) to convert the digital ...
#66. Ifi Audio UNO Dimensiones (An x Al x Pr) - Audiolima
Ifi Audio UNO. DAC USB y amplificador de audífonos compacto de escritorio, DSD, DXD y PCM 32/384.
#67. Review: iFi Uno – Something Unique - Headphonesty
The iFi Uno has a mostly neutral tuning with laid-back highs. It does not sound analytical or harsh, which is often associated with Sabre DAC ...
#68. iFi Audio Uno - Wifimedia
iFi Audio Uno. Mist het geluid van je digitale apparaten glans wanneer je naar muziek luistert, films kijkt of games speelt? Dan heb je Uno nodig, ...
#69. iFi Audio announces new Uno DAC-headphone amplifier
The Uno comes with pre-set Music, Movie and Game EQ modes to help you tailor the performance to your source material, along with a PowerMatch ...
#70. iFi UNO - Sluchátkové zesilovače - Audigo.cz
iFi UNO není žádné laciné ořezávátko. Jako správné HiFi zařízení je postavený čistě a jednoduše z kvalitních součástek TDK a muRata. Doladění zvuku podle ...
#71. iFi Uno - DAC Amp Cho Máy Tính - Điện Thoại | 3Kshop.vn
iFi Uno là mẫu DAC Amp nhỏ gọn có thể kết nối với nhiều thiết bị như PC, laptop, tablet, iPhone, iPad. Uno hỗ trợ giải mã nhạc Hi-res 32bit, DSD.
#72. iFi Audio Canada : electronicsforless.ca
Canada iFi Audio - TV & Display ... iFi Lan iSilencer Noise Cancelling Ethernet Filter ... iFi Uno USB DAC & Headphone Amplifier.
#73. iFi Audio Uno Hi-Res DAC Headphone Amp - HiFix
The iFi Audio Uno Hi-Res DAC and Headphone Amp upgrades the audio from your PC, Mac, or tablet, for high quality music over a USB-C connection.
#74. User manual iFi Audio UNO (English - 1 pages)
Manual iFi Audio UNO. View the iFi Audio UNO manual for free or ask your question to other iFi Audio UNO owners.
#75. DAC iFi Audio UNO la AVstore.ro
DAC iFi Audio UNO la AVstore.ro - Comanda online sau ridica din showroom. Pret promo, plata in rate si livrare gratuita.
#76. Introducing Uno by iFi Audio - ReMusic
The Uno, by iFi, is a first-rung audio upgrade – a DAC/headphone amp for people who may not know what a DAC is, but know they want better ...
#77. 小玩具大推力,iFi UNO解码耳放一体机 - BiliBili
iFi 在第七届上海耳机展上展出了一个瞧着奇怪但又萌萌的新品——UNO,比Go Bar小尾巴大,比ZEN DAC台机小,单手可握,前有3.5mm耳机孔,后有RCA输出, ...
#78. 入门真香机,iFi悦尔法UNO桌面解码耳放一体机体验
iFi UNO 搭载了ES9219MQ/Q DAC芯片,支持MQA文件播放和DRE(动态范围增强),并支持音乐、游戏、电影三种EQ模式。后面会展开详述。 盒内包装防护的还是很 ...
#79. iFi Audio - Acoustic Technologies
iFi Audio (New, DACs and Interfaces, Portable, Headphone Amplifiers) iFi UNO : FEATURES • Sophisticated ES9219 Sabre DAC chip with Quad DAC+ technology and ...
#80. IFI-Audio Uno (Kuulokevahvistimet) - Kruunuradio
IFi Uno on pieni dac-kuulokevahvistin, jossa on kaareva kotelo joka on valmistettu kestävästä polymeeristä. Äänipiirit on rakennettu sillä ajatuksella, ...
#81. 英國ifi UNO MQA 解碼耳擴- 兩聲道音響討論區
英國ifi 推出最新UNO MQA 解碼耳擴. UNO 最吸引人之處是設有三種獨特的音樂模式可以選擇. 分別是音樂模式、電影模式及遊戲模式.
#82. iFi Uno DAC and amplifier review — friend of your wallet
Small desktop DAC and amplifier combo Uno by iFi Audio offers decent sound quality, an exciting design, and a surprisingly low price.
#83. Ifi Audio Uno - USB DAC - HifiStudio
Ifi Audio Uno - USB DAC · Ilmainen toimitus yli 100€ ostoksiin! · Ilmainen palautus · Taattu helppo ja nopea toimitus.
#84. ifi uno - 耳界大開- 影音領域 - HKEPC
諗住平平地有部DAC,比直插主機板會好聲啲,適逢有消費券就落單用緊m50x,整體音場細節都有提升,推得又好有力,耳仔聽落好舒服EQ感覺可有可無, ...
#85. IFi UNO desktop hifi portable decoder ear-amplifier DSD ...
Buy IFi UNO desktop hifi portable decoder ear-amplifier DSD music game movie MQA at Aliexpress for US $154.00. Find more , and products.
#86. iFi Audio Uno - Soundium.net
The Uno, by iFi, is a first-rung audio upgrade, a DAC/headphone amp designed for people who may not know what a DAC is. Small enough to fit in the palm of your ...
#87. iFi Audio uno 數字音頻改進器用戶指南
使用iFi Audio 的uno Digital Audio Improver 改善您的數字音頻。 本快速入門指南涵蓋電源和輸入、輸出以及音頻格式LED (kHz)。 使用uno 充分利用您的 ...
#88. iFi Audio Uno - Planeta Dźwięku
W takim razie nowy iFi Uno jest dla Ciebie. Wszystkie urządzenia działające jako cyfrowe źródła dźwięku wykorzystują wbudowany DAC (Digital to Analogue ...
#89. 素晴らしいIfi uno dac アンプ | hurmatuotanto.fi
ifi uno dac. らくらくメルカリ便. 商品の状態. 配送料の負担. 配送の方法. 未使用に近い. 1~2日で発送. ifi audio uno dacアンプです。 12月に購入してから初めの内に ...
#90. iFi Audio Uno - HiFi Experience
iFi Audio Uno är en kompakt och mycket prisvärd DAC och hörlursförstärkare. Med Uno har iFi Audio tagit många av sina väl beprövade teknologier och stoppat ner ...
#91. iFi Uno - [Official] DACs - HifiGuides Forums
This is the official thread for the iFi Uno DAC/Amp This thread is for discussion and reviews. 79USD USB Powered PCM, MQA & DSD Decoding :red_circle: Link ...
#92. iFi Uno desktop DAC amplifier - TechAudiophile
iFi Uno desktop DAC amplifier · The Uno receives both power and input signal simultaneously from a PC, Mac or smartphone. · At the same time, Uno, ...
#93. iFi's Uno is a DAC for everyone, not just audiophiles - Stuff
iFi is pretty well-known by audiophiles for its range of DACs and amplifiers. But with its latest device, iFi is taking a different approach ...
#94. iFi Uno Dac Headphone Amp - AV World - Auckland HiFi Store
The iFi Uno supports different file formats – PCM 32bit/384kHz, fully native DSD256 and MQA. PCM – Pulse Code Modulation is the file format used in CD, DVD, Blu ...
#95. ifi uno dac amp — Earphone & Headphone Specialty
The iFi Uno supports different file formats – PCM 32bit/384kHz, fully native DSD256 and MQA. PCM – Pulse Code Modulation is the file format used in CD, DVD, Blu ...
#96. iFi Uno - Fejhallgató erősítő - Árukereső.hu
iFi Uno vásárlás 30 690 Ft-tól! Olcsó Uno Fejhallgató erősítők árak, akciók. iFi Uno vélemények. Az ifi Uno a belépő szintű DAC-ok új nagyágyúja, ...
#97. ifi UNO DAC DA konverter és fejhallgató erősítő - Netdepo.hu
ifi UNO DAC DA konverter és fejhallgató erősítő, Tenyérnyi méret, meglepő hangzás. ESS Sabre Hyperstream DAC, PCM 32-bit/384, DSD256 és MQA támogatás, ...
#98. iFi audio Uno - wzmacniacz słuchawkowy z przetwornikiem ...
iFi Uno to wzmacniacz słuchawkowy z przetwornikiem DAC USB, który sprawia, że wszystko brzmi mocniej, bardziej szczegółowo i realistycznie, dzięki czemu ...
ifi uno 在 看板Headphone - [心得] ifi uno搭DT770 pro/HD560s 的推薦與評價
但最近入手ifi uno後發現前一篇對770的評論需要修正一下
先說說為何選ifi uno
btw 原廠usb線放在公司,照片中的線是隨便找來的
[ifi uno + DT770 pro 80ohm]
Sennheiser HD 560s 剛好遇到電商折扣就買了
以下就以搭配ifi uno的狀況描述,後面補一點直推感想
120ohm推起來卻比DT770 pro 80ohm好,低頻量沒有損失太多
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Headphone/M.1683339835.A.1A5.html
※ 編輯: MickeyPeanut ( 臺灣), 05/06/2023 23:40:06
※ 編輯: MickeyPeanut ( 臺灣), 05/07/2023 01:23:20
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