#1. inferior vena cava - 後腔靜脈 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙
出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文詞彙. 學術名詞 獸醫學, inferior vena cava, 後腔靜脈. 學術名詞 動物學名詞, inferior vena cava, 下大靜脈;下腔靜脈. 學術名詞
#2. Superior Vena Cava Syndrome上腔靜脈症候群 - 台灣急診醫學會
上腔靜脈症候群(Superior Vena Cava Syndrome,簡稱SVC syndrome)為常見腫瘤急症之一,肇因於上腔靜脈血流受阻。 ... 一位52歲男性病患,這兩週以來越來越 ...
#3. 上腔靜脈(Superior Vena Cava) - 亞東醫院心臟血管外科
下腔靜脈(Inferior Vena Cava). 下腔靜脈是二條將缺氧血從身體帶到心臟的主要靜脈之一。來自腿部及下半身的靜脈血液匯流至下腔靜脈後,再進入右心房。
#4. inferior vena cava 下腔靜脈 - 學術英文編修、學術論文修改
inferior vena cava 下腔靜脈,是什麽意思,英文怎麽說,中文意思,泌尿外科醫學名詞-詞匯翻譯,美國LetPub 論文編輯.
The superior (= upper) and inferior (= lower) venae cavae collect blood that has circulated around the body. 上腔靜脈和下腔靜脈匯集環繞人體流動 ...
#6. 變異:雙下腔靜脈Double inferior vena cava - KMU Anatomy ...
變異:雙下腔靜脈Double inferior vena cava. 正常的下腔靜脈位於後腹壁脊椎的右側,為胚胎發育時期四條血管彼此吻合而成。 最上端肝臟後方部分(hepatic segment) 發育 ...
#7. 下腔靜脈
下腔靜脈(法語:Inferior vena cava、IVC))位於腹主動脈右側粗大壁薄的血管即下腔靜脈。它的上端穿膈的腔靜脈裂孔入右心房,下端於第5腰椎右前方由左右骼總靜脈匯合 ...
#8. 心臟超音波:IVC看甚麼?之一 - 張庭嘉:我想漫漫說
使用床邊超音波的IVC (inferior vena cava) 影像,可以迅速預估血管內容積及 ... 在使用呼吸器病人身上,IVC較能準確預測輸液治療的反應,自發呼吸的 ...
#9. inferior vena cava 中文 - 綫上翻譯
inferior vena cava中文 :后腔大靜脈…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋inferior vena cava的中文翻譯,inferior vena cava的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
#10. 下腔靜脈瓣英文,valve,inferior vena cava中文 - 三度漢語網
中文詞彙 英文翻譯 出處/學術領域 下腔靜脈瓣 valve,inferior vena cava 【獸醫學】 下腔靜脈瓣 valve,Eustachian 【獸醫學】 下腔靜脈攝影(術) inferior vena cavography 【醫學名詞‑放射醫學名詞】
#11. 傳康診所- Inferior Vena Cava Ultrasound for Volume Status ...
Inferior Vena Cava Ultrasound for Volume Status 透析病患的volume status, ... 的心臟科醫師特別注意下腔靜脈血管寬度, 其實還有一個指數~ Caval Index = (IVC-exp.
#12. Post-Surgical Instruction for Inferior Vena Cava (IVC) Filter 下 ...
Inferior Vena Cava (IVC) Filter is the isolation device of veins that can “prevent pulmonary embolism.”
#13. Inferior Vena Cava (IVC) Filter Placement - Johns Hopkins ...
An inferior vena cava (IVC) filter is a small device that can stop blood clots from going up into the lungs. The inferior vena cava is a large vein in the ...
#14. inferior vena cava-翻译为中文-例句英语
使用Reverso Context: The inferior vena cava duplication is a rare congenital anomaly.,在英语-中文情境中翻译"inferior vena cava"
#15. inferior vena cava - 英中– Linguee词典
大量翻译例句关于"inferior vena cava" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#16. inferior vena cava的意思 - 漢語網
inferior vena cava中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:[解剖] 下腔靜脈。英漢詞典提供【inferior vena cava】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#17. Inferior Vena Cava Filter Placement and Removal
Blood clots in the veins of the legs and pelvis can occasionally travel to the lungs where they may cause a pulmonary embolism or blockage. IVC filters help ...
#18. Inferior Vena Cava and Iliac Veins | Cedars-Sinai
A vascular ultrasound of the inferior vena cava and iliac veins is an exam to check the major veins in your abdomen and pelvis for any evidence of obstruction ...
#19. About Your Inferior Vena Cava (IVC) Filter Placement
This information will help you get ready for your inferior vena cava (IVC) filter placement by the Interventional Radiology Department at ...
#20. Inferior vena cava 的释义| 新词建议| 柯林斯词典
inferior vena cava. 新词建议. a large vein carrying deoxygenated blood into the heart. Submitted By: dhop - 09/02/2018. 批准状态: Pending Investigation ...
#21. Unusual Collateral Vessels in Superior and Inferior Vena ...
Describe the imaging features of the uncommon collateral pathways in SVC or IVC obstruction. Introduction. Obstruction of the superior vena cava ...
#22. inferior vena cava的中文是什麼意思 - 英漢科技詞典
inferior vena cava (ivc) shunt, double-balloon catheter for occlusion as a surgical tool. 下腔靜脈(ivc)分流術,雙氣囊導管用於閉塞作為手術工具.
#23. [護理新知] 下腔靜脈過濾器併發症常見 - NursingConnect
... 奬(Pfeifer Venous Award)的分析顯示,在262例置入下腔靜脈(inferior vena cava, IVC)過濾器的病人中,IVC與臨近器官穿孔的發生率為46%。
#24. 心臟靜脈生成(Cardiac veins generation) - 小小整理網站 ...
3. 左側卵黃囊靜脈退化,右側卵黃囊靜脈形成部分下腔靜脈(Inferior vena cava, IVC)肝節、肝靜脈以及肝門靜脈。 4. 留存的左側臍帶靜脈遠端即為連接胎盤的臍靜脈,會藉由 ...
#25. Dictionary: Inferior Vena Cava (for Parents) - Kids Health
The inferior vena cava is the large vein that returns blood from the legs and abdomen to the heart.
#26. Inferior Vena Cava Images, Stock Photos & Vectors
Find inferior vena cava stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection.
#27. Superior vena cava syndrome | Canadian Cancer Society
Superior vena cava syndrome (SVCS) is a group of symptoms that occur when there is pressure on the superior vena cava, or it is partially blocked and blood can' ...
#28. Duplication of inferior vena cava | Radiology Reference Article
Duplication of the inferior vena cava is a relatively rare vascular anomaly, but this caval abnormality needs to be recognized, ...
#29. Evaluation of size and dynamics of the inferior vena cava
To define normal criteria of size and dynamics of the inferior vena cava (IVC) and its clinical value in assessing right-sided cardiac ...
#30. Inferior Vena Cava (IVC) Filter Placement - BayCare
The inferior vena cava (IVC) is the large vein in the abdomen that returns blood to the heart from the lower body. In patients who have deep vein thrombosis ...
#31. Radiotherapy for inferior vena cava tumor thrombus in patients ...
Background: Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) with inferior vena cava (IVC) involvement is a rare disease with poor prognosis.
#32. Inspiratory collapse of the inferior vena cava: What is it telling ...
The pressure within the IVC which is related to the central venous pressure [CVP, i.e. the right atrial pressure barring any caval obstruction] ...
#33. Inferior vena cava是什么意思,下腔大静脉翻译 - 生物医药大词典
英文: Study on The Applied Anatomy and CT of the Retroheatic Segment of Inferior Vena Cava and Portal Veins. 中文: 肝后段下腔静脉肝内门静脉的CT及应用解剖学 ...
#34. [Sonoanatomy] Liver, Portal vein, hepatic vein - POCUS ...
由splenic vein & SMV (上腸繫膜靜脈superior mesenteric vein) 會合而 ... 肝靜脈(hepatic vein system)的方向是離開肝臟,注入IVC,超音波下管壁較 ...
#35. 【医学科普】【中字】Superior vena cava syndrome 上腔静脉 ...
#36. Anatomy of the superior mesenteric vein (SMV)– portal vein (PV)
We have also used a DSRS combined with a mesocaval shunt (MCS; SMV sewn to inferior vena cava with the use of an interposition graft) in the setting of ...
#37. Dr.Ashwin Baatakar on LinkedIn: What Is a Portacath? • A ...
The catheter is a soft flexible tube that runs from the portal to a large vein in the body, usually the superior vena cava (SVC). • The port sits completely ...
#38. Intraperitoneal extravasation in a very preterm infant | RRN
... catheter tip in relation to the portal venous system, inferior vena cava (IVC) and heart when position on the radiograph is uncertain.
#39. Hinchazón en el último trimestre del embarazo - Salud femenina
Recostarse sobre el lado izquierdo, para que el útero se separe de la vena de gran tamaño por la que la sangre retorna al corazón (vena cava inferior).
#40. The Medulla Oblongata - Internal Structure - Vasculature
The medulla oblongata (medulla) is one of the three regions that make up the brainstem. It is the most inferior of the three and is continuous above with ...
#41. Inferior vena cava: Anatomy and function | Kenhub
The inferior vena cava (IVC) is the largest vein of the human body. It is located at the posterior abdominal wall on the right side of the aorta.
#42. Inferior Vena Cava Filters for the Treatment of Patients With ...
In patients with acute VTE and a contraindication to anticoagulation, IVC filter placement is suggested (limited evidence for pulmonary embolism ...
#43. Inferior Vena Cava - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Normal Anatomy. The inferior vena cava (IVC) begins at the confluence of the common iliac veins, which corresponds to the L4-L5 level ( ...
#44. Angiosarcoma - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
Learn about this rare cancer that begins in your blood vessels and lymph vessels. Treatments include surgery, radiation therapy and ...
#45. The inferior vena cava: anatomical variants and acquired ...
The inferior vena cava (IVC) is the largest vein in the body, draining blood from the abdomen, pelvis and lower extremities.
#46. Placement and Retrieval of Inferior Vena Cava Filters: A ...
Outcomes of stent placement for chronic occlusion of a filter-bearing inferior vena cava in patients with severe post-thrombotic syndrome.
#47. Surgery of the Inferior Vena Cava: A Multidisciplinary Approach
Wachtel H, Gupta M, Bartlett EK et al (2015) Outcomes after resection of leiomyosarcomas of the inferior vena cava: a pooled data analysis of 377 cases.
#48. Venography of the Inferior Vena Cava and Its Branches
This compensating hypertrophy causes compressionof theanterior aspect ofthe inferior vena cava(Fig. 8.6 and 8.7)which is visualized as a regular arciform ...
#49. Definition of vena cava - NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms
A large vein that carries blood to the heart from other areas of the body. The vena cava has two parts: the superior vena cava and the inferior vena cava. The ...
inferior vena cava中文 在 傳康診所- Inferior Vena Cava Ultrasound for Volume Status ... 的推薦與評價
Inferior Vena Cava Ultrasound for Volume Status 透析病患的volume status, ... 的心臟科醫師特別注意下腔靜脈血管寬度, 其實還有一個指數~ Caval Index = (IVC-exp. ... <看更多>