經濟學上,通貨膨脹率(Inflation rate)為物價平均水準的上升幅度(以通貨膨脹為準)。以氣球來類比,若其體積大小為物價水準,則通貨膨脹率為氣球膨脹速度。
#2. 通貨膨脹率- MBA智库百科
通貨膨脹率(Inflation Rate),簡稱“通脹率”通貨膨脹,是一種貨幣現象,指貨幣發行量超過流通中實際所需要的貨幣量而引起的貨幣貶值現象。通貨膨脹與物價上漲是不同的 ...
#3. 通貨膨脹率,inflation rate,高點研究所
詞條. inflation rate. 中文. 通貨膨脹率. 解釋. 即物價水準年增率,一般是衡量CPI年增率,通常通貨膨脹率符號記為π,又分為預期通貨膨脹率πe = [CPI( t + 1 ) - CPI( ...
使用Reverso Context: rate of inflation, inflation and exchange rate, annual inflation rate, average inflation rate,在英语-中文情境中翻译"inflation rate"
#5. 如何計算通貨膨脹率.pdf
一般國家都是以「消費者物價指數」(consumer price index,. CPI)做為計算「通貨膨脹率」的依據,例如去年六月的消費者物價. 指數是120,而今年六月的消費者物價指數 ...
#6. 通货膨胀率_百度百科
通货膨胀率(Inflation ),也称为物价变化率 ,是货币超发部分与实际需要的货币量之比,用以反映通货膨胀、货币贬值的程度。 经济学上,通货膨胀率为:物价平均水平的上升 ...
#7. CE : Inflation Rate 通脹率 - 樹仁經濟學友仔
說物價上升,大家都知道物價上升了,但上升了多少呢﹖通脹率( Inflation Rate )就是這個用途, 告訴人們物價上升了多少。通脹率高,表示通脹的程度大,物價普遍上升 ...
#8. inflation rate - 英中– Linguee词典
大量翻译例句关于"inflation rate" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#9. General inflation rate - 英中– Linguee词典
大量翻译例句关于"General inflation rate" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#10. 美國5年期平衡通貨膨脹率:2.88000% - Stock-ai
平衡通貨膨脹率BEI(Break-even Inflation Rates)是市場上用來預測通貨膨脹最簡單的工具之一,考量到了風險溢酬,因此,平衡通貨膨脹率(BEI)= 預期通貨膨脹率+ 通貨 ...
#11. 通貨膨脹率 - 中文百科知識
通貨膨脹率(Inflation Rate),是貨幣超發部分與實際需要的貨幣量之比,用以反映通貨膨脹、貨幣貶值的程度;而價格指數則是反映價格變動趨勢和程度的相對數。
#12. 美國-未來5年之5年期預期通膨率| 美國-物價| 圖組 - 財經M平方
任何交易行為須自行判斷並承擔風險,本網站不負擔盈虧之法律責任。 歡迎分享本網站提供之資訊連結,如需轉載內容務必經由本公司同意。 繁體中文 简体中文 English ...
#13. RATE OF INFLATION在劍橋英語詞典中的解釋及翻譯
rate of inflation的意思、解釋及翻譯:the rate at which prices increase over time, causing the value of money to fall: 。了解更多。
#14. annual inflation rate 中文- 通貨膨脹率… - 查查綫上辭典
annual inflation rate中文::通貨膨脹率…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋annual inflation rate的中文翻譯,annual inflation rate的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
#15. inflation rate 中文- 通貨膨脹率… - 查查在線詞典
inflation rate中文 ::通貨膨脹率…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋inflation rate的中文翻譯,inflation rate的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
#16. 物價膨脹率(每年百分比)
經濟學家用物價膨脹(inflation)來描述一般物價持續上升的現象,而物價膨脹率(inflation rate)為物價水準的變動百分比。 Copyright © 2008 Cengage Learning.
#17. inflation rate翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
inflation rate中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:通貨膨脹率。英漢詞典提供【inflation rate】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#18. 三、近期美國通膨預期上揚現象之分析
3 損益兩平通膨率(Break-even Inflation Rate)為美國公債名目殖利率扣除同年期TIPS 實質殖利率之差值,隱含市場參與者對於未來的通膨預期。
#19. Inflation 通貨膨脹定義 - IG
Inflation 通貨膨脹定義. 通貨膨脹指某個經濟體中商品和服務的成本上漲。 ... 中文客戶熱線時間為IG市場交易時段的週一至週五全天24小時。 澳洲: 1800 601 818.
#20. 通货膨胀率,inflation rate,元照英美法詞典,来胜法考
词条. inflation rate. 中文. 通货膨胀率. 解释. 在一定时期内商品和服务价格变化的比率。检测变化率的主要指标是消费者物价指数〔Consumer Price Index〕和生产者物价 ...
#21. Taiwan Inflation Rate | 2021 Data | 2022 Forecast - Trading ...
Inflation Rate in Taiwan is expected to be 2.70 percent by the end of this quarter, according to Trading Economics global macro models and analysts expectations ...
#22. 綜合消費物價指數Composite Consumer Price Index
計算基本通脹率時,已撇除所有自二零零七年起實施的政府一次性紓困措施的影響。 Underlying inflation rate is calculated by netting out the ...
#23. inflation 的中文翻釋|影音字典- VoiceTube 看影片學英語
例句. Inflation reached a monthly rate of 5%. Inflation is running at 4%. policies to beat inflation It is vital that inflation is kept in check.
#24. low inflation 中文意思是什麼 - TerryL
As a high-growth, low-inflation, low interest rate economy, it is more vibrant than ever before. 按照氣候帶的劃分,澳大利亞的北部為熱帶,中部為遼闊的 ...
#25. inflation - Yahoo香港字典搜尋結果
adj. 隨通貨膨脹調整的. 牛津中文字典. inflation rate.
#26. 〈鉅亨觀點〉通膨預期狂飆請小心你的高收益債
如下圖所示,下圖為十年期美債平衡通膨率(Breakeven Inflation Rate),也就是十年期美債殖利率減去抗通膨債券(TIPS) 的利差,這是市場最常拿來 ...
#27. 尼日利亚通货膨胀率:同比 - CEIC
查看图表中2003-01 到2018-05 期间的尼日利亚尼日利亚Inflation Rate: YoY · 尼日利亚2018-05的尼日利亚Inflation Rate: YoY是多少?
#28. 一圖秒懂:5年期通膨損益兩平率顯示美國逼近衰退 - MoneyDJ
彭博社報導,美國通膨展望指標「五年期通膨損益兩平率(Five-year breakeven inflation rate;見圖)」9月29日盤中最低跌至0.98%、創2009年以來新低;9 ...
#29. CPI Change Rate[ Oct. 2021 ] - National Statistics, Republic of ...
National Statistics, Republic of China (Taiwan). Contact Us · RSS · Site Map · 中文一般版 · 中文專業版. Search.
#30. 翻译'inflation rate' – 字典中文-英文
High international oil prices, delays in aid disbursements, and incomplete fiscal adjustment continued to affect inflation rates.
#31. general inflation rate是什么意思 - 沪江网校
沪江词库精选general inflation rate是什么意思、英语单词推荐、general inflation rate的用法、general inflation rate的中文翻译及用法、翻译general inflation rate ...
#32. 'inflation rate' 的法语Translation | 柯林斯英语- 法语词典
Beijing considered food price controls after its inflation rate rose to 4.4 per cent. Times, Sunday Times (2010). Private economists estimate the inflation rate ...
#33. inflation rate是什么意思? - 法律英语翻译
通货膨胀率在一定时期内商品和服务价格变化的比率。检测变化率的主要指标是消费者物价指数〔Consumer Price Index〕和生产者物价指数〔Producer Price Index〕。
#34. 政府統計處: 消費物價指數
中英文對照版(中文只提供繁體中文版). 查詢. 電話: (852) 3903 7370 ... Consumer Price Inflation During 1983-93 (這份電子文件是利用光學字符識別技術從印刷版素描 ...
#35. 第八講次貨幣政策與通貨膨脹
標題通膨(headline inflation)係以標題消費者物價. 指數(headline Consumer Price Index)計算之通膨率 ... 成本衝擊型通貨膨脹(cost-push inflation)則指AS曲線.
#36. Inflation rate, average consumer prices - International ...
IMFDataMapper. Datasets. World Economic Outlook (October 2021). Inflation rate, average consumer prices. Inflation rate, average consumer prices ...
#37. 10-Year Breakeven Inflation Rate (T10YIE) | FRED
View the average 10-year expectation for the inflation rate among market participants, based upon Treasury securities.
#38. Inflation, consumer prices (annual %) | Data
Inflation, consumer prices (annual %) from The World Bank: Data. ... English · Español · Français · العربية · 中文. Inflation, consumer prices (annual %).
#39. 财经名词解释:什么是平准通胀率? - NAI 500
平准通胀率(breakeven inflation rate)也被称为盈亏平衡通胀率,是基于市场的预期通胀率的衡量指标,反映的是同期限名义债券与通胀挂钩债券(或称 ...
#40. 通脹掛鈎債券 - PIMCO
English繁體中文 ... 可把通脹掛鈎債券與名義政府債券比較,並審視名義孳息與實質孳息的差距,亦即平衡通脹率(breakeven inflation rate),藉此評估它們的相對價值。
#41. 消费者物价指数(CPI)和通货膨胀率是什么 - | EA ...
英文全称:Inflation Rate,中文简称:通胀率。 通货膨胀率的计算方法. 通货膨胀率= (第二年的CPI – 第一年的CPI) / 第一年 ...
#42. CPI与通货膨胀有什么关系? - 国家统计局
通货膨胀,是一种货币现象,指货币发行量超过流通中实际所需要的货币量而引起的货币贬值现象。通货膨胀最为直接的表现就是物价上涨。可见虽然通货膨胀 ...
#43. 媒体英语/ UK's inflation rate hit its highest for more than five ...
What are the causes of inflation? ... 中文 Change Language ... UK's inflation rate hit its highest for more than five years 英国通货膨胀率 ...
#44. What does current inflation tell us about the future?
As measured by the CPI, the annual rate of inflation from October 2020 to October 2021 was 6.2 percent. As measured by the PCE deflator, ...
#45. inflation rate - Chinese Translation - 吕氏英汉字典 - Lexiconer
inflation rate, Chinese Translation of inflation rate, Chinese Definition of inflation rate, inflation rate in Chinese, inflation rate中文翻译.
#46. annual inflation rate – 中文翻译– Multitran 词典
登录 | Chinese | 使用条款 · 词典论坛联络. 英语⇄ 中文. Google | Forvo | + · annual inflation rate · 技术 · 通货膨胀年率 ...
#47. DSE ECON 經濟科, profile picture - Facebook
Fisher Equation費沙公式: Nominal interest rate (R) = Real interest rate (r) + Expected inflation rate 名義利率= 實質利率+ 預期通脹率.
#48. General and food consumer price indices inflation rates
The analytical brief of annual inflation rates of food and general CPI is updated annually at the end of the first quarter, and a general overview of annual ...
#49. Nominal interest rate vs Real interest rate @ 小阿卿的部落格
是名目利率平減通貨膨脹而得的利率。可以實際反映貨幣購買力的利率。 Real interest Rate = Nominal interest Rate – Inflation Rate. or.
#50. 利率與通脹入門- 滙豐環球投資管理(香港)
Interest rate and inflation 101 · 利率如何影響您的投資? 利率影響投資表現。債券價格走勢一般與利率呈反向關係。 · 利率高低左右貨幣強弱. 高息貨幣吸引外來資金流入。
#51. inflation的意思(是“通货膨胀”还是“通货膨胀率”) - 柯帕斯英语网
百分之几的通胀率--> an inflation rate of ...%; ... 所以这个无须过于纠结,因为我们中文谈论“通货膨胀”的时候,实际上是省略了“率”这个字。
#52. Malaysia's inflation rate rises 2.9 pct in October due to rising ...
KUALA LUMPUR, Nov. 26 (Xinhua) -- Malaysia's inflation rate, as measured by Consumer Price Index (CPI), rose 2.9 percent in October 2021 ...
#53. falling inflation rate的翻译是: 什么意思? 中文翻译英文
falling inflation rate. 5个回答. 下降的通胀率 2013-05-23 12:21:38 回答:匿名. 下降的通货膨胀率 2013-05-23 12:23:18 回答:匿名. 下落的通货膨胀率
#54. PCE and CPI Inflation: What's the Difference? - Federal ...
There are two common measures of inflation in the US today. ... leading to differing average annual inflation rates of 2.4 and 1.9 percent.
#55. 澳大利亚第四季度通货膨胀率上升0.6% - ABC News
Get breaking news alerts directly to your phone with our app · ABC中文 ... Copy link
#56. Is US inflation peaking? - Asset Management - Schroders
Headline inflation is beginning to peak as price rises in the ... The annual inflation rate remained stable at a 13-year high of 5.4% ...
#57. Home - Eurostat - European Commission
Industrial producer prices. 13. Industrial production. 14. Inflation. 15. Job vacancies. 16. Labour cost. 17. Production in construction. 18. Retail trade.
#58. This is how inflation rates are increasing around the world
In September, the Harmonised Consumer Price Index published monthly by Eurostat rose by 3.6% year-on-year in the EU and by 6.2% in the US.
#59. Inflation Rate Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock
Find inflation rate stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection.
#60. 10分鐘學經濟(Inflation, CPI, GDP Deflator) - YouTube
#61. Economic Forecasts: September 2021 - Asian Development ...
This includes forecasting the inflation and gross domestic product growth rates of countries throughout the region, including the People's Republic of China and ...
#62. Daily Treasury Par Real Yield Curve Rates
Par real yields on Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS) at "constant maturity" are interpolated by the U.S. Treasury from Treasury's daily par ...
#63. 實質利率(Real Interest Rate)你知唔知係咩? - Econ記者
咁係咩令到Nominal同Real出現分離啊?就係蕉加價,亦即係通脹(Inflation)。 所以我地可以將上面嘅推論整理,成為以下呢條簡式 ...
#64. CFA中的各种利率 - 知乎专栏
Target Rate (Band). 前两个很好理解:. Nominal Rate = Real Rate + Inflation Rate. 著名的Fisher公式,名义利率等于真实利率plus通货膨胀率。
#65. IRS provides tax inflation adjustments for tax year 2021
Marginal Rates: For tax year 2021, the top tax rate remains 37% for individual single taxpayers with incomes greater than $523,600 ($628,300 for ...
#66. [學生提問] Fisher Equation費沙公式– DSE ECON 經濟科補習
先譯作中文,讓中文同學也可以當練習。名義利率和預期通脹率為分別 ... 正因事前無法知實際通脹,我們不會用actual inflation rate實際通脹率去計。
#67. Real and nominal return (video) | Khan Academy
#68. Nominal interest, real interest, and inflation calculations (video)
#69. 貨幣供給年增率與消費者物價指數(CPI)年增率Annual Growth ...
Annual Growth Rate of Money Supply and CPI. M1B,M2. CPI.
#70. Supply chain bottlenecks and Omicron hamper Swiss ...
Inflation rates are expected to peak in the current winter period. The Swiss inflation rate is still lower than global average.
#71. This Inflation Defies the Old Models - WSJ
Federal spending and lower interest rates influence inflation indirectly, by bolstering aggregate demand which drives down unemployment. As the ...
#72. Declining Jobless Rate Keeps Fed on Track to Accelerate Taper
... interest rates in the first half of next year to curb inflation. ... Another decline in the unemployment rate in November keeps the ...
Bloomberg delivers business and markets news, data, analysis, and video to the world, featuring stories from Businessweek and Bloomberg News.
#74. Omicron adds to doubts over ECB's commitment to further ...
... over how quickly inflation will fall as new variant stokes price rises ... has sown doubts in the minds of some rate-setters at the ECB, ...
#75. CPI定义及计算公式_本市政策解读
也就是说,一年前收到的一张100元纸币,今日只可以买到价值97.75元的商品或服务。一般说来当CPI>3%的增幅时我们称为Inflation,就是通货膨胀;而当CPI>5 ...
#76. Inflation, metals pricing and availability may challenge energy ...
Mining sector inflation is typically higher than general consumer inflation rates - partly due to the rising capital intensity of bringing ...
#77. Financial Review - Business, Finance and Investment News ...
The annual headline inflation rate is expected to rise to levels not recorded since 1982, when then-Federal Reserve chairman Paul Volker hiked interest ...
#78. Google won't raise employee pay to match inflation | Engadget
According to audio shared with CNBC , CEO Sundar Pichai read a question from his staff concerning the rising cost of just about everything, and ...
#79. FX Week Ahead - Top 5 Events: BOC & RBA Rate Decisions
FX Week Ahead - Top 5 Events: BOC & RBA Rate Decisions; UK GDP; German & US Inflation Rates. Dec 6, 2021 10:00 AM -08:00 Christopher Vecchio, CFA, ...
#80. Brazil issues rate hike to fight inflation -
Brazil's Central Bank raised interest rates to fight inflation ... The bank's board unanimously decided to increase the Selic rate to, ...
#81. Here's Why Inflation Is Worrying Washington - The New York ...
Today, interest rates are set at near-zero after policymakers slashed borrowing costs at the beginning of the pandemic. Price gains are becoming ...
#82. Central banks weigh inflation, new variant
Lower oil prices and reduced tourism activity look likely in the near-term, but the broader impact on infection rates, hospitalizations and ...
#83. Bank of Canada Keeps Rate Unchanged, Warns of Elevated ...
“The bank is closely watching inflation expectations and labor costs to ensure that the forces pushing up prices do not become embedded in ...
#84. Nifty Opens in Red Ahead of US Inflation Data -
Nifty Opens in Red Ahead of US Inflation Data; Biden Hints Higher Inflation Figure · Add Chart to Comment · Comment Guidelines · Related Articles.
#85. Gapminder Tools
Gapminder World Poster This chart compares Life Expectancy & GDP per capita of all nations. How Did The World Population Change? First slowly. Then fast.
#86. 'Slowflation,' the pressing issue facing Korean economy
... surged by 3.7 percent, the highest rate in nine years and… ... which is characterized by slow economic growth and high inflation.
#87. Top Economic Concerns for 2022 - Kellogg Insight
With inflation running rampant, the big question is whether real GDP growth ... Given that the third-quarter real growth rate was only 0.6 ...
#88. Business News - Latest Headlines on CNN Business
Online inflation hits a record high ahead of the holidays ... Your Best Rates ... Fed Drives Mortgage Rate to Historic Lows ...
#89. US: Surge in inflation to reinforce USD strength – MUFG
Today is a big day for the US rates market with the CPI data for November released. According to economists at MUFG Bank, if the US data go ...
#90. (LEAD) BOK to adjust loose monetary policy amid worries ...
This marked the second pandemic-era rate hike following the one in August as the central bank has been seeking to tame inflation and ...
#91. Rates likely to remain on hold in Australia and India this week
Australia's central bank is likely to put aside concerns over rising inflation in favour of maintaining its accommodative monetary policy ...
#92. Consumer inflation expected to remain mild over next year
China's consumer inflation is expected to continue the uptrend seen in November ... yet the possibility of an interest rate cut remains low.
#93. Bank of England: Public expect inflation to remain higher over ...
The Bank's monetary policy committee is set to announce whether interest rates will rise next Thursday. It remains unclear whether rate rises ...
#94. Next US inflation figures could spell danger for Joe Biden and ...
As usual no one really knows, or even agrees on the actual rate of inflation. Thanks to the new Omicron variant, inflation might ease a ...
#95. inflation在线翻译_英语_读音 - 海词词典
双解释义 · [U](充气而引起的)膨胀the act of inflating or state of being inflated · [U]通货膨胀the rate of a continuing rise in prices ...
#96. 黃金怎麼看?最好的日子可能已經過去
財政刺激估將繼續帶動美國經濟復甦,但要注意的是,目前市場的通膨預期10 年期美債平衡通膨率(10-Year Breakeven Inflation Rate) 已升抵2.09%,這已遠遠高於Fed ...
#97. What is inflation and how does the Federal Reserve evaluate ...
Inflation is the increase in the prices of goods and services over time. Inflation cannot be measured by an increase in the cost of one product ...
#98. Trimmed Mean PCE Inflation Rate -
The Trimmed Mean PCE inflation rate is an alternative measure of core inflation in the price index for personal consumption expenditures (PCE).
#99. Introduction to U.S. Economy: Inflation - CRS Reports
For example, the CPI was about 260 in October. 2020 and about 277 in November 2021, which amounts to an inflation rate of about 6.2% over this ...
inflation rate中文 在 DSE ECON 經濟科, profile picture - Facebook 的推薦與評價
Fisher Equation費沙公式: Nominal interest rate (R) = Real interest rate (r) + Expected inflation rate 名義利率= 實質利率+ 預期通脹率. ... <看更多>